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, Book Report/Review
Patricia Evans, herself has to say this about her book: This book “shows the reader exactly what to do to wake up a person who indulges in verbal abuse …… This book helps to sort it all out and is ideal for partners of people who indulge in verbal abuse, and likewise is ideal for people who want to stop being verbally abusive”. This is very important as verbal abuse may lead to domestic violence.
To people who think about ending their own lives, suicide represents an answer to an otherwise insoluble problem or a way out of some unbearable dilemma. It is a choice that is somehow preferable to another set of dreaded circumstances, emotional distress, or disability, which the person fears more than death.
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Physical abuse was reported in 33% of the 88 families. In comparison, neglect was reported in 47% of the families in the intervention arm and 51% of the families in the control group. The rate of abuse or neglect was 57% in the intervention arm, and 67% of families in the control arm had at least one report of abuse.
The majority of foster children are removed from their homes due to neglect and abuse (physical, mental, sexual) from their parents or caregivers. When the causes of maltreatment are looked into, Belsky (1993) says in his article that there is “no shortage of causal agents” that is raised to give explanations on why such abuse and neglect happens to a child.
It is characterized by feelings of doubt, anxiety and fear of mortality, accompanied by physical changes and often leads to behaviour modifications. Precipitating factors can be physical, psychological or hormonal. Both men and women are affected but respond in different ways. The midlife crisis can be combated with a healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude.
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, Research Proposal
Several case studies are designed based on interviews and observation with participants that fit into parameters to best construct a foundation for the approach to the topic. After a thorough review of relevant literature and analyzing the developments of the case studies, conclusions are drawn about how the language of romance is created between two people.
The dosage and type of medication are based on the symptoms of the individual as it may greatly vary from one person to another. Newer drugs such as risperidone are being introduced as older drugs like clozapine usually have higher side effects. The new drugs are believed to have lesser side effects.
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, Literature review
A study conducted by Bowers, Smith, and Binney provided great insight into the minds of bully-victims (Bowers, Smith, & Binney, 1994). The study concluded that bully-victims were being brought up under unloving, unsupervised, undisciplined parenting. The victimization results from the lack of family support.
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, Book Report/Review
Seeing voices is about the Deaf, and there need to know the language to communicate. It is more for the people around the deaf, then the deaf themselves. The book carries useful material about crucial deafness and its possible situation. The many examples and experiences shared in the book that supports the topic.
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, Literature review
In most cases, people have negative trends in behaviors that define their lives. Though the victim may be willing to leave such negative behaviors, some of which may have grievous effects on the culprit and the victim results, there are powerful convulsions that attach the individual to these behaviors making any withdrawal difficult or impossible.
The inherent conflict in these two issues, as they relate to downsizing, will become apparent. Friedman arguments that managers have a direct responsibility to the firm’s owners. According to Friedman, that responsibility is to conduct the firm’s business under owners’ desires, which generally is to ensure the firm’s financial health.
The author of the paper argues in a well-organized manner that psychology has been concerned with people’s physical health almost from the start of the 20th century. A large part of psychology’s participation in health care is a commitment to keeping people healthy rather than waiting to treat them after they get ill.
Research has shown that playing violent video games such as Mortal Kombat, Doom, or 3D can increase a person’s aggressive thoughts and behaviour in both a laboratory venue and in real-world situations. Playing violent video games may be more detrimental than viewing violent television shows or movies because they are especially enthralling and interactive.
Maslow talks about the levels of needs in terms of homeostasis. Motivation is the hypothetical concept that stands for the underlying force impelling behavior and giving it direction. It implies active, integrated, and directed behavior. When we speak of motivation, therefore, we may refer both to the energy expended in goal-seeking or to the internal or external factors.
Smiling is a natural drug. This drug affects the hormones which release endorphins and serotonin into the body and mind which create a sense of good feeling; this feeling then creates positivity and confidence. Not only is this emotion personal, but when smiling it creates a knock-on effect towards others thus spreading an almost contagious sense of happiness.
The question, ‘Is Unrealistic Optimism Good or Bad for Your Health?’ admits of opposing viewpoints. Shelley E. Taylor argues that Unrealistic Optimism Can Be Good For Your Health, while Neil D. Weinstein contends that Unrealistic Optimism Can Be Bad For Your Health. Both writers advance arguments in favor of their respective positions.
