This process has shown to suppress the tissue image wrap which do give signals on both sides of one FOV. Another procedure of ruling out this artifact is an application of NPW (no phase wrap). In this case, the PE steps are multiplied by a factor two which results to doubling time of imaging. Incase where the time of scan remains unchanged the artifacts are however, reduced. The acquisition of similar PE steps does not change the signal-to-noise ratio. Frequency oversampling and low-pass frequency filter combination is effective in lowering all forms of aliasing artifacts that are obtainable in the FE direction.
This is because they do hold signals back that they do not produce an image beyond the chosen FOV Berg & Birdwell (2006). Figure 2: A T1*W MRI aliasing artifact ( Truncation artifacts (ringing, Gibbs or edge artifacts) These artifacts result from restricted sampling that is obtained during MRI. They occur where there is a high contrast and sharp interfaces. All direction in-plane produce predetermined samples. There is high probability of artifacts developing outside the interface when correct signals are overextended or overshoot.
Gibbs is the overshooting effect and it increases both the ringing and contrast interfaces of which they both cause light and dark banding. To reduce this form of artifact, selection of matrix or FOV that is able to produce submillimeter pixels in the two-directions is recommendable Hendrick (2007). Chemical shift artifacts The hydrogen in water normally has high frequency of resonance; however, the fat hydrogen nuclei may resonant at a different frequency. If this occurs then the chemical shift artifact is obtained.
An example of this artifact is shown in figure 3 below. The results is white and black band which are usually perpendicular to the frequency encoding direction in cases where fat and water is found to be out of phase. Performance of fat-saturation is advocated to lower the signal from fat. Moreover, the effective form of reduction is achieved by keeping bandwidth per pixel high Johnson & Wisconsin University (2008). Figure 3: sagittal GRE MRI: chemical shift artifact ( Metallic artifacts In other cases the magnetic field is disturbed by metallic pieces around the scanner causing metallic artifacts as in shown in figure 4.
Such magnetic image field disturbance results from ferromagnetic metals which include cobalt, iron and nickel. These metals do have unique properties resulting from the unpaired electrons which in turn create a magnetic field. When the magnetism created is strong it destructs the MRI magnetic field. The results obtained following the acquisition of results with this form of ferrous metals magnetism disturbances produces warped images and void signals. Non-ferric materials also do produce artifacts although they are quite small as compared to those produced by ferrous metals.
During any MRI pulse sequence is advisable to use Mammo-mark clips since they are known to produce quite minimal artifacts Chen, Lehman &Dee (2004). Figure 4: Axial fat-saturated artifact imaging of GRE T2*-weighted MRI (5210/123). The lumpectomy site shows surgical clips ( Radiofrequency Transmission artifacts When MRI examination room is shielded it results in partial RF shielding which in turn creates these artifacts. A faraday cage comprising of a wire mesh which is placed in the inside walls, doors and windows of MRI room provide the RF shielding.
When the RF shield breaks or the MRI room door is left open, distinct line images occur following radio transmission especially that are adjacent to Larmor frequency. The RF transmissions in turn are fixed in the direction of FE. However, in PE views these RF artifacts occur following different amplitudes and hence do smear in the PE direction. RF artifacts as shown in the figure 5 can as well be produced when the RF is fed through fixtures, light appliances or the transmit coils.
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