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3D Display and Printing, Hand, Head, Mind, and Eye Controlled PCs, and High-Density Portable Power - Essay Example

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"3D Display and Printing, Hand, Head, Mind, and Eye Controlled PCs, and High-Density Portable Power" paper is an analysis of the most promising emerging technologies. There is a myriad of emerging technologies. Most of these technologies are never commercialized because of a variety of challenges…
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Emerging Technologies Customer Inserts His/her Name Customer Inserts Name of Tutor Customer Inserts Grade/Course (May 1, 2013) Outline Introduction Emerging trends in technology a. Three-dimensional (3D) display and printing i. Three-dimensional display ii. Three-dimensional printing b. Hand, head, mind and eye controlled PCs (Personal Computers) i. Hand PC control ii. Head movements as an interface iii. Mind PC control iv. Eye PC control c. Distributed storage d. High-density portable power e. Micro-fluidic optical fibers f. Universal translation g. Bayesian machine learning h. Organic photovoltaics and electronics i. Remote sensing j. Online electric vehicles k. Carbon dioxide conversion l. Self-healing materials Conclusion Introduction Challenges continually emerge in various professions as stakeholders attempt to solve problems. Such challenges are the driving force behind innovation and consequently, new technologies. As new technologies emerge in various fields like computing, energy, communication, infrastructure and medicine, it is difficult to determine which one of them will have a transformative effect on its respective field. It is however possible to predict which one is likely to make human life better, and which one is likely to be successfully implemented on large scale. A single technological advancement may have the capacity to grow the world’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) significantly and bridge the material deficit created by an ever-growing global population. New technologies can also reduce the pressure that production of goods exerts on the environment, and consequently help in conserving the environment. The human society therefore needs to be constantly evolved to make it more rewarding, more productive and more responsive to the conservation requirements of the natural environment (Adams). Emerging technologies are perhaps the aspect of human life that contributes the most to the aforementioned evolution. Emerging technologies should be given the importance they deserve because they can transform economies and make the world a better place. This report is an in-depth analysis of the most promising emerging technologies. Emerging trends in technology There are a myriad of emerging technologies. Most of these technologies are never commercialized because of a variety of challenges. The most common challenges include failure of an idea to materialize, incompatibility of new technologies with existing ones, lack of goodwill from industry players and lack of government support. The following are some of the most promising advancements in technology. Three-dimensional display and printing i. Three-dimensional display With the continuous evolution of computer-human interfaces, innovators are working on the development of three-dimensional displays. This has been occasioned by the limiting nature of two-dimensional (2D) displays. “With a 3D monitor, we could work in layers or position documents in 3D space rather than squeezing them down to a tiny toolbar at the bottom of one screen” (Adams 42). Working in a 3D display will be much easier for both the users of computer systems and application developers because the world is made up of 3D space and objects. Human perception is therefore hard-wired to understand spatial relationships. Recent developments in three-dimensional displays are likely to revolutionize computing by making it more powerful and intuitive. Some companies have already built three-dimensional display screens, which “display true 3D images without the need for special glasses” (Adams 42). Given the breakthroughs that have been made on 3D displays, 3D computing would be a reality if existing operating systems like Mac and Windows were built to support it. ii. Three-dimensional printing 3D printing is a technology that enables a user to print solid structures remotely from the office or even from home. Before the aforementioned structures can be printed, they are built using digital computer files. This process produces soft copies of the structures. On the other hand, hard copies are created by depositing material layers “on top of each other in order to create freestanding structures from bottom up” (King 1). This concept can revolutionize manufacturing economics because it can be remotely accomplished. Additionally, it is possible to create objects using computer-aided design and subsequently use them to print multiple hard copies of metal alloys, plastics and other materials. Hand, head, mind and eye controlled PCs i. Hand PC control Fingerworks, a company that has specialized in computer-human interfaces has recently developed the iGesture Pad. This is one of the greatest advances in human-computer interfaces. Users use their hands on a pad that is sensitive to touch to give their PCs commands. The commands are derived from the pattern in which a user moves his/her hands. For instance, “placing your fingers on the pad in a tight group, then rapidly opening and spreading your fingers, is interpreted as an Open command” (Adams 39). ii. Head movements as an interface Among the recent advancements in computer-human interfaces is the monitoring of a user’s head movements, and using them to control the cursor on the screen. The technology is known as the HeadMouse, recently developed by Origin Instruments, a company that is respected in technology circles for its success in developing assistive technologies for use by people who have disabilities. To use this technology, a user sticks a reflective device on his/her forehead and places a sensor on his/her monitor. When the user moves his/her head, the cursor on the screen also moves. iii. Mind PC control Innovations in computer-human interfaces have also explored the possibility of developing a computer that will be able to read the thoughts of the user. The technology is referred to as Brain Computer Interface – BCI (Adams 41). The idea of developing mind-controlled PCs gained popularity