These errors could at times prove to be quite fatal not only to the plane but also to the individuals onboard the plane. In addition to this the use of EFB was intended to increase efficiency of the planes. This can be attributed to the fact that with the use of EFB calculations such take-off calculation are accurate. This is in return ensures safe flying and reduced costs of production for airplanes (Jensen 2003). However, to ensure that EFB is delivers its intended objective, the use of EFB is highly monitored by the FAA.
The FAA is the regulatory body entrusted with ensuring air safety for all American airplanes. Therefore, this begs the question, is the use of electronic flight bags good for pilots? 2.1 Methodology In an effort to better understand the effect of EFB on pilots while flying across the world, it was necessary to first understand what and EFB was. Therefore, this meant boarding planes and taking a look at the cockpit as it is where the EFB is located. However, due to various difficulties it was impossible to get into a plane.
However, this was not a deterrence in trying to investigate the effectiveness of EFB. This can be attributed to the fact that by contacting retired pilots it was possible to get all the relevant information concerning the use of EFB in flying airplanes. Additionally, previous studies on the matter provided great insight as to the history and use of EFB in flying airplanes. Therefore, by incorporating both primary sources and secondary sources it was quite possible to come up with a conclusive report on whether the use of EFB is good for pilots. 2.2 Primary research Primary research entailed conducting a face to face interview with a former pilot Greg Zahornacky.
He has a vast experience when it comes to flying airplanes which he attributes to the fact that he has flown more than 1500 hours in his lifetime as a pilot. Currently he is an assistant professor. The interview was based on a set of questions prepared which mainly concentrated on the use of EFB by pilots. The answers obtained from the set of questions proved to be quite useful as they provided information necessary at reaching a conclusion whether EFB is good for pilots. 2.3 Secondary research In addition to primary research, the use of secondary research was quite vital in undertaking this report.
This is attributed to the fact that secondary research provided information that was not readily available in the primary research. Previous studies touching on EFB formed the bulk of my secondary research. Such studies ensure the credibility of this report, because they support the various conclusion and opinions that are made in this report. Therefore, without the assistance of the previous studies, the credibility of this report would be compromised greatly. Additionally, the report emphasizes on the use of peer reviewed journal articles.
This is attributed to the fact that peer reviewed articles are deemed to be quite reliable when compared to other articles. Therefore, the information contained in such articles can be relied on, thus highly increasing the credibility of this report. 3.0 Literature review and facts According to Boy (2012) Flight bags have been one of the most important tools for any given pilot in the course of flying airplanes. This is attributed to the fact that flight bags contain very crucial documents and information such as plane manual guides, operational guides and other relevant information.
Therefore, as a result of the importance, every pilot was required to carry their flight bags on every plane they boarded. However, due to the many documents these bags contained, they were quite heavy and would at times weigh nearly fifty kilograms. These along with the fact that decisions relating to the documents was based on human judgment made flying quite complex. This is attributed to the fact that traditional flight bag consisted of huge paperwork that a pilot was required to go through before reaching a decision.
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