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How is Air Power Doctrine Used to Shape the Future Air Force Social science Assignment
8 pages (2289 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The procedural doctrine of the Australian air force gives specific and detailed methods that help maintain efficiency in air force activities (Pathfinder, 2010). The application and procedural doctrines are derived from the airpower manual and give the principles involved in the preparation and use of airpower.
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Analysis of Distinctive Features of Investigation in the Arts Social science Assignment
11 pages (2861 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
I strongly agree with the fact that a degree in social sciences teaches the skills that are sought by employers. This is because you learn high-level communication, research, and analytical and critical thinking skills. Applying the reproductive attitude, the facts speak for themselves because communication is at the heart of every sector.
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Is It Possible to Have Ideology-Free Knowledge Social science Assignment
6 pages (1597 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The type of knowledge acquired by individuals and beliefs about truth depends on their historical period and existing culture. Knowledge and reality have a direct relationship with individuals’ particular social contexts. Past preconceptions and beliefs regarding certain situations are used in interpreting similar situations in real life.
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Paul Auster: The New York Trilogy Social science Book Report/Review
7 pages (1917 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
The New York Trilogy shares some similar characteristics with Raymond Chandler’s detective works. For example, the stories all concern detective work and have white males as their principal character (Auster 196). Like Marlowe, in Chandler’s The Long Goodbye story, Daniel Quinn.
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Plans for Developing Cooperative Behaviour Social science Assignment
10 pages (2785 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Behaviour guidance refers to ways of enabling children to have some understanding and gain skills allowing them to manage their behaviour. They are ways that enable children to self-manage their cultural practices by learning different cultures and practices. It is through this that children learn how to manage their social behaviour when living with other people in a society.
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The Recommendations Made by the Authors for Researchers Involved in Sensitive Research Social science Assignment
6 pages (1902 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The tendency of children to prefer a primary attachment figure or their caregivers is normally influenced by the provision of support and sensitivity during social interactions, particularly during distressful or threatening contexts. This, therefore, means that the mere provision of food or relief during discomfort does not primarily influence the preference of children. 
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The Structure of a Formal Apology Social science Assignment
8 pages (2303 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Active voicing used in the line, Rudd details one story, of a living testament, that he personally met with  Nanna Fejo,  ‘just a few days ago’. This indicates the immediacy of telling it, through a  personal visit the prime minister undertook. This reflects to build the identity of Rudd, a president who took time to listen personally to a constituency member.
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Do Globalization Processes Change Identities Social science Assignment
7 pages (1996 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Globalization has changed cultural identities across the world. Globalization is the process through which the world is becoming more and more interconnected.  The pace of interconnectivity has increased tremendously since the 21st century.  Several factors have played out in favor of globalization.
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Children among the Chewong Community Social science Assignment
6 pages (1656 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Teacher Morita avoids intervening in conflicts among girls in her class so that she can give the entire class community a chance to experience emotions and also the class as a whole should hold responsibilities for events that happen in their class. The teacher intervening in conflict resolution denies the class community a chance to be responsible for their colleagues.
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Girls Education Policy in Saudi Arabia Social science Case Study
12 pages (3479 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Girls’ Education Policy in Saudi Arabia" Is a great example of a Social Science Case Study. In most countries, education has been labeled as a right entitled to all its citizens. This belief acknowledges that providing sufficient, appropriate education plays a significant role in the economic growth of any country. 
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Benefits of Leisure Social science Assignment
8 pages (2097 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Benefits of Leisure" is a wonderful example of an assignment on social science. Leisure can be defined as freedom from the demands of duty or work thus one can rest or enjoy his or her sport and hobbies. Leisure and recreation have numerous advantages and that is why it’s embraced by both the young and the old. In fact, leisure and recreation is the largest industry in the world.
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A Toolkit for Quantitative Data Analysis Social science Assignment
10 pages (2643 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper 'A Toolkit for Quantitative Data Analysis' is a great example of a Social Science Assignment. The study wanted to assess where smart people lived in Melbourne. I try to undertake study, a sample of 50 households was surveyed in two different areas. That is; the east and west side of Melbourne. Each household had to report their combined family IQ score. 
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The Fight Against the Syrian Regime and Support to the Syrian Forces Social science Case Study
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “The Fight against the Syrian Regime, Humanitarian Crisis, and Support to the Syrian and Anti-Government Forces“ is an exciting variant of a case study on social science. Following the oppressive regime of Bashaar al-Saad, a series of protests arose in Syria. This was part of the many protests in the wake of the Arab uprising.
