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Robotic Simulation of the Musculo-Skeletal System Technology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
According to the study findings, it can, therefore, be said that the skeletal muscles are also called voluntary or striated muscles which possess peculiar anatomical and physiological characteristics to enable them to control locomotion in conjunction with the skeletal structures, under the influence of neural signals from the brain.
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How the Computer Forensics Type of Technology Applied to Detect Crime Technology Case Study
5 pages (1394 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Today, there are many sophisticated solutions like vests to stop bullets, electronic monitoring for surveillance, telemedicine for prisoners so that there is no need to move them, computerized crime maps to catch the crime incidence, and the like, that have greatly improved the criminal justice system.
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Globalization is What Has Brought the World Together Technology Essay
5 pages (1487 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Globalization is what has brought the world together. This is how companies have been able to compete with each other, try and take over each other, and determine their position in the global market today. Each company has its strategies and ways of establishing itself in the international scenario and making it large.
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Technology Impact on Business and Customer Technology Research Paper
5 pages (1515 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The research aims to analyze some of the main areas regarding the new technology application and its possible advantages to the business and customers. Technology is changing more rapidly day by day, which helps businesses to move further. Particularly in this century, many technological developments have taken place and carry on happening.
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The Development of Network Intrusion Detection Systems Technology Research Paper
5 pages (1683 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
With the restriction placed on the type of packets and in a controlled environment, the approach has proven that anomalies such as probes and denial of service attacks can be easily distinguished from the normal packets in a high traffic network system. The initial contradiction between the sampling techniques allows an opportunity.
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Technological Developments in History Technology Report
5 pages (1378 words) , Download 0 , Report
Several patterns of thinking have brought about this change in information technology. Compared to the human the computer was capable of doing more work at a lower cost. The degree of accuracy obtained was of a higher quality compared to the same work done by the human hand. The time involved in such an exercise was also a small percentage of the time required to do it manually.
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Forex Derivatives - A Tool to Minimise Corporate Risks Technology Coursework
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Companies like Fortune brands, ExxonMobil and Colgate Palmolive earns more than half of their revenues in foreign nations. Further, Coca-Cola Co is having a business operation in more than 160 nations and employs forty different currencies. About more than sixty per cent of its aggregate annual operating income is being earned outside the US.
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Reliability and Effectiveness of Technical Telecommunications Systems Technology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
According to the paper, radio, television and print media have revolutionized the relying on information across the board. Radios and television broadcasting have effectively enabled governments to transmit crucial information to the citizens. Government policies and laws are published on various gazettes and other print media publications. 
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The Argument of Neil Postman on Technopolis Technology Report
6 pages (1809 words) , Download 0 , Report
Machines may also take away from the truth, and theoretical sciences, based on true research of deepening into meanings and significances, as well, as to enhance positive sciences and a pre-modeled and patronized way of research, giving power to authority, and removing domination from real authority by human existence. Technology may be a facility and a tool but by no means, a way of life.
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Technical Environment for an mHealth Implementation in Ghana Technology Outline
11 pages (5329 words) , Download 0 , Outline
The decision to undertake research related to mHealth was because of my interest in Healthcare. Being a medical doctor and having worked in Ghana, which is deficient in healthcare personnel, I have the first-hand experience in how a project related to mHealth will help to improve the health outcome of Ghanaians.
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Social Network Sites and Online Communities of People Technology Essay
5 pages (1327 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The active creation of an online identity contributes to a full realization of True Self. Man is a social animal. But as lives have become busier, one gets little time to meet face-to-face with relatives, old friends, classmates, and even neighbors. Online SNSs save time as one can always catch up with others whenever one wants.
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The Essential Topics in Computer Science and Information Theory Technology Essay
6 pages (1713 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Although data compression algorithms provide a useful solution for data storage and transmission, it also comes with trade-offs between different factors; the amount of introduced distortion (in case of use of a lossy compression encoding scheme), and the computational resources required to compress and decompress the data.
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The Most Interesting Development in the Motor Vehicle Industry Technology Essay
6 pages (1669 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Upgraded race cars are the ones in which modifications have to be done to improve performance on fuel consumption and other features that make the car perform much better compared to its original state. The Grand Turismo provides a good example of car upgrades. The upgrades may involve changing the body to make it much lighter.
