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Innovation in Contact Lenses Technology Coursework
16 pages (4238 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Innovation in Contact Lenses" is an engrossing example of coursework on technology. Contact lenses are direct glass lenses that are placed on the cornea to increase visual acuity and correct various vision challenges. As compared to other forms of vision lenses, contact lenses are less embraced in other parts of the country due to a lack of adequate information on their benefits or existence.
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3D Printings Influence in Bentley Company Technology Case Study
7 pages (1878 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper '3D Printing’s Influence In Bentley Company" is a great example of a technology case study. Three-dimensional printing alludes to a methodology that utilizes the development of strong three-dimensional items that can take the type of any shape fancied taking into account the plans of a computerized model.
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VHS vs Betamax in the Video Technology Race and Blu-Ray vs HDVD in the DVD Technology Race Technology Case Study
7 pages (2211 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “VHS vs Betamax in the Video Technology Race and Blu-Ray vs HDVD in the DVD Technology Race” is an engrossing variant of the case study on technology. “The only thing that doesn’t change is the change itself” is a famous adage. True to this the world has come to this stage mainly due to the number of innovations that have acted as a wheel for the change.
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The Benefits of Green IT and Green Computing Technology Essay
10 pages (2867 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "The Benefits of Green IT and Green Computing" is an impressive example of a Technology essay. It presents an environmentally sustainable initiative that can also be defined as the practice of designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of technological products such as computers, servers, printers, storage devices, and networking equipment among others with efficiency and effectiveness by causing minimal damage to the environment.
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A Biometric ID Card System Technology Coursework
6 pages (1638 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "A Biometric ID Card System " is a good example of technology coursework. The idea of using identity cards to control access and identify individuals has existed for a long time. Actually, almost every adult in the world has at least one identity card issued by the government or employer. Biometric cards are not much different from the common identity cards.
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Gas Turbine Engine Technology Coursework
16 pages (4099 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Theoretically, gas turbines are easier to maintain and more reliable than piston engines. This is mainly because they are easier to construct and has fewer moving parts. However, most turbine parts experience a higher wear rate mainly due to their higher working speeds. The blades of the turbine are extremely sensitive to fine sand and dust.   
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Virtualization and Virtual Machines Technology Coursework
16 pages (4100 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Virtualization has greatly improved the processing of information in various organizations. This technology has lead to the use of a few computers that can multitask thus eliminating the need to have many physical computers. The greatest operation challenge is creating the right infrastructure for monitoring and managing virtual machines.  
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SDR in Data Communications Technology Coursework
8 pages (2178 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
It is evident that the US military has accommodated the technology and are willing to share their importance with other people in the globe. Interconnectivity has been promoted by the use of this technology and therefore, it has brought about the expansion of trade and growth of cities, countries, and towns. 
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Role of Modern Technologies in Our Life Technology Coursework
12 pages (3343 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Negative and positive effects have been felt as a result of the development of modern technology. Technology has helped to advance education and learning by providing endless resources that are used by students and researchers all over the world to gain more knowledge and insight about their various fields of learning.
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Evolution on Film Sound Technology Dissertation
41 pages (10857 words) , Dissertation
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For whatever reason, the film became also a sonorous expression, it is known that sound played a major influence on how audiences perceive the motion picture in the days of early cinema and until today not just the technical improvements of this department but also the conceptual use of sound on film continues to shape this art form.
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Process Management in Operating Systems Technology Coursework
9 pages (2589 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
In the architecture of a computer, the CPU and main memory combination are the brains of the computer. Any transfer of information to that combination or from it requires the use of input and output devices. Input and output management is mapped in the operating system through the use of input-output algorithms.
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Radar For Military Applications Technology Coursework
8 pages (2185 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Radar is short for radio detection and ranging, it is a system that is used to detect distant objects using radio waves, it determines the distance, speed, and direction of the object being aimed at. It is normally used to detect objects such as aircraft, ships, missiles, and vehicles. The technology was first developed in 1895 by a German physicist called Heinrich Hertz.
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How Technology Affects Our Society Technology Coursework
24 pages (6372 words) , Coursework
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The technological advancements of the 21st century have brought about both positive and negative effects on society. However, the positive effects are far much more than the negative effects. On one side, technology has provided the guarantee of an improved world via the eradication of material and disease enhancements to living standards’.
