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The Automobile is one of the most popular assignments among students' documents. If you are stuck with writing or missing ideas, scroll down and find inspiration in the best samples. Automobile is quite a rare and popular topic for writing an essay, but it certainly is in our database.
This paper attempts to analyze the Automobile industry with special emphasis on car manufacturing sector. The economy of a nation is indebted in huge measures to the Automobile industry for its growth and development. Free trade policies opened the floodgates for many new car manufacturers.... According to the paper, analytical tools like PESTLE and Porter's five forces have identified the major drivers of this industry. Among macro-environmental factors, technology and government support are the...
The paper "The Automobile Industry and Automobile Products" explores a car manufacturer. The Vehicle Manufacturers (VM) have certain commitments and at the same time always looking forward to the demand of their product offerings. The generic segments consist of family.... Family and business partners are the two top important market segments in the car industry because of their high value for VM based on commodity issues. However, suppliers have also their target market segments and they usually...
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In the paper 'Automobile Innovation' the author discusses the innovation of the Automobile, which has increased the socioeconomic and ethnic stratification among communities. This is because, the wealthy people, have now moved to the most expensive suburbs.... The author states that the use of cars has reshaped the families' pattern in that the old-fashioned beliefs of the family as a unit are now forgotten, and people are now becoming more independent, individuals are now able to act upon their...
... The paper "Automobile Transmission" is a good example of an engineering and construction coursework. The system will have proximity sensors to follow the car in-front, monitoring systems to evaluate driving conditions and limit peak speed appropriately, and the ability to self-test and ensure that the car is in a safe state to drive before engaging. Project Title: control system Modeling
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The system will have proximity sensors...
In Dubai, the automotive industry has shown a rapid growth in the last four years. It has been recorded that the industry has grown to $4.7 billion in 2013 from $1.1 billion in 2004. The industry has seen growth in... The paper 'UAE Automobile Industry Analysis' is an informative example of a management report. The paper is based on the automotive industry in Dubai, UAE. In Dubai, the automotive industry has shown rapid growth in the last four years. It has been recorded that the industry has grown...
United States Automobile Industry
The auto industry is one of the most influential segments in the US economy, providing a substantial fraction of the national employment and having a major impact on GDP.... The US Automobile segment is a huge industry producing durable consumer goods and using a nationally oriented advertising strategy to market its product. Considering all the intermediate products used in auto construction and distribution (rubber, machine tools, trucking, etc.), the total impact...
The paper "The US Automobile Industry" highlights that the U.S. car industry will expand both its terms of scale and scope of operations in the future. All the firms in the industry in the U.S. will roll out about 80 million new vehicles in their domestic and international markets.... The U.S. is one of the most efficient and prosperous economies in the world. The country is considered to be a developed nation and its economic system goes through massive commercial activities. With the growth of...
The focus in this paper is on car accidents which can cause more deaths than infections. Often accidents make people incompetent for life, and the vehicle can not be repaired. So, it is important to establish Automobile safety features to enhance the security of passengers, pedestrians, and cars.... Automobile safety is concerned with the study and practice of construction, design, equipment, and regulation that are intended to minimize the incidence and consequences of Automobile accidents. Road...
This essay "The Automobile Industry" focuses on the Automobile industry which is one of the biggest industries in the business world and has grown tremendously. The Automobile industry refers to all the vehicle manufacturing plants and car brands that are currently present in the market. ... Response to competitive pressure from other firms in the business is responded through a number of ways with the most popular being the coming up of new designs (J.D. Power). These designs come with new features...
An essay "Skoda Automobile Company" claims that Skoda Automobile company started its operations in 1925 after a lengthened period of producing customized bicycles. The company based in the Czech Republic advanced gradually in producing bicycles and cars for the Czech market. ... The discussion entails an evaluative survey of Skoda Automobile Company. It draws the critical incidents in the history of the business entity. The introduction stipulates the foundation, products, and shifts in business....
The paper "The Geneva Automobile Exposition" describes that The Geneva Exposition was a unique example of how sociological principles can be applied to promotions, show structure and content, and class distinctions which were manifested through unique service concepts.... The offering of VIP services to higher-income professionals was not very surprising, based on sociological theories about class divisions and attitudes related to class distinction. Many Asian cultures are hedonistic, meaning that...
From the paper "Ford Automobile Vertical Analysis" it is clear that generally, Henry Ford faced a difficult time in the early 1900s, due to a shortage of raw materials as well as the inability of the small supply network to meet the industry's demands.... Many people attribute the concept of vertical integration to a 19th-century steel tycoon Andrew Carnegie. Subsequently, many organizations have adopted the concept with a view of improving efficiency and financial growth in their business operations....
