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My Fair Lady. Write a paragraph talking about the acting/directing in the play you saw: style, believability, quality, specific performances. The musical had exquisite actors enlivening the roles of the central characters, including Audrey Hepburn who though excellent as a cockney flower girl really came into her own element during the latter half of the film.
Tootsie is about the changes experienced by an actor who turned from a person with problematic attitude that resulted to difficulty in finding roles to a person who was able to accept a woman’s role just to have a job and act. 2. Comparison of Characters Rudy’s obstacles were caused by his financial situation, his height and the later discovered dyslexia.
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The work that was first done within the American colonies can be seen to represent the commercial nature of art, the portrait being the prime product and the artist working off of the subject matter expressed by the customer. The evolution of art within the United States to a higher level of culture emerged from the Federalists.
THE GRAPHIC ART Name: Institution: One of the popular ancient forms of artistry is street art. It only exists in the form of visual art, which is developed in various public spaces (streets). This term is also flexible in its definition as it can also include traditional sculpture, graffiti artwork, sticker art, stencil graffiti, and video projection.
The film "A Streetcar Named Desire" from the silent film era through the 1950s
This black and white movie was released in 1951. The story of this movie revolves around a mentally disturbed character named Blanche DuBois who goes to visit her younger sister named Stella.
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The paper aims to analyze Pablo Picasso's art and his role in the art history. Picasso differentiated his works into a series of periods which exhibited a number of unique thematic elements and worked to exploit common beliefs and motives. Pablo Picasso is one of the most important figures of the modern era.
What people said, time and time again, was: “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.” It was really about a lack of purpose. They would say, you know, “After I finish this interview, I’m going to go get in my car, and I have nowhere to be.” And I can’t imagine thinking that every day.” Jason Reitman ‘Juno’, ‘Up in the Air’ and ‘Uncle Sam’ are three of some of the best works of Jason Reitman, a Canadian-American film director, screen writer as well as producer.
The painting was a reflection of the environment and surrounding that O’Keeffe experienced in her stay at Ghost Ranch, especially while staying at Abiquiu village. It was painted in 1938. 1. Materials The Cliff Chimneys is a painting done using oil on canvas.
The story in the movie "City of God" is set between the late 1960s and early 1980s. The film captures the reality of the world of crime and drugs. In this essay, the film will be analyzed in terms of the importance of education, the lack of social and economic mobility, and urban crime and youth gang.
The group was known as Cahiers du Cinema. They branded the cinemas the “cinema de papa”. Nouvelle Vague was formerly devised during the late ‘50s by Giroud Francoise, who applied it to the newfangled socially dynamic youth class. Nevertheless, because of the appeal of youthful acting, Nouvelle Vague instantaneously became correlated with existing trends in film.
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This paper will discuss the mine-en scene aspects depicted in the plot. Thelma and Louise is the story of two women, who embark on a weekend road trip. Although they are best friends, they exhibit numerous differences. Louise is a working class woman exhibiting a level of independence.
Ignorance and narcissism characterize teenage love affairs in the actual world. Holly falls in love with Kit, a man she hardly knows and allows him to take her on a bizarre journey away from her home. The high numbers of corpses they leave behind does not seem to bother her because she wants to spend her life with the person she loves.
Though this object has not much significance in my daily life, it inspires me greatly and reminds me of my grandfather, who has passed away during the spring of 2011. This weapon of considerable elegance and power, with all its meanings, intonations and connotations, still remains with me as one of the most valuable of my possessions.
Within the lines of this short poem, Dickenson uses characteristics of language to portray her feelings of hopelessness and solitude in the verses of her written work. By reviewing the language characteristics used in the poem and comparing them to my own personal interpretation, I intend to demonstrate my comprehension of the relationship between formal writing techniques and the interpretive nature of the art of writing.
In his painting The Oxbow, also known by its longer name View from Mount Holyoke, Northampton Massachusetts, after a Thunderstorm, Cole presents a landscape view of a particular area of a valley following a rainstorm. The imagery in the piece is interesting because it consists of two opposite perspectives.
OzOutback. 10 July 2011 . Function of the Artwork under Consideration The rock painting depicted above is one of the many drawn by the ancient aboriginal people in Australia, on the cave rocks that can be found all across the length and breadth of Australia.
In the centre stage of all these bilateral clamouring, German-born film-maker E. A. Dupont produced one of his most vibrant as well as versatile creation - ’Piccadilly’. Directed by Dupont, scripted by Arnold Bennett & financed by British International, Elstree Studios, ‘Piccadilly’ was essentially an English production with a universal appeal.