after a research conducted in the year 2004, which explored nerve-sensing circuitry in the brain of a monkey. The result of the study was that the monkey was able “to control a robotic arm by merely thinking” (Adams 41). The people who were involved in this research have been working on a venture whose objective is to commercialize the findings by applying the technology to humans. If completed successfully, disabled people will be able to control wheelchairs, robotic arms, computers and other assistive devices using a circuit implanted in their brains to read their thoughts (Adams). Implementation of PC control using the mind has been slowed by the fact that a surgical operation will be required as the circuit is implanted in the brain. If the innovators find a way of implanting the circuit externally, like “by using a sensing helmet” (Adams 41), the technology will even become appealing to computer users who have no physical disabilities. iv. Eye PC control The aforementioned technology of tracking of head movements has been further developed to a more intuitive technology that tracks the movements of the eye. This emerging technology is achieved by placing cameras beneath the screen and using software that is calibrated to the dimensions of the user’s screen. The result is that the user controls the cursor on the screen “by simply looking at the desired position on the screen” (Adams 40). Just like in the case of mind PC control, this technology was meant to benefit people who have physical disabilities. However, it can be explored further to have a greater application involving almost all computer users (Adams). Distributed storage Data management is perhaps one of the greatest challenges facing any computer user. If it was possible to store all user data on the internet and outsource data management activities, users will be able to access their data in a timely manner and manage it with negligible cost. This concept is referred to as distributed storage and it has other advantages like the protection of data from obliteration by disasters like hard-disk failures and blackouts (Monroe). It is however important to note that this concept can potentially bring a new frontier for perpetration of cybercrime, which will indubitably bring security and privacy issues. Distributed data storage is not a new concept. However, it has been implemented in small-scale, and thus the world of technology lacks a distributed storage system capable of holding massive amounts of data. Examples of small-scale distributed systems are online music stores that have the trading functionality in addition to the downloading service. Thus, their users are able to trade songs as long as their Personal Computers are connected to the internet. The beauty of a “distributed system capable of holding all types of data is that it would provide all-purpose protection and convenience without being complicated to use” (Monroe 7). High-density portable power In spite of the advancements that have been made in other areas of technology, batteries, which are common components in all technological devices, have had a constant life. For most models of notebook computers, for example, the battery life lies between two and three hours regardless of the price (Adams). “Despite the hype and advertising from battery manufacturers, today’s chemical batteries are virtually identical to the ones sold three decades ago” (Adams 22). There is need for innovation in the manufacture of batteries in order to prolong their life and enable tablets and notebooks to last for long without the need to recharge. Recent efforts in the search for reliable power have led to the development of fuel cells. They are lightweight, clean, small, and with time, they will be cheap to produce. However, innovators have not reached a consensus on the most appropriate fuels to use in fuel cells. Zinc is among the fuels that have been commendably considered for use in these fuel cells. “Zinc is promising because it offers high density portable power, a widely-available element, and outstanding safety” (Adams 24). If the dream of high-density portable power is realized, innovation will be redefined by the advantages that will come with the portable power. Examples of innovations that are likely to follow include personal robots, electric vehicles, wearable computers, and longer space exploration missions (Adams). Micro-fluidic optical fibers The thin line between spending seconds while downloading a movie and spending hours doing the same could be due to a plumbing oversight. “Tiny droplets of fluid inside fiber-optic channels could improve the flow of data-carrying photons, speeding transmission and improving reliability” (Monroe 10). Today’s optical fibers are made up of solid glass tubing. Researchers have shown that using bored fibers that are filled with liquids inside can significantly increase the transmission speed of the fibers. Additionally, modifications made to the liquids can potentially make the fibers capable of “correcting error-causing distortions and directing data flows more efficiently, thus boosting bandwidth far more cheaply than is possible today” (Monroe 10). However, the liquids’ contraction, expansion and movement have to be controlled to achieve desired changes in optical properties (Monroe). Universal translation Researchers are in the process of developing software capable of gleaning meaning from words spoken in any language, and conveying the message in any other language that the user desires. This software is referred to as universal translation software. Once completed, the software will enable people from various cultures to communicate effectively. The project was started by a Chinese scientist, who developed software capable of understanding spoken Mandarin Chinese, and replying in spoken English language (Monroe). Universal translation software can prove to be invaluable in the field of medicine because it will make doctor-patient conversations easier. The need for universal translation software has also been driven by security concerns and global business endeavors (Monroe). Such software also has the potential of revolutionizing the tourism industry by enabling all people to communicate with each other regardless of their languages. Bayesian machine learning Baye’s theory, a mathematical theory, was developed during the eighteenth century but it has recently found an interesting application in computer science. This theory is being applied in computer programs to enable them deduce data