The paper "Outsourcing of Automobile Materials" tells us about act of getting materials for a production process. For a production process the materials could vary from human labor to raw naturally found products, rubber in this case study.... Outsourcing is always done by an organization for a various reasons, all meant to cut down the production cost, improve efficiency and improve quality. The motivation for a nation to import products and services from foreign countries is conceivably less apparent...
The Automobile industry has experienced significant changes over the recent past. Although the US Automobile industry has remained stable in many regards, recent economic trends have changed the industry for good. ... US Automobile Industry Analysis
This report analyzes the Automobile industry in general, and considers a specific case of Honda Motor Company. The Automobile industry, according to a 2007 census, consists of 174 companies, which employ 64,436 people (US Census Bureau, 1). Of the...
The paper 'The Automobile Industry' presents the leading industrial activities in this modern world. Starting out only as far back as the second half of the nineteenth century, with its roots in the developed world of Europe and the United States of America, the Automobile has progressed.... In the present world, the consequences of globalization have led to extreme competition in most industrial segments including the Automobile industry. BMW operates in this competitive industrial segment along...
The study "Chinese Automobile Industry" focuses on the critical analysis of the major trends in the development of the Chinese Automobile industry. Automobile sale is projected at 12% in the coming years and it is a steady one for an industry that is already ahead in the global market.... The growth of the motor vehicle industry will boost the growth of the auto-parts industry. Not only the local Automobile industries but many global Automobile industries established in the fast-growing Chinese market....
The better space Automobile is a company that was introduced in an attempt to shift transportation to electric engines from then fuel combustion engines. ... The move of Better Place was considered to develop environmentally friendly engines and the use of the renewable energy sources. Developing such technologies required well-coordinated stakeholders including the developers, consumers, and efficient management. ? 2000 Word Exam s - Strategic Management Analysis Better Place Automobile Industry...
The author describes a basic braking system which consists of the brake device components which are applied in the slowing down or stopping a vehicle. The following are the components of a barking system; brake cylinders, brake boosters, wheel studs, pumps, roll, and brake lines ... This is achieved through a diagonally split system. The system uses the primary and secondary master cylinders to apply hydraulic pressure on the respective systems the cylinders simultaneously moving. The brake lines...
The paper "The Automobile Industry" tells that today's Automobile industry is becoming increasingly competitive. With the shift in global economies, the continuously rising fuel prices lead to a simultaneous rise in consumer preferences towards fuel-efficient cars, the coming of Western age.... Emerging Asian economies such as India and China threaten global economies by threatening to disrupt the global equilibrium through rapid growth. The countries' continuous economic reforms have driven them...
Indeed, from the very dawn of civilization people tried to make their lives more convenient which lead to new discoveries. In addition to that, this... Nevertheless, it may be quite interesting to think what would happen to a society that is not able to enjoy benefits of technological advancement. This paper will analyze a hypothetical situation when all cars were banned in the United States of To begin with, it would be important to examine the effect it would have on different areas of life. First...
The paper focuses on what adjustments Americans would need to make to transition to an Automobile-free society, whether or not these adjustments could be made, what this author would have to give up in order to live in such society and whether the society would benefit from this particular approach. ... The litany of studies have been performed indicate the driver suspended in excess of 30 minutes per day interact experienced statistically measurable differences in their overall lifespan (Hills,...
The United States government is committed to offering economic incentives to its people; the intent of such incentives is in the form of taxation policies, subsidies and credit policies. The government at all levels i.e. state and municipal governments have struggled to induce job creation.... The United States reign supreme in technological and financial avenue, however for the sake of profit-making all such units were outsourced, bringing more revenue to the country but lesser to its people. US...
This paper stresses that the US government is committed to offering economic incentives to its people; the intent of such incentives is in the form of taxation policies, subsidies, and credit policies. The government at all levels i.e. state and municipal governments have struggled to induce job creation. ... As the discussion highlights, the US reign supreme in the technological and financial avenue, however for the sake of profit-making all such units were outsourced, bringing more revenue to the...
This paper ''Japanese Automobile Industry'' tells that the Japanese Automobile firm since its formation has been the major safeguarded and nationalistic in the globe. During the 1930s, the army-managed administration tried to establish a whole Japanese-possessed and Japanese-managed Automobile firm.... After the war, the 70-percent levy on automobiles became lowered to 40-percent, as against the 35 percent in Western Europe and 10 percent in the United States, after which it went down to 30 percent...
This paper describes the emissions of hybrid vehicles with that of conventional gasoline and diesel vehicles and explains how the use of hybrids will assist the reduction of harmful effects of greenhouse gas emissions in a very significant manner.... Some of the successful international collaborations can be noted in Fuji-Xerox partnership, Motorola- Toshiba alliance (Asia Beckons 1992) or the Phillips – Matsushita technological standards agreements (Reilley 1993). When firms collaborate on...