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Brazil - Analysis of a Destination Social science Case Study
11 pages (3291 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “Brazil - Analysis of a Destination” is a worthy example of the case study on social science. Brazil is a country that is shaped in a large way by its geography and culture. This country in South America has stretched over 8,547,404 kilometers (Dixon 2006). Brazil is a leading tourist attraction due to its natural, cultural, religious, and historical heritages.
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Alcohol Abuse Among College Students Social science Case Study
11 pages (4670 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Alcohol Abuse Among College Students" is a great example of a Social Science Case Study. College students have the tendency of abusing various prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, and illegal drugs inclusive of alcohol and medical marijuana. The concept of substance abuse among young adults is hardly new.
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Gun Violence in the United States of America Social science Case Study
12 pages (3968 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Gun Violence in the United States of America" is a perfect example of a social science case study. This is a report on gun violence in the United States of America. It looks at the causes of gun violence naming but a few including mental illness, drugs, gun culture, heavy spending on weaponry, media publication and antisocial behaviours.
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Understanding Social Problems in Australia Social science Case Study
9 pages (2510 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Understanding Social Problems in Australia" is a good example of a social science case study. Australia as at present that is up to the late twentieth century has various social problems. The majority of these social problems are poverty, homelessness, child abuse, and young people suffering from various illnesses plus also being unable to access education (Kenny, 2010 p.6).
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The Los Angeles School iPad Scandal Social science Case Study
6 pages (1724 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “The Los Angeles School iPad Scandal”  is a breathtaking example of a case study on social science. The Los Angeles Unified School District’s rollout of iPads to every student in 2013 was one of the most ambitious technologies rollout projects. The plan was to buy hundreds of thousands of iPads for both teachers and students.
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The Gap between the Rich and the Poor in China Social science Case Study
10 pages (2706 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "The Gap between the Rich and the Poor in China" is a great example of a social science case study. China has the second-largest economy in the world, next only to the United States (Xie & Zhou, 2014, p.6928). Its economy has one of the most impressive growth rates in the world, even while it is still in transition from controlled state socialism into a market society (Haller & Eder, 2016, p.194).
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The Gender Wage Gap Among Young Adults in the United States Social science Case Study
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The Gender Wage Gap Among Young Adults in the United States " is a wonderful example of a Social Science Case Study. The census given by the Bureau for the year 2013 showed the existence of the gender gap in the United States in various aspects. For instance, there was a difference in gender wage. 
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The Leavers Week Celebrations in Australia Social science Case Study
9 pages (2647 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The Leavers Week Celebrations in Australia" is an outstanding example of a social science case study. Leavers Week is an important occasion for Australian students as it marks the end of high school education. As a tradition in Australia, the senior high school students flock in various locations to celebrate after the stressful years of learning.
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Muslims at International College of Engineering and Management Social science Case Study
8 pages (2280 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Muslims at International College of Engineering and Management " is a perfect example of a social science case study. This essay will focus on some of the issues that affect students of Muslim backgrounds in modern colleges(DIRKS, 2014, p. 91). One of the reasons why parents take their children to specific schools is the lessons that they have taught these children since childhood.
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The Mexican Narco-Trafficking Problem Social science Assignment
12 pages (3423 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper 'The Mexican Narco-Trafficking Problem" is a perfect example of a social science assignment. The main narcotic trafficking organizations (NTO) have the objective of realizing profits and dominance in their regions of operation. One of the main strategies is the ability to focus on the management of their external environment.
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Road to Hell by Teresa Ortega Social science Book Report/Review
7 pages (1903 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
The paper "Road to Hell by Teresa Ortega" is an inspiring example of a book review on social science. The case Road to Hell is written in the perspective of racial discrimination which happens unintentionally in an organization called Caribbean Bauxite Company. This case brings up the Human Resource issues in the management of the organizations.
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Crisis in the Case of Catastrophe in Natural System Social science Assignment
8 pages (2186 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
There is no hard and fast rule that stipulates that good that comes under the merit good should be declared free and that does not mean that the people who do not have the ability to pay will not be left out. The accepted merit goods are education and drinking water. There is more controversy when it comes to accepting adequate housing. 
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Community Program Multilingualism in Europe - Issues to Be Addressed Social science Case Study
7 pages (1850 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “Community Program Multilingualism in Europe - Issues to Be Addressed” is a  creative example of a case study on social science. A report is written on a topic of ‘Multilingualism in Europe’, a campaign that is carried out by the topic of LANGUAGES OF EUROPE ON THE EDGES, (multilingualism intercultural awareness and European citizenship).
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Web and Social Life, Web, and Education, Web and Health Care, Web and Government, Web and Business Social science Case Study
8 pages (2682 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper “Web and Social Life, Web, and Education, Web and Health Care, Web and Government, Web and Business”  is a  motivating example of a case study on social science. With the rapid advancements in technology, the majority of people today can barely imagine their life without the internet. And the series of advancements in the web involves three stages of its growth.
