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Product Promotion and Marketing - Research Paper Example

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From the paper "Product Promotion and Marketing " it is clear that Mcdonald's recently targets marketed one of its new fast food. McDonald's is a huge organization with distribution points across the world. It recently introduced the McLobster, which targets the Canadian market…
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Product Promotion and Marketing
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? Final Exam Section Task The CU Denver Guitar Festival was one of the events that I attended within the campus. This event was organized by the College of Arts and Media. This event aimed at offering artistic significance, quality, and relevance to the inherent student and the staff society. This event involved educational workshops, which were open to all students. There were also performances by guest artists and the university faculty. This event was a thrilling experience to all the students within the university. Most of the students who attended the event were Music students and staff members. I interviewed two of the students who attended the festival, John and Stephen, and they attended the festival because they have a passion for music, particularly the guitar. In the interview, I asked the students about the course they were pursuing at the university, why they attended the festival, how they came to learn about the festival, and whether they would like to have similar festivals in the future. From the responses obtained, both interviewees were pursuing music as a major course, and that they attended the festival because they have a profound passion for music. Additionally, they noted that they learnt about the event through a poster and that they would like to have such events in the future. The turnout of the event was not pleasing and most of the students who attended the event were pursuing Music. This implies that the event was not publicized enough to grant a huge attendance. As a result, future events should be publicized not only through posters but also through word of mouth, posters, and announcements in gatherings. Task 2 I visited Nielsen Market Research Company on 2nd May. This was after I had informed the company about my visit and arranged for it. The organization takes immense pride in its focus group facilities. The company allowed me to be part of a focus group. The company’s focus group facilities are structured with the effort of experienced arbitrators and other company clients. The rooms provide a friendly surrounding for face to face interviews. The rooms can allow a capacity of not more than 30 people at a time. After arrival, I was directed to the focus group rooms where I was ushered in and offered a comfortable seat. I was involved in a focus group that aimed at identifying how to position Pepsi’s new low sugar drink. The discussion was controlled by a moderator. The walls were sound proof to avoid interruptions within the company and the room temperatures were controlled. The room was surveyed through cameras, which I later learnt that the clients were watching us from a lounge within the company premises. Task 3 Product promotion aims at increasing the sales volume of the product. The effectiveness of such a promotion is determined through numerous factors such as increase in sales and recall among the consumers. Measures of the effectiveness of adverts can be direct or indirect. Direct measures aims at determining the relationship between the advert and product sales. Indirect measures determine factors such as product consciousness among the purchasers and customer recall. In the research to determine the effectiveness of condom adverts, the respondents were exposed to numerous questions. They were exposed to the following questions. i. Please name all the condom adverts that you can remember ii. Do you recognize this advert? (after exposure to the advert) iii. How many times have you seen the advert? a. Few b. None c. Many iv. Do you think the advert is relevant? a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Agree d. Strongly Agree v. Would you buy the product? The respondents were exposed to the following adverts Advert 1 Advert 2 The results The respondents recognized Durex, Playsafe, and Lovemachine condom adverts. Among the 10 respondents used in the experiment, all indicated that they had encountered all the condom adverts. Advert 1 Advert 2 The number of respondents exposed to the advert 10 10 Frequency of exposure Few 3 respondents Few 4 respondents None 1 respondents None 1 respondents Many 6 respondents Many 5 respondents Relevance of the advert Strongly Disagree 2 respondents Strongly Disagree 0 respondents Disagree 2 respondents Disagree 0 Agree 4 respondents Agree 4 respondents Strongly Agree 2 respondents Strongly Agree 6 respondents Would you buy the product? Yes 3 respondents Yes 2 respondents No 7 respondents No 8 respondents Task 4 McDonald recently target marketed one of its new fast food. McDonald is a huge organization with distribution points across the world. It recently introduced the McLobster, which targets the Canadian market. The company test marketed the product in their restaurants. This is one of the unique attributes of the company’s product test market. The company carried out small