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The paper “Key Questions of Being according to Socrates, Plato, Russell, Anselm, Paley, and Other Thinkers” is an earnest example of a philosophy assignment. According to Socrates, when gods disagree piety cannot be defined as what is dear to them because each of them has different preferences and love different things.
The paper “Advantages and Disadvantages of Deontology and Discourse Ethics” is a creative example of the philosophy case study. The case explains a situation where a few years back, a certain chemical firm named BASF from Germany, following the footsteps of European companies, had decided to have its factory in the US (United States).
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The paper 'Empiricist and Rationalist Approaches to Knowledge ' is a great example of a Philosophy Essay. Empiricism is a knowledge theory that comes through a sense of experience. Empiricism stresses the role of evidence and experience, particularly sensory perception, information of ideas, over the view of tradition or innate ideas.
It is a field that requires a lot of research to collect not only correct but reliable and relevant data (Thomas, 2002). This field also requires a lot of research to be carried out on the participants and one must be very keen and patient while carrying out the observation task. Audience Ethnography is a task that can take place at any place, therefore, it might require a lot of movement and flexibility.
The paper "Efforts of the Great Philosophers in a Bid to Create Awareness about the Democracy" is an outstanding example of a philosophy essay. This chapter carefully and systematically dissects the manner in which the great philosophers (Socrates and Plato) came to condemn the democratic space in Athens.
The paper "Philosophy, State and Society" is an inspiring example of an essay on philosophy. Hobbes felt that society resembles a state of nature. In the state of nature, human beings are equal. By being equal, Hobbes says that they are capable of causing the greatest of evils to one another: death (Bobbio, 1993, 39). Also in the state of nature, items are scarce.
The paper 'The Phenomenon of Enlightenment' is a perfect example of a philosophy case study. Although the phenomenon of enlightenment was coined some times back in the eighteenth century by very important and key figures like Kant, JS Mill, Weber among others, many would agree that it continues to present a far-reaching impact.
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, Literature review
3rd December, 2011.Four Causes by AristotleThis paper analyzes Aristotle’s four principles that he calls the causes. The study is bases on James Hillman (2007) arguments in his book ‘kinds of power’. To James there are four kinds of reason that
Generally speaking, the paper "Values and Conflict in Organisations - Kant's Philosophy" is a great example of philosophy coursework. The theory of utilitarianism is derived from the philosophical work of James Mill and Jeremy Bentham. Utilitarianism is based on two elements namely: good and right.
The paper "Ethical Analysis Drugs in Sport" is a good example of a philosophy essay. Drugs are generally chemical substances that alter body functions. Some drugs have positive while others have negative impacts. The use of drugs can be illegal or legal. The illegal use of drugs to enhance performance is commonly referred to as doping.
The paper “Quality Philosophies of Toyota Motor Corporation” is a comprehensive variant of the case study on philosophy. Toyota is a Japanese automaker founded in 1937 by Kiichiro Toyoda. Based in Toyota, Aichi, the company has recorded immense growth since it was founded to become one of the world’s leading automaker.
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, Personal Statement
As he pushes the baby in her stroller toward the library, he thinks of the riches they enjoy. A bird lets loose a song, which makes the baby clap her hands and laugh. As a member of the local land trust, John played a small role in restoring this place. He’s admiring the dance of leaves and light on the prairie when he notices the baby has grown.
From a philosophical and psychological perspective, the commission achieved its aim. The people had the opportunity to come out of the trauma by narrating their miseries of the past. Psychological it was opportune for them to face and reconcile with the reality on a conscious level instead of storing those in their unconscious to make them guilty.
It is how we position ourselves within the world and thus provides us with the emotional stability we need to make sense of our actions. As a result, we strive emotionally to enforce these ideas that are a part of our internal nature. Most of the time, they exist under the surface of our awareness because they are supported by the values and ideals of the society in which we live.
There are number of questions that will be investigated. Can yoga be a pathway to personal liberation and freedom; can this liberation define a new way of looking at leadership? Can the ancient wisdom of yoga philosophy aid emerging adults in becoming fully expressed and authentic beings.
The utilitarian principle argues in favor of the thought of bringing out the maximum happiness and thus following the rule, this unethical practice would be considered to be correct considering the fact that the result of this experiment was beneficial and was leading to the process of maximizing happiness (Schaefer 2004; Mills 1867).
