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Impact of Technology on Language - Essay Example

This essay 'Impact of Technology on Language' provides evidence that the impact of technology on children's development is significant and that use of the technological media is inevitable. There are many benefits of exposing young children to multimedia devices at an early age…
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Insert name Name of Institutional: Course: 13/11/2012. Literature review Impact of technology on children language and literacy development This review provides evidence that impact of technology on children development is significant and that use of the technological media is inevitable. There are many benefits of exposing young children to multimedia devices at their early age. Despite, many benefits, there are a number of shortcomings as a result of allowing young children to use the technology devices. These effects are as a result of the content presented through the media and not purely the use of the media. In the twenty first century, most of the children time is taken up in interactions with the digital devices. Traditionally, children used most of their leisure time in the field playing (Katz, 2001). Playing is considered to be a very important engagement in children for their mental ‘and social growth. This is because it gives an opportunity for them to be creative and interact with others and adults. It also enables the children to be confident and resilient. It also gives time for exercises which is important for physical growth. The age of children before going to school is a very critical age. This is the age which critical for human development. Good care for children will allow them to undergo the cognitive development without interruptions (Caulfield, 2002). In this age, the digital technology is at disposal for children. Various gadgets are all over available for use even by these children. This has affected how children learn and what they learn. In homes, schools and even offices, these facilities are available. The children desire to own these gadgets even before their school going age. Nowadays, the children are longer spending much of their time playing, instead, such time has been replaced by spending time on the technological media. The technological advancements have created a good opportunity for accessibility of information which is important in the children’s language development (Jarvis, & Lamb, 2001). . Despite the negative effects that this technology might have on children language development, there are benefits. Examples of the medias available in this century are; televisions, music, video games, internet and radios. All these have both benefits and negative effects in children’s mental and physical growth. Television ‘was the oldest technical gadget in homes. There has been profound effect of these media on children development. Since it is not possible to do away with the ever changing technological advancement, there is a need to incorporate technology in early childhood age. These technology devices are being use for social networking, collaboration and communication purposes. This has led to changes in the operation of activities at home. One of the main challenges is the rapid changes of this technology leading the disruptions. This challenge is majorly felt be the children who are at the age of developing language from oral to written language (Caulfield, 2002). Due to use of technology media, there has been disconnect between children and their parents. This is because they spend substantial part of their before screen media. In addition, the technology has disrupted the way people view time. This alteration has not exempted children. The young children no longer find pleasure in playing because it has been put in their minds it has been implied as a waste of time. Some of the children feel guilty to take part in outdoor playing. Initially, television was the popular media but now others media have been introduced- mobile phones, internet, and computer games. Experts engaged in the research to address the issue of impact of technology on children before their school going age have come up with different conclusions. While some have proposed technological to incorporate in children learning experience, others completely disagree with this. It has been said that technology has positive impact on children through the content presented through the media and the general use of the technology. Some pediatrics have encouraged the ban of children exposure to screen media who at the age of below two years. The children who are older than two years should only be allowed screen time of at most two hours. This limitation was indented to reduce the chances of obesity in children. This is because while children spend time on the screen they consumed junk foods that could contribute to obesity. Other negative effects of exposing young children to screen media are irregular sleep patterns, attention problems, negative effects on socialization and language development. However, apart from this claims, others researchers have concluded from their researches that screen media is not harmful to the children. In fact, some have said that the programs in the screen media are designed to incorporate effective reading instructions. These instructions serve positive tools for teaching and learning. To address the controversy some have argued that, only the content matters, not the format it is represented. Therefore, there should be no argument of whether to expose the children to technological media or, the issue is to which content the children should be exposed to. In other words, there are good and necessary contents for children presented through the screen media. On the other hand, there worthless materials for young children in the screen media such materials are non-educational. Hence, the children should be allowed time on screen and other technological media since it is important. The things that the children are exposed to in the media, however, should be monitored. This is to say that the technology is useful to children if they are used appropriately. The exposure of children to technology should be in moderation, parental supervision and balance. The passive use of technology should be discouraged. This can be replaced by active activities like playing and interacting with other children and adults (Katz, 2001). There are however, active media uses. These include the use of materials that are educational and can help the child in mental and social development. The passive media use on the other hand refers to the use of media for non-educative materials. Such materials in the long run can affect the child’s development and behavioural state. The caregivers and the educators of children should be conversant with these technological facilities. This will enable them to make right choices regarding what their children