promotions within its restaurants and offered the product with a big “New” next to it. However, the product had been introduced in numerous other instances and seasons and did not seem that profitable. From the test market, the product was not successful. This is because it was introduced at a hefty price. Works Cited Kim, Bhasin. "12 McDonald's Menu Items That Failed Spectacularly." Business Insider. N.p., 30 Aug. 2011. Web. 11 May 2013. Gray, Joshua. "McLobsters and Test Marketing." Marketing Examples. N.p., 4 Mar. 2010. Web. 11 May 2013. Task 5 Since our class has less than 100 people, simple random sampling was the best probability sampling method to use. In identifying the appropriate sample to use for the study, the first step was to create a list of all the class members of the class population from which to randomly select the sample. The next step was the assigning of a unique identification number to each of the population elements. The third step involved the selection of the sample elements, which was done independent of the other sample elements. The selection was carried out where small papers were assigned the unique numbers of the population elements, mixed thoroughly in a box, and picked without looking. The number of the picked papers indicated the study objects to be included in the sample. This process was involving and required a lot of time and required a population list, which was absent and had to be formulated. The results obtained from the research indicated that 60 percent of the respondents majored in Business related subjects, 20 percent in sciences and technical subjects, and 20 percent majored in Music. Task 6 Surveys are designed to obtained information from respondents on a particular topic. In a survey carried out to determine the impact of mobile phones and tablet in modern business, twelve questions were used on the respondents. The respondents were business executives from renowned organizations. The questionnaire consisted of section A and B. Section A aimed at obtaining information of the respondents’ company, his or her position in the company and the department that he or she was working under. Section B required the respondent to respond on how tablets and mobile phones have impacted modern business. In the survey’s questionnaire, some of the questions required an extensive knowledge on business and technology. This means that some of the questions would be left blank as they would be difficult to the respondent. In addition, some of the questions required extensive knowledge on one’s industry and market. This would still prove to be challenging to respondents. Task 7 Health care organizations have been involved in numerous marketing studies on customer satisfaction and how to increase effectiveness (Institute of Medicine 2). The data obtained from such studies has been used in numerous ways. In the contemporary competitive business world, these organizations use such information to impact on the physicians’ conduct within the organization. Such information is used to motivate the physicians within the organization. This is because the physicians focus on quality service delivery and hence increase the company’s efficiency and customer satisfaction. Marketing data has also been used to influence decisions within the organization. Organizations use such data to make improvement efforts and also to reward the physicians where appropriate. Marketing data is used to provide more insights on the market, and the consumer penchants on how they would like to be treated. Works Cited Institute of Medicine (US). "Clinical Data as the Basic Staple of Health Learning: Creating and Protecting a Public Good: Workshop Summary." National Center for Biotechnology Information. National Academies Press (US), 2010. Web. 11 May 2013. Section 2 Task 8 Brand extension Virgin is one of the brands that have undergone successful product extension. It has gone from music, to trains and airlines. Line Extension Coca cola is one of the renowned companies know for its line extensions. It has extended its coke drink to diet coke and coke zero. Private Brand A private brand is a duplicate of genuine products aimed at luring purchasers to buy based on its low price. The Publix superstore in United States is one of the stores that have turned private brands to cool brands. They offer numerous products such as almonds and oats, honey and butter milk. Multi-branded strategy Westpac is one of the organizations that are making efforts to make use of a variety of bank brands in order to target its patrons. According to Yeats (2), the bank adopted the strategy in order to extract growth in the slow-moving credit environment. Co-branded products Co-branded is used to create awareness and increase sales. Nokia and Yahoo are examples of co-branded products. Works Cited Yeats, Clansy. "Westpac's multi-brand strategy brings in the money." The Sydney Morning Herald. N.p., 26 Mar. 2013. Web. 11 May 2013. Task 9 Seasonal products are products whose demand and output fluctuates with seasons. Therefore, seasonal products increase with seasons. For instance, currently there is an increase in seasonal products. Because of changes in climate, there has been an increase in demand for warm clothes due to the low temperatures within Denver and its environs. This has prompted an increase in winter clothes supply by numerous organizations. Some of the