As Kessler states, this is the simplest definition, for, on the one hand, evil can be defined in all manner of ways as intentional pain, suffering, violence, death, destruction, cruelty, etc. Still, theodicy is generally used to reconcile these perceptions of reality with a conception of God that is pure, true, the sum of the good, and all-loving.
Both Plato and his successor Aristotle have pondered over the issues of ethics and morality that concern human beings and govern the functioning of the societies. Both philosophers have viewed ethics, as the highest attainable state of human mind and moral values are the characteristics, which a person should possess to aim at ethical behavior.
The Purusha is the fundamental and true being, or you can say, in a given plane it manifests, embodies the true being. In a normal situation, considering the ordinary individual, this true entity is covered up by the persona of ego and the unconscious or ignorant part of Prakriti influenced the knowledge, the unseen hence remains unseen supporting the play of ignorance and obscurity.
The principle necessitates that the distressed be helped unconditionally and if need be again and again without considering the costs of the personal risks that one could experience out of his or her noble act. In addition, the theory evidences that there are no limits to doing what is right and that what is wrong is not being morally right.
Happiness cannot be achieved when the standards set for it are too high. Most people base their happiness on some sort of achievement that is very unrealistic. Such people keep setting higher standards any time they get to a standard they had set before, and their journey of pursuit of happiness never ceases (Gault 2010).
The question of what constitutes enlightenment has been the subject of numerous philosophical debates without a universally agreeable answer. Immanuel Kant and R. Dearden are some of the many scholars who have attempted to answer the question in depth. I present a discussion on what I comprehend about enlightenment and modern education as per the arguments presented by Kant and Dearden in their two different essays.
7 pages (1969 words)
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, Personal Statement
Humans are involved in a continuous learning process, where they learn from the environment and the specific experiences that they glean over the period. Through teaching the inherent ability to learn for students can be influenced to identify and explore specialist areas that can be appropriately explored by the students.
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, Literature review
Leadership philosophy guides an individual’s actions, behaviors, and thoughts. On the other hand, people’s philosophies are influenced by external and internal forces. People can change who they are by virtue of being leaders and by changing their leadership philosophy.
I was part of the group presentation on the topic of Leadership Competencies during the student personal service classes. At the end of the program, I found that the information I used in the presentation was very useful and critical as pertains to how I approach leadership. In my classes and practice as well, I often apply the following leadership philosophies (Warrick, 1981).
The ability to connect and establish a feasible relationship is essential for productive leadership and it depends on the leaders’ attitude towards his/her followers. Based on my experience as a leader, a successful leader faces the problem instead of running away from it. More so, a successful leader is trustworthy and does not engage in unethical behaviors.
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, Research Paper
The scholars pointed out that the concept of development brought about a hierarchy of both developed and underdeveloped countries. The former ones are more advanced and superior to the latter, seen as inferior and needing help from the developed ones. The school of thought of the post-development era points out that the development models are ethnocentric.
However, libertarianism is simply the basic moral principle or as derived one. In some cases, libertarianism is identifiable with the principle that every agent has the right to equal and maximum empirical negative liberty. In this case, empirical negative refers to the lack of forceful interference from others when trying to do your things.
Accuracy is the chance that the source of knowledge is relevant, truthful, and purposeful and techniques used to obtain the knowledge are effective. The error comes in with the character of mistakes, and in most cases, it leads to the attainment of wrong facts or information. But who knows? As the question unfolds, “Error is as valuable as accuracy in the production of knowledge.”
Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) is concerned with the evaluation of problems with a finite amount of alternatives which are especially known at the start of the solution process. These alternative solutions result from mathematical models and their variables can either be uncountable or countable depending on the discrete or continuous nature of the data respectively.
This has led to changes in various activities including business operations and consumer tastes and preferences. These factors formed the foundation of this study. The study aimed at exploring the concept of Confucianism within the Australian context, the reasons behind the increased practices, Confucian values, and the association with business practices.
A critical incident in its setting can be either positive or negative (Hrovat and Luke 2016, pg8). Learners must, therefore, determine the positive aspects of critical incidents and learn from them as well as determine the negative aspects and establish various ways to counter the negative occurrences (Jarvis and Newman, 2013, n.d).
It is from this view that economists, political scientists, anthropologists, and historians have correlated the views on the two subjects in connection to modernity. There are intense lobbying and divergent views by modern states on how to resolve disputes in the context of traditional values without raising conflict among affect communities.
