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O Work in a Group Is a Natural Instinct of All Living Things on Earth - Assignment Example

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The paper "O Work in a Group Is a Natural Instinct of All Living Things on Earth" states that Alcoholics Anonymous is truly a sign of reflective and proper social group where the leader in the most conducive and cooperative environment conforms upon decision-making…
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Group Work: Theory & Practice When minds of same ideological dispositions and thoughts come together for fruitful materialization of some activity or thought, they form a Group. Whether it is for some social cause, or political endeavors or for some research, or for any art and cultural meet or some enjoyment, people come together in groups, make the collaborative efforts and share their experiences and value to the group’s proposition. While in a group we work in a communion with each other and make decisions worth meaningful. To work in a group is a natural instinct of all living things on Earth and there is a feeling of communal bond with each other and involves certain ethics, rules and moral values. To make the group efforts successful, one has to follow the rules as decided in a group. The effectiveness of any group depends on the way it takes the cohesive decision-making approach. Alcoholism has become the gravest situation among many alcoholics all over the world and has become a menace not only for a drinker but also for his or her family, society, nation and whole world. Alcoholism entices the man for excessive drinking and becomes his unending provocation despite the negative effects it causes. Once addicted, it is impossible for alcoholic to control himself and gets affected with severe health problem. The extent to which it affects the body, is not withstanding a crucial aspect to all the studies and researches. If an alcoholic takes to drinking for many years, the tissues in the brain are reduced and subsequently the size of ventricles is also increased. Alcoholism also creates deficiency of vitamin B known as Thiamine, and weakens the pumping of heart. Though alcoholism is a personal problem of an individual but whole family and society ultimately has to bear the brunt of it. I am an ardent believer to create an environment in world that is free from alcoholism and decided to join Alcoholics Anonymous, a group who is taking initiative to help alcoholics to get rid of their alcoholic habit and take the world in their own stride and have all the characteristics of the most effective group. Its list of members and organizations speaks volume of its success rate. Alcoholics Anonymous is a group of ordinary men and women affected by alcoholism themselves or are suffering owing to their alcoholic family member. Any person who has a sincere desire to get rid of alcoholic problem is welcome to join to group. They hold their meetings at the regular intervals and share their all-sorrowful experiences and even their achievements with each other. They try to solve each other problems and give all the support to each other to get rid of alcoholism. Alcoholism group only needs your will power, strength and patience to remove the habit of alcohol. To understand the functioning of the group, I felt we should first understand its historical background of how it was originated and what was the situation that finally led to its formation. History of Group Alcoholics Anonymous dates way back to 1934. A Wall Street employee Bill Wilson was a heavy drunkard who had ruined his career owing to his heavy drinking problem. Soon he realized he was not able to overcome his problem so he was introduced to his old buddy Ebby Thacher who was a member of an Oxford Group known as Christian movement. Here Wilson started his treatment from Dr. William Silkworth according to whom alcoholism was not a moral problem but an illness, needing treatment. (Hartigan 2000: 50-51) Under Dr. Silkworth’s care, Wilson felt having attained spirituality in him; this it was believed he attained by a drug prescribed and formulated by Charles B Towns and Dr. Alexander Lambert. (Pittman 1988: 163) He got convinced of the existence of supernatural force around him and he was able to stop his drinking problem. Yet again on his business trip to Akron Ohio, Wilson decided to take another drink but his consciousness allowed him to approach another alcoholic for help. He came into contact with Dr Bob Smith, who had got himself cured spiritually. Wilson and Bob Smith then together decided to form a group through the word of mouth to help other alcoholics. 10th June 1935 was Wilson’s last drink and his way towards formation of the most successful and popular group all over the world, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). (Alcoholics Anonymous 1984: 131) By 1937, both Wilson and Bob had claimed to make 37 alcoholics enter into new life and after two years with 100 members, Wilson decided to expand his procedures by writing a book Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), from which an organization too got its name. The book had “Twelve Step program”, with every step leading to spirituality. By 1941, the popularity of the book increased so much that members kept on pouring in. As and as the membership grew, confusions about the functioning and management of the group too grew. Then Wilson decided to chalk out plan to form a system that came to be known as Twelve Traditions. These traditions are a guide for the proper functioning of the group. AA became a full fledged group during St Louis Convention of 1955 when Wilson handed the stewardship of the group to the General Service Board (Alcoholics Anonymous 1984: 359) and soon expanded his operations at the international level and by 2001 its members increased to two million. The Alcoholics Anonymous meetings took shape in Australia