seasonal products are graduation gifts, valentine cards, and Easter eggs. Task 10 Leon Max, Amazon Incorporation, Macy’s Incorporation, Roebuck Company, Sears and Ksmart corporation have been fined y the Federal Trade Commission for false labeling products sold in stores made of rayon as made of Bamboo (Federal Trade Commission 1). Works Cited Federal Trade Commission. "Four National Retailers Agree to Pay Penalties Totaling $1.26 Million for Allegedly Falsely Labeling Textiles as Made of Bamboo, While They Actually Were Rayon." N.p., 2013. Web. May 11. . Task 11 Organizations launch immeasurable products every year. Some of the current successful product launches include products such as Apple’s iPad and Pretzel M& Ms. However, not all the product strategies go well. In the recent past, numerous products have flopped. Such products include new coke, arch deluxe, crystal Pepsi, the Zune and Ben-Gray Aspirin. The New coke was launched in the late 1980’s in order to assist the corporation to stay ahead of its competitors. On the contrary, the introduction of this product led to the disappointment of the patrons. According to Forbes (2011), the way the product the product was introduced into the market was in a manner that portrayed the insignificance of the customers. Crystal Pespi was introduced in the mid 1990’s. This product flopped because it did not have a lemon or a cola flavor in it. Arch Deluxe was launched by McDonald in 1996. It was dropped by the company after it failed to bring in profits. Ben-Gray aspirin flopped in late 1990’s after the customers refused to purchase the pain reliever. Works Cited Forbes. "5 Products That Failed And Why." Forbes. N.p., 2011. Web. 11 May 2013. Task 12 Organizations develop new products through acquisition or internal development. Before a company can embark on product development, it should first consider the existing customer needs. Procter and Gamble is one outstanding example of such a company. The company constantly seeks customer needs, and uses them in designing and developing their products. P& G is a laundry detergent manufacturer in the United States. Before development of its Liquid Tide detergent, the company first conducted market surveys on 6,000 customers. This survey brought insights into the company on how they would make products that would suit the needs of purchasers. This gave birth to the product idea. The product idea was screened to determine whether it would benefit the consumers, the estimated market growth of the product and the expected competition. After screening, the organization delegated on the features and attributes the detergent will have and the cost of production. After the screening, a business analysis was carried out to determine the target market, the estimated selling price and the sales volume. The company produced a prototype that was tested on 7,000 consumers across United States. The consumers were happy with the product and the company embarked on production of the product. Task 13 Monster energy has been on the limelight after it was accused for having caused the death of a 14-year old girl. An autopsy report indicated the cause of her death as caffeine toxicity that caused cardiac arrhythmia. The parents of the child noted that she consumed two 24-oz drinks within 24 hours, which consisted of 500 milligrams of caffeine. The government is investigating the case to determine the toxicity of the caffeine in the drink. Works Cited Fox, Maggie, and Linda Carroll. "When caffeine kills: Energy drinks under the spotlight - Vitals." NBC News. N.p., Oct. 2012. Web. 12 May 2013. Task 14 Customer contact points are points that the organization interacts with its consumers. McDonalds has numerous ways through which it interacts with its patrons. It interacts with them through telephone, one-on-one interaction, and the internet. However, it has some loopholes in its one-on-one interaction and the telephone interaction. Sometimes, a consumer can make a call to any one of the distribution stores and ring for three times without an answer. In addition, a customer can wait for more than 5 minutes without being served at the distribution point, yet there are personnel trying to arrange groceries at the cold room. In this case, the organization should have telephone extensions to all departments within the organization to assist its consumers. Adequate personnel should be placed at the counter to avoid delay. Task 15 Color of packages of products influences the purchaser’s decision making process. Color meanings change with time. Color green is the most used color in product packaging. This is because the contemporary people have become health and environmental conscious. Green is used because it gives the consumers a feeling of healthiness (Kaszobowski 3). They view green colored products as of few calories, less fat and more proteins. Green packages are common among food packaging in Healthy Choice and decaffeinated coffee. Section 3 Task 16 Bundle pricing has been used in selling numerous products. One of the products that have been bundle priced is the Bamboo t-shirts which cost $99.99. The bundle has 2 male and 2 female t-shirts. Each of these t-shirt is sold at $25. With buying in bundle, the consumer will save on his or her money. Task 17 Waste Management incorporation uses the standard markup approach to determine its prices based on its costs. Its waste