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Texting Messages while Driving Technology Case Study
5 pages (1507 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Cell phones are also such inventions that have made man slaves by controlling their minds and actions. Immediate interaction with friends and family through a diverse range of modes has proven to be contagious for mankind. Such interactions bear consequential instances if they are not used in a responsible manner.
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How Have Cell Phones Changed Our Lives Technology Term Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Cell phones have the potential to be misused. The same device used to keep in touch with one’s family and friends can just as easily be used to keep an illicit affair with one’s paramour. The same camera phone used to store memories of unforgettable moments in one’s life can just as easily be used as an aid to cheating in exams
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New Technologies Discovered Technology Essay
6 pages (1636 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The ultimate goal of 4G technology is to increase wireless, long-range, and high-speed signal transmission (Berndt, 2008). I am going to focus on the 4G technology. 4G which is a short form of Fourth (4th) Generation Technology, this is basically the extension of 3G technology but with more bandwidth and services offers in the 3G mobile.
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Specification of Software Systems Technology Report
5 pages (1528 words) , Download 0 , Report
Computer systems consist of both software and hardware. The hardware components are tangible components of the system: main memory, CPU, peripherals such as a monitor, video display, etc (Gookin 2006). The software part is the set of instructions that define the actions of the computer hardware (Alagar and Peryasammy 2011). Typically a computer requires both the system software.
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The Role of Technology in the Improvement of Human Development Technology Essay
5 pages (1310 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The extreme use of these communicating gargets such as the phone can hurt the vision. This is experienced by the long exposure of the eyes to the light from the screen. In such cases, one usually finds himself not in a position to effectively handle integration with others which gradually affects face-to-face communication.
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Dealing With USS Mazeltov Nuclear Leak Case Technology Research Paper
5 pages (1600 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Immediate evacuation of the people is necessary. The military should be employed to handle this task because of their known speed and skills in handling such tasks. A special team with a special gear should be sent to handle the areas most exposed to radioactive materials. The use of the military in this exercise might seem used of excessive force. 
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Hewlett-Packard Company which Involved in Carbon Trading Technology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Manufacturing contributes to global warming through energy consumption, producing products that use large amounts of energy or those that generate a lot of carbon dioxide during their use. This, therefore, indicates that global warming can only be controlled satisfactorily by involving all major stakeholders.
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Electronic Displays: LCDs and LEDs Technology Coursework
7 pages (2052 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Technology made the CRT display devices the most common type of display devices for television transmission. The other intensive use of the CRT display devices was as the display for the computers. The bulk production of the CRT devices made them cheap but CRT display devices consume much energy as compared to other display devices.
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Energy Management and Operations Technology Case Study
6 pages (1581 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
A fact has been featured in the fluctuations that occur in the environment. These changes have plunged the universe into a hazardous quagmire with carbon dioxide levels elevating in the atmosphere. The accumulation results in variable weather patterns and overall climate change that proves destructive to life. 
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Providing Freshwater in Arid Areas Technology Report
5 pages (1435 words) , Download 0 , Report
Based on the difficulty experienced in obtaining water in various dry parts on earth, the possibility of obtaining freshwater in such areas drops even further. To facilitate the supply of sufficient freshwater in arid areas, special techniques must be applied considering the challenges faced by these regions.
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China Factories: A Fortune or Failure Technology Report
5 pages (1603 words) , Download 0 , Report
In this era, a typical individual owns one or two electronic devices composed primarily of a mobile phone and selection between laptop, camera, tablet, music players, etc. It’s an epoch of electronics where people breathe and live with electronic devices of all kinds to make life easier, better, and more glamorous for some. 
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The Clinical Investigation Technology Thesis
5 pages (1511 words) , Download 0 , Thesis
The article focuses on collaborations at three levels: at the individual level, population level, and the comparative medicine level. At the personal level, concerns are on the individuals in close contact with animals, e.g., pet owners and animal handlers.
