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Relationships and Impacts between Science, Technology, and Society - Literature review Example

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According to this paper "Relationships and Impacts between Science, Technology, and Society", technology is described as a powerful force that has led to the development of civilization hence it is seen as a tool that creates the world, wealth as well as economy…
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Running Head: Technological curriculum studies Name: University: Course: Tutor: Date of Submission: SOURCE ONE Chapter 3: THE NATURE OF TECHNOLOGY Retrieved from According to this article technology is described as a powerful force which has led to the development of civilization hence it is seen as a tool which creates the world, the wealth as well as the economy. Technology is related to science therefore like language, ritual, values, commerce and the arts it is perceived to be a fundamental part of the cultural system since it shapes as well as reflects on the system’s values. In today’s world, technology is seen as a complex social enterprise which not only include research design and crafts rather it also comprises of finance, manufacturing, management, labour, marketing as well as maintenance. In relation to this article, the Nature of Technology can be described as an elegant and powerful theory which traces the origin’s of technology and its evolution (available at: Relationships and impacts between science, technology and society Technology has a strong influence on the society as well as the nature of human. Today the developments in technology have brought enormous benefits to the society as well as negative effects. Most people today can access goods and services easily since technology has made it possible for human species to prosper so rapidly. An example is the growth of computer technology which has led to developments in information technology as well as risks such viruses, exposure to computer hackers among other issues. Technology therefore is seen as an important tool to the society which is largely responsible for large scale changes as well as increased urbanization of the society. Technology too is the reason behind the growing economic interdependence in the communities worldwide. Technology in a manner is related to science hence technology does not only provide tools for science rather it provides motivation and direction for theory and research. As technologies become more sophisticated, their links to science increasingly become stronger hence technology is perceived to provide the eyes and ears of science. The electronic computer for example has led to substantial progress in the study of weather systems, demographic patterns, gene structures as well as development of other complex systems which would not have been possible without technology (available at: New instruments as well as techniques are being developed through technologies which have made it easier for researchers to advance various lines of scientific research such as mapping the locations of the entire set of genes in human DNA through genetic engineering technology. Moreover, social and economic forces have a strong influence on the kind of technologies to be undertaken, paid attention to, invested in and used. Designs and systems There are avariety of designs and systems available today as a result of technology. All the systems from the simplest to the most complex require technology for them to be effectively developed as well as implemented. All the systems and designs whether complex or simple require information control to keep their operation effective in such essence technology plays a crucial role since it controls the information by making appropriate adjustments. Technological systems and designs require routinely decisions about combining familiar components, creativity and innovations in terms of seeing new problems as well as new possibilities. Designs systems therefore require testing especially if that design is unusual, expensive or in cases where the expected technological product or process possibly will be expensive, dangerous or even many fail. Points for future technology students Technology is transformational process Technology has both positive and negative effects to the society There is a strong relationship between the society, science and technology There are various designs and systems in place which are related to various technological processes SOURCE TWO The National Academies Magazine: The Nature of Technology Retrieved from Nature of Technology The nature of technology today has changed tremendously over the past years hence the ideas of technology today are relatively new. From the human history technology was seen as a province of craftsmen who passed their individual know-how information from generation to generation which gradually led to the improvement of designs, techniques as well as materials. This led to the evolution of the word technology primarily as a reflection of these changes. Actually in the 19th century technology was merely referred to as a practice which was used to create new physical products. The 20th century led to the transformation in the meaning to include everything related to human wants and need satisfaction (Available at: Beginning of 20th century saw various organizations implementing new technologies in the manufacturing as well as other service sectors. With the rapid developments in technology it soon became a large scale enterprise which was actually depended on various knowledge and information. Complex networks of interdependent technologies were eventually developed especially in the information technology as well as telecommunication. The rapid changes in technology today have contributed largely to the development of technological policies as well as regulations to curb current economic as well as social effects of technology towards the society. Over the years the nature of technology has been changing with new developments being implemented on daily basis. Points for future technology students Technology is an evolutionary concept There has been several changes related technology since its evolution SOURCE THREE The Relationship between Science, Technology, and Society By Danish Muzaffar Article Source: Muzaffar, D. (2009, May 2). The Relationship between Science, Technology, and Society. Retrieved March 23, 2011, from­ Relationship-­Between-­Science,-­Technology,-­and-­Society&id=2295834 According to this article Science and Technology is seen as an important element of the society. Technology has led to many developments in science as well as to the society since the 18th century (Muzaffar, 2009, May). Sectors such as energy, physical sciences, information and communication have been boosted greatly with both technology as well as science through which the society has benefited at a greater