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The Impacts of Oil Spill By Italian Tanker Laura Damato on Sydney Waters
32 pages (9065 words) , Research Paper
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The paper "The Impacts of Oil Spill By Italian Tanker Laura D'amato on Sydney Waters" is a good example of a Finance & Accounting research paper.... Oil spills caused by oil tankers is not a unique phenomenon globally, however, the oil spill by the Laura D'Amato oil tanker in 1999 is the largest incident of the oil spill in the Sydney harbor....
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Strategic Management of Bedaya Center
25 pages (6250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper " Strategic Management of Bedaya Center" describes the company and sheds light on what the company does.... This work outlines the strengths and weaknesses of BC, proposed changes in order to improve the corporate mission and vision statements.... .... ... ... There are actions that management could take for each of the suggested SMART objectives....
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Affect of Exercise and Diet on Youth Fiitness
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The health benefits of physical activity among children and adolescents include improved cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, enhanced bone health, improved cardiovascular and metabolic health biomarkers, favorable body composition, and reduced symptoms of depression (USDHHS,.... ... ... According to Harris (1996, p....
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The Experimental Study of Fire Behavior in a Compartment
15 pages (4131 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Fire Safety Science, 5, pp.... Applied Clay Science, 15(1), pp.... Combustion Science and Technology, 179(8), pp.... "The Experimental Study of Fire Behavior in a Compartment" paper study the combustion behavior of compartment fires using calorimeter tests....
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The Hurricane Katrina Catastrophe
8 pages (2394 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
?? The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.... "The Hurricane Katrina Catastrophe" paper aims to discuss the statistical facts of the storm and then goes on to analyze it in terms of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery measures.... The hurricane Katrina catastrophe remains a somber reminder of the massive destructive force of nature....
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Export Control: International Traffic in Arms Regulations
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
A team of Defense Science Board has established that America's policy continues to prevent the country from attaining economic and security advantages.... This paper will look at issues in export control regulations and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, and a proposal of areas to be improved....
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Legalization of Marijuana
7 pages (1984 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
?? Science.... This research paper "Legalization of Marijuana" perfectly demonstrates that the teenage years are the time period when people transition from naive children to socially knowledgeable adults.... During this part of life, most persons have feelings of insecurity.... ...
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Emotional Intelligence and Teamwork Skills Among Undergraduate Engineering and Nursing Students
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
According to Lee, Bristow & Wong (2018), care delivery is a collaborative process that involves the participation of healthcare professionals and experts in other disciplines such as Science, engineering, technology, and mathematics.... The critique of a research article is an important activity in nursing practice that ensures that evidence applied in practice is appropriate....
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Need to find a trending topic in the field of civil engineering
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Name Instructor Date 3 D Printing and Civil Engineering Technology has continued to advance in the civil and construction industry.... In the recent past engineers and researchers, have developed systems and techniques that have continued to boost the industry in a great way.... ... ... ... Dating back in the 1980s the 3 D printing technology has been adopted by the industry, thereby revolutionizing the construction sector (De Jong, Jeroen and Erik 43)....
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Different Types of Volcanoes in the Lights of Broad and Diverse Academic Resources
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
?? Extreme Science.... The paper "Different Types of Volcanoes in the Lights of Broad and Diverse Academic Resources" states that Stratovolcano is known to be a conical shaped volcano, which is tall.... It is made from several different layers of solidified and cooled lava, pumice, volcanic ash and tephra....
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Microorganisms in the Food Industry
9 pages (2565 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Wine has been consumed by humans for thousands of years (Okamura et al,1596) and the exact Science of the wine making process is still being decoded.... Foods that are produced using microorganisms include wine, cheese, and bread.... This paper 'Microorganisms in the Food Industry' takes a look at the microorganisms used in each of these foods and attempt to explain some of the mechanisms they utilize to achieve the result that humans desire....
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The Anti-Asian Racism
9 pages (2522 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
International Journal of Humanities and social Science vol 5 (2012): 83- 112.... From the paper "The Anti-Asian Racism" it is clear that generally, the rights of the American Japanese were infringed, and they were treated in the most unjust manner.... The American government failed to prove the reason for its action in moving the Japanese....