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The Technological Advances In Media and Communication Technology Essay
10 pages (2829 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Modern leaps in communication technology have in addition to transforming other facets of life, transformed the politics of Asian countries. The essay will highlight only a fraction of the Asian countries. The paper, however, puts it categorically that all Asian countries, from North Korea to Pakistan have been politically reshaped by modern means of communication. (McLuhan and Quentin, 1964, 8-9).
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The Aviation Industry in China and Hong Kong Technology Coursework
34 pages (8594 words) , Coursework
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It was in China that the first man-made flying object in form of a kite was invented. China has for a long time been recognized as a world leader is science and technology. Over the years China has experienced a rapid growth and expansion in its economy.
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Legal Aspects of Shared Building Information Models Technology Coursework
20 pages (5627 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The legal issues, risks, and barriers that come up when utilizing BIM are manifold. They can be divided into three main categories. These are commercial issues, legal concerns, and technical issues. From the standpoint of legal liability, both between contracting parties and third parties, there are uncharted waters in BIM and there is little legal precedence to go on. 
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Indispensable Self-Governing Turtlebot Project Technology Coursework
11 pages (2925 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
 A designed robot that can escape from a building that has a bomb scare in the basement can be used in the future to help humans access the basement of buildings where bombs have been placed. The movements taken in this assignment were to test the ability of the TurtleBot to access. The remote area of the building is accessed with minimum collision.
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Apple's Facetime Technology Technology Essay
7 pages (1997 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Facetime seems to be supported by almost all iOS devices and they usually have a forward-facing camera this is only limited to all devices that have been manufactured since iPhone 4 as well as any Macintosh computer device which has equipped with a camera and it they were formerly referred to as the insight camera (Axhausen, 2008).
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Synthesis Gas Technology Case Study
14 pages (3545 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper was investigating the reactions of synthesis gas with a different kind of catalyst to suggest the production of various products. The results show that there are many, which react with Syngas, and they include iron, carbon monoxide, zinc oxide, water, and many others. To produce ethanol, methanol mixed alcohol, gasoline, waxes, ammonia, and many other products.
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Multispectral Imaging and Monitoring of Gold Mine's Using Quadcopter Camera Technology Coursework
11 pages (3155 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The cameras that can record infrared radiation with radiation of between 700 and 1700 nm are based on InGaAs sensors, but this technology is often expensive. For this reason, the performance of the existing technologies used in image spectra and gold extraction in n-dimension spectral space is explored (Dyer, Verri & Cupitt, 2013).
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Water Quality on Ship Technology Coursework
12 pages (3229 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Gantt Charts are an approach to graphically indicate the advance of a project. Administration of a venture is made simpler if it is seen as little sensible things where the conditions are outwardly outlined, parallel procedures are found, the general handling time decided, and advance followed.
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Application of Mechatronics in Various Fields Technology Essay
6 pages (1679 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The transformer steps up the voltage from lower values to higher values. In practice, step-up transformers are implemented where industries need supply, or when power needs to be transmitted over long distances. Transmission requires high voltages to ensure no losses, especially in the direct form.
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Improving Floodplain Roughness Information Using LiDAR Data Technology Coursework
10 pages (3323 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
One critical challenge when using LIDAR data relates to the numerous computational requirements necessary to handle such dense datasets. In fact, after successful completion of ground surveys and other field activities, the entire reliability of the outcomes of the whole exercise depends on the level of accuracy in the various computations.
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Welding Joint Technology Technology Essay
6 pages (1570 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It is one of the easiest welds to use. This joint involves two flat pieces and parallel to each other, this method is commonly used in joining pipes, valves, and flanges. Corner joints, this is a joint in which two metals are located together at a right angle forming an L. The metals are joined together to form a corner, edge joints is a groove kind of a weld.
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The iPhone as an Artefact in the History of Photography Technology Coursework
10 pages (2926 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "The iPhone as an Artefact in the History of Photography" is a good example of technology coursework. Since its introduction, the iPhone has been growing in popularity among its users. Although it is used as a communication device, the iPhone, through its camera and other technological features, has grown in usage as an artefact of photography.