dependencies on their own. In the past, programs had to be taught causal relationships in order to enable them to make future deductions. However, with the Baye’s theory, causal relationships than cannot be foreseen by humans can be deduced by programs if the programs are fed with large datasets. This is vital in programming “because many decisions programmers would like to automate, like personalizing search-engine results according to a user’s past queries, cannot be planned in advance” (Monroe 5). Such decisions require a program to consider evidence combinations and give the best possible decision or guess. Bayesian machine learning may lead to advancements in drug discovery, translation of foreign languages, microchip manufacturing and so forth (Monroe). Organic photovoltaics and electronics Electronic devices and circuits can be created using organic materials. “In contrast to traditional (silicon-based) semiconductors that are fabricated with expensive photolithographic techniques, organic electronics can be printed using low-cost, scalable processes such as ink jet printing” (King 1). This makes organic electronic devices far much cheaper as compared to their traditional counterparts. The relatively low cost is attributable to the low cost of the requisite equipment for producing them as well as the aggregate cost per device (King). It is however important to note that organic electronics will not be able to achieve the speeds and densities of their silicon counterparts, but they will be instrumental in bringing versatility and low cost to device production. The low cost will make the circuits and devices expand their range of applications. For instance, the lowered cost of solar photovoltaic collectors produced on a large scale may encourage the use of renewable energy in factories and homes (King). Remote sensing The use of sensors, which allow responses to certain stimuli, is likely to change human responses to the environment. This technology may have widespread application in health because such sensors can be used to monitor the function of the body and initiate corrective measures if necessary. For instance, sensors could be used to check blood sugar levels and initiate insulin provision if the sugar levels are not normal (King). The aforementioned emerging technology depends on communication between devices using wireless technology, sensing technologies that do not consume high amounts of power or active harvesting of energy. Another possible application of the emerging remote sensing technology is the installation of a remote sensor system in vehicles, aimed at enabling vehicles to sense each other (King). The latter application can potentially lead to a substantial reduction in the number of traffic accidents, thereby saving human lives. Online electric vehicles Advancements in wireless technology can be harnessed in powering moving vehicles. Upcoming electric cars will be able to get power through an electromagnetic field beneath them; created by cables that have been installed on the road. The vehicle will also be able to operate while it is out of the electromagnetic range because the current from the field will charge a battery that is installed in the vehicle. Because the power is external, the vehicles will not have to carry large batteries, as is the case with contemporary electric cars. The efficiency of power transmission is estimated at 80% (King 1). These vehicles have already been built in South Korea, and they are undergoing road tests (King). Carbon dioxide conversion Though they have existed for a long time, the technologies for carbon dioxide capture and sequestration are yet to be commercialized. This issue can be addressed by using carbon dioxide as the raw material in the production of saleable goods. Among the most promising approaches based on this technology is the use of altered photosynthetic bacteria to produce chemicals and fuels from waste carbon dioxide. The process is accomplished in modular and low-cost solar converter systems. This technology can potentially revolutionize energy provision for the aviation industry and the automobiles industry (King). The technology will also solve an environmental problem because carbon dioxide causes acid rain and pollutes the environment. Self-healing materials Living organisms possess an inherent ability of recovering from physical damage. There have been efforts to create non-living structures that mimic living organisms in repairing themselves when they are cracked, cut or torn. If such efforts succeed, the resultant self-healing materials will lead to longer lifetimes for manufactured goods, thus easing the pressure on the environment because less new goods will be produced. Such materials can also increase the safety for some products like aircraft, motor vehicles etcetera (King). Conclusion From the above discussion, it is apparent that scientists have come up with technologies aplenty in a bid to solve existing problems. 3D displays and 3D printing are bound to revolutionize computing and manufacturing if they are eventually implemented in their entirety. The various innovations in computer-human interfaces are likely to change the way we operate computers, and better still, they will indubitably make the lives of disabled people better. People who have disabilities will be able to control robotic arms, wheel chairs as well as computers, with ease. Self-healing materials could lead to production of tablets that are able to heal if their screens are scratched or cracked. Distributed storage can potentially revolutionize the way we store and handle data, and bring with it a myriad of job opportunities in the field of computing. High-density power is likely to be resourceful in production of tablets and notebooks, and it can potentially lead to a myriad of other innovations. Micro-fluidic optical fibers have the potential to increase internet speeds tenfold, opening up new opportunities in technologies that are based on the internet. The list of possible applications of emerging technologies is endless because each single emerging technology opens up a myriad of other technological advancements. Works Cited Adams, Mike. The 10 Most Important Emerging Technologies for Humanity. Elkhart, Indiana: Truth Publishing Inc., 2009. Print. King, David. The top 10 emerging technologies for 2013. 2013. Web. 1 May 2013. <> Monroe, Don. 10 Emerging Technologies That Will Change Your World. 2013. Web. 1 May 2013. <> Read More
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