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Today Media - Advertisements Distort Reality
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Furthermore, other important related concepts in other fields such as psychology, and social Science are integrated within the concept of mass communication and the social media.... The paper "Today Media - Advertisements Distort Reality" discusses advertising as an integral component of mass communication through the media....
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Adverse Effects to the Family Unit of Having a Child with Chronic Illness
7 pages (2172 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Health Science Journal.... The paper "Adverse Effects to the Family Unit of Having a Child with Chronic Illness" reports how chronic sicknesses of children have an immense impact on the entire family.... The physicians should be able to provide excellent medical as well as psychological care to the family at large....
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Country Analysis Report
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research paper examines China as a sovereign Asian state located in the Far East of Asia, also known as The Peoples Republic of China.... It borders 15 countries in total on all of its sides except to the sea and has two regional borders namely, Hong Kong and Macau.... .... ... ... According to the USA, Central Intelligence Agency site, China stood as a leading civilization hub for centuries not until in the 19th century and the early 20th century when it was engulfed in political turmoil's that contributed to civil unrests, major famines, military defeat and foreign occupations first by the British followed by the Japanese....
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Product Promotion and Marketing
20 pages (5159 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
From the paper "Product Promotion and Marketing " it is clear that Mcdonald's recently targets marketed one of its new fast food.... McDonald's is a huge organization with distribution points across the world.... It recently introduced the McLobster, which targets the Canadian market.... ... ... ...
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United Arab Emirates' Politics
17 pages (4401 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
"Political Science and the Crisis of Authoritarianism.... The American Political Science Review: March 2010. ... This work called "United Arab Emirates' Politics" describes the reasons for the UAE development outcome.... The author outlines that the state has achieved a diversified economy and economic stability....
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Can Infant Temperament Predict Anxiety Disorder
7 pages (2163 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Association for Psychological Science, 16(4), 204.... The paper "Can Infant Temperament Predict Anxiety Disorder?... concludes that there is a connection between temperament, its dimensions and the psychological disorder under consideration; but it is not as strong and evident as it should....
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Postpartum Depression of First-Time Teenage Mothers
8 pages (2410 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
New York, Nova Science Publishers ... This research paper "Postpartum Depression of First-Time Teenage Mothers" is aimed at exploring the experiences of young teen mothers suffering from postpartum depression in the UK.... It highlights how depression affects them as young mothers and how it can be prevented or treated....
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The Historical Context of Sustainability
9 pages (2456 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
om/Science/book/9780444515087.... This paper "The Historical Context of Sustainability" discusses a review of information highlighting the impacts of environmental changes on water usage in Saudi Arabia will be instrumental.... The role of this investigative process is evaluating the usage of water in driving the economy of Saudi Arabia....
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Language as an Exemplar of Cognitive Psychological Concepts
9 pages (2385 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Psychological Science , 455-461.... The paper "Language as an Exemplar of Cognitive Psychological Concepts" critically analyzes language as an exemplar of cognitive psychological concepts since it integrates the majority of the psychological theories.... It primarily discusses Anderson's Cognitive Psychology and its Implications....
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Health Care: Right or Privilege
10 pages (2616 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Medicine is a limitless art to the health care economist, but also a very costly Science.... The author of the "Health Care: Right or Privilege" paper discusses the ethical problems faced by the lack of better health care and how the different classical theories can be used to finish the problem....
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Creating an Effective Aviation Safety Management System Program
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
This research paper shall engage an in-depth analysis of the concept of Safety Management System (SMS) especially within the considerations of the aviation industry with a close reference to previous renowned safety analysis case works in an attempt to try and consolidate information on the actual need for....
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International Banking and Financial System Need Reform
16 pages (4422 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
E Determinants of Continuity in Conventional Industrial Dyads Marketing Science 2003, pp-77-85) ... Marketing Science.... "International Banking and Financial System Need Reform" paper focuses on the current scenario prevailing in the international banking system and arguments that will be developed if structural reforms as well as reforms in the payment and settlement system can improve the standards of governance....
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The Nature of Conflict and Mediation at the Workplace
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Social Science and Medicine, 63(8), pp.... A paper "The Nature of Conflict and Mediation at the Workplace" claims that attempts to resolve workplace conflicts result in increased job dissatisfaction.... Using a qualitative descriptive approach, this research examined the responses and narratives of employees of two different companies....