extend. Infrastructure in the society has grown greatly with the help of science and technology. Technology has led to the development of effective modes of transport such as electronic railway lines which in turn offers the society better means of transport which could be possible without science and technology (Muzaffar, 2009, May) Developments in digital communication have led to the intervention of telephones and radio services which have at large broadened human communication. This actually implies that there is a great relationship between society, science and technology since without society then there would be no science or technology. Since the society cannot do without industries, tools and equipments in which science and technology are used their developments it clearly states their relationship thus the society needs science as well as technology. Science and technology though have also contributed to negative effects to the society they have contributed greatly to the vision of man about himself. Technology has led to many developments in various fields of science such as genetic DNA and gene engineering as well as developments in information technology. An example is the creation of computers which have helped various researchers,, students and other professionals to leverage useful information which could be unreachable. The impact of science and technology therefore can be seriously recognized to the society both negatively and positively (Muzaffar, 2009, May). The diagram below shows a relationship between the society, science and technology. Points for future Technology students Science, Technology and Society are correlated There is a strong Relationship between Science Technology And Society The field of science and technology are different though some concepts in them are related Both science and Technology have a strong influence on the society SOURCE FOUR "Technological Literacy."   Retrieved from: Relationships and impacts between science, technology and society Technology can be described as the modifications that human beings have made in relation to the natural environment for their own purposes in terms of inventions, innovations, and changes which are intended to meet their individual wants and needs. Science, society and technology though closely related they are different. Science as a field generates knowledge for its own sake through proposing and testing explanations (Available at: On other hand, Technology develops human-made solutions to the current real world problems. There is a strong relationship between the two since science uses technology to generate knowledge while on other hand technology uses scientific knowledge primarily as a means of generating solutions to the society .Science, society and technology are related as well as integrally connected in one way or the other though they are from different fields as well as driven by different concepts and processes. Defining Technological Literacy Technological literacy can be described as having background information on the overall importance of technology on the society, processes as well as its impact to the world. Just as the way technology involves more than the use of computers as well as internet, technological literacy is a concept which involves more than skills used in technology. Technological literacy in really senses therefore includes knowledge and details about individual technologies and their processes. Technological literacy is a concept of importance in the current world which should be taken seriously given the fact that technology is increasingly becoming important in the society. Technology has become the center of the society hence knowing how to use information technology is important in the current knowledge society. Technological literacy is a wide concept in technological studies since it includes a holistic understanding of the historical and cultural context of technology as well as its adaptability basing on initiatives and resourceful thinking (Available at: The concept of technological literacy can be seen to consist of knowledge and skills which in a broader sense includes problems that might be solved with important technologies as well as the social and cultural effects. Implementing the standards for technological literacy is dependant on leadership as well as partnership of the teachers. Points for future Technology students There are several Approaches to Assessing Technological Literacy Technological Literacy is more about understanding information technology skills rather all the processes, designs and systems in place There are several tools for assessing technological literacy Technological literacy thoughts are important to the society, therefore necessary to be understood SOURCE FIVE Technological Literacy: Researching Teaching and Learning in the K-12 Setting By Jared Berrett Article Source: Bennett, D. T. (1999). Themes in technology education research. Proceedings of the AAAS technology education research conference. [On-line] Available: Technology education is very essential to the students though not only is it interested in technological literacy rather all other issues which are related to technology. Technological literacy is becoming very important in curriculum technological studies hence it can be described as human innovation in action (Bennett, 1999). The concept of educational technology has been promoted in a broader view to include all the human activities that use knowledge and materials to solve their individual problems. This is because a technological literate person has the ability to use, manage, assess and understand all the process related to technology (Bennett, 1999). Literacy therefore is an important element of individual education. The meaning of literacy goes beyond the ability of an individual to read and write rather the meaning has changed to include evolving changes of technology (Bennett, 1999). The current rapid advancements in technological innovations as swell as their impact on the society is increasing the importance to understand how schools can help students become technological literate. In technology teacher education, teachers are meant to study how students learn technological literacy skills as well as how teachers tend to facilitate the development of these skills in achieving their own goals(Bennett, 1999). Points for future technology students Technology has an important role in education Technological skills are important when as far the current educational studies are concerned With the current development in technology technological literacy and how teachers achieve it is important SOURCE SIX The Nature of Science and Technology in the Curriculum Tylee,J (2008).The Nature of Science and Technology in the Curriculum. Retrieved. Retrieved March 23,2011, from: Nature of technology and the relationship between technology, science and society Technology refers to the tools as well as machines which can