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The Role of Computer Technology as a Force of Social Development Technology Essay
5 pages (1484 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The various uses of computers affect the interactions of people in society either in a positive or negative way. The main social development brought by computer technology is in communication changes. The introduction of computer communication networks, which are highly utilized, has resulted in the development of more electronic social interactions and communication, which are more efficient.
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Why There Are Few Women Working in Technology Technology Literature review
11 pages (3043 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
We can therefore conclude that there are few women in technology professions primarily because few women choose technology-related careers. The reasons for this can be summarised into three; they think it is not interesting, they assume they would not be good at it and they think that they will be working alongside a number of persons that they would feel unhappy or uncomfortable working with.
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Issues Concerning Modern Technology Technology Annotated Bibliography
5 pages (1526 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
Although the Internet has been the most profound and heated phenomenon during this age, researchers have proved that technologies and their application can put the lives of the users at risk. It is argued that websites promote ignorance and narcissism. Technology on the other hand promotes writing and reading acts. Technology is believed to be changing the manner in which community behavior either transform due to the influence.
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How New Technologies Can Affect People Daily Lives Technology Essay
7 pages (1969 words) , Download 0 , Essay
With the rapid development of technology, many different kinds of technology have changed dramatically, and some changes affecting society. In current society, technology has become an essential part of people’s lives, almost everyone in the world uses some kinds of technology. These new technologies can change people’s quality of life.
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Managerial Approach to the LAMBSA Liquid Egg Poduct Technology Case Study
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
After a period of about six months after the introduction of the product in the market, decisions to expand the market can be made after assessing the preliminary performance of the new product. It is imperative to carry out product review throughout the product life cycle so as to enable the company to operate effectively.
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Emerging Communication Technology: Ipad Technology Research Paper
5 pages (1582 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Communication is a common topic in which we all are very familiar. We can communicate with anyone through a common language.  In business organizations, the need and importance of communication is very vital because if the information within the firm is understood in a different way then it affects the whole business.  
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Information Communication Technology Nowadays Technology Essay
5 pages (1691 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Proper organization structure, resource management and staffing are the key strategies for the success of any business of the company need to be motivated to make them enjoy their duties which enhances the productivity of the organization. Adoption of Information Communication Technology in businesses fosters overwhelming business relationships.
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Carbon Dioxide As Natural Refrigerant Technology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Carbon dioxide has the least surface tension at saturation temperature as compared to other refrigerants, while NH3 has the highest. As compared to other refrigerants, carbon dioxide (CO2) has about 60-70% more heat transfer coefficient (except NH3). The higher the vapor density of the refrigerants, the higher will be its heat absorbing capacity.
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How Does New Technology Help the Arts Technology Research Paper
10 pages (3003 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The modern triumphal march of digital art has touched all aspects of cultural production (Galkin, 2007). Computer three-dimensional visual effects and animation created an entirely new visual landscape of the 1990s. That majorly affected mass cultural production. The cinema has become, in fact, hard to distinguish from computer animation in terms of visual quality and technology of production.
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Nanotechnology and Implications for Renewable Energy Technology Essay
5 pages (1732 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It is without question that technology has heavily impacted the way in which processes take place within the modern world. The changes in technology over the past hundred years have been profound; giving mankind the ability to fly, orbit the Earth, visit the moon, create the Internet, build the computer, and perfect the internal combustion engine.
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Water, Water Everywhere: Hydrodynamic Power Technology Essay
5 pages (1347 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Hydrodynamic comes out as a very innovative and highly patented technology used for electric power generation. It makes use of nature’s resources, water, and phenomena of Perpetual Gravity Force (PGF). During the energy generation in using this method, the system continuously converts Hydrostatic Pressure Potential Energy (HPPE), which exists in an infinite manner in a column of water.
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Why You Should Wear Your Seat Belt Technology Literature review
5 pages (1558 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
An increase in the use of seat belts has resulted in a decline in the fatality and injuries rates in a road accident. The report illustrates no belt use in the driving is 2.18 greater than the police with no injury, whereas 1.08 greater fatality rates. Injuries of unrestrained passengers are 46.9 percent severe than people who are belted.