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Corporate Strategies to Combat with the Constantly Increasing Economic Slump
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Department of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 560 012 p 3 (Quoted in http://chemeng.... From the paper "Corporate Strategies to Combat with the Constantly Increasing Economic Slump" it is clear that economic depression or recession means an imperative decline in the commercial activities as well as profit range of a large number of organisations and corporate firms....
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Patient-Care Delivery System: Implications of Technology Integration
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper will speak about an effective way of increasing the efficiency of record-keeping for patients within a hospital would be the creation of a computer-based information system that is accessible to all nurse and hospital staff.... The implementation could meet several setbacks.... ... ... ...
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Advise Moet Chandon in the Chinese market
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
China is the fastest growing economy in the world.... This phenomenal growth in the Chinese economy has encouraged many international suppliers to enter into the Chinese market and try out their strategy.... ... ... ... China is the fastest growing economy in the world.... This phenomenal growth in the Chinese economy has encouraged many international suppliers to enter into the Chinese market and try out their strategy....
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Two Different Approaches to Stuttering Intervention
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper, Two Different Approaches to Stuttering Intervention, declares that stuttering is a complicated phenomenon that involves difficulty in speech production, intelligibility, emotions, and cognition.... Two methods of Speech Intervention are explained in the paper.... .... ... ... As the paper outlines, self-modeling Intervention, that employs the observation on edited videotapes of oneself engaged in adaptive or exemplary behavior as there is considerable support for the notion that individuals can learn from observing and modeling themselves....
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An Evaluation of United States Business Bachelor's Degree Programs in Preparing Graduates for Employment
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
In contrast, enrollment in Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics have continued to decline, perhaps because students are not adequately prepared for these fields of study and also because of the perceived difficulty of these disciplines relative to less demanding subjects (CNNMoney, 2012)....
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The Impact of Workplace Diversity on Job Performance in Walmart
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Human Resource Management: The Impact of Workplace Diversity On Job Performance In Walmart Professor Table of Contents Contents page # Introduction Research Objectives and Questions Literature Review Ethnicity and Race Diversity Age & Gender Diversity Cultural Diversity Case Organization: Wal-Mart Diversity Analysis Methodology 1....
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Management of the Building Engineering Processes, and Control of Effective and Safe Construction Practices
16 pages (4239 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Research Paper 82 Baker Street Project Research Paper for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Building Engineering and Fire SafetyTable of Contents ... "Management of the Building Engineering Processes, and Control of Effective and Safe Construction Practices" paper examines the aspects at hand are fire safety, environmental issues, green roof, inspection and test plans, and construction-related matters....
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Business Intelligence and Business Environment
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The author of the present paper "Business Intelligence and Business Environment" points out that the current business environment is highly dynamic and complex in nature where every business organization is struggling to attain competitive advantages.... ... ... ... The organizations in the globalized era are facing significant challenges and problems arising from the external environment....
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Smoking Prevalence and Smoking Prevention and Cessation in Saudi Youth
35 pages (10225 words) , Research Paper
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From the paper "Smoking Prevalence and Smoking Prevention and Cessation in Saudi Youth" it is clear that generally, the concept analysis equally identifies some of the key antecedents and their influence on smoking behavior and beliefs among the Saudi youth.... .... ... ... Young adults are becoming increasingly exposed to tobacco smoking through the influence of the media, peers, family, and other external influences every day....
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UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Kyoto Protocol
27 pages (7585 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
(Science Daily April 24, 2008)The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has forecast in its Fourth Assessment Reports, 2007 that global warming is set to intensify in the coming years, the long-range effects of which would be unprecedented phenomena like rising oceans, melting of glaciers, dissolution of polar caps, extreme weathers, rise in tropical diseases, changes of seasons and disruption of ecosystems....
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Methods to Control Birth and Spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
ArgoJournals: Undergraduate Research in Psychology and Behavioral Science.... The study of contraceptive or birth control choices has significant social and economic impacts, both at a family's and society's level.... Women's control over their fertility might affect their marriage, education and socioeconomic sovereignty....
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The Transformational Power of Music
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Science of Music: Or, the Physical Basis of Musical Harmony.... This is a psychological paper regarding the affects of music on human being.... The writer has used "Music and Emotions: The Philosophical Theories" by Malcolm and many other psychology classical sources.... .... ...
