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Generally, observing the psychological mechanisms and consequences underlying theories presented by both philosophers, Marx and Plato, adds a lot to our understanding of many fundamental social and political notions like alienation, depression, suffering, freedom, justice, equality, and political authority.
Like other philosophers, Plato's thoughts and ideas were greatly influenced by some people with whom he interacted and by the life events. The first major event that influenced Plato's thoughts was his meeting with Socrates, the Greek Philosopher. Jayapalan noted that Plato was so impressed with the way Socrates debated issues to the extent that he decided to become a close associate of Socrates.
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5 pages (1338 words)
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, Literature review
Baertschi (2008) argues that glass is brittle, and it tends to break off when it falls on the ground. Precisely, the glass often breaks because of its possession of the molecular structure. So, the molecular structure of identity is what makes it what it is in the present form. Likewise, a full human is not any different from what a fetus is because of that where life begins.
Individuals find themselves in a moral dilemma. Moral dilemmas are challenging and tactical events in life. In the incident, an individual faces a challenge in the choice of actions that places him or her in a moral dilemma regarding the best choice. Each action presents a test of morality and each is justified based on a moral reason.
On the other hand, an artificial virtue is a disposition for which none of the above assertions hold true (Hume, 1978). Thus, it is clear that natural virtues are those that naturally elicit a spectator’s approval while artificial virtues do not evoke such approval. When looked at from another perspective, it seems that the spectator’s approval for artificial virtues is similar to that of natural virtues.
Faith and reason are the main sources of justification of religious beliefs since they can both perform this particular epistemic role. They are sources of authority forming foundations of beliefs. Many philosophers and theologians have conflicting reasoning about these two aspects and are worried about how rational beings should treat claims arising from them.
David Hume rejects the idea of self - which is existing in the long run. There are only sensations or perceptions that change every moment they are being perceived. The basic claims by him would be provided below. 1. All thoughts are eventually gotten from impressions. 2. Along these lines, the thought of a continuing "self" is, at last, got from impressions.
However, according to scholars, the threat is really serious as income inequality prevents the American dream from being realized. The issue is worth-discussing thus, the given paper will provide the opinions of different scholars and prove that in order to save the American dream it is essential to struggle with income inequality.
Just men do not always try to run away from the law. If one wants to run away from the law, they need not make an agreement with the authority by abiding by it for such a long time and only thinks of running away at the last minute when they are now facing great trouble. One is a choice to disagree with the way a state is governed.
There is the challenge of choosing between two careers based on the benefits that the two employers provide. I am committed to choosing the best option before the new job window period of two weeks expires. An optional solution is necessary since it determines my future prosperity, financial position, and higher education level potentiality.
In as much as some of these policies have been associated with positive outcomes, certain aspects of these policies have been rejected by the general public because they do not meet the real needs of the public members. The general public's participation in the formulation of resource allocation policies will be undertaken through referendums, where the public votes for or against a certain public resource allocation policy.
What is the value of morality? This is the central question that Nietzsche deals with. To a layman, morality is having good behavior or acting in a way that does not cause harm to others. For example, being compassionate or honest is taken naturally as being good, and acting contrary to this is bad. Moral values are given virtues which men should possess.
Owing to this fact, the proponents of pro-life and the proponents of pro-choice have sharply differed on whether or not abortion is morally justifiable: the advocates of pro-life contend that intentional abortion is not morally justifiable, while the proponents of pro-choice argue that women have an inalienable right to decide whether to abort not, i.e., women have a right of choice in matters of abortion.
6 pages (1588 words)
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, Personal Statement
the professor points out that it is extremely difficult to put a price tag on the life of a person, but still, the contemporary companies have entire departments the main function of which is to do this. In addition to that, the issue of quality of pleasure, namely division into higher and lower one is discussed, suggesting examples that not all entertainment is equal.
9 pages (2314 words)
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, Book Report/Review
However, Plato's Great Myth of the Cycles shows that. In contrast, the Divine Shepherd in the Myth is higher than the king; the mortal statesman seems to be on a level of other subjects in his character, breeding, and education. Being that there are innumerable rivals, therefore, how could we distinguish who the true statesman should be?
A person is someone who has the ability to decide on what actions to take, as well as being able to reflect on the effects of deciding to or not deciding to take on such actions, or simply just the ability to have a will that is able to retrospectively create insights on possible outcomes of acting either thoughtfully or thoughtlessly.
Moral excellence is consistent with Aristotle’s virtue ethics which should be the objective of every person. And such moral excellence can only be achieved by reason which is the form of ultimate good and happiness. He rejected desire as a way to achieve happiness. Human excellence is the full development of our faculty while freedom is the autonomy to reflect doing a certain thing.