Each of these elements will be observed in-depth. Patterns Peter Paul Rubens was a Flemish Baroque painter who lived from 1577 to 1640 and he was famous for his impressive Baroque style and the intensity of his artworks. He was a master of depicting ferocious hunting scenes and capturing dramatic and dangerous situations by applying elements such as rich color and contrast, emphasizing movements by utilizing strong diagonals.
American theatre is a new tradition as compared to African theatre. The Thesis sentence being argued is, is African American history associated with the Gem of the Ocean? The African American history is said to be associated with the August Wilson’s play Gem of the Ocean.
The film continuously stresses on the use of frugality as a means of dealing with adversity. Moreover frugality can also be claimed as a central theme for the entire film. The children’s agreement on sharing a pair of sneakers after losing Zahra’s pink shoes depicts the children’s frugality in order to deal with a loss.
To this effect, art has been instrumental in informing the intended audience about diverse issues as well as perceptions of the artist about emergent concerns. Thus its importance in the education, information and communication spheres cannot be underestimated.
In summary, it may be certain to say or note that the photograph reveals the photographer’s vision. Some of the photograph scholars had once noted that Arbus was suffering from identity issues. According to Patricia Bosworth, a biographer, Arbus in her career had ever been involved with the question of identifying her identity by comparing herself with other.
He was born in 1981 in Webster, Texas. Trecartin obtained a BFA from the School of Design in Providence Rhode Island in 2004. He did solo exhibitions like Any ever, which travelled from Power plant in Toronto to The Museum of Contemporary Art in 2010. His work has been seen in groups exhibitions at San Francisco, MIT/List Visual Arts Center.
According to the research, the random use of styles and use of raw, unedited interview clips with different people who influenced the black power movement, has had an inspiring effect on the viewers of the film. Stokely Carmichael, Angela Davis, and Elaine Brown bring out not just passion but nuance and intelligence while speaking with such urgency for a revolution.
This experience of Wollstonecroft gave her the courage to fight for women to receive formal education. Mary came to the rescue of her sister and they went into hiding for a couple of years until she was able to publish her first book entitled "Thoughts on the Education of Daughters: with Reflections on Female Conduct in the more important Duties of Life helped ease her considerable financial difficulties.
At the same time, with Japan in the Stone Age, great advances in arts were being realized in China, rooted in Buddhism (Mason 23). After Japan was exposed to the advances that came through trade contacts, they started incorporating them into their own arts (Paine & Soper 42).
The girl had been killed by her mother and now she is taking revenge. It was understood that only Eastern cultures believe in the existence of spirits after death. However, the remake and success of ‘The Ring’ in the United States prove that the idea of unhappy spirits taking vengeance and killing people appeals to the Western mind also.
The angle is almost exactly full face, with just a slight tilt to the subject’s right. The image is, however, very unlike a classical painted portrait. One reason for this is that the face fills almost all of the space, leaving only a small dark background between the face and the edge of the picture.
Classic Western art encompasses a variety of subjects and themes including religion, mythology, and culture. Despite the variety, portraits were a popular subject of sculpture and painting. Nearly every classic artist produced a portrait of a prominent figure in society or religion. These portraits bear a common expression: the serious, stern look that reflects the role they portray in life.
There are many movies for this genre which portrays and describes this genre. Some of these films are Thelma & Louise, Little Miss Sunshine, It happened one night, College road trip, La strada and Kalifornia. Thelma & Louise is a movie from 1991 which is about two women who have fled their daily lives and hit the road to go away from everything.
How do the currents of formal and political radicalism intersect? Yoshishige Yoshida’s direction of “Eros Plus Massacre” claims to be an innovative turn in Japanese cinematography which sought a wider socio-political awareness as a project of a radical movement that was essentially based on the director’s influence and studies of French existential philosophy and literature.
In a way, I find Poe’s creation of “The Cask of Amontillado” quite unique and interesting in the sense that he managed to have furnished Montresor with a character of intelligence. Instead of becoming anguished at the knowledge that he proudly brings across a personal account of how he gradually led Fortunato to his ill fate of death in his palazzo.
The American movie Bonnie and Clyde was released in the year 1967. It was directed by Arthur Penn, and the script was written by David Newman, Robert Benton and Robert Towne (even though he is unaccredited). However, the plot itself was not fictional. It was based on a real-life story of a group of people living in trying times with just a minimal number of changes made to ensure that the movie was a hit amongst the audience.