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Closed Circuit Television - Crime Prevention Technology or Privacy Intruding Apparatus Technology Coursework
14 pages (3987 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Closed Circuit Television - Crime Prevention Technology or Privacy Intruding Apparatus" is a great example of technology coursework. Closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras are used to monitor and document images of what occurs in specific locations that are within the reach of those cameras instantaneously.
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Today and Future of Renewable Energy in Australia Technology Case Study
8 pages (2442 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “Today and Future of Renewable Energy in Australia” is a worthy variant of the case study on technology. Low carbon emission energy generation has been encouraged in many countries globally. This has been assisted through the use of effective regulatory frameworks in coming up with sustainable energy with the main aim of reducing carbon emission.
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The Internet as a Powerful Technological Revolution Technology Coursework
8 pages (2508 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "The Internet as a Powerful Technological Revolution " is a perfect example of technology coursework. In the early ’90s, businesses were faced with competitions from emerging businesses and the need to dominate the market share (Oliveira & Martins, 2010, p.1337). Experts reasoned that the only way business could achieve all was through making their structure, function and management efficient.
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Inventory and Warehouse Management - Haya Wastewater Company Technology Case Study
12 pages (3442 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Inventory and Warehouse Management - Haya Wastewater Company " is a perfect example of a technology case study. A warehouse is a planned space for handling and storage of material and goods. Warehouses are said to be the focal points for information flow and product between beneficiaries and supply sources.
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Effects of Technology on Business Operations Technology Coursework
8 pages (2395 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper 'Effects of Technology on Business Operations" is a great example of technology coursework. The lodging industry operates within a highly dynamic business climate, and one of the most significant aspects it has to cope with is technological change (Nyheim & Connolly 2011). Firms are under pressure to cut costs and ensure greater customer satisfaction, making technology a necessity.
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Technology Development in Event Industry Technology Coursework
6 pages (1563 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Technology Development in Event Industry" is a great example of technology coursework. Technology and development are like two legs that go together. In this world that has now turned into a global village, technology is gaining importance in each sector of life. It is making life easier by giving an easy substitute for the daily processes. The technology has though destructed the natural mean and given a close alternative to everything that involved effort.
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Disruptive Innovation on Downloadable Digital Media Technology Coursework
13 pages (3583 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Disruptive Innovation on Downloadable Digital Media" is a good example of technology coursework. Technology is disrupting every sector of our lives today. There have been dramatic changes to computing over the years, such that computing as it is known today is far much improved that its predecessors.
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How E-learning Helps in the Fulfillment of the Different Learning Needs Technology Coursework
10 pages (2996 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "How E-learning Helps in the Fulfillment of the Different Learning Needs" is an outstanding example of technology coursework. Initially, the practice of e-learning had acquired a bad image and press essentially because many individuals had the belief that the incorporation of computers into the classroom would remove the human element from learning which is crucial in learning (Rosenberg, 2001).
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Tablet Personal Computer Technology Technology Coursework
6 pages (1663 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Tablet Personal Computer Technology" is a great example of technology coursework. New media technologies may be described as any type of application that is meant to transfer information through digital means, techniques, data networks and computerized systems (Flew, 2008). New media technologies became prevalent in the 20th century.
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Technology Entrepreneurship: Case of China Technology Case Study
16 pages (4346 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Technology Entrepreneurship: Case of China" is a great example of a case study on technology. The fast-emerging developments in high technology ventures have significantly influenced the world’s social and economic developments throughout the globe. A major contribution of high technology ventures is in the emergency and growth of technology entrepreneurship.
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Why Aircrafts Disappear, Prevention of Vanishing Technology Coursework
13 pages (3653 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Why Aircrafts Disappear, Prevention of Vanishing" is an outstanding example of technology coursework. The circumstances surrounding the mysterious disappearance of the Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 remain unclear. Experts and the general public still just imagine what could have gone wrong, at this time of civilization and technology.
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A Connection between Modern Technology and Food Production Technology Dissertation
34 pages (9344 words) , Dissertation
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The paper “A Connection between Modern Technology and Food Production” is an outstanding variant of a dissertation on technology. This paper presents a report study on the impacts of the adoption of technology in the process of food production. The illustrations are drawn from within and outside the Australian nation for effective and relevant conclusion formation.  
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The Relationship between Communication and Technology Technology Coursework
6 pages (1871 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Generally, the paper "The Relationship between Communication and Technology" is a good example of technology coursework. According to Steinberg (2007), a technical view of communication terms it as a process that involves the accurate and efficient transfer of information from one person to another.