collection services cost ?10. The standard mark-up in United Kingdom is 2.4. This makes the price 2.4 times higher than the cost. Therefore, the company decides on its costs through the following simplification. Price= 2.4*10 = 24 Therefore, the company offers its services at ?24 Task 18 After people have used items for long, they often dispose them either through selling or donating. When people decide to sell such items, they usually do it at a low price due to depreciation. I recently came across an old refrigerator sold at a consignment store. This refrigerator was being sold at ?150. I then came across a new refrigerator at Ebay that was selling at ?250. The old refrigerator was cheaper than the new one. However, the old refrigerator did not have as many features as the new one. The old one did not have a freezer and a temperature control. Task 19 Prices of products differ among countries and cities. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet costs $650 in South Africa, $450 in Japan, $480 in United States, $500 in United Arab Emirates and $490 in Iceland. The price differs in these countries because of numerous reasons. One of the primary factors that cause this price difference is the disparities in import duties and taxes across the countries. In this case, South Africa has a high import duty of 40 percent. This significantly affects the prices paid by the consumers in these countries. The perceived value of the products in the countries is another aspect that affects the prices of products. In some nations, products may be perceived as having a high value. In addition, disparities in per-capita income, wage dispersion in the country and wage compression. Task 20 Commodity (1 kg) Price at ($) SuperValu Inc. Trader Joe Walmart Supercenters Bananas 2.4 2.45 2.49 Carrots 1.44 1.4 1.45 Tomatoes 1.8 1.90 1.85 Pineapple 2.6 2.65 2.4 Kale 2.3 2.25 2.35 The prices differ in the stores because of the different costs incurred in bringing the products to the grocery. Such costs include transport costs, storage costs and purchasing costs. Task 21 The standard mark-up in the service industry is 2.4. The price of garbage collection per month is $100. The cost of service = price/markup =100/24 = 41.67 Therefore the cost of offering the services is $41.67 Percentage markup = price/cost =100/41.67*100% =240% Task 22 The prices of hybrid cars are often higher than the gas cars by 16 to 27 percent. A hybrid BMW car costs $49, 900 while a convectional BMW car costs $31, 500. The price of a gallon of gasoline is $3.6. On average, an individual uses 3 gallons of gas in a day. Difference in car prices = 49900-31500 = 18, 400 Cost of gas per day = 3*3.6 = 10.8 The number of days it will take to consume 18,400 = 18400/10.8 = 1704 days Therefore, it would take 1704 days of gas savings to repay the difference. Task 23 People send chocolates from cities to cities. The most appropriate way of sending the chocolates is through the US Postal Service. However, the packaging of the chocolates determines whether the chocolate will melt or not. It is essential that the chocolate does not pass through many intermediaries. The chocolate is supposed to be refrigerated before sending, wrapped with parchment paper and a foil. The wrapped chocolate is then put in a sturdy box, taped up with a packing tape and then taken to the postal agency. Chocolates can be delivered in numerous other ways. It can be delivered through hand delivery. In this delivery, the costs incurred will be the transport costs which will be approximately $8. Task 24 The top five retailers in the world are Wall mart, Carrefour, Metro, Tesco and Lidl Stiftung & Co. Wall mart is originally from United States, Metro from Germany, Carrefour from France and Lidl Stiftung from Germany, and Tesco from United Kingdom. Lidl Stiftung stores are present in all the 20 European countries while Tesco is present in more than 14 countries in North America, Europe and Asia. On the other hand, Metro and Carrefour are present in 10 European nations. Wall mart is the largest retail store with stores in more than 20 countries in Asia, North and southern America, Europe and Australia. Task 25 Wallmart is one of the stores with the greatest width and depth of skin care products. The prices are categorized into cleansers, toners, sunscreen, skin lighteners, exfoliants, serums, facial masks and moisturizers. The products are further categorized into new arrivals, best sellers, and top rated. I also visited John Lewis and Macys beauty stores. John Lewis and Macys have similar product categories. They are well renowned for their fair prices and offer a wide range of products. The table below shows the estimated number of product per category Wallmart John Lewis Macys Toners 25 18 14 Cleansers 30 28 29 Sunscreen 15 16 10 Skin Lighteners 18 10 13 Exfoliants 25 26 22 Serums 28 25 29 Facial Masks 21 19 22 Moisturizers 17 14 11 Task 26 Cherry Creek Shopping Center and Aurora Shopping malls are some of the distinct stores in Denver. Cherry Creek is located at East First Avenue. It is one of the upcoming shopping destinations within the region. It has three departments which include Macy’s Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus. On the other hand, Aurora shopping mall is located at Aurora Town. Both Cherry creek and Aurora shopping malls have a wide range of customers, from the elderly to the young. The