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Smart Technology and Lifestyle Change Technology Essay
8 pages (2620 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Smart technology entails performing tasks for humans to diversify their abilities. Smart technology helps to solve human weaknesses such as flying. Smart people are capable of employing smart technology in their daily activities (wise, 2010). Smart information comes from the mass media such as music and television and electronic gadgets such as mobile phones and iPods.
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Impact of the Development of Autonomous Robots Technology Essay
9 pages (2632 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In the global business, many organizations are contemplating how they can improve their competitive advantage through the effective application of technology. The rate of technology advancement is very high and organizations are moving from the analog way of conducting business to digitalization.
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Development of Autonomous Robots Technology Essay
11 pages (3213 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Autonomous robots can be applied to various fields in society. It can be used for military purposes, entertainment, medical and healthcare, and personal care. Until now, robots have been used successfully in controlled environments. In uncontrolled environments, robots have only conducted sophisticated manipulation work when human beings operate them.
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Efficacy of Detection Sensor Technologies Technology Essay
7 pages (2040 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The detection has become popular due to the ever-increasing need for security and because it plays a critical role in defense depth. Detection sensor technologies are designed in a way that allows the detection and the signaling of a possible presence, entry, or attempted entry of unwanted objects into already sensory or alarming areas of operations.
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Dependency on Screen Technology Technology Essay
7 pages (2247 words) , Download 0 , Essay
A screening technology such as a touchscreen is an electronic visual display capable of detecting the location as well as the presence of touch in the area of the display. Generally, touchscreen connotes a device display operated by hand or finger. Basically, screen technology refers to a monitor, rooted either in a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT). 
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Selfie Assemblages and the Aesthetics of Experience Technology Essay
8 pages (2235 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Therefore, the selfie assemblages involve the collection of pictorials and images to pursue intended goals. The collection can entail a large number of selfies taken at a particular period or a particular place.Aesthetic of experience refers to the qualitative experience different from the daily experience.
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Detection Technology and Use in Security Areas and the Field of Science Technology Essay
8 pages (2419 words) , Download 0 , Essay
As observed in the discussion on the vulnerabilities of the PIRAMIDE motion sensor, one of the greatest weaknesses of this dual sensing technology is its detection in the line of sight. The area coverage of the sensor is much limited by the line of sight operation. It is used in indoor motion detection to allow sensing of any moving in.
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The Journalistic Functions and Values: Objectivity and Autonomy Technology Essay
10 pages (2886 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Multimodality brings changes in the way a story is told. Multiple formats can be used in presenting a solitary story. The journalist has a role to make sure only the adequate ones are used to counter boredom and zapping among the public. The composition should be optimal for it to be able to get some attention from other information providers.
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The Case of the RaceCam Innovation in the Sports Industry Technology Essay
10 pages (2815 words) , Download 1 , Essay
A key recommendation for innovators essentially in the sporting industry is that they need to be aware that innovation is not all about promoting sporting activities but rather it should be aimed at encouraging entrepreneurship within the industry. We have seen many organizations innovate unique products, patent their innovations.
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How Industrialisation Has Changed Working Structures in Organisations Technology Essay
7 pages (2057 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "How Industrialisation Has Changed Working Structures in Organisations" is a perfect example of a technology essay. With every passing era that organisations go through, there is expected some level of strain in organizational structure which will, to some extent, include advances in technology and the need to exploit the same – industrialization – at that moment in time (Hopkins 2013).
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How Technology Conditioned the Nature and Extent of Banking after the Second World War Technology Essay
9 pages (2544 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "How Technology Conditioned the Nature and Extent of Banking after the Second World War" is a great example of an essay on technology. Technological development has brought tremendous changes in different economic sectors. It has led to increased production and profitability to those people who have embraced the changes.
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Government and IT: Time for Change Technology Essay
10 pages (3317 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Government and IT: Time for Change" is an impressive example of a Technology essay.  In contemporary society, there is a wide concern on how the available resources can be used effectively for optimum production. This is an issue alongside the need to deliver quality services to the public. These demands are beating the traditional methods of operations and more especially in the public service.
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Smartphone as a Tool for Education: Future Prospects Technology Essay
8 pages (2113 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Smartphone as a Tool for Education: Future Prospects" is a great example of a technology essay. Smartphone technology is being harnessed by students to assist them in education. These devices allow students to connect to the internet, use educational apps, share education information with their friends, and connect with other students globally.