There are many different types of ways in which people interact on both biological levels as well as social ones. Toxic issues may range from alcohol and substance abuse to power and dominance issues. The danger in toxic issues is that they spread to and infect those around us. Abuse of many forms including “emotionally cutting off” can be said to be a toxic behavior.
Most research focuses on the effects of sexual orientation on children's psychology, little attention is paid to the effects of legal and political issues on secure relationships of those family members. Previous research has indicated that there is no verifiable difference in the successful growth and stability of children of same-sex households.
Constructivist pedagogy is traditionally based on Piaget’s developmental theory because he played a large role in shaping our understanding of children’s cognition. Piaget’s main idea is that “children can solve certain problems only at certain stages and that these problems can be organized into a developmental sequence".
Freud also makes mention of the different developmental stages of a person. Freud’s theory in each of development is that there needs to be a resolution for each stage of development; unresolved issues in each stage surface in the adult as limited coping mechanisms. The first stage is the oral stage.
Every counselor has a series of tools that they can use when working with clients in psychotherapy. Most counselors will use a specific theory to do their work but many will use a variety of theories. Theories help clients through various situations and they assist the counselor in helping these clients.
Heartfelt care and concern, an understanding approach, and tender regard for his feelings are necessary prerequisites to heal his wounds. Coupled with this, we need to learn to forgive and forget his past to help him build a new identity. The inner core of every human being is nearly right, even that of the worst villain. It just needs to be revealed to help him align with his real personality.
Games are defined as a set of activities that are usually done to satisfy the need for entertainment. However in recent years with the development of video games, it is seen that children are indulging a lot in gaming. And this has forced many individuals to carry out research to find out the effect of games on children.
The psychological disorder is generally evident before age three and includes the following characteristics: impaired and irregular communication skills, avoidance of eye contact, poor development of language for social communication, inability for symbolic or imaginative play, engagement in repetitive activities, and stereotyped movements.
There are people on the face of this globe who believe that love is the eventual reality that dawns upon just about everyone. They opine that love makes them go wild with fantasies, fulfills their passion, and supports their very basis in a number of different ways. However, what they seem to forget is the fact that love is not everything.
This further can cause a disturbance in behavior, emotions, motor functions, and sensations. A single seizure is not considered to be epilepsy; there will be repeated episodes of seizures in epilepsy. The group of neurons in which epileptic seizures occur shows an odd electrical behavior known as a paroxysmal depolarizing shift.
Physical activity may be described as a bodily movement that causes a considerable boost in energy expenditure. Physical activities in adults include leisure-time physical activities such as walking, swimming, gardening, hiking, dancing, transportation activities such as walking, running, and cycling, work-related physical activities, household activities, and sports.
The analysis of the process of achieving happiness clearly indicates how he applied the principles of scientific research (Compton and Hoffman 93). In my opinion, Shaharhas impacted my approach to different aspects of life. First, one should accept his/her emotions such as sadness, anxiety, or fear in order to achieve happiness.
The best format for addressing a torrent of abuse is to seek medical help. The instance will make sure that the events of a torrent of abuse do not result from trauma. The other aspect is to ensure that any person stays in a safe environment. Any instance that may threaten the safety of an individual should have a very efficient address.
Based on Rotter’s concept of locus of control, Patrick’s locus was external since he was uncertain of whether his positions were influenced by his father or were solely his personal achievement. A person with an external locus believes that their life is influenced by an external environment that they have no chance of influencing.
John might be reflecting on these incidents because he has come to believe that he is either inadequate in life or that there is a possibility that the suicides might be a genetic characteristic among the men of his family. It is therefore essential that John be given the necessary psychological help to ensure.
Evidently, Jane’s case can further be explained using different behavioral and cognitive theories that have been developed by different psychologists. The therapy that Jane will receive will depend on how the therapist understands Jane’s situation and applies the theories effectively in an effort to help her.
A comprehensive CAMH service should be facilitated through the establishment of a structured implementation process across all social services, youth justice, and education and health sectors (Salmon & Kirby, 2008). It should put in mind the poor who are not able to get the services in due time or at all.
In conclusion, looking at all the assessments that I took above, I find the assessment on what motivates me to be the most important. I have learned about what I should focus on in my daily actions and decision, always targeting to fulfill my ambitions which consequently translates to increased productivity.