by the formation of first Central Service Office at Sydney. Before that many enthusiasts tried to initiate in the formation of groups by holding meetings, but it was not much success. It was only in 1952, the proposal was made for the states to come together to form a forum of exchanging of ideas and discussions, which ended in the formation of First National Convention at Melbourne in 1959. Soon another convention was held at Sydney in 1961. The first convention was held under the support of Australian Service Conference of Alcoholics Anonymous. Soon in 1979, a General Service board was established. Twelve Trustees, eight alcoholics and four non-alcoholics including secretaries of several committees operate the board. The main function of the board is to look after the proper arrangement of conferences. AA got its popularity with the efforts of Rex who was the secretary of the first group. Rex gave a detailed authentic account of the activities of AA in a press release to Herald who published his report. Then Frank Sturge Harty, the most popular Sydney radio personality and non-alcoholic, too broadcasted his activities and thus the popularity of AA rose in Australia. This growing popularity over the years has resulted in the strong membership of 5000 members. (Alcoholics Anonymous Australia 2008: Online) When I attended the meeting, there was a feeling of serenity in an environment and all were sitting very quietly. I took my place and before the actual beginning of the meeting, every body socialized with each other followed by a talk with a sober member and his experiences and the way he got himself cured of his drinking problem. It was very motivational but the important aspect of the meeting was the way the members kept themselves anonymous. All members invloved themselves in a group discussion discussing on alcoholism and various programs group might be deciding in the future. Then the group’s standard meeting started, prescribed by a chairman who generally calls upon the meeting to start. The meeting began with silent prayer, or meditation, or prayer. After the prayer, chapter five, “How It Works” from The Big Book was read. Along with that I was surprised that they celebrated the arrival of newcomer, encouraged him and gave him the moral support. Along with that I also heard many groups even welcomed visitors and sobrieties. With the welcoming note, I heard the leader announcing the date and time of next meeting and of the exhibition depicting the Ways to cure to be scheduled next week. After the leader’s announcements, one of the members too got up and spoke on his feelings after he reached here. There was also a general discussion session by the group members on the ill effects of alcohol. Leader directed the group so well that there was no chaos, or undue interruptions. Every one was polite with each other and put their views across very humbly and without criticizing others. Every one applauded when one member told about the real facts about alcohol. He said alcohol is like an immoral woman who entertains but if fallen in love kills the soul. This is a real fact of alcohol. You feel you are entertaining and enjoying alcohol and as more and more you love it, it would more and more get attached with you never to leave you and would also kill your soul. The discussion took place with every member getting a chance to speak one by one. One of the members was so overwhelmed by the discussion that he did only not help but also appreciated the efforts of Alcoholics Anonymous. Then leader of the group also gave some points on twelve-step recovery program. These twelve steps are ability to recognize our weaknesses and to come close to God. It is through prayer and meditation we could come to a close proximity to God, realize our self worth and power. And with this realization, we could have our will power strong and carry forward to other alcoholics who could also benefit by applying these principles. I also came to know that these twelve steps are followed by twelve traditions to guide the groups for their proper functioning. Many of the twelve-step fellowships have adopted these principles for proper governance and proper services to other sufferers. These twelve steps involve the salvation of our physical, spiritual and mental being. All members help the seeker to find for him one alcoholic member called sponsor who has attained sobriety during a period of one year. He would assist the new comer to follow the twelve-step program. The next event was the collection of donations, and I was surprised to see all the members wholeheartedly emptying their pockets for this cause. When the basket arrived in front of me, I could not understand how much I should donate. Seeing my dilemma, a member sitting next to me told me whatever amount I feel like I could put and if I could not, it was also fine. So smiling I put 10 dollars in the donation box. The meeting was ended again with Lord’s Prayer. The whole group formed a circle, folded their hands and held the prayer. After the meeting, I was invited by the member sitting next me to accompany him for a cup of coffee near a coffee shop, where I could see many more members socializing with each other. Alcoholics Anonymous considers alcoholism as a disease and believe in the fact that this disease can be cured more by the strong willpower of the patient rather than from any medication. At first hearing of the discussion of the group, I felt it was more of an argument rather than any useful discussion yet at the closer look and analysis, I found that such discussions are very healthy as they tend to reflect the inner most feelings of the patients. Without any fear of abuse, hatred or ill will, they can pour their heart out and when they speak up, they feel themselves morally satiated and get emotional relief. This process is also useful to get proper guidance from other members of the group. In the group, I also saw one teenager. He