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3D Printing in the Education Industry Technology Essay
7 pages (2078 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "3D Printing in the Education Industry " is a good example of a technology essay. 3D printing is a process that allows users to make three-dimensional solid objects from a digital file stored in a computer (Fleming, 2012 pg. 1). The technology provides the user with an opportunity to customize the output and unlike music and movies, every product of 3D printing has copyright protection.
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Innovation and Its Role in Society Technology Essay
7 pages (2047 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Innovation and Its Role in Society" is an outstanding example of a technology essay. Innovation is the advancement of ideas by way of implementation and execution. Businesses must keep innovating to remain relevant in the market. The role of innovation in society is based on the quality of goods and services produced, the business is mandated to keep innovating.
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Dispenser - Advantages, Design, and Novelty of the Technology Technology Essay
16 pages (4060 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper “Dispenser - Advantages, Design, and Novelty of the Technology” is a creative version of an essay on technology. Because of the growing health needs, people take a lot of drugs. However, in some instances, the patients forget to take their medications as required by the doctor. As a result, technology is required to remind people to take their drugs as required and in the right dosage.;
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The Creation of Descriptive Technologies Technology Essay
7 pages (2122 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "The Creation of Descriptive Technologies " is a great example of a technology essay. The creation of Descriptive technologies is vital as it helps lessen work done by human beings by making it more effective and improving productivity in the workforce. However, descriptive technologies also pose some negative impact on individuals’ future jobs, once preferred they lead to massive layoffs in most organizations.
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Technological Globalization Technology Essay
8 pages (2388 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Technological Globalization" is an outstanding example of a technology essay. In order to argue out the point entirely on whether globalization is dependent on technology or whether technology is the key factor to globalization, one must first understand what exactly globalization in order to understand the bases of the argument presented.
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Electron Microscopes Technology Essay
8 pages (2208 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Electron Microscopes " is an outstanding example of a technology essay. Right from the invention of the Electron Microscope (EM), it has been extensively used as a tool for research and development of scientific theory across the field like medicine, chemistry, material science, biology etc. EMs enables the inspection, observation and classification of research materials, up to the scale of a micrometer (μm) or a nanometer (nm).
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Is iPad a Disruptive Technology Technology Essay
9 pages (2364 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Is iPad a Disruptive Technology" is an outstanding example of a technology essay. The technology involves the activities and processes for creating, communicating and delivering products or services to the right customer and ensuring that their needs and wants are satisfied. Matt (2010) describes that the development of technology has increased the innovation of tablet computers.
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Evaluating the Future of Robotics Technology Essay
13 pages (3686 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper “Evaluating the Future of Robotics” is gr breathtaking variant of an essay on technology. According to Diehl, et al., the rate at which technology is advancing is something to reckon with today. It is true when it comes to robotics, a new branch of science that deals with the study and construction of robots.
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Impact of Internet in Our Day Lives and Technology as a Threat to Privacy Technology Essay
12 pages (3208 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Impact of the Internet in Our Day Lives and Technology as a Threat to Privacy" is an outstanding example of an essay on technology. The Internet plays a major role in our day to day lives, starting from multimedia, electronic devices and computers are all the things that come up from the internet and that we will come across and deal with them every day.
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The Vulnerabilities of Intelligent Building Systems Technology Essay
12 pages (3222 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "The Vulnerabilities of Intelligent Building Systems" is a great example of a Technology essay. According to Myers (2010), the need for regional, national, and global security has continuously evolved into an issue of global concern in the contemporary world. Consequently, no measures seeking to address neither national nor global security can exclude the issue of intelligent building vulnerabilities.
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History and Practice of Photography - Model Nikon d7000 Technology Essay
7 pages (2149 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "History and Practice of Photography - Model Nikon d7000 " is an outstanding example of a technology essay. This report looks into camera Model Nikon D7000 and lens AF-S Nikkor 28mm 1.8G. The report analyses the camera specifications, giving details about its advantages and disadvantages in sensor size, shutter speed and sensor sensitivity.
