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Educational Technologies and Learning Theories Technology Essay
12 pages (3111 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Today there is the use of technology to facilitate various learning processes in what could be referred to as learning technology or simply educational technology which forms the basis of our discussion. This is defined as the creation and management of appropriate technologies to facilitate or better the performance and learning process.
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The Impact of Technology in Middle Eastern Society Technology Research Paper
6 pages (2195 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Proper handling and use of computer technologies simplify operations. However, it is important to control the use of the technologies for the sake of improving operational outcomes. In the future, high levels of monitoring standards including banning and blocking of adult sites would be important in reducing access to pornography in the Middle East.
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Analysis of the Electric Vehicle Technology Using the Generic Foresight Process Framework Technology Term Paper
11 pages (3076 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The following essay is about the analysis of electric car technology using the Generic Foresight Process. The Generic Foresight Process is made up of the following four main stages: input, foresight, output, and strategy. The development of electric car technology is analyzed in terms of these four stages.
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The Investigation of Wearable Technology Issues Technology Research Paper
9 pages (2633 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The aim of this research study is to summarize the recent development in the field of wearable systems and sensors that are relevant to daily life. There is a growing body of literature that focused on the application of wearable technology to monitor older adults and subjects with chronic conditions in the community and home settings.
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Analysis of Air Transport Accidents Resulting from Security Related Incidences Technology Report
15 pages (4469 words) , Download 0 , Report
The increasing acts of terrorism pose a great danger to air travel and concerns have increased on the safety of airspaces following the August 30th, 2014 Ukraine plane brought down due to war disagreements. This report has identified the causes of aviation accidents and further analyzed security concerns and measures that have been laid down to avoid aviation accidents caused by security issues.
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Virtualization and Cloud Computing Technology Report
12 pages (3165 words) , Download 2 , Report
Virtualized IT infrastructure is not only popular for cost-saving, but it facilitates a quick change to the business model, business processes, and business operating structure. By decoupling the logical resources of the business from the physical assets, virtualization computing will empower exceptionally swift responses to the changing business strategies and conditions.
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Real Project Planning: Developing a Project Delivery Strategy Technology Report
7 pages (1822 words) , Download 0 , Report
The evaluation process focuses on the testing aspects that deduce the quality and effectiveness of both the design and the final product. Responding to the criteria, the testing process focused on the safety, weight as well as ease of assembling various components. Other testable features include the testable durability and stability placing into consideration.
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The Use of Technology for Children with Down Syndrome in Saudi Arabia Technology Research Paper
32 pages (9058 words) , Research Paper
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The research employed a survey questionnaire with questions about the type of technological tools available in schools for children with Down syndrome (DS) in Saudi Arabia, perceptions of teachers toward the benefits of technology-assisted learning for DS students, the skills that children with DS need to use technology, the challenges of using technology for children with DS.
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New Technology and Sustainable Development in Automotive Industry Technology Research Paper
13 pages (3769 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The Australian automotive industry plays an important role in the country’s economy as aside from being one of the most competitive in the world, it provides employment to around 386,000 people. 37% of these workers are in repair and maintenance, 17.5% in retail, and 13.5% in manufacturing. The Australian automotive industry generates around $209.3 billion for 2009-2010.
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Biometric Based Attendance System for School of Technology and Management Technology Research Paper
8 pages (1904 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
This research paper presents a detailed project plan for developing a biometric-based attendance system for the school of technology and management at different campuses. The devices decided on are thirty-five (35) wall mountable fingerprint scanner terminals for each of the classrooms that can accommodate 150 students at all campuses.
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The Concepts of Innovation in Relation to an Auto Driverless Timer Car Technology Term Paper
13 pages (3429 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The new innovative product for the project is the auto driverless timer car. The innovation was carried out after the brainstorming of the ideas as well as using the mind map. The innovations are meant to ensure that the cars are fixed with a timer that will enable the owners to set the time and place that the car will be required to move. 
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Flight Safety - Colgan Air Flight 3407 Technology Case Study
10 pages (2657 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
After the crew of the Colgan Air 3407 got warning of an impending stall in the form of stick shaker activation, the captain committed a mistake so fundamental that one would be tempted to think that he wanted to commit suicide: he pulled back the control yoke and did not release it until the airplane crashed on the ground.
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The Use of Smartphones by People Is on the Rise Technology Term Paper
8 pages (2419 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Smartphones have quickly broken the traditional barriers that used to separate computer and phone functions. Their use has significantly increased among people as they offer increased portability and many computing functions, in addition to the normal mobile phone functions. They have increased tremendously, making them the device of choice not only to individuals but also in big corporations.