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If you ask the average person today who Leonardo da Vinci is, many will recognize him as a famous artist. However, most people today associate the name mostly with the fiction novel “The da Vinci Code,” by Dan Brown, which painted da Vinci as a participate in an ancient religious conspiracy, where his works play a central role of hiding secret.
The first picture is by Massimo Campigli. This picture is of a woman who is stringing beads together. This is a portrait that almost resembles the paintings that were done in the Southwest United States by individuals such as Frida Kahlo, but, at the same time, it shows the influence of Pablo Picasso.
It is easy to identify distinctive features in art. Set on a background that augments its choice of color, the sculpture stands out both in terms of color. The vivid distinction of the texture of body and apparel leaves nothing to the imagination. It clearly brings out two images; that of a noblewoman holding a brutalized young man in her lap.
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Today, directors are empowered by the new digital technology that is available, which makes experimentation easier to carry out. But this comes with the proviso that the audience is still able to understand and appreciate the novelty being offered them. This essay will explore this subject in detail.
Six tributes in total survive the 75h Annual Hunger Games: Enobaria, Beetee, Finnick, Peeta, Katniss, and Johanna. Katniss, Finnick, and an injured Beetee are rescued by the rebel forces. On the other hand, Enobaria, Johanna, and Peeta are captured by the Capitol and imprisoned.
Environmental Policy of the Team 6 Scope of environmental policy 6 Objectives 7 Indicators 8 Activities 10 evaluation: 11 Business Opportunities and Management Challenges 11 Personal Opinion 12 References 13 Being green is the most crucial need of the day.
Monsoon Wedding is Mira Nasir’s best film after Salaam Bombay that was released in 1988. The film is based on the upper-middle-class New Delhi in which, there is a family of professionals who are quite modern for the general style of living in New Delhi.
This is known as ‘mise-en-scene’ and is used to tell a story with the help of various aspects like the storyboard, cinematography, stage design, as well as the direction. In a movie, the mise-en-scene refers to everything that has been placed in front of the camera; this includes the composition of the film, the actors, sets and designs, as well as the costumes, styling, makeup, hair and not to forget, the lighting.
Mostly, the majority of adults think that movies have a negative influence on culture while teenagers and youth think that movies influence culture positively. However, it should be noted that movies influence culture in one way or the other. There are different cultures in the world, just the same way as there are different movies.
It was initially developed for attraction of the audience and critics refer to early cinema as the “cinema of attractions”. The images played a great role that time. To show was more important for the directors than to tell. The images were more important than their background stories. Films of the early period of cinema (before 1906) established a different relations with the audience unlike cinema in its later years (MacDonald & Haller, 2006).
The Romantic Movement and the whole concept of romanticism occurred between the 18th and 19th century. Romanticism was embedded on the act of shying away from the traditional precepts of thinking also referred to as classicism. Romanticism was featured in art practices such as literature, architecture, music, painting and philosophy.
Body Each paragraph brings out the idea of ‘Imagined communities’ and how the same applies to the unification of a nation. The paragraphs also draw a huge connection of the New Zealanders protest towards their ‘imaginings’. Specific terms will be used to prove the ‘Imagined communities’ fact as well as bridge the gaps that might be brought forward by analysts who do not believe in the concept like Partha Chatterjee.
The setting of the story happens in Little Italy of New York and involves a lot of crime and drama. According to the director, the story was inspired by real life experiences of the director while he was growing up in Little Italy. The film is a true work of art with mono sound and Technicolor being used.
By taking pictures of the wearing away of the cairns in a series of shifting light modes against a scenic, striking perspective, Goldsworthy will document the changes in his momentary sculptures to represent renewal or regeneration. The creation of Goldsworthy concerns the cycle of life, change and regeneration, history, nature, and the idea.
This dream is fulfilled by Lincoln in Topdog/Underdog. This play by Suzan-Lori Parks is successfully played in many Broadway shows and other international plays during the years 2001 to 2002. Until now, the play continuously causes some impact with the many audiences.
Visual Arts and Film Studies Name Course name Course instructor Date of submission Making of “Collateral” Film is relatively young medium as compared to other common Medias available that have existed for eons like painting, dance and even theater. Yet in a short period of time, film has made a name for itself as an energetic and powerful art form.
While the heroes “though subjected to concealing the crime at first” they strive to overcome their oppressors and prove their morality. The heroes in the films viewed in class have double identities which they try to unmask therefore highlighting their heroism as they grapple with concealing their negative identities.