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Heideggers Critique of Modern Technology Technology Essay
8 pages (2024 words) , Download 1 , Essay
It distorted our way of ordering the world and thus reorganized our cognitive perception of reality resulting in a social and ontological crisis. Heidegger argues against modern technology in this sense because it has severed man’s essential relation to being through its dominance. These among other points are discussed in this essay.
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Use of Night Vision Goggles on Aero Medical Retrieval Technology Essay
8 pages (2198 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Use of Night Vision Goggles on Aero Medical Retrieval" is an outstanding example of an essay on technology. Night vision imaging systems (NVIS) technology, specifically night vision goggle technology, has developed since the 1970s. The technology is currently being put into practice in various fields.
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Innovation and Its Impact on Small and Medium Enterprises Technology Essay
7 pages (2098 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Thus innovation improves the performance of the businesses through the application of the same resources in the firm. This is reflected through achievement and maintenance of efficiency. It is also evident that an important tool for knowledge-based improvement in the firm; thus, its innovativeness is cooperating with partners.
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Technology Advancement Technology Essay
10 pages (2728 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The topic of the PR plan is ‘Attracting digital and creative talent from around the world to Newcastle.’ The primary target public includes all creative and innovative graduates from across the world with interests in the digital world regardless of gender, age, and race, religious and political affiliation.
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Impact of Technology on Language Technology Essay
8 pages (2527 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Despite, many benefits, there are several shortcomings as a result of allowing young children to use technology devices. These effects are a result of the content presented through the media and not purely the use of the media. In the twenty-first century, most children's time is taken up in interactions with digital devices.
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How Technology in Navigation Help to Decrease Navy Problems Technology Essay
8 pages (2152 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Marine navigation is the science of finding a way in the water. This science has been used by sailors over a long period of time for movement from point A to point B in water. The main concepts used in marine navigation are latitude and longitude. Latitude is the angular distance from north to south of the earth's equator.
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Sublime Communication Technologies Technology Essay
7 pages (2101 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In Vernadsky's argument, some important additions seem to have been overlooked, these being the additions that had come to the scene in the twentieth century in man’s influence such as the use of electro magnetosphere in communication over long distances by radio technology. The development noted by Vermadsky came and was “facilitated” by the other developments made in the 19th century.
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X-rays, Radiation That Helps in Examining Your Body Technology Essay
7 pages (2061 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Numerous experiments were also conducted in a bid to investigate the X-rays’ properties. This effect of X-ray has been put to use in the field of medicine and currently, it provides the solution to many health issues. Having a very short wavelength and high frequency, X-rays have a high penetration effect.
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Video Games Have Had a Positive Effect on Society Technology Essay
6 pages (1720 words) , Download 0 , Essay
I do not agree with the topic that video games have positive effects on society. Since their invention, video games have promoted aggression and violence. The rise of violent video games has made the industry lead to more negative impacts. From the essay, it is evident that video games reward violent behavior.
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Microwaves and Electromagnetic Radiation Technology Essay
7 pages (1955 words) , Download 0 , Essay
An electromagnetic spectrum is a continuum of electromagnetic waves arranged according to frequency and wavelength. It comprises; visible light, microwaves, radio waves, ultra-violet rays, X-rays, and gamma rays. This set of waves is produced as a result of energy changes in electrically charged particles
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History and Development of the Boeing 737 Technology Essay
10 pages (2660 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper encompasses the journey of Boeing 737 through the years to its present-day outlook. Most significant is the change in the structure of the airline and modifications. Modifications done to the 737 series make the bulk of the paper because that illustrates the changes that have happened to the airline.  
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Noise Control Strategies in Airports Technology Essay
6 pages (1734 words) , Download 0 , Essay
These factors need to be considered in evaluating the noise reduction strategies that will benefit residents of areas prone to aircraft noise. Consequently, handling noise pollution at the airport at the local level is necessary. Local representatives as well as airport staff have wider knowledge in regional matters about noise pollution and are well place in addressing local concerns.
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Technology in the Hospitality Industry Technology Essay
6 pages (1846 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Managers should closely monitor what consumers say about their brands online because this will greatly influence the reader’s perception of a product or a destination. They should modify the products they offer using the customer’s specifications and keep a constant interaction with them on social media platforms.