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The History of the Computers Technology Essay
5 pages (1617 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Truly, life in modern society cannot be possible without the use of computers. Computers have actually become a part of our lives, and the world would come to a stop if computers stopped working. As we celebrate the various advantages of computers in our lives, it is important to make a stop and have a look at the historical evolution of computers.
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Violence in the Video Games Technology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
This research tells that technology has bestowed several unique and interesting things to the human kinds but unfortunately, all the products of technology are not completely beneficial for the human beings. There are some products of technology that remain surrounded by great waves of criticism and controversies because it is claimed that their benefits are lesser than its disadvantages.
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Impact of Technology in Society Technology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
This essay discusses that the overall social impact of railway transport during the industrial revolution was a remarkable change in people’s social life across all societies that enjoyed the use of rail transport during the era of the industrial revolution. Before the railway transport came into place, people could not travel long distances.
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Solar Energy as Ideal Alternative Energy Source Technology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The alternate sources of energy can affect the society in tremendous ways. One of the most commonly used alternative energy sources is solar power, which is tapped from the sun. This study seeks to explore solar power as an alternate energy source, how it may affect the spheres of the earth, and its impact on society.
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Mathematical Modeling of the Rate of Coffee Cooling Technology Report
8 pages (1144 words) , Download 12 , Report
An experiment was carried out to investigate the cooling of coffee of only hot water and that of a mixture of milk and water in a mathematical model. The investigation was carried out and data recorded with time intervals. Texas instruments CBL interface and an attached handheld TI-84 plus silver edition were used with the goal of creating a model that describes the process.
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Sports and Technology and Connection between them Technology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
As the study highlights, application of goal-line technology will lower the popularity of football. Football fans consider this application destructive to their game. Although football officials have significant anticipations in technology, its application will not be highly successful. Application of technology will reduce the uniformity of the game and its enthusiasm.
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Global Combat Support System Marine Corps Technology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The system’s acquisition centered on the premise that it would enhance the overall effectiveness of the Marine's combat system. The marine sought a cutting-edge technology with the capacity to offer a deployable and single entry point for all marine logistics and GCSS-MC proved to be the answer. GCSS-MC aims at providing technical support with regard to logistics operations.
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Making Batteries out of Coins Technology Essay
5 pages (1375 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Energy has been a very vital aspect of the survival of humans. Historically, humans have invented various forms of energy that support their living. Through energy, humans generated power that could drive machinery and make it possible for engines to propel large machinery and perform heavier tasks, which would otherwise be impossible.
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Risk Assessment on Silver Nanoparticles Technology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Nanotechnology is widely used in the manufacture of different components due to the varying characteristics of its atoms which eventually determine the quality of the entire component. Depending on their sizes, nano-particles significantly influence the nature of the component such as color, texture, magnetism, conductivity and flexibility.
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US Homeland Security Department Activity Technology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The program and the DHS have reorganized multiple times with continued stabilization as time advances. The size of its parent DHS and its mission let it shift its personnel and resources to meet emerging threats and needs. The program, working under the DHS S & T, operates in an extremely difficult political landscape.
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Application And Environmental Impact Of Geothermal Energy Technology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Thermal energies have varying temperatures; and an operational definition is formulated for low temperatures: temperatures that are less than 149 degree Celsius. While they are not normally used for large-scale production of geothermal power, they are commonly utilized for heating, industrial applications, and fisheries among others.
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The Role of Computer Technology as a Force of Social Development Technology Essay
5 pages (1484 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The various uses of computers affect the interactions of people in society either in a positive or negative way. The main social development brought by computer technology is in communication changes. The introduction of computer communication networks, which are highly utilized, has resulted in the development of more electronic social interactions and communication, which are more efficient.
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Why There Are Few Women Working in Technology Technology Literature review
11 pages (3043 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
We can therefore conclude that there are few women in technology professions primarily because few women choose technology-related careers. The reasons for this can be summarised into three; they think it is not interesting, they assume they would not be good at it and they think that they will be working alongside a number of persons that they would feel unhappy or uncomfortable working with.