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Regulation of The Aircraft Operations Technology Essay
8 pages (2110 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The purpose of an Airworthiness Directive (AD) is to remind the owner that the aircraft is maybe unsafe and may not conform to the safety regulations. It also reminds them that safety regulations are mandatory and need to be carried out. The ADs are mandatory in most states and are implemented depending on the dates and hours they must be completed.
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Evaluation of a Camera and a Lens Technology Coursework
5 pages (1407 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
A wide aperture emanates from a higher focal length (Gietler, 2014). While using the wide-open aperture, changing the max aperture will complicate the manual exposure mode (Carnathan, 2014). In a Canon EOS 550D camera, the 18-55 IS uses a new circular aperture to produce better quality OOF blur (Carnathan, 2014).
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Implementation and Utilization Process of Several Advanced Technological Processes Technology Coursework
5 pages (1339 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Top-level management executives of several business organizations are also suffering from the havoc utilization and implementation of advanced technological communication processes in the business operation processes (Cole 75).  Too much advancement may lead to loss of important data and information.
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All Police in California Should Have Body Cameras Technology Essay
6 pages (1760 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Lopez turned round with the weapon still in his hand. The deputy fired eight shots at the boy, who died on the spot. The ‘AK-47’ turned out to be a BB gun. This encounter sent shock-waves through the community and spread to other parts of California. The fact that Lopez was a Latino added a racist overtone to the incident. 
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Smart Phones Impacts Teenagers Negatively Technology Essay
7 pages (1822 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The impacts of smartphones on teens' mental, social, physical, and environmental health are devastating, and a solution has to be sought if the gadgets have to remain beneficial. It is true that technological advancements have negative effects on society, but people should try to minimize these shortcomings as much as possible. 
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Crisis and Communication Technology Term Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
I will appoint five individuals from the public relations department who will be able to strategically frame messages to the public by taking keen considerations on the parameters of the crisis. This will earn the public trust and in the process avoid a panic that would have arisen as a result of the crisis.
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Robotics in the Manufacturing Industry Technology Essay
5 pages (1525 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Robotics is very effectively integrated into the manufacturing industry around the globe, and especially in the manufacturing industries in the developed world. The uniqueness of a robot lies in the automation of tasks that it can perform, i.e. even without any kind of human assistance, it can carry out complex functions with dire precision and quality.
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Goverment Ivading Privacy: GPS Tracking Technology Term Paper
5 pages (1517 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The privacy algorithm that a multimeter wave provides depends on the method called speckle detection (4). As mentioned earlier, the multimeter wave system produces a three-dimensional image of the body. Nonconducting materials like ceramics, plastics, etc. produce a solidified mass image when screened. 
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Does Technology Affect Our Health Technology Essay
5 pages (1389 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Technology in human health has been essential even though, its development enabled many activities to be done without the need to leave home or office space. This is propelled by technology as it increasingly becomes convergent like the capabilities of smartphones allowing smartphones to access the internet, which enables increased multi-media interaction.
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Impact of Robots in Real Life Technology Essay
5 pages (1596 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Rehabilitation robots are a group of robots that supports and facilitates the life of the infirm, people with body parts that are dysfunctional, and elderly people. In addition, the biorobots are robots designed for imitating animal and human cognition. The telepresence robots are robots that allow the offsetting of the medical professional in moving and looking around.
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How the Cell Phones Operate Technology Essay
5 pages (1314 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Digital devices have shrunk in their size and expanded in their capacity. Cellular phones are a prime example of this digital invasion and expansion. Cellular phones which were once limited to being mere wireless devices capable of transmitting voice signals, they in present times consist of entire operating systems and computers within.
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Are Intellectual Property Rights in the Interests of the Public Good Technology Essay
5 pages (1434 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The regulation and management of the production of knowledge are at the center of the working of the new knowledge economy and its beneficiaries. Intellectual property is part of a society’s system of innovation and its intention is to restrict the use of knowledge produced by innovators by charging a fee that serves as a return and therefore an incentive for more innovations.