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Effectiveness of Using Low-Intensity Laser Therapy Technology Essay
7 pages (2067 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The technique makes use of high energy carbon dioxide which is either pulsed or scanned. Another material that can be used is the Yttrium-Aluminium-Garnet (Er: YAG). The basis behind the technique is that the laser emitted has high energy enough to cause tissue vaporization leading to the filing up of the hole.
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Modern Technology and Relationship Between Media and Audience Technology Essay
11 pages (3081 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In media richness theory, media of communication are assessed according to their ability to reproduce all the information that is sent through them. For this reason, the greatest challenge for the public is the choice of media. For example, a phone call cannot transmit visual social cues such as gestures. For this reason, a very crucial aspect of richness is missing.
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Mobility in the Airports Technology Essay
9 pages (2471 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Birds are creatures that possess wings that enable them to fly anywhere they want at any given time. If wishes were wings, individuals will surely develop some. Just like a baby is born and grows each waking day, so is mobility in airports and all other sectors. This discussion compares and contrasts mobility and immobility in airports with other sectors.
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The Establishment and Advancement in Technology Technology Essay
10 pages (2658 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Technology has made it possible to easily compensate for their incapacities such as loss of vision,  and loss of limbs with technologically enabled gadgets such as hearing aids, and When an individual is implanted with bionic or robotic implants meant to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness in performing varied tasks or operations that they would otherwise under normal circumstances unable to do, they are defined as a cyborg.
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New Media Technologies Technology Essay
9 pages (2633 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Before the 1980s, the media only relied on print analog technology models such as television and radio (Kazys and Anne, 2008). However, in the last two and half decades, new media technologies such as the internet and computer have found their way into society thus totally influencing the interaction of individuals through these digital technologies.
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The Existence of the Digital Technology Technology Essay
11 pages (3211 words) , Download 0 , Essay
However, after the invention of digital technology, copyright has been termed outdated and most have called for enforcement of proper mechanisms that can guard against piracy considering the current modern society. In modern society, copyright has become an essential issue of discussion globally due to the great prevalence of digital technology and the influx of the internet into which makes it quite ineffective to employ the use of copyright.
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Computer Related Technology in Counselling Technology Essay
8 pages (2540 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The mode of storage of transcripts also raises the issue of confidentiality. Culture and jurisdiction become a challenge especially when the client and the therapist reside in different jurisdictions. Laws being applied by the counselor might differ from those used in the jurisdiction of the client’s residential area.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Automated Aircrafts Cockpit Technology Essay
12 pages (2759 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Automation can be understood in different perspectives as illustrated by two groups of theorists. One, it can be understood as a replacement of functions that were originally human operated, by mechanical or computerized features. There is another perspective that extricates computerization from automation. In this regard, it asserts that in automation, functions do not permit or need any sort of direct human intervention.
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Effects of Technology on Consciousness Technology Essay
6 pages (1794 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Technology deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and environment Its machine techniques, or perform a specific function. It is viewed as an activity that forms or changes culture. For example, the TV is responsible for the increased risk factors that result in Attention Deficit disorders within children, thus leading to poor concentration and a variety of behavioral problems later in life.
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Lifestyles and New Media Technology Essay
8 pages (2193 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Technological changes have been witnessed which has been possible due to new developments and the adaptation of technology by society. The technology developments have taken at such a rapid pace that it has reduced the use of pagers and mobile phones are being used instead.
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Video Cassette Recorder Technology Essay
6 pages (1709 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Therefore, the video recorder was designed to play record and replay audio and video signals. Even though timers and tuners within the device are important parts of the ordinary video recorder, they are not necessary for attaining the original aim which was playback and registration of video and audio. The video cassette recorder has been in use for some time, but its use has slowly faded off.
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Communication Evolution Technology Essay
6 pages (1639 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Examples of optical storage include Compact Disk Read Only Memory (CD ROM), Digital Video Read-Only Memory (DVD ROM), Photo CD, CD-Recordable (CDR), CCD-Rewritable (CD WR), etc. Magnetically sensitive iron oxide is used in coating magnetic storage devices. Most of the magnetic storage devices are not in much use as before.
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Typewriter Development and Decline Technology Essay
6 pages (1778 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It is believed that machines that are advanced under the influence of new technology are defined by their decomposition future. This is because modern media technologies tend not to last in the markets since engineers and researchers work continuously to try improving the latest arrival component in the market.
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