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Flight Simulator Flight Test Technology Term Paper
6 pages (1656 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
By simulation, it is possible for trainees to keep up with training tasks coming at a high concentration above what could be done in real aircraft. A good case is in multiple training in which for a real aircraft it would require spending a considerably substantial amount of time in aircraft repositioning.
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Relationships and Impacts between Science, Technology, and Society Technology Literature review
11 pages (3069 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Technology is related to science therefore like language, ritual, values, commerce, and the arts it is perceived to be a part of the cultural system since it shapes as well as reflects on the system’s values. Technology is a social enterprise that not only includes research design and crafts rather it also comprises finance, manufacturing, management, labor, marketing as well as maintenance.
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Speech Recognition and Speaker Recognition Technology Coursework
6 pages (1854 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
It can be applied to make out the identity of a person. As a result, the problem of speaker authentication is an accept-reject (true-false) (Chen &Luo, 2009). Background noise significantly affects the general effectiveness of a voice recognition system, and this is considered a tricky and a great challenge for the speaker recognition system.
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Use of Natural and Mechanical Smoke Ventilation Systems Technology Report
13 pages (3493 words) , Download 0 , Report
In order to ensure the success of the design as well as the approval process, it is important for those involved in the designs to make sure that there are agreement and documentation with systems objective, any CFD analysis, the scenarios that are to be modeled, the criteria of modeling as well as the pass and fail criteria even before the start of the design (1).
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The Concept of Goal-Line Technology Technology Literature review
9 pages (2703 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
As the world is embracing technology in every function, in the world of sport, it has been the same case. For sportsmen and women, technology has shaped the industry making it more effective, efficient and industry with minimal errors. Technology in sports is widely available in sports such as football, rugby, and tennis.
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Explosion Safety Engineering Technology Literature review
6 pages (1711 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Most of the explosions and fires that take place around the world including the ones sampled in this paper are caused by human error. People tend to be irresponsible when dealing with the production, processing, and transportation of gas and oil and their products. The incidents discussed in this people could not have been worse if those concerned were careful enough to stop them.
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Throwing Mechanics and Elbow Valgus in Professional Baseball Pitchers by Sherry, L.W., Tricia, A.M Technology Article
6 pages (1698 words) , Download 0 , Article
The method applied in this research was a sampling of forty baseball players and having them on the field. These activities were then recorded using video cameras with a primary focus being the elbow movement during fast throwing. The research found out that that baseball pitching motion places tremendous stress on the elbow joint.
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The Advantage and Disadvantages of the RFID Technology from the Consumer Perception Technology Research Paper
15 pages (4136 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
RFID tags are tiny computer chips connected to miniature antennae that can be affixed to physical objects. In the most commonly touted applications of RFID, the microchip contains an Electronic Product Code (EPC) with sufficient capacity to provide unique identifiers for all items produced worldwide.
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Dangers and Benefits of Hybrid Cars Technology Literature review
11 pages (3406 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The hybrid car is an idea very slow in catching on but has gained increasing popularity in recent years. The first hybrid appeared over 100 years ago but the demand for rapid transportation, the need for speed, kept the concept mainly on the drawing board until lately. Concerns regarding the environment popularized these alternative fuel vehicles.  
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Technology Essential for Aircraft Maintenance Technology Essay
6 pages (1880 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As explained earlier technology in aircraft maintenance systems for commercial aviation has undergone major development since the beginning of simple BIT tests in the early 1980s. This progress continues with technology advances in IVHM and process advancement such as Sense & Respond. In short, IVHM technologies are going to play a major role in next-generation spacecraft vehicles in support of vehicle automation, mission planning, and execution (Bird, et al, 2005).
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At What Stage Can It Be Said that the Mobile Phone Became Part of Everyday Life Technology Essay
7 pages (1883 words) , Download 1 , Essay
It is indeed man’s best friend but then if seen from the other perspective; this is also his enemy since it can turn against him at times and more so when a crime is committed of his own phone – after it was stolen. All said and done, the good and the bad points need to be measured and then only a final result could be envisaged.
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World War I's Technological Innovations and its Impact on Modern Warfare Technology Report
13 pages (3460 words) , Download 1 , Report
Even though, these so-called advances must also secure in inventing and innovating machines for war and destruction. World War I has truly made an impact on today’s war operation. From simple tanks that can penetrate barbed wire, they can now launch mortars and missiles able to destroy enemy portal and domains.
