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The most stringent law nor the broader use of the state’s police power have not deterred people from its used and this only manifests that the escalation of control and police enforcement is a wrong response. It only pushed the industry into the black market which begets another set of problems.
Student name Instructor name Course name Date Legalization of Drugs Legalizing marijuana is a concept that is growing in popularity. Proponents claim that it does society more harm than good to incarcerate people for a fairly harmless substance and is hypocritical for alcohol and tobacco to be legal because these substances are, too, physically addictive and deadly.
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The reason uses logic and justifies the beliefs and morals of human beings. Rational soul is a form of living thing and is the first actuality of human beings. The rational soul can engage in activities of human beings such as perception, intellect and movement (Dawn 4).
The question that the article tries to answer is whether people are influenced by their unconsciousness in their deeds or not. The author takes the position that the unconscious is very instrumental in determining conscious deeds. Man’s actions may be influenced by various factors depending on the prevailing conditions.
Unfortunately, there are times when we use reasons to hide the truth or avoid reality. And the saddest part still is the fact that those who are very good at using their wit to distort the truth are called geniuses. This should not be the case. In the ancient times, the great minds ponder extensively about the truth and reality and they all agree that reason is most important in understanding truth and reality.
The notion of the “ascent of the soul into the intellectual world”, which Plato represents as a journey out of the cave and its shadows into the full light and space of the world outside, shows the huge benefit that people gain when they use their mental faculties to complement the partial understanding that they gain from their senses.
This essay goes through a description of the euthanasia. All the definitions share common characteristics in that they all involve shortening the life of a patient with the belief that it’s better if he/she is dead. Then the act is carried out by doctors and not relatives (Keown 9). There is no conventional way of defining the term.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Research Paper
Abundance and Scarcity: Toward a society of social class shifts.Scarcity and abundance may be seen as binary oppositions, and sure they are. Scarcity is a state of lack where the expected resources are rare to suffice the existing need. Abundance is a state where the available resources exceed the demand and needs of community members.
6 pages (1700 words)
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, Research Paper
The major significance of media can be said to be obvious for businesses, politics, social and cultural settings. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the major cultural, political and social significance of media around the globe. Mass media – this is written, spoken, or broadcast communication with reach to a great range of audience (Zlatar 1).
Hume considers that passion is a moralistic feeling and has no bond with reasoning. He argues that passion as a strong human feeling arises out of the lustful nature of a person. Passion is a feeling which has no boundaries if aroused naturally and authentically in an individual.
That means that his/her personal interests influence the decision he/she makes and the conflict of interests arises as a result. The most exact definition that can be provided is “A conflict of interest is a set of circumstances that creates a risk that professional judgment or actions regarding a primary interest will be unduly influenced by a secondary interest” (Lo and Field 1993, cited in Thomson 1993).
Free will is just a matter of one being able to act and choose in the way prefer. It is compatible to deterministic, where future action or consequences are influenced by actions that occurred in the past. Moreover, it claims that a person is morally responsible for his action.
Though he is not here to defend the movie Man of Steel he will definitely give reasons to justify my points. He believes every human being has their own perspective and point of view to claim for. But it is true that he thoroughly enjoyed the movie. This one superhero movie where I got no chance to doze off.
The major query is brought across – how then can space be possibly perceived as designated in the situation? Based on Kant’s defining statement, space is assumed with a capacity to coordinate everything of physical or tangible worth. The term orientation as we apply it in the phrase ‘spatially oriented’ could have been the closest.
What does it mean to say of a piece of instrumental music that it has certain emotional qualities?
A distinction is sometimes drawn between music that possesses an emotional quality and music that is expressive of that emotion. The distinction between piece of music that possesses emotional quality and an instrument of music that, in virtue of its possession of emotional qualities and various of its other features can properly be said to be a musical expression of emotion.
Some of these theories are usually considered sensible while others have received negative criticism owing to the fact that they lack proof. This discussion will focus on a few misconceptions of evolution and attempt to provide support for the idea or even criticize it.