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Enculturation into Secrecy among Junior High School Girls Social science Case Study
7 pages (2140 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Enculturation into Secrecy among Junior High School Girls' is a great example of a Social Science Case Study. This research was undertaken to examine both how junior high school girls are enculturated into secrecy and how what they are learning is shaped by important American cultural themes. This was based on the fact that secrecy is both an important and problematic aspect. 
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Living and Working Conditions in the East End in 1888 Social science Case Study
10 pages (2868 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Living and Working Conditions in the East End in 1888" is a great example of a case study on social science. Jack the Ripper is an acronym given to a serial killer who existed around the year 1888 in Whitechapel, east of London. The murderer targeted female commercial sex workers who roamed the streets of east London trying to make a living.
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World Vision in Australia Social science Case Study
12 pages (3310 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "World Vision in Australia" is a wonderful example of a case study on social science. Corporate Social Responsibility was previously a niche investment strategy but currently is a major priority for many institutions and investors worldwide. Investors have begun to look seriously at the social, environmental, and corporate governance risks that exist in their portfolios.
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The Disabled Sub-Cultural Group in America Social science Case Study
7 pages (2053 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The Disabled Sub-Cultural Group in America" is a perfect example of a social science case study. A disability is either physical, mental, cognitive, emotional, developmental, and sensory or a combination of the above. Disability is a term that covers impairments, limitations to activity and restriction to participation.
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Characteristics of Cultural, Social and Political Life of Japan and South Korea Social science Assignment
17 pages (4127 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Japan's economy, the world's third-largest, has slid back into recession after the devastation caused by the earthquake and tsunami in March. Gross domestic product shrank 0.9% in the first three months of the year, the Cabinet Office said, giving an annualized rate of contraction of 3.7%. Analysts say consumption and exports were the worst hit.
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Comparison of Government Initiatives in Saudi Arabia and Australia Social science Case Study
8 pages (2325 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This paper addresses the issue of environmental sustainability particularly in relation to the problem of carbon emissions. It gives an overview of the different initiatives taken by governments in Saudi Arabia and Australia in enhancing environmental sustainability. It gives a description of social work and how it contributes to carbon emissions.
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Foucaults Discipline and Punish Social science Book Report/Review
6 pages (1642 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
The paper 'Foucault’s Discipline and Punish' is a great example of a Social Science Book Review. The book to discipline and punish by Michael Foucault focuses on the revolution that has taken place in criminal justice in less than a century. The book tries to explain what gave birth to the modern system of punishing prisoners focusing mostly on imprisonment.  
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Socioeconomic Status and Single Parent Families Social science Case Study
8 pages (2365 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Socioeconomic Status and Single Parent Families' is a great example of a Social Science Case Study. Despite numerous research works have documented the importance of socioeconomic status in relation to its impacts on our daily livelihood, little action is always put in all the recommendations noted. In addition, the likelihood of reporting the collected data. 
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Sociology and Technology of Workplace - Theories and Models Social science Assignment
7 pages (3098 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper “Sосiоlоgy аnd Тесhnоlоgy оf Wоrkрlасе - Тhеоriеs аnd Моdеls ” is a  convincing example of the assignment on social science. The concept of sociology and technology is a broad area that tries to identify the role technology plays in social change and lifestyle. This paper aims to explore the theories and models that surround the relationship between technology and society.
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Marketing Professional Practice - Cats and Kittens Social science Case Study
9 pages (2377 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Marketing Professional Practice - Cats and Kittens " is a perfect example of a social science case study. Background on the organization Cats and kittens play a crucial role in the lives of humans. For example in the United States of America, it has been noticed that cats are useful in the killing of approximately five billion disgraceful rodents annually.
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Education and Economic Growth Social science Assignment
7 pages (2205 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper “Education and Economic Growth” is an engrossing example of the assignment on social science. True, utility-maximizing does not show positive predictions of the standard labor supply model. The standard labor supply predicts that individuals are forward-looking maximizers, and they capitalize on discounted life span utility subject to a lifespan budget constriction.
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The Role of Intercultural Differences in the Success of Organizations Social science Case Study
8 pages (2220 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
People tend to act in certain ways based on their backgrounds. An understanding of IMA is important in the business world. It empowers senior managers and business leaders through knowledge on how to manage their employees better. IMA has become an important skill for managers due to globalization.
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Australian Aboriginal Communities and Non-Aboriginal Communities Social science Case Study
6 pages (1641 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Australian Aboriginal Communities and Non-Aboriginal Communities" is a great example of a social science case study. A community can be defined