The noble people have more power compared to the slaves because most of them are given prominent positions in organizations or owns the most valuable properties which they assign the slaves to take care of this they have the ability to dictate to their juniors what to do. The amount of power one has depends on the ability to use the authority that one has and the skills that one has.
Although only a few have heard about it, research on human happiness has been developing since 1960. Human happiness is regarded as the highest goal in life. The attainment of happiness is now the focus of philosophy, psychology, and even theology (Graham, 2010). The earliest researcher in human happiness Gordon Watson argued that there is no other quest that can attract a large number of people than happiness.
Logical positivism also known as neo-positivism or logical empiricism is a school of philosophy that coalesces empiricism, the thought that observational evidence is crucial for the knowledge of the world with a version of rationalism integrating logico-linguistics and mathematical constructs and deductions in epistemology.
The desires of a person have to be controlled. A person to achieve what is rightly his without frustrating others. From this perspective, it can be seen that Homer left some aspect hanging in his description of the soul. The loose ends were discussed in detail by Socrates and Plato. The suggestion by Socrates shows the rationality of the soul through self-examination.
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, Book Report/Review
The study of philosophical orientation, I have seen it as a very wide study where it has in many ways influenced the behavior of people both in person and culturally. In adult education, the educator decides which direction the class takes in terms of learning, and the methods used by students of this program lie entirely on what the educator directs.
There has been a lot of blogosphere discussion of this mighty debate and continuous debates on just how much, we as the present generation owe the future generations. One of the big questions that come up is, “did the previous generations also have a lot to think about what they owed to us?”Ralph Waldo Emerson for instance quoted that insects store up for their future generations.
Human beings are different from animals due to the fact that as thinking organisms, they have evolved and developed so much. They are also capable of obtaining culture and ideas within themselves. Rationality is exclusive to humans as it makes them superior to other animals. However, they can also be irreversibly irrational in choosing their actions in life.
One of the most important disciplines in Contemporary Philosophy is Philosophy of mind. The explanation of the capacities and cognitive abilities of human beings is the central goal of the contemporary cognitive study on behavior. It explores the capacity of an adult to comprehend and produce natural language and a child's acquisition of the language from the adults.
Nietzsche’s take on Christianity was largely influenced by Kierkegaard who was himself a Christian. He felt that the church practices at the time were extremely formal and showed no signs of evolving or changing. Seeking to understand the identity of a person, he escaped the commonly used scientific analytical methods and instead compared one person to another.
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, Research Paper
The concepts behind cultural relativism still draw arguments with supporting statements from both ends. Cultural relativism, in the basic sense, is the theory that supports the argument that ethical systems or morals across the various divides of cultures are equally valid. Therefore, according to this theory, no system can be superior to the other (Fieser, 2000).
Many theories have been created about these different stages to explain the significance of each stage in the development process. Many profound theories have emerged since the beginning of the century, the main theorists who have made a significant contribution to human development are Erik Erikson and Sigmund Freud.
Although neither Max Weber nor Karl Marx wrote directly about education, their theory of class conflict has far-reaching ramifications on education. Marx’s views and theories influenced a lot of academicians and scholars to publish numerous papers on the issue of education, resource distribution, sociology, politics, and economics.
A paradigm describes a model that has been theoretically tested and is applicable in a certain specific situation. The concept of paradigms is used in decision-making criteria as it provides specific guidelines of acting, given particular conditions or settings. In the concepts of worldviews and paradigms, the issues of culture, beliefs, and ideologies shape how different people perceive it.
World view provides a basis for understanding others and the surroundings. One of the theories used to study individuals in the medieval theory[1]. The medieval world view theory describes the self, suggesting that the mind and the body are two different concepts that can be separated and studied individually.
It is often said that the energy we set into the world will, at last, come back to us. Our current actions have an impact on the future. In the case where the impacts take long to happen, it is clear that it is the future generation that takes the blow. Although, in some cases, it is less likely that our decisions will affect the general course of history.
The identified relationship tends to constitute the body’s nature, both conscious and unconscious mind, and the emotional life experienced by the subjects while seeking the governance. Foucault majorly focuses on the question of how discourse shapes and creates the meaning of the systems gaining the status and the currency of “truth” and dominance in the manner that people define and organize themselves.
Elucidations of Hume's rationality of religion are regularly made against the foundation of more broad understandings of his philosophical aims. From this point of view, it is not unordinary to view Hume's perspectives on religion in terms of naturalism and skepticism, which prominently feature in his 1739–40’s Treatise of Human instinct.