30 pages (7500 words)
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One of the primary markers of the Jewish faith is that they were prepared “from the day of . . . birth” to die for God and his decrees. Wherever they were geographically located, they considered themselves one people in culture and religion.
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Research Paper
This was during the Autumn and Spring as well as a period of warring states characterized by an era of intellectual and cultural expansion in Ancient China. Though the period also experienced a number of bloody battles and chaos, it is still appreciated as Chinese philosophy golden age due to its remarkable range of ideas and thoughts that were discussed and developed freely1.
Justice and mercy are two virtuous qualities every leader should embrace, but when considered they raise the question: Are Justice and Mercy compatible or a contradiction? If one is objectively institutes justice it seems that one cannot show mercy, yet if one shows mercy, justice is not upheld in its purest form.
In the modern global context it is very important to be aware of philosophical ideas of the leading philosophers. Many ideas of famous philosophers are the basic for many modern scholars’ theories. Different analyses are made through the prism of these ideas.
610, the angel Gabriel appeared to Prophet Muhammad and revealed to him the Quran, the Islamic holy book. That revelation, Laylat Al-Qadar—or the “Night of Power”—is believed to have occurred during Ramadan. Muslims fast during that month as a way to commemorate the revelation of the Quran.
He also decided that he had an implied contract with Athens. Finally, he also argued that staying in prison was better since he could not find any happiness easily in any other part of Greece. Therefore, he decided to take up his punishment and not attempt to escape.
Government warning concerning the danger of cigarettes to human health is remarkable. Cigarettes have also addictive components that those who tried smoking for quite a long time find hard to put to a halt (Doweiko, 2010, p.217). Concerning this, even if the government raises taxes for cigarettes, the consumption or demand for them is still higher.
Plato did not defend democracy as the better form of establishing a government and preferred a number of incarnations such as the monarchical governments. This anti-democratic perception or view as held by some canonical writers seems to be at odds, compared to view by current political philosophers (Michels 518).
The neuro-chemical and hormonal issues that are a part of puberty can be the source of the behavioral problems and family issues that many teens experience as a normal part of social maturation.
Assumptions are generalized statements that are accepted by people and are understood as conforming to the needs and wishes of society members. Theoretical assumptions would include assuming facts that have been stated by philosophers and sociologists in books whereas methodological assumptions would include experiments that have been carried out and understood by people on a first hand basis with respect to the way people conform to each other and form groups within a society.
Why do we do the things we do? Do we do these things for a reason or do we do this because of a principle on which we believe our actions and decisions must be based? The 20th-century French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre believed that these a priori principles did not exist and that, in whatever situation man is in, he is left alone to make a choice and that this is his freedom.
Theory of Ethical Egoism. The theory of ethical egoism implicates that the moral agents always tend to act in their own self-interests. This reaction is quite voluntary and well thought of when it comes to facing a situation that needs to make prompt decisions.
Twenty two million American citizens who would love to work permanently cannot get employment. Nearly half of those who are jobless have been without a job on long term basis. Earnings are declining the real earnings of a usual American citizen is now lower than the level it was back in 1997.
Principles that are sacrosanct to the dispensation of justice, law, and order, then they are punishment and justification. While punishment is the deliberate and strategic meting out of suffering on an individual who has been found guilty of a criminal offense, justification refers to the declaration of an individual’s actions as reasonable or necessary in the court of law and thereby extricating the individual of any legal liability.
A thing that exists in both our mind and reality is way greater than that which exists in our mind alone. If God as a being exists in our mind, then can we imagine a being that is greater than God? we cannot, therefore God exists. In this argument God is a perfect being.
On the definitions of terrorism, offer an example of a terrorist act- real or hypothetical- that has the best chance at moral justifiability. Make your case with reference to Khatchadhourian’s arguments and the Walzer’s post 9/11 discussion. Terrorism is defined as those activities which incorporate mass destruction and innocent killing on the national level.
World View Essay. Human being is the crown of creation Humans is a term used to refer to those individuals who either belong to or are similar to the human race recognized as homo sapiens and these individuals are the products of other individuals and they have qualities that are unmatched if compared to other living things.