Later sections will focus on the practical and libertarian perspective in the chosen Case, its positives and negatives. These will be later compared to virtue and veil of ignorance concept. Finally, it will be outlined whether any of those theories could be applied to decide in the presented scenario.
Descartes’ evil genius argument is the argument that he advanced to demonstrate that all sensory knowledge can be doubted. Descartes argues al the knowledge that we hold as true is nothing but the deception of an evil genius. Descartes imagines that an evil genius, supremely powerful and clever, has directed all his energies in deceiving him.
This story follows the monomyth or the hero's journey that was defined by Joseph Campbell. Curtis Everett receives the call to adventure, although there is not much of a refusal of the call because before the film begins there is a plan for the back of the train to revolt. However, he receives messages in a variety of different unusual methods.
12 pages (3318 words)
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, Personal Statement
More fundamentally though, ethics is a method by which people categorize and pursue their values, one often has to wrestle with dilemmas such as whether it is better to act in their best interest of making sacrifices for the greater good. The value of ethics to human life cannot be overstated, without ethics actions would often be random and aimless.
Empiricism refers to perspectives that ensure the validity and the esthetics of the experience and knowledge. Empiricism objects to the idea of innate knowledge while rationalism advocates for natural knowledge. Rationalism refers to the general direction of accepting or agreeing as to the only essence of the logical thinking experience and reality-driven.
According to Descartes, two individuals may differ in the color of an object or the shape of an item (Haldane et al. 288). Color and shape seem so obvious yet people may have varying opinions about them. That is the premise of one of Descartes's meditations on doubting that lead to the dreaming argument.
John Q had to decide whether to transfer Michael to another hospital (County Hospital) or to use any other possible means to have his son operated on. Michael would most likely die if his parents transferred him to a County Hospital because the County Hospital would not have operated on him.
Asian societies, especially East Asian societies, have been specifically regarded as being collectivist. Collectivism is an aspect of Hofstede’s cultural dimension theory that aims at assessing cultures based on six criteria including power distance, masculinity, individualism, uncertainty avoidance, pragmatism, and indulgence.
20 pages (5088 words)
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, Book Report/Review
Most of the readers assume it to be a staunchly metaphysical work. Not only the readers, but many of his early interpreters and translators too were of a similar view. It is true that this book showcases a lot many philosophical ideas of the author. But the crux of the book rests in the tenets of cultural sociology that it lends to our understanding of the economic affairs.
9 pages (2460 words)
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, Literature review
Success in business depends on people who are dedicated to the concepts of real living in a world dominated by greed and indifference, unpredictability, and accelerating change due to globalization and technology. Market economies continue to weaken while organizations compete in the world of business dominated by the principle of “survival of the fittest”.
Anarchists claim that peace and social stability can be maintained without any legislative power in control because individuals will be able to treat each other more justly. Philosophical anarchists argue that political bonds need to be voluntary and that states are not voluntary solutions and so individuals are not charged with a moral responsibility to obey the laws of the state.
10 pages (2794 words)
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, Literature review
Often, a research derives from research questions that researchers pose which can be answered through the collection and interpretation of relevant data. Kothari (2005) reckons that research questions are so structured as to identify the variables, meanings, processes, and themes that researchers intend to investigate.
19 pages (5113 words)
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, Literature review
Within a detailed-oriented, well-organized lecture theatre environment, the students inadvertently develop competency in learning. For example, in a physics classroom comprising of students discussing an analytical problem in the subject, the supervisor assists the students to explore different perspectives in order to arrive at the correct answer despite their prior knowledge of the answer.
The other question/ objection is the terror that the victim experiences, together with those watching and the society at large. So what if there was a rule that eliminates these problems and brings forth benefits that outweigh them? (Pearson, 2). The doctors have to factor the societal view of their decision, such as will their decision be accepted by society.
Another point of concern that is often expressed is the amount of wood that is used to make coffins. Contrary to green burial which relies on caskets that decompose, industrial burial engages coffins made of hardwood and this number is estimated to be around thirty million board feet ("Green Burials"). The main focus that should be made in this case is not ineffective use.
One of the benefits of the behavioral theory is that it allowed psychologists to investigate observable behaviors in a systematic and scientific manner. However, many critics feel that the theory felt short of essential influences on behaviors. Freud, for example, thought that behaviorism theory failed to account for feelings, thoughts, and desires.
The theory dictates that true morality is independent of individual/person likes and dislikes or opportunities and abilities. The two principles behind the theory are: individuals are challenged to act in a manner that the rules governing their actions become universal law; and or individuals should act in a manner that treats humanity in them and other persons as an end and not as a means.