The author of this essay "The Automobile Industry" provides an analysis of BMW business development. As the text has it, BMW is a Germany firm specializing in automobiles, motorcycle and engine production. Founded in the year 1916, the company is currently headquartered in the city of Munich.... The current company was born from Rapp-Motorwerke that had been formed in the year 1913 by Karl Friedrich Rapp. It was taken over in 1916 when Rapp struggled financially and re-launched under a new name of...
The paper "Australia Automobile Industry" is a wonderful example of an essay on business. In the following years, the doors are likely to close for the Australian car manufacturing industry after almost a century of car making.... Australia is the first country outside Japan in which Toyota made vehicles; as a result, the business fought hard to keep its Altona running. Generally, the three Automobile brands have a deep history in Australia and have assisted the country to shape its culture (5)....
This paper ''A Hybrid Automobile'' tells us that the search for energy-efficient and perpetual motion machines has been an ongoing effort of the world's best engineers and innovations keep cropping up now and then which revolutionize technologies of the future. Automobiles with plenty of fossil fuel available to burn.... However, the present glut of automobiles spewing out noxious fumes and becoming cost inefficient due to the tremendous increase in the price of fossil fuels and the fact of its ultimate...
The fully independent front suspension comprises, on each side of the car, upper and lower, fabricated tubular steel wishbones, with a concentric coil spring/telescopic damper unit picking up on the outboard end of the lower wishbone. An extruded aluminiurn alloy hub carrier, houses a dual taper roller bearing which supports a steel hub equipped with 4 wheel studs.... A forward mounted tubular steel anti-roll bar, is supported in plastic bushes and is operated via short ball jointed drop links from...
The paper "The Automobile Industry Toyota" explains that Toyota Motor Corporation is one of the leading Automobile manufacturers in the world. It was founded on August 28, 1937, in Japan. Akio Toyoda is the current president of Toyota motor company.... The above illustrations clearly show that the customers' expectations about the Toyota brand were severely affected by the recent recall incidents. The 10k report or the annual report released by Toyota on 18 March 2011 shows that the sales of Toyota...
This report recommends additional functional features to the product mix with customized interiors and color of the vehicle of The Holden SS Ute. To maintain public relations, racing and sporting events should be organized regularly and the existing customers involved through active participation. ... The Australian Automobile market has experienced sliding sales and most companies are finding it difficult to survive. The Holden SS Ute – sports utility trucks have been popular and keep upgrading...
The better space Automobile is a company that was introduced in an attempt to shift transportation to electric engines from then fuel combustion engines. The move was considered to develop environmentally friendly engines and the use of the renewable energy sources. Developing... The paper 'Transformation of the Automobile Industry' is a management case study. The better space Automobile is a company that was introduced in an attempt to shift transportation to electric engines from then fuel combustion...
The paper contains an economic profile of the Automobile industry which is one of the most important industries in the world, generating billions of dollars in world revenues, placing more than 806 million vehicles on the roads, accelerating the business activities and linking person to person.... Increased government spending on roads, bridges, and hospitals will generate employment and inject money into the economy. This would also ensure the success of the industry. Lower labor costs in foreign...
The paper "The Automobile Association in Britain" states that the Automobile Association (The AA) is a British company established in 1905 as a motoring association. The company changed operations in 1999 after a demutualization process that saw a change of ownership to a private limited company.... As indicated earlier, the current economic situation is the main influence behind some of the company's threats. For instance, if the clients feel that the rates of the Automobile Association are high,...
The author states that automobiles do not exist in a vacuum and there is an extensive and expansive global industry that supports this essential method of transport. Therefore an understanding of this industry is very important for any student of business, politics and even sociology.... I do not consider the automotive industry to be an easy one to enter. First of all, it is a prime example of how economies of scale and costs to entry act as a barrier to entry for new manufacturers and it is unlikely...
With an estimated 28 million youth between the ages of 16 and 24, it is no wonder that Automobile makers and advertisers are eager to create a formula for youth appeal. Trying to define an Automobile's youth appeal is as daunting as attempting to describe youth itself.... It has wide-ranging variables with differing tastes. One teen's luxury ride may just be your mother's Oldsmobile to another. Yet, with all the variance in taste and requirements, there are some commonalties in this huge market...
Conclusively, it might be stated that, in spite of varied other range of vehicles, Evoque is the best vehicle presenting a symbol of status and performance. It comprises of all sorts of modern features and facilities to attract the attention of the customers as compared to others.... Overview of Automobile Industry
In this age of globalization, varied types of innovative technologies and features are introduced within the vehicles. As a result, the industry of automobiles became more competitive...