shopping malls have continuously experienced growth in their sales with Cherry Creek recording sales profits of $1.6 billion in 2012 and Aurora recording $1.3 billion. Cherry Creek shopping center owns the shopping center premises. On the other, Aurora has numerous stores in rented premises. Aurora has a huge customer base and market share of 9 percent. It has a wide well-trained work force. On the other hand, Cherry creek has a wide customer base and a market share or 11 percent. Works Cited Aurora Shopping Center. Home | Aurora Shopping Centre. N.p., 2013. Web. 12 May 2013. Cherry Creek. cherrycreek. N.p., 2013. Web. 12 May 2013. Task 27 The progression of big box retailers is associated to discount, department stores and general merchandise such as Roebuck and Sears. Over the past few years, there has been a significant development of the retail market. In reference to the Maryland Department of Planning (2001), sales increased from 1.06 trillion US dollars to 1.17 trillion US dollars. While big box retailers have continued to increase in areas within United States, they have continued to increase their operations internationally (Jones & Doucet, 2008). For instance, Wal-mart was established in Toronto, in 1994. Currently, the store has more than 17 stores in the Toronto area. The current trends in the big box retail are the drive-through pharmacies, value malls and de-malls. Incredible development has taken place over the past five years among retail pharmacies such as Eckerd and Rite Aid, which offer drive through medication services. For instance, Rite Aid has more than 3850 store locations in United States. Retail pharmacies range from 8,000 to 12,000 square feet and function as a single unit. The value malls are another current trend in the big box retail industry. Value malls merge in a single, incorporated development and numerous value-focused retail types such as factory and department store outlets, category killers and huge specialty retailers. Examples of value malls include Potomac Mills and Arundel Mills. The conception of “de-malling” is comparatively a current trend in the retail growth. It is explained as a retail functioning where store fronts are annulled towards parking. De-malls are often located near existing malls. An example of such is Towson Place in Maryland. Task 28 Coca cola has one of the outstanding distribution strategies among the soft drinks. Coke is one of the retail products available in a all retail shopping centers in United States. After production, the company distributes its products through numerous distribution channels. It sells the products directly to the retailers, distributes through whole sellers, or agents. Most of the wholesalers opt to receive the product directly from the company. This is because the prices of the products are often cheaper when from the company than when from an agent. Before the wholesaler can receive the products from the organization, it has to send an LPO to the organization. This serves as a request to be supplied with the products. Unless it is an urgent order, Coca Cola Company provides transport of the goods to the wholesaler. On receiving the goods, the wholesaler generates a goods received note that serves as a confirmation that they have received the goods. The goods are then put in a warehouse awaiting their consumption. Section 5 Task 29 Sample Coupon Cash Refund Offers Premiums Advertising Specialties Price packs Point of Purchase Displays Event Sponsorship Task 30 Organizations organize and sponsor numerous events to promote public relations and to obtain publicity for the business and promote its products. In such events, the company seizes the opportunity to interact with customers, counter their doubts and build customer self-assurance. I attended a tour organized by the ADC communications in its facilities. In this tour, the company was showcasing its newest innovations. There had been rumors that company would increase its service charges, so in this tour, the company cleared the air and made things clear to the customers that it did not intend to increase its charges. This event involved showcasing innovations and offering free drinks and food. The company’s staff members were the people who took the attendants through the innovations. Therefore, the event was a bit costly. The food and drinks cost $ 11, 540 while allowances to staff members $40, 850. Such tours are organized after three months and, therefore, the total annual cost for the event is $209, 560. The company invites its customers and other companies, which would be willing to cooperate with them. Task 31 Viral advertising uses the social networks to increase purchaser consciousness and attain other marketing objectives. Some of the renowned examples of viral marketing include Ronaldinho’s “Touch of Gold” Nike advert and’s Stolen Nascar advert. In the “Touch of Gold” advert, the soccer superstar receives a new pair of Nike boots and showcases his amazing football capabilities the internet has ever witnessed. This advert gained over 24 million views across the world on You Tube. is a website about tax. In the advert, the websites stages a Nascar theft with their website address on the site. This enabled the website obtain over one million US dollars worth of TV publicity entirely free in few days. Task 34 Different organizations go through different advertising agencies. This varies