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Technology, Culture and Power Global Perspectives Technology Essay
12 pages (3378 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Segmentation position and targeting market is facilitated by the technology advance as research is electronically conducted and specific niches that are more appealing to a particular firm’s product are distributed or can be produced in one nation and through massive development in infrastructure delivered to a foreign nation.
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Changing the Way We Conduct Business Technology Coursework
5 pages (1524 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Due to the fact that technology can help marketers make adverts look more attractive and convincing, people have often been influenced to lose their sense of reality and spend money on items they could otherwise not have bought. It has led to increased impulse buying, money which could be used for more productive purposes.
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Impact of Technology on Modern Warfare Technology Term Paper
15 pages (4165 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The changes observed in modern warfare have played a major role in shaping international politics and relations. Modern warfare started in World War II and since that time great improvements have been witnessed and in modern times, drones that are unmanned are able to gather intelligence and send videos.
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Technologies That Empower Children Technology Essay
5 pages (1397 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The success of future generations is partially contingent upon the degree of familiarity that they are able to have with electronic devices. Accordingly, the need to be familiar with them and competent in their use is essential if they are to be profitable and gain the necessary skills to maintain a level of competency and competitiveness in the job market of the future.
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Digital Technology A New Age Technology Essay
9 pages (2496 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Before the rise of digital technology, any ownership in the news industry was classified based on the medium that they specialized in. there were those who concentrated on print media, television and also radio broadcasts. With time they have now consolidated and become large media houses dealing with all these aspects.
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Lisrel and Eqs Structural Model Strategies Technology Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Multiple coding helps in case of polysomic meanings. In this case, the output of the specific code through which all the sections of the transcribed information is classified under just a specific like the gender aspect. The other sections that fall under the specific code are coded again in order to obtain smaller categories of data.
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The Future of Animation Is 3D Animation Technology Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Ideally, 3D animation relates to animating objects that appear in a three-dimensional space where we can rotate and move such objects like real objects. Notably, drawings, models, or inanimate objects are subject to 3D animation (Rebelo 1). The 3D animations act as an impressive and long-lasting manner of bringing to life an idea that is difficult to visualize or a design on the drawing board.
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Cyberspace Policy Technology Term Paper
11 pages (3164 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
In conclusion, in the end, one must consider some interdependencies between cybersecurity and the political goals of the respective nations; in this case, it is the USA. It has often been observed that by virtue of cyber security, various ruling parties used to keep track of the opposition which is not at all right.
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Global Terrorism Threat for the United States of America Technology Assignment
5 pages (1596 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration has developed standards of ensuring interoperable communication across homeland security agencies and authentication methods such as biometric identifiers and SMART cards in order to ensure the security of the disaster communication system (Sullivant, 2007).
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Artificial Neural Networks Controller vs Proportional Integral Derivative Controller Technology Report
6 pages (1720 words) , Download 0 , Report
The first part provides an introduction of general motor application, then followed by the definition of both the Artificial Neural Networks and Proportional, Integral, and Derivative controllers. The main part of the paper brings out the description of ANN controllers and eventual comparison to PID controller.
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Mining, Technology Management in Mining Technology Essay
7 pages (2279 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The Santa Rosa Project lies within the Cajamarca-Valdivia which encompasses a Palaeozoic metamorphic basement complex and the Cretaceous Antioquia batholith. The project covers 320 square kilometres, and the latest gold mining project at San Ramon is located 70 km north of Medellin, in the Department of Antioquia, Colombia.
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Imaging Informatics Presentation Technology PowerPoint Presentation
5 pages (1896 words) , Download 0 , PowerPoint Presentation
For print management, the Agfa has the basic grayscale print management Meta, basic film box, basic colour image box, basic colour print management Meta and the basic annotation box, all SOP class (Agfa, 2005) whereas the Synapse only has the basic grayscale management Meta and the basic film box, also all SOP.
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The Increasing Advancements in Technology Technology Essay
5 pages (1550 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Personal computers have become an important part of our lives. Computer hardware has the capacity to store terabytes of data and working at a faster speed. Through new technology, other things such as laptops have been invented. They are now capable of doing the same function as their desktop computers while being optimized for mobile use.