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Effectiveness Of Using Solar Power In Providing Energy To Space Air Conditioning Technology Essay
11 pages (2973 words) , Download 1 , Essay
For refrigeration applications, Water/Ammonia type chillers are most appropriate. These generally require a higher water input temperature to drive operation which limits the application of solar thermal energy to this application as the cost associated with solar collection is higher because high-pressure piping may be required to transport heat in the form of steam.
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Website Evaluation Technology Essay
12 pages (4162 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Enhancements for the website should consider that there are very old users (61 years old or more), users who do not yet have Internet savvy, and users who are very keen on the timeliness and relevance of information on the website. Preference of these groups of users was found to have profound influences in the noted significant differences in the evaluation ratings of some site attributes.
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Riordan Manufacturing Technology Essay
6 pages (1633 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In sum, information systems and computer upgrades improve the financial position of Riordan Manufacturing and its relations with suppliers and customers. Innovative technologies are linking suppliers to customers, giving salesmen, buyers, advertising managers, and retailers new roles. They are initiating new decision systems. To utilize computers most effectively, management must consider the interaction of computers with marketing environments.
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Leading an Offender Learning Revolution Technology Research Proposal
15 pages (4022 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Once the permission will be granted, the process of sampling the participants for the study will be implemented. To ensure that the process is fair, the researcher will insist on doing the selection the participation themselves rather than being handpicked by the correction officials due to the high level of control that is exercised in these institutions.
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Functioning of Biotechnology Technology Essay
10 pages (2849 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Obviously, having a clone of one’s self would surely have a perfect tissue and blood match to any organs they would ever need.  This is possibly the future of genetic engineering and biotechnology although it raises a large issue or morals and ethics.  The concept of cloning raising the possibility of creating an entire breed of human beings that would essentially be used for harvesting organs and tissue.  
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Performance-Based Navigation Technology Research Paper
10 pages (2735 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The RNP-AR technique is implemented at the time of flight inactive power, have a steeper angle of technique for that time till the plane is not close to the ground. These changes minimize the level of noise created on an RNP-AR technique as matched to any old technique. Aircraft engine noise is relatively equal to the power setting to the fourth power.
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A Survey for an Additional Bus Service on Colinton Road Technology Research Proposal
10 pages (2955 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Geographical Information System (GIS) network analysis techniques have been used in the present study regarding service provided by Lothian Bus Company at Colinton Road and the results of the survey were mapped using Auto CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software application, normally used for 2D and 3D design and drafting.
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Choice of Power Plant for Belina Government Technology Report
7 pages (2613 words) , Download 1 , Report
Bids for nuclear plants are supported by commitments to supply fuel and waste disposal for 40 years. Added attractions are financial support, subsidized prices, and low to the medium cost of power generation. Bids for conventional plants based on oil and liquefied natural gas are dependent on imported fuels to be brought by ships from the Middle East.
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The Utility of Polygraphs in National Security Technology Term Paper
6 pages (1909 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Psychophysiological Detection of Deception (PDD) Examinations, or polygraph tests in common parlance, are currently used in criminal investigations in many countries including Belgium, Canada, Israel, Japan, Turkey, Singapore, South Korea, Mexico, Pakistan, the Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, and the USA (The British Psychological Society, 2004).
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Mobile WiMAX Technology and Its Impact on Society and Business Technology Report
6 pages (1656 words) , Download 1 , Report
The emergence of mobile WiMAX technology is the latest in the rapid evolution of information and communication technology. With its features, it poses new and positive benefits for people and society. This development is anchored on the technology’s capability to transcend the limits of the current wired systems, in effect, enhancing mobility and coverage of the Internet and communications.
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Video Phone Techonology Technology Coursework
6 pages (1704 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Technology is very difficult o market since its dynamic and may run obsolete in a very short time. The market for technology continues to increase particularly in sophistication and ability. Future advances are targeted to provide cost-effective phoning services, cheaper gadgets, highly integrated services.
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Conventional System - Techno-Centric Technology Coursework
6 pages (1861 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
In current times, information technology has provided many benefits to society. One of the most successful areas of information technology is the implementation of ERP solutions. These solutions are made in accordance with the organizational needs to automate work there and to facilitate better management of files and data.