be used to solve real world problems. Technology in a broader sense therefore can be defined as entities both material as well as immaterial which involve application of mental as well as physical processes in achieving some value (Tylee, 2008). The word technology therefore extends to the collection of techniques as well as new innovations in various fields. In summary it can be described as the current state of human knowledge that involves resource combination as way of solving the current problems, fulfilling needs, satisfying wants as well as producing desired products. It includes technical methods, skills, processes, tools and raw materials. The teaching of science and technology has over the years been potential to the development of individual students as far as technological studies are concerned. The nature of science and technology is present in most of the curriculum studies since both of them are highly correlated. Technology and science therefore are perceived to be activities of central importance in the current contemporary human life which intimately has been bound up with the evolving society’s character, problems, and potentials. Scientific and technological pursuits enhance human well-being hence the advancement in technology at a greater extend affects many people as well as the society in many ways. New technology today has altered the individual people’s cultures, consciousness, language, and the way society views the world (Tylee, 2008). Technological advancements today have made the world smaller in terms of information flow. Today the development of technology has led to inventions of computers which have had a great impact on humanity. Points for future technology students Technology, society and science are related The concept of technology is transformational Summary of thoughts and ideas The term technology can be described as the usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, crafts, systems as well as methods in order to solve problems and serve particular human needs. The nature of technology itself has undergone a drastic transformation hence its longer viewed as a mere process rather an important process which seek to satisfy human needs and wants (Tylee,2008).The use and application of term technology has changed significantly over the last two hundred years. Technology has in place various systems and designs which are related to various technological advancements and innovations (Bennett, 1999). Technology actually is a group of systems and designs invented for specific processes. Sectors in manufacturing as well as service sector have invented various technological systems and designs which are related to particular information flow control in terms of inputs and outputs. Technology has a significant effect on human beings, animals as well as the society in general (DeVore, 2009).. There exists a strong relationship between society, technology and science since each one of them depends on each other for existence. Actually in really sense without society then there would be no science or technology. Technology actually has led to many inventions as well as innovations in science especially in the genetic studies as it has contributed to the development of genetic engineering. In summary, there is a strong relationship between the three since science uses technology to generate knowledge while on other hand technology uses scientific knowledge primarily as a means of generating solutions to the society .Science, society and technology are related as well as integrally connected in one way or the other though they are from different fields as well as driven by different concepts and processes (DeVore, 2009). The rapid development has led to essential needs for technological literacy .Technological studies today are very important in curriculum studies since they help students gain skills as far as technology issues are concerned (Capra, 2009). Technology is important in KLA in schooling, K-12 since it provides detailed knowledge to students about technology. In relation to the six sources what emerges from them is a mere fact that technology is combination of new innovations, processes as well as inventions. The concepts of technology can be concluded in the human activity theory which states that consciousness is shaped by practice (DeVore, 2009). Technology actually is a continuous activity which changes on daily basis with increasingly human processes as well as activities. Basic Lesson plan: THE NATURE OF TECHNOLOGY Title :THE NATURE OF TECHNOLOGY Objectives: Students to understand the definition of technology Students to understand the nature of technology as well as its concepts Students should be able to define and name some of designs as well as systems in place as far as technology is concerned Relationships and impacts between science, technology and society At the end of the lesson students should apply the concepts of technology in relation to the society and science  Instructional Method: Interactive and formative methods In order to enable Students understand the concepts of Technology and its nature interactive and formative methods will be used in which will allow teacher student interaction. This will provide an opportunity for the students to explore the concepts of technology in depth as well as allow them to share thoughts, ideas and concepts Daily assessments will be conducted to evaluate students progress as far as the topic is concerned  Time: two hours consecutive Materials: Course book will be used together with other materials from the internet, journals and articles related to the topic Activities In groups students will discuss the concepts of technology and its nature Each student individually will make presentations on the topic  Assessment Criteria Students will be assessed individually through continuous assessment tests and final term exam Students will be assessed individually in groups Student participation will be assessed and the marks will contribute towards the final grade that will be awarded References Muzaffar, D. (2009, May 2). The Relationship Between Science, Technology, and Society. Retrieved March 23, 2011, from­ Relationship-­Between-­Science,-­Technology,-­and-­Society&id=2295834 Tylee,J (2008).The Nature of Science and Technology in the Curriculum. Retrieved. Retrieved March 23,2011, from: The nature of technology.Retrieved March 23, 2011, from The National Academies Magazine: The Nature of Technology Retrieved March 23, 2011, from Technological Literacy."   Retrieved 23, March 2011, from: Bennett, D. T. (1999). Themes in technology education research. Proceedings of the AAAS technology education research conference. [On-line] Available: Capra, F. (2009). The turning point: Science society and the rising culture. Fontana: London. DeVore, P. W. (2009). Science and technology: An analysis of meaning. New York: Wiley and Sons Read More
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