should watch. Lack of the skills can make the educators and children care gives choose wrong materials for the children. This can affect the children language and physical development difficult. It is also important for the children educators to ensure that children have access to the technological facilities. The challenge to ensure equitable access to these facilities is the existence of different economic backgrounds. Children growing up in rich families have access to various technological facilities as opposed to those from poor backgrounds. Even today, such is a challenge facing children educators. From the observation and studies done in the past about the impact of technology on children language development, the following issues are yet to be addressed. First, the way to addressing the issue of gap between the children and adult level of interaction with the technology media should be addressed (Plowman, & Stephen, 2007). The reasons catalysing the children’s desire to use technological media also need should be looked into. The possible reason could be the insufficient facilities for outdoor activities. Also, a system should be devised for educating the young children on better skills to apply in the using of media contents. To enhance the language development in children through the use technology, the following can help; Use digital multimedia tools to present the content. This will enhance the child’s ability to think and remember the things learned. The general implication of exposing children to technology on their development. Having discussed different recommendations about the use of technology by children, it is evident that technology cannot be locked out of children lives. Also, it has been seen that technology can of benefit to child’s development if used wisely. Some of the media that are crucial in child development are; mobile devices, software applications, the internet, electronic toys, e-books, digital cameras and computers among other devices. The use of these devices has effects on the child’s general development (Fromme, 2003). In exposing technology t children, the following factors should be considered. The caregiver should consider the age, the interest the level of development of the child. Also, the ability of the child is very important factor to consider. From research, it has been said that .the infants would the technology devices only for exploration. As the child grows, he can master the use of device. In the using of devices, the caregiver should help the child grow in the areas of thinking, exploring, listening, observing and making simple decisions. Therefore, the choice of the media device should be taking into consideration the factor of allowing the child to be in touch with the adult for guidance (Young, 2002). The media that push away adults from the children’s lives should not be used. This is because the guidance of an adult, the child may not learn much from technology. The technology used should ensure the child’s social development. The devices used should not limit the child from having touch with the real world. Instead, the technology should the child to have a feel of the real world. This can be through the images displayed, the stories through the audio devices and the sounds. The social ability of the child can be enhanced through proper propagation via the media. The media used should allow for informal environment. At the young age the child takes pleasure from playful activities (Buckingham, & Scanlon, 2002). At that age the central learning activity for the child is play. Therefore, the devices should incorporate play. The digital games are useful in ensuring that the child can interact with the digital device and have fun while still growing. The children with special need benefit majorly from the technological media. The use of internet even at the preschool age enables the child to have the skills of accessing information and being able to share and connect with other children. The use of social network helps the child in building self-esteem. In addition, by exposing the child to different media facilities, the child will be able to identify and develop interest in specific learning skills which are important when he joins the formal education system. The use of computers helps the child on how to organize his work which is an important skill in school. The children are able to understand the concepts taught by their teachers’ better if they had good exposure to technology and the young preschool age. The technology enhances the child’s desire to learn more and the critical thinking of the child (Buckingham, & Scanlon, 2002). This is important quality when the child grows to the school going age (Young, 2002). On the other hand if technology is not properly used it can have negative effects in the child’s physical, social and mental development. Some of the negative effects associated with use of technology include; Obesity. Most the child exposed the media facilities, are no longer taking part in physical activities for exercise. Instead, most of their time is spend on the screen media. Also, while watching different content in the media, they take in a lot of junk food which is unhealthy. Most of the people who are obese, the practices at their tender age have contributed to this. The other negative effect is laziness. Most of the children develop the quality of laziness and impatient. This is as a result of the technology making most of the things accessible easily. For instance, internet offers .the accessibility of information easily. The children expect responses from the real world situation to be quick. Also the gap between children and their parents is widening. The parents feel that, they cannot fit in the technology lifestyle of their children. Most of the children when asked prefer to spend time on a TV or a computer than with their parents. Many children at this age cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality. Many become violent in imitation to the violent programs they have been exposed to. References Attewell, P., Suazo-Garcia, B. and Battle, J. (2003) ‘Computers and young children: Social benefit or social problem?’, Social Forces, Vol. 82, No. 1, pp. 277-96. Belton, T. (2001) ‘Television and imagination: An investigation of the medium's influence on children's story-making’, Media, Culture and Society, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 799-820. Buckingham, D. and Scanlon, M. (2002) Education, Entertainment and Learning in the Home. Milton Keynes: Open University Press. Caulfield, R. (2002). Baby talk: Developmental precursors to speech. Early Childhood Education Journal, 30(1), 59-62. Centre for Community Child Health. (2008). Literacy in early childhood. Policy brief number 13. Melbourne: CCCH. Retrieved 31st May 2011 from DEEWR (Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations). (2009). 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