At this stage, she is looking back at her life and feels inadequate as she did not lead a fulfilling life. In her case, she is in despair because she feels she has led a life of disappointments and many unachieved goals. I would reason with her and explain that we cannot be all equal and that in fact she is supposed to be celebrating her life.
The overall view on the juvenile justice policy is that it has been facing certain controversies in terms of imbalanced punishments to the extent of capital punishment, resulting in increased violence in young people. There seems to be no factor in favour of preventing drug use. The problem of racial discrimination has also been added to this
Western families tend to experience the Empty Nest Syndrome more deeply due to the logistics of parent and child. Women are more likely to experience Syndrome more deeply than men. Finally, due to the Empty Nest Syndrome, many parents allow adult children to move back in creating a “Full Nest Syndrome”. This event in a child's life is an important milestone.
Gordon Allport can rightly be considered the Father of Personality Theory. In the early twentieth century, personality was not a formal sub-discipline of Psychology. The emphasis was on the psychoanalytical and behavioral approaches, with Social Psychology also being given importance. Allport was a pioneer in the study of personality and shifted the very direction of its study.
The Power of Mental Models is a salient topic mentioned in the book pointing out that the mental model of coaching considering winning on the scoreboard to be the only goal blinds many well-meaning individuals to the incredible opportunities to use sports to build character and teach life lessons to young athletes.
Children who suffered sensory deprivation in more than one domain were considered global neglect. Children subjected to prenatal drug exposure and international neglect were taken as a second group. Children subjected to physical, emotional, social, or cognitive neglect came under the chaotic ruin. Those who had experienced prenatal drug and messy decay were taken as groups three and four, respectively.
Without his doubts about Jewish lineage tainting his background, his self-loathing, oral fixation, and anal complex Hitler would not have felt compelled to control everything. These traits led to a totalitarian government that wanted to destroy non-Aryans. Hitler’s personality was formed by a dysfunctional family. If he was born today with the same parents, Hitler would have become the same man.
Different theories have been postulated regarding the impact of exercise on psychological well-being, namely, the endorphin hypothesis, cognitive hypothesis, and the self-efficacy hypothesis, thermogenic hypothesis, mastery hypothesis, etc. All these hypotheses indicate a reduction in negative moods and improvement in positive feelings of the self, physically and psychologically.
This is an inventory that is used in the examination of behavioral patterns in the family regarding control, intellectual cultural orientation, family cohesion, and active-recreational orientation. It provides norms on the basis of big national samples with families that are distressed and some small family samples which have autistic children.
It is a screening instrument that creates the belief that the parents' total stress due to their children's behaviors parents' perception of the children is relevant to the behavior of individual children and the care given to them. Schmitt and Carroll assert that the children's stress to the parent would be examined in terms of destructibility, acceptability, demanding behavior, and moods.
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, Literature review
In a recent review of the literature on marketing strategy and framework, Goi concluded that the 4Ps of marketing have remained as the most popularly used marketing framework despite its limitations. Goi explained that the reason for the popular use of the 4Ps of marketing emerged from its simplicity and, thus, marketing textbooks typically organize their exposition around the 4Ps (2009, p. 5).
A forensic psychologist’s foremost priority is to judge the safety of family members affected by the domestic violence case. It is his responsibility to ascertain if any of the spouses feel insecure and may accentuate past records pertaining to violence against a spouse, such as child abuse if he is of the perspective that it will influence the present domestic case.
Experimental Methods are often taken to be scientific in nature and are the most know methods of choice. These Methods involve manipulation of a variable to determine changes in another variable. Therefore, for a method to be considered an experimental method, then it must contain a variable that causes changes in another variable or fixed-parameter of analysis.
Health behavior is regarded as any kind of actions or behavioral patterns followed by individuals to maintain or regain good health and protect against the detrimental effects of illness. Individuals contribute to their own health by adopting particular health-enhancing behavior and reducing other health conciliation behavior.
Cesaré Lombroso is an Italian criminologist and physician who founded the Italian school of positivist criminology. He rejected the classical school of thought of criminology. He was against their tenets. Lombroso rejected the ideology that was dominant with the classical school that, criminalist tendencies were traits of human nature.
Peter Salovey with John D. Mayer has mentioned in their prominent editorial "Emotional Intelligence" the concept of EI by defining it as, "the division of societal intellect that engages the capability to examine one's own and others' stance and sentiment, to distinguish amongst them & to use this information to steer one's thoughts and dealings".