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Connection between the Electric Market and the Americian Car Industry Technology Report
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 1 , Report
Green initiatives basically refer to implementing environmental-friendly action plans to real business enterprises. With the large scale emission of harmful green house gases in the earth’s atmosphere, widespread measures have been taken in global automobile industries to countermine the increasing threats of global warming and other atmospheric hazards.
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Technology Failures Technology Essay
9 pages (2450 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The Iridium technology has not provided sufficient customer services and this added flee of customers from buying the technology. A proper customer service is required before launching an innovative technology in the market for solving the user problems and this factor adds much in boosting the economy of the company.
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Li-ion Battery Energy Storage System Technology Thesis
74 pages (9840 words) , Download 1 , Thesis
Battery packs of typical electric vehicles can store 35kWh, and the desired level of energy could be increased by increasing the number of batteries. This results in an undesirable increase in the weight of batteries. Important objectives in the development of batteries for electric vehicles include the maximization of energy density.
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Laser Technology and the 21st Century Technology Essay
10 pages (2802 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The technology is extensively used in the development of optical storage devices like DVDs and CDs where a huge amount of data can be stored (Hitz et al., 2001). Laser printers and pointers are also widely used in the print industry for fast and efficient printing. Barcode readers are daily used by the shopkeepers to generate prices of the goods.
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The Application of Bluetooth Technology in Electronic Consumers Technology Report
6 pages (1658 words) , Download 1 , Report
The wireless transfer only exists within short distances of up to 100 meters, dependant on the class of the Bluetooth adapter. The range is limited as it consumes very little power. It can also be built to microscopic specs so that it can be built into portable devices such as mobile phones, car audio players, and other consumer electronics.
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The Laboratory Technique to Grade Soil Technology Lab Report
6 pages (1516 words) , Download 1 , Lab Report
The cone penetrometer test is helpful in determining the liquid limit. For the calculation of the liquid limit what we have to do is to first plot the moisture contents against their corresponding penetration values on a linear graph with the per cent moisture content on the horizontal axis and the penetration value on the vertical axis. 
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Safety in Nuclear Industry Technology Essay
9 pages (2610 words) , Download 1 , Essay
To this end, it is proposed that an audit should be conducted every five years (Legislation 2006) to review the effectiveness of the existing system, and the report should be submitted to the highest levels of management and the regulatory body (Legislation 2003). The regulatory body should, in this case, also be involved in the analysis and redrafting, if need be, of the safety management system (Legislation 2003).
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Conceptual Design and Innovation of Child Gas-Lift Chair Technology Research Proposal
12 pages (3402 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Back support structures of gas-lift chairs play a significant in determining the preference of a chair intended for mass production and the age of the market the chair is being manufactured for (Wentz, 2003, p. 38). The most popular chairs manufactured for children and adults were recently discontinued the aim of introducing a revolutionary design.
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Crisis Management for the Aviation Technology Literature review
7 pages (2081 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
To formulate the SAT, it is essential that they are recruited carefully keeping in mind the requirements for the team. This team should be divided into different segments under directors. They should also undergo stress tests when being hired. They should be given the right motivation to attract more internal and external candidates. Their training and exercise would be as per the requirements and they should be recurrent.
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Improving the Mechanical Maintenance Section in Ghazaln Power Plant Technology Report
39 pages (9805 words) , Download 1 , Report
Those two parts are arranging quality men power and optimized maintenance strategy. In the manpower part, a survey is conducted to have ideas about Training, development, Salary, incentive, compensation, environment, tools, and safety awareness. After the compilation of the survey, the report will include analysis and recommendations which could be used to improve the manpower work.
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The Use of Cell Phones Can Create Increased Cancer Prevalence Technology Essay
9 pages (2670 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The basis of cancer development relies on the damage to the DNA section. Sykes et al. (2001) support that radiofrequency energy as opposed to those that cause ionization damage DNA. The process may be referred to as a mutation. The main cause of cancer to human cells is associated with chemical mutagens more than radiations.
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Electrical Power Applications Technology Statistics Project
9 pages (2278 words) , Download 2 , Statistics Project
The connection of the three phase connection is always called a wye connection because the windings looks like letter Y when without the neutral. Even though the AC and DC may serve in the same functions of conversion of electrical energy, the powering and construction occurs differently. Both perform in the conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy.
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Communication Technology and Benefit to the Society Technology Research Proposal
11 pages (3767 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Communications technology has become our new master with a whip that keeps smacking us to keep up and keep moving. Human beings have relied on various methods to communicate with each other. These methods have depended on the progress science had made at that time. Thousands of years ago people were communicating with each other by hand written documents.
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