according to the different marketing objectives of the company. S.C Johnson, Microsoft and General Motors are some examples of companies that recently changed their advertising agencies. S.C Johnson selected Ogilvy & Mather and BBDO as its new advertising agencies. Microsoft recently switched its advertising agency to Publicis Group’s Starcom Media Vest Unit. General Motors recently changed its Cadillac’s advertising agency to Campbell Ewald. Task 35 Recently, movies have been used as marketing platforms for products. The “Iron Man” is one of the recent block buster movies. Numerous products have been marketed through the movie. In this movie, there are numerous instances where Apple’s iPhone and blackberry phones are used by the cast. I also watched a not-so-famous movie known as “The good guy”. This movie has fewer product placements. Heineken is the product advertised through the movie, where the actor takes few bottles with friends. The “Iron Man” has more product placements than “The good guy”. This is because the “Iron Man” has a higher audience than “The good guy”. Task 37 I interviewed Liberty Media Incorporation’s Marketing research director. He noted that his duties involve selecting suitable research methodologies and supporting ways of meeting a business objective. He also helps in the advancement of the research instrument. He also noted that his daily activities include directing and supervising the company’s marketing, initiatives, objectives, and policies. He designs quantitative and qualitative research plans for the products in all stages of the product development. In carrying out researches, he designs the research questionnaire and the moderator guide. Section 6 Task 39 Social media marketing is a process that involves gaining website attention through social media sites. Facebook and twitter are the most popular social media that marketers are using to reach their customers. The marketers analyze many of open-ended responses and summarize all of the major questions. Marketers by investing their time to social media help them to identify complains raised against the product that need correction. It is of great advantage to marketers since social marketing programs usually centre efforts to create the content which attracts attention to readers to share it with their social networks. Task 40 Consumer segmentation questions Who are your customers? What is the characteristics of your customers? What influences your customers when making purchasing decisions? Where do your customers live? Where your customers work and what is their income range? Who amongst you’re your customers are the most profitable? Who amongst your customers is a drag on your resources? Who else do you know that can be a profitable customer and is not served by your company? What is your customer’s age bracket? What is the gender-content of most of your customers? Task 41 Brown biscuits are one of the product British army consumed. The product is produced to be consumed by everyone not only the army. The targeted market is population of U.K and its environs. The difference between the biscuits sold to the British army and other consumers is how the biscuits are produced. The production of biscuits for army is added more vitamins and energy to supplement the energy to the British army. Task 42 "Consumer Confidence” in April 2013 rose as expectations of the consumers concerning the short-term economic outlook and their income prospects increases drastically. But, consumers' confidence faced a lot of challenges several times for the past few months through events like the fiscal cliff, and the payroll tax hike. Therefore, while expectations appear to have retaliated, it is difficult to predict if confidence is on the restoration. The consumers' assessment of current conditions improved spontaneously in April 2013. The ‘good’ business conditions are increased to 17.2% from 16.4 %, while those stating business conditions as "bad" decreased to 28.1% from 29.1%. Those claiming jobs are "many" edged up to 9.8 % from 9.5 %, however those claiming jobsas being "hard to get" increased to 37.1 from 35.4%. . Therate of consumers expecting business conditions to improve increased to 16.9 % from 15.0 %, while those anticipating business conditions to worsen decreased to 15.1 % from 17.7 %. The consumers' outlook for the labor market was also positive. The rate of the people expecting more jobs creation in the months ahead increased to 14.2 % from 13.0 %, while those expecting fewer jobs decreased to 22.4% from 26.0 %. The size of consumers expecting income to improve rose to 16.8 % from 14.6 %, while those expecting a decrease declined to 16.0% from 17.7%.” said Lynn Franco, the Director of Economic Indicators at the Conference Board. Task 43 To develop below perceptual map, l used the content level of sugar that gave sweetness quality. Task 46 The baby boomers and the Generation Y like exploring new products and are adventurous. Notably, generation Y like new products that make them feel adventurous. This is because Baby boomers have completed their mortgages and child bearing responsibilities while Generation Y individuals have no responsibilities. However, the baby boomers are health conscious. They like consuming organic products. In addition, they are a common objective of longevity and vivacity. Read More
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