was around 19 years and was feeling hesitant of speaking. When his turn to speak came, it appeared words were not flowing and he was finding himself bound by something unusual. The member sitting next to him caressed his head and patting on his shoulder explained to him that this group is anonymous. Every discussion takes place in the closed room absolutely anonymous for the world outside so he need not fear. His slight pat on the back of the teenager enthused in him the courage to speak his part of life. He told how the friends in the college coxed him at the party to take a sip of whisky and how that one small peg of whisky changed his life. Next day, he again went to his friends place and again he had one more glass of whisky, from then on there was no stoppage for him and he got so habituated that it started affecting his studies. He started skipping his classes to reach his friends’ place to enjoy whisky. This was happening since last two years and now it has started affecting his nervous system and now he wanted to stop drinking but was not able to. He had come here to get help and support of the group. This is the power of the group where all the members have but one aim. To get themselves rid of alcoholism and also to help and support the way to adjust with the alcoholic member in their family. Group entitles them to share their hard life and chalk out ways for improvement. The Alcoholics Anonymous group follows the appropriate criteria of a group and activities in a group. The group discussion generally starts with the understanding of the problem around which decision on the solution has to be made and to develop the issue is a very first step. If all the members in the group have a common understanding to the problem, then only a group could come to certain concrete conclusion to solve the problem and materialize the task. Generally the leader of the group arrives at a final decision but with a consensus of all the members of the group. Alcoholics Anonymous belongs to the category group-therapy. The therapy involves membership of 6 to 10 people who interact with each other and give their comments on others views and can also be known as self help groups. They help themselves while helping others. In 1970 at a gathering of the specialized social workers, there was a general consensus among them that there was something missing in their profession. They had heard about the new theoretical and developmental approaches in their work but they could not understand or relate their work according to the changing time. They in fact also could not understand the basic criteria of any social activity, the basis of which lies in the group processes. But by passing years, social bodies began to realize the importance of social groups and developed a specific bond with those who were associated with social group work heritage. (Weil, Chou & Southerland, 1991: 1) As said by Marie Weil, Kenneth K. L. Chau and Dannia Southerland, “The group has its roots in the social reform, social responsibility, democratic ideals and social actions”. (Weil, Chou & Southerland 1991: 3). William Schwartz “placed social work at the junction of restoring the almost every severed ties” between people and systems they need (Weil, Chou & Southerland 1991: 3) and what makes the social welfare groups effective is the appropriate blending of theoretical knowledge with practical application. Alcoholics Annonymous blend both the theoretical and practical application of the processes. Their twelve step approach is truly a guide for the members to follow and apply. The nature of establishing relationship is also a main criteria for social welfare work. As we are making our way into ever changing technological world of today, the question still arises where we are standing? We would say we are in the grip of transience, alienation, disaffiliation and loneliness and are plagued into three of the human conditions like separateness, meaninglessness and self-depreciation. (Lassner, Powell & Finnegan 1987: 8-9) These situations in several cases make humans lead into the grip of alcohol that makes them feel satiated and it is only through the group efforts we could bring the alcoholics to find power in themselves and this they could attain by combined efforts of Alcoholics Anonymous. There is a need to reinforce among alcoholics a sense of power, competency and higher self-determination and it is only possible with the proper coordination and organization. (Lassner, Powell, Finnegan 1987: 8-9) Here lies the most important aspect of Alcoholics Anonymous whose members though coming from varied background with different levels of attitudes yet aspire to create an environment and a feeling of togetherness to solve and get rid off their so called disease of alcoholism. They have a mutual understanding for their upkeep and benefits and their success is achieved due to the proper placement and endeavor of other members in a group. Therefore Alcoholics Anonymous is truly a sign of reflective and proper social group where the leader in the most conducive and cooperative environment conforms upon a decision-making. REFERENCE LIST Alcoholics Anonymous Australia. 2008. A Brief History of Alcoholics Anonymous in Australia. [Online] Available: [25 July 2008] Alcoholics Anonymous. 1984. Pass It On: The Story of Bill Wilson and How the A.A. Message Reached the World. New York: Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. Hartigan, F. 2000. Bill W. A Biography of Alcoholics Anonymous Cofounder Bill Wilson. New York: St. Martins Press. Lassner, J., Powell, K. & Finnegan, E. 1987. Social Group Work: Competence and Values in practice. New York: Haworth Press Pittman, B. 1988. AA the Way it Began. Seattle: Glen Abbey Books. Weil, M., Chau, K.K.L. & Southerland, D. 1991. Theory and Practice in Social Group Work: Creative Connections. New York: Haworth Press Read More
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