Indeed, medicine can hardly be compared to any other activity as it deals with the primary matters of life and death, making the significance of every action rather big and the cost of a mistake quite high. That is why the traditional ambiguity that is characteristic of conventional ethics with its numerous theories is devastating for medicine which is in need of its internal morality.
It may be particularly important to engage the idea of other scholars that fall in line with what Thomas Hobbes expressed in his works. Thus, the first figure the views of which will be used to support the theory about the aggressive nature of humans is Sigmund Freud. This psychoanalyst is famous for placing a particular emphasis on the significance of sexual desires in the life of a person.
The Roman Catholic Church has considerable subscribers who perceive union in marriage to be exclusively between individuals of the opposite sex. God sanctifies that union. Moreover, Watkins (46) asserts that it signifies the world approaching the end times as inscribed in the Book of Revelation where immoral acts were predicted towards the end of the world.
Considering the sourcebook by Friederich Engles, it is clear that the book narrates the process of change forms a dark environment to the light of the cotton manufacturing center in the state of Manchester. On other hand, Chadwick’s report concerns sanitation and the main point here is that the root cause of the disease is the vegetable substance and the decomposition of the animal.
In the case of animals becoming food for humans, I find nothing wrong with that as long as eating is a necessity. Eating animal meat is only needed as far as eating lifestyles are concerned. I would see it as it being alright to have a slice of roast beef as part of a balanced diet, but having to be a glutton about it is already considered abusive itself as much as it is unhealthy.
Surely, by the same token, Cooper, being a white narrator, tries to preface a racist statement by saying the equivalent of, “I’m not racist but…,” thus attempting to neutralize any shred of judgmental ideas coming after that statement as not being perceived racist. Cooper writes, “I am not a prejudiced man, nor one who vaunts himself on his natural privileges.
7 pages (2067 words)
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, Research Proposal
Because this is a historical issue, it was deemed appropriate to explore historical methods in dealing with it. Hence, this was used to help in the critical analysis of the developments that have taken place in this area over the years. It will be useful in tracing whatever has been happening in this area ever since its evolution.
Introducing a compelling analysis of conservative thoughts in traditional Islamic belief and antidemocratic trends in contemporary Islamist thought, he believes that the only way to surpass the existing crisis in the Muslim world is to strengthen and broaden the core meaning and interpretation of Islam so that its different social domains may be merged with the perspective.
According to Dr. Ed L. Miller of the University of Colorado, there are other aspects that are related to mortality as suggested by Kant. Only the unconditional ought is moral ought given that there are no conditions attached to it. Morality should be universal and it should be binding to all and sundry.
6 pages (1550 words)
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, Personal Statement
Human beings have senses as opposed to machines and so the two cannot be compared, that is, humans are not machines. The main defining feature of human beings is that they have a mind, soul and they are conscious. Consciousness covers feelings, thoughts, and sensations, but it is very challenging to determine what consciousness really is.
McCloskey also argues that “to get the proof going, genuine indisputable examples of design and purpose are needed” (McCloskey, 1968, 52). This argument is somewhat one-sided; it clearly does not consider the other perspective of the issue. ‘Indisputable’ implies faultlessness or perfection. There is nothing in this world that can be proven perfectly.
Nazi’s definition of euthanasia contradicts the main idea behind it. They are irrational; trying to justify that fetus gains a certain maturity to be considered human or non-human. They are termed to be a slippery slope argument (Singer, 1993). It is also seen that the Nazis did not have any euthanasia programs.
The sovereign also expresses its general will by creating and enforcing the general and abstract laws that govern the state. These laws are created at the nascent stage of the state’s life by a non-citizen lawgiver who should thus be impartial. All the laws that have been formed by the sovereign must uphold liberty and equality.
This section includes the data of a research study conducted on racial profiling. In-depth interviews and focus group studies were conducted on 15 African-American men and women and their experiences will be shared here. Three major areas of experience i.e. shopping, employment, law enforcement, and the Blacks in Topeka have been selected to give a broader picture.
Just how democratic is public deliberation? According to Aristotle’s concepts, citizen participation in discussing and justifying their own laws publicly is the surest way to achieve true democracy. The views argued that in putting together ordinary citizens and making them debate was the best means of reaching effective decisions as compared to a small group of experts put together.
The deontological principles on the other hand assume that behavior is inherently wrong or right and that other people have the absolute right to determine naturally how ethical the acts of a person are (Shanahan &Hyman, 2003). Further, teleological principles determine the ethicality through analysis of actions and decisions based on expectations in punishment and or rewards.