The paper "Social Impact of Automobile" presents detailed information, that consumption helps to define and answer who we are as individuals. We equate personal happiness and perception of prestige through the acquisition and exhibition of material goods.... Car designers have spent the better part of a century modeling cars to suit individual preferences, an ever-evolving process. What works for a housewife in New York may not fit a dancer in St. Louis or a Gulf Coast fisherman. The dialogue of...
"Distraction While Operating an Automobile" paper argues that driving is an everyday occurrence and is one of those skills that need our whole attention. This is because safety is involved and lives are at stake. While driving one has to incorporate complex coordination that involves mind and body.... Anything going against this code of conduct while operating an Automobile is termed as 'distractions.' The three types of distractions are – 1) visual – taking our eyes off the road. 2)...
The paper "Business Environment of Automobile Industry" highlights that the main roleplayers include the Ford Motors, the General Motors and the Chrysler. The analysis should be made as to what are the demands of the customers and what kind of the cars are in more of the demand. ... The innovations and the developments that are needed in the car industry depends on the fact that the analysis should be made as to what are the demands of the customers and what kind of the cars are in more of the demand....
The paper "Michigan as an Automobile Hub" discusses that as it has been established, there were reasons as to why and how the auto industry was established in Michigan. The State had a well-developed city of Detroit that served as the point of attraction. ... The place was not only home to auto manufacturers, it was also home to dealers and suppliers of auto parts. There are many reasons behind this. For instance, even before motor vehicles were invested or brought to America, Detroit was an industrial...
This paper talks about economic reasons behind the recent boom in the automotive industry of China. It is argued in the essay that Chinese Automobile industry boom was the result of the implementation of the socialist market regulation by government.... Two major factors, that precondition the economic development of China's auto industry are identified in the essay. These are institutional reforms and globalization of production. In 1980s China began reforms to shift economic decision making powers...
The author applies the PEST analysis for BMW corporation. The subsequent step is the examination of the immediate operational setting. This paper covers the theme of customers' challenges and the market share. The third step is a trailing of the company's shares in the final months... Tailoring the make for purposes of gaining and retaining customers will serve as bait for more demand for the Automobile products. Targeting young, technology savvy and wealthy individuals, on the other hand, will be...
The paper "The Automobile Industry of Canada" states that Peugeot, a French company, is ranked sixth in the international ranking of the Automobile industry. It is known for its wide variety of vehicles, from personal cars to heavy vehicles and even motorcycles and cycles.... Almost no industry has remained untouched by international competitive forces in this global age. Companies that were enjoying and were accustomed to great prominence in their native countries now face global pressures from...
The paper 'The History of the Automobile' focuses on the source that one selected presents a comprehensive discussion about the history of the Automobile. Aside from containing a timeline, it also discusses the impact of the Automobile on commerce, its negative impact.... The source contains only one picture of an Automobile. In the chosen source, one expects to learn about how the design of the car evolved. Another important information that the source presents is the positive and negative impact...
The main focus of this study 'Environmental Impact of Automobile Manufacturing' is to outline the sustainable business development approach. Business operations of a firm can have a serious environmental impact. It is important for firms to adopt sustainable business practices so as to lessen the impact.... The author states that sustainable business adopts all possible measures in order to meet the aspect of the triple bottom line. Human rights and environmental policies are well maintained by a...
The paper explores the entry strategies of Japanese Automobile manufacturers: their marketing strategies, ownership advantages, capabilities, management and organization structures, R&D in a case study of Toyota and other companies as well.This paper describes as well the problems that Japanese manufacturers came across and the measures and tools used to overcome them.... Using Toyota Automobile Company as a case study, this paper review management issues and strategies of the company. The brief...
The paper 'The Automobile and Aircraft Industries' focuses on Continental AG that is an international corporation based in Hanover, Germany with expertise in manufacturing parts for the Automobile and aircraft industries. Although the company has several major Automobile manufacturers.... It's pointed out that the company has sales offices in over 30 different countries, which serve as outposts catering to orders from local customers. The Headquarters based in Hanover is the sole governing authority...
This paper prepares a management report with regard to the market entry strategy of Automobile companies and more particularly, the two-wheeler manufacturing companies. It also briefly addresses the issue of internationalisation of the two-wheeler companies while taking care of related aspects.... As the report declares current trends in the international motorcycle market are showing impressive developments in increasing consumer demands for two-wheelers. In short, motorcycle market is here to stay...
This essay discusses the topic of the strategic management in the european Automobile industry. The researcher focuses on the analysis of the Munchener AG company, that is a market leader in automobiles, it's performance, challenges as well as competitors.... The researcher states that given this complex industry scenario that is expected to continue for the next 3-4 years, there is an urgent need to realign the business priorities to emerge as a winner in the increasingly competitive marketplace,...
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