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Causes and Effects of Technological Innovation Technology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The history of technological innovation reflects the brilliance of the human brain. From the printing press in the 15th century through the external combustion steam engine in the 17th century and to the smartphones in the 21st century, mankind has been on a never-ending journey of technological advancement
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Impact of Transportation Technology Technology Research Paper
8 pages (2105 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Auto-mobiles have contributed significantly to the field of mobility. They have enhanced the movement of goods and passengers across geographic areas. Increased vehicle ownership, as well as improved infrastructures, have resulted in urbanization. They have increased the movement of people from cities to developing sub-urban areas.
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The Dark Side of Technology Technology Essay
5 pages (1434 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The term technology in its basic sense is used to refer to various devices, machinery, and methods that are utilized by individuals with the purpose of making their lives easier. Since the inception of the world, various technologies have been developed and the primary motive behind the development of these technologies was to enhance the living standards.
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Public Relations Campaign Proposal Technology Research Proposal
9 pages (2520 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Most importantly, the number of handsets sold would be the main benchmark on which the performance of the campaign would be based. Given the current low figures, the campaign is expected to triple the percentage of handsets sold within the first year so it can hope to achieve its ambition of taking a 10% market share in the 2 years.  
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Magnetic Fingerprinting and Automated Fingerprint Identification Technology Essay
6 pages (1996 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Fingerprint recovery from a crime scene is a crucial method in forensic science. They are the impressions left by the friction edges of the human finger or even the human foot. Image acquisition of the fingerprint is regarded as the most crucial step in an automated fingerprint identification system, such as IAFAS.
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New Technological Advances and Developments in Nursing Technology Essay
5 pages (1499 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Although most of the technologies are not used on a large scale, future trends indicate that they will be adopted by many countries. It is therefore important for these technologies to receive the necessary support from the healthcare service providers and governments to ensure their successful adoption.
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Dominant Ideas about Technology and Science Technology Assignment
6 pages (1683 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
One need only looks around us and read the news to determine that the most pressing environmental and social issues that confront us today could be attributed to the pursuit of technology and science. The rapid industrialization and economic development as spurred by technology as well as the scientific discoveries were all being undertaken regardless of their impact on nature and human life.
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Mechanisms Used to Enhance Effective and Efficient Airport Cargo Export and Import Operations Technology Research Paper
5 pages (1739 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
For the inbound consignment, development entails regulatory and customs procedures together with consolidation. For the transshipment shipment, activities are limited to offloading, consolidating, as well as reloading the cargo. At times, it involves a direct transfer between airplanes a process widely known as a tail-to-tail transfer.
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Types of Alternative Energy Technology Essay
6 pages (1614 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The use of hydrogen is yet another example of storing wind energy. The excess wind energy is stored in hydrogen fuel cells. The method involves splitting water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen by electricity that is generated from wind turbines (Hadjipaschalis, Poullikkas, and Efthimiou, P. 1516).
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E-Diplomacy Benefits and Theories Technology Research Paper
22 pages (6598 words) , Research Paper
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The twenty-five publications were was collected from four main databases such as Amazon, Google scholar, the web of science, and Scopus. That can be measured as a limitation to the research as there are many other search engines, e-libraries, and databases that can be used. The keywords and Boolean algebra combinations can be modified.
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Benefits of the ELMO Projector Technology Technology Case Study
5 pages (1315 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Technology can have a mutual relationship with education. The surfacing of new technology has pushed educators to leverage and understanding these techniques for classroom purposes, at the same time, the implementation of these new technologies in the classroom can have a direct impact on how these technologies are shaped. 
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Video Critique: World without Mobile Technology Technology Essay
6 pages (1414 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Thinking patterns are informed by customs and cultural practices. The human way of doing things become norms, and they are institutionalized. The critical and questioning power of why things are the way they are is to some extent inhibited by the societal myths.
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Renewable Energy Sources and Low Carbon Techniques Technology Term Paper
5 pages (1542 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
It is recommended that the UK should have 10 million homes with solar panels by the end of 2020 (Harvey, 2014). Energy and energy resources have become a crucial issue for the UK. Both green electricity and green heat are two equally effective resources used for generating energy and electricity for satisfying ever-growing needs for energy consumption.
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