Philosophy is all about what truth is and how we gain knowledge of anything. Exercise of free will is important in attaining knowledge beyond what is given in perception. Deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, and concept formation have to be adhered to to attain knowledge. All knowledge is based on perception.
Sigmund Freud is well-remembered by history not for coming up with the right answers—his theories have not stood the test of time well—but for asking the right questions. His conception of mental illness as something that could be understood, engaged with, and treated transformed our conception of the mentally ill or mentally disabled, and led to gradual improvements in the treatment of sufferers, both of emotional disturbance and cognitive disability.
In the case that is going to be presented, which is disturbing as they come, an elderly woman by the name of Ruth Symond is left to her own devices and is neglected both inside and outside of her own home. Having to go to court to file for four different torts, some definitions will be made here in an effort to clearly speak to the injustices she suffered at the hands of incompetent people.
According to Socrates, a commitment to moral reasoning is an essential condition of a well-lived life. An individual should base his actions upon the outcomes of such internal dialogues.
Hempel, however, finds this use of the induction ridiculous and untenable in a scientific situation. One of the major problems is that using induction to form the basis of a scientific experiment inherently involves the assumptions that it is supposed to remove, and is thus completely self-defeating.
While some people expect that the process of learning can only take place in the classroom setting, it is important to realize that the learning process can take place in any given place and time. Learning does not have to take place in a formal setting.
He was usually too busy to have leisure time until he met Socrates, who introduced him to leisure. Leisure does not mean idleness, and an individual can work and still have leisure time. Having little leisure is going against the rule of leisure. Leisure is an act of worship to God.
5 pages (1250 words)
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According to Fromm Erich, freedom has both a negative and positive outlook. These sides can be established by looking at the circumstance in which the term is used. For instance, when people speak of freedom from something, this is said to be negative freedom.
We can pity the blind man who should instead be envied because he has a more accurate view of life. The narrator passed judgment on the blind man before meeting him, and his “high” seemed to come from substance abuse rather than from his wife. His view of life stems from a biased and ignorant point of view.
Despite the good intentions of such government programs in alleviating poverty, many scholars have expressed their reservations on the issue, citing people who toil only for the fruits of their labor to be channeled to unproductive citizens and other sectors of the economy (Guzman, Pirog, & Seefeldt, 2013).
The fact remains that better Rand has oftentimes been misunderstood and her works have been interpreted to denote any form of selflessness or altruism as a weakness at best and a tragic flaw that reduces the effectiveness and worth of an individual at worst. Yet, the fact of the matter is that Rand it did not specifically see selflessness as wrong in and of itself.
Freud believed that personality is unconscious, hidden and unknown and that it is shaped by sexual drives thus the much focus on sex as a determinant of personality. His work is rooted in the nineteenth-century culture, science and philosophy more so because he was raised in Europe at a time when sexual repression was rampant and hysteria in women was common place.
Abortion Generally, human pregnancy has been divided into three trimesters, each lasting three months. Issues such as miscarriage, preterm birth and genetic abnormality and trauma could cause the termination of pregnancy. The debate on abortion, however, has been on the induced abortion, carried out at any gestational stage for a given purpose.
Religious philosophy dates back during the early church era and promoted during the 1920’s. It involves historical reality and nature in which relationship between faith and reason is tackled. Looking closely, it deals with the nature of human logic and its limitations when it comes to faith and religion and more importantly in the historical context of religious practice and development (Howell).
For a long time, mental handicaps were seen as completely insurmountable, just something that nobody could engage with or do anything about. In the 20th century, though, that began to change.
Technique evolves through the experience of working with a medium. One learns through the educational venue, through working with materials, and through exploring with the raw substances that will go into creating the piece of work. One of the surprises in working with the materials that I have chosen for my body of work is that it takes so much longer to assemble a work than I had ever imagined.
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Machiavelli has been called "the spiritual father of modem democratic revolution" (Arendt 21). In the eighteenth century, his writings were used to inspire a belief in the inevitability of radical change among revolutionaries (Baker 204-207). Following this revolutionary trend, Leon Trotsky said that Machiavelli was the political philosopher who generalized "the experience of democratic revolutions" (Trotsky 850).