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Milestone in the Australian Industry Innovation, the Manner It Has Impacted Organization and Future Developments Technology Coursework
6 pages (1861 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper “Milestone in the Australian Industry Innovation, the Manner It Has Impacted Organization and Future Developments”  is a perfect example of coursework on technology. This paper looks towards presenting the innovation which has been carried out in the Australian industry. The paper focuses on one of the innovations which have been done in the field of technology.
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Social Construction of Technology and Domestication Theory Technology Coursework
7 pages (2028 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The paper 'Social Construction of Technology and Domestication Theory" is a great example of technology coursework. This essay focuses on the social construction of technology (SCOT) that was created by Pinch and Bijke (1984), which can be traced to changes in analysis units from technological culture to artefacts.
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Comparing and Contrasting Social Shaping of Technology and Actor-Network Theory Technology Coursework
7 pages (2029 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Comparing and Contrasting Social Shaping of Technology and Actor-Network Theory" is a perfect example of technology coursework. The approach of Social Shaping of Technology (SST) analyses the technology content as well as the innovation-based processes. This involves cultural, social organisational and political factors contrary to the traditional approaches addressing technological change impacts or outcomes.
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QNX Automotive Technology System - Major Sub-Types of QNX Innovation Product Technology Case Study
6 pages (1889 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “QNX Automotive Technology System - Major Sub-Types of QNX Innovation Product”  is a perfect example of a case study on technology. The innovative idea behind the new Technology System would help transform the vehicle mirrors into cameras displaying an improved view of the area where the automobile is heading.
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The Principle of Operation of Electrical Circuit Breakers Technology Coursework
8 pages (1928 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
In today's world, it is vital to ensure that electric utilities and devices are made in such a manner that they can reduce the overall operation and maintenance cost of the power system. At the same time, maintenance has a remarkable effect on the performance of the power system, including the reliability of the system.
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Digitalization and Mechanization Influence on the Living World Technology Coursework
13 pages (3463 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
A large proportion of individuals are currently working and socializing online via computers. Presently, research shows that after every fifteen minutes, on average, an individual would probably check his or her phone or computer. With such changes in people’s lifestyles, there have occurred a number of issues that digitalization has impacted on people.
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The Effect of Technology on the Human Body Technology Essay
7 pages (1910 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The increasing technology harms our eyesight. The increasing use of laptops and smartphones has adversely affected the daily functioning of our eyes. The prolonged use and watching of television affect one's eyes following the effect of the associated light. This effect extends to the prolonged use of smartphones.
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Airline Route and Fleet Planning Technology Coursework
11 pages (2796 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Most airlines have their focus on long haul flights compared to short-haul flights. The costs that are incurred in long haul flights are quite higher than the short-haul flights. This therefore can be avoided by the airline having direct short routes thereby reducing the high overhead costs incurred.
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Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology Article
8 pages (2663 words) , Download 0 , Article
Using sample fMRI illustrations and substantial materials, the author summarises the procedures and methods for image acquisition, image processing, and data analyses using sample fMRI outputs using a General Electric MRI scanner.  The key objective of fMRI data analysis is to minimize false positives and establish a high statistical probability of correlation.
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Open Innovation and Google Technology Case Study
12 pages (3407 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Open Innovation and Google" is a great example of a technology case study. The appropriate theory of innovation that will be the subject of this essay will be open innovation. Open innovation means that companies use products and inventions of others in making their own innovative products.
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Technological Challenges in India, Japan, and China Technology Case Study
10 pages (2889 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper “Technological Challenges in India, Japan, and China ” is a useful example of the technology case study. The development of technology in India, China, and Japan, when compared to that of the Western world has taken place at an unprecedented rate in these countries. It has become a fact that the three countries named above are some of the most advanced in matters of technology.
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FreshTec - Factors Affecting the Industry in Which the Company Operates and Its Current Position Technology Case Study
12 pages (3159 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “FreshTec - Factors Affecting the Industry in Which the Company Operates and Its Current Position” is an earnest example of the technology case study. One of the most crucial factors with regard to the implementation of the new technology is economic issues. This comes in twofold. First, there is the issue of the farmers refusing to take up the new ethnology because it is too expensive.
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