here has been increase of DNA production that would be also increasing the production of protein building blocking. There have been cases of increased neuro transmission that would be caused by increases in the production of serotonin and acetylcholine. There would be increased cell replication that would be caused by increased mitochondrial activity and that would mean replacement, regeneration and repair of cells. There has been modulation of macrophage,fibroplast and other cells that would be also causing a condition that would be termed as the formation of new blood cells and that could be termed as Angiogenesis and there would be regulation of cell membrane potential that would be essential in the Na, Cl and K ion transfer and that would be determining the electrolyte balance.
There would be chemicals that would be using Cytokines and that would e increasing cellular communications and the other effects could be said as increasing the immune response with the improvement of lymphatic drainage and the histamine response that could be altered and there would be increased growth hormone production. The body’s natural healing process would be also increased and there has been increased use of this technology that has been found to increase cellular stimulation and tissue regeneration.
There has been change in the humoral and cereberal spinal fluid and that has been studied much further. The technology that has been affected The acceleration of wound healing, the enhanced remodeling and repair of bone, the restoration of normal neural function following injury, the normal level of abnormal hormonal function, reduction of pain , stimulation of endorphin release, and modulation of the immune system.( Ohshiro T, Fujino T & Nanami T, Shiba H, Ikeuchi S, Nagai T, Asanami S, Shibata T) Effects of LLLT on epithelial cells The usage of this technology with wound healing has been due to the stimulation of epithelial tissues and the technology has been seen as increasing the motility of human epidermal keratinocytes and this could be termed as the big factor in the closing of big wounds.
It has been also found out that the technology would not be changing the differentiation or the synthesis of keratins, and will not be part of formation of normal, functioning epidermis. Low level laser therapy has been used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, pains that could be classified as chronic and the strain of muscles that has been used in both human and veterinary. The area of physio therapy has seen an increase in the high utilization of LLLT.There has been use of musculoskeletal injuries,synovitis,arthritis that has been used in LLLT.
There has been issue of chronic back pain and they have successfully treated with LLLT.There has been use of this technology in treatment of repetitive strain injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, and lateral epicondylitis (‘tennis elbow’). (Wong E, Lee G, Zucherman J, Mason DT & Vasseljen O, Hoeg N, Kjeldstad B, Johnsson A, Larsen S.) There has been increased evidence to suggest that the technology has been satisfying the analgesic capabilities and there has been increased interference with the mediation of the pain massage.
There has been stimulation of endomorphic production and there has been increased proof that the Low level laser therapy has been reducing the production of inflammatory mediators of the arachadonic acid family from injured nerves, and there has been increased promotion of neurone maturation and regeneration following injury. The surgery area has been seen as producing more of promotion of regeneration of damaged neural tissue and the technology has been seen as effective in promoting of axonal growth in injured nerves in animal model systems.
The use of Low level laser therapy has involved daily irradiation for prolonged periods and there has been application of this technique in promoting of inferior dental nerve and that has been damaged in surgical procedures. The use of Low level laser therapy in Dental area The use of Low level laser therapy in dentistry could not be termed as a new approach and the technology has been in wide use in countries like Japan and blocks in Europe.
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