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Issues Concerning Modern Technology Technology Annotated Bibliography
5 pages (1526 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
Although the Internet has been the most profound and heated phenomenon during this age, researchers have proved that technologies and their application can put the lives of the users at risk. It is argued that websites promote ignorance and narcissism. Technology on the other hand promotes writing and reading acts. Technology is believed to be changing the manner in which community behavior either transform due to the influence.
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How New Technologies Can Affect People Daily Lives Technology Essay
7 pages (1969 words) , Download 0 , Essay
With the rapid development of technology, many different kinds of technology have changed dramatically, and some changes affecting society. In current society, technology has become an essential part of people’s lives, almost everyone in the world uses some kinds of technology. These new technologies can change people’s quality of life.
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Managerial Approach to the LAMBSA Liquid Egg Poduct Technology Case Study
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
After a period of about six months after the introduction of the product in the market, decisions to expand the market can be made after assessing the preliminary performance of the new product. It is imperative to carry out product review throughout the product life cycle so as to enable the company to operate effectively.
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Emerging Communication Technology: Ipad Technology Research Paper
5 pages (1582 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Communication is a common topic in which we all are very familiar. We can communicate with anyone through a common language.  In business organizations, the need and importance of communication is very vital because if the information within the firm is understood in a different way then it affects the whole business.  
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Information Communication Technology Nowadays Technology Essay
5 pages (1691 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Proper organization structure, resource management and staffing are the key strategies for the success of any business of the company need to be motivated to make them enjoy their duties which enhances the productivity of the organization. Adoption of Information Communication Technology in businesses fosters overwhelming business relationships.
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Carbon Dioxide As Natural Refrigerant Technology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Carbon dioxide has the least surface tension at saturation temperature as compared to other refrigerants, while NH3 has the highest. As compared to other refrigerants, carbon dioxide (CO2) has about 60-70% more heat transfer coefficient (except NH3). The higher the vapor density of the refrigerants, the higher will be its heat absorbing capacity.
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How Does New Technology Help the Arts Technology Research Paper
10 pages (3003 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The modern triumphal march of digital art has touched all aspects of cultural production (Galkin, 2007). Computer three-dimensional visual effects and animation created an entirely new visual landscape of the 1990s. That majorly affected mass cultural production. The cinema has become, in fact, hard to distinguish from computer animation in terms of visual quality and technology of production.
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Nanotechnology and Implications for Renewable Energy Technology Essay
5 pages (1732 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It is without question that technology has heavily impacted the way in which processes take place within the modern world. The changes in technology over the past hundred years have been profound; giving mankind the ability to fly, orbit the Earth, visit the moon, create the Internet, build the computer, and perfect the internal combustion engine.
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Water, Water Everywhere: Hydrodynamic Power Technology Essay
5 pages (1347 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Hydrodynamic comes out as a very innovative and highly patented technology used for electric power generation. It makes use of nature’s resources, water, and phenomena of Perpetual Gravity Force (PGF). During the energy generation in using this method, the system continuously converts Hydrostatic Pressure Potential Energy (HPPE), which exists in an infinite manner in a column of water.
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Why You Should Wear Your Seat Belt Technology Literature review
5 pages (1558 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
An increase in the use of seat belts has resulted in a decline in the fatality and injuries rates in a road accident. The report illustrates no belt use in the driving is 2.18 greater than the police with no injury, whereas 1.08 greater fatality rates. Injuries of unrestrained passengers are 46.9 percent severe than people who are belted.
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Regulation of The Aircraft Operations Technology Essay
8 pages (2110 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The purpose of an Airworthiness Directive (AD) is to remind the owner that the aircraft is maybe unsafe and may not conform to the safety regulations. It also reminds them that safety regulations are mandatory and need to be carried out. The ADs are mandatory in most states and are implemented depending on the dates and hours they must be completed.
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Evaluation of a Camera and a Lens Technology Coursework
5 pages (1407 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
A wide aperture emanates from a higher focal length (Gietler, 2014). While using the wide-open aperture, changing the max aperture will complicate the manual exposure mode (Carnathan, 2014). In a Canon EOS 550D camera, the 18-55 IS uses a new circular aperture to produce better quality OOF blur (Carnathan, 2014).
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