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Over Education in the UK Graduate Market
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Science, DO QS (ed.... The author of this paper claims that the number of graduates in the UK higher education has constantly risen over the past few years, and the rising trend seems to be continuing.... This is posed a problem of some graduates landing to jobs that requiring lower education or skills than they possess....
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Sexual Harassment as a Global Issue
8 pages (2424 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol.... The paper "Sexual Harassment as a Global Issue" focuses on the critical analysis of the origins, the evolution, and the global context of sexual harassment.... It offers possible solutions of ways to decrease sexual harassment that is occurring in selected countries....
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The Gender Gap within Statistics of Crime
9 pages (2551 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
There are several theories regarding the nature of gender and its position such as societal function, societal criteria or as an individual identifier separates it from the fundamental definition set by biological Science.... "The Gender Gap within Statistics of Crime" paper explores the possible truth behind the presumed notion through some of the functional definitions of gender in society....
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Discrimination. Stereotyping of Facial Attractiveness
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The literature presented from the hypothetical strips discloses several societal Science practitioners who chose to use an assorted model with an attached description of their occupations.... “The Science of Rioting – Is there a reason for the Violence?... om/2011/08/09/the- Science-of- rioting-is-there-a-reason-for-the-violence-is-there-a-solution/ (Accesses October 8th, 2011) Goren, G....
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Employees Motivation at EMAL
24 pages (7002 words) , Research Paper
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The paper "Employees Motivation at EMAL" is a perfect example of a management research paper.... Motivation is the process by which employees get stimulated to achieve the goals of an organization.... People are usually motivated by a number of things like the desire for money, recognition, and job satisfaction....
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The Relationship between Colour Priming and the Attractiveness of Others Appearance
17 pages (4689 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper "The Relationship between Colour Priming and the Attractiveness of Others' Appearance" presents the experiment that was designed to find whether the attraction and attitude to a particular target can be under the influence of colour that is shown to the study subject prior.... ... ... ...
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Health, Environmental, and Socio-economic Impact of Organic Food Consumption
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Journal of Food and Science, 71 (9).... This paper seeks to review and explore previous studies on the health and environmental effects of organically grown crops and livestock.... This is to determine if the benefits of consuming organic foods outweigh its adverse effects.... This paper will also delve into the social and economic impact of organic farming and further technological and research needs....
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Review of Literature on the Attributes of the Ideal Leader in Higher Education
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper is a review of literature that discusses the attributes of ideal leaders in higher education.... Skilled leaders define leadership as the ability to pursue goal-oriented plans using desired processes aimed at achieving targeted outcome.... ... ... ... In a study made by Hannigan (2008) in California, researcher affirmed the necessity of a leadership that is using participatory processes within the organizational structure, thus, eliciting pro-active involvement of students and employees for effective governance within the educational institution....
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Genetically Mutated Organisms
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Trends in Plant Science.... The paper "Genetically Mutated Organisms" discusses that the first advantage of GMOs is the increase in pest resistance of the plants that are modified (Whitman 12).... From research, it is evident that crop losses from pests are devastating both to farmers and crop reliant economies....
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Historical Forces that shaped American psychology
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
New York, NY: Springer Science+Business Media.... For this paper, two theorists from two schools of psychological thought are given emphasis due to their works that led to advances from traditional psychoanalytic approaches to the psychology that the U.... .... is familiar with today....
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Introduction to Network Security
9 pages (2604 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3285: 317–323.... The paper "Introduction to Network Security" states that networks from the time of their birth have come a long way.... Initially, they were only used in large firms and businesses.... However, as technology evolved, networks also became a part of everyday life....
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Transition Economy of Brazil
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper entitled "Transition Economy of Brazil" concerns the creation of growth in the transition economy of Brazil.... Admittedly, the transition economy of South Africa was caught flat-footed when its rand stumbled in 2005, Hungarian bonds were sold out.... ... ... ... The progress of any economy is measured by the amount of the foreign direct investment (FDI) that it both receives and places abroad....
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Letting Gays Adopt Children
7 pages (1988 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
From the paper "Letting Gays Adopt Children " it is clear that generally speaking, same-sex couples planning to raise children through adoption are not in any way different from heterosexual couples who would like to experience the joy of parenthood.... ... ... ... Generally speaking, the research aims to proffer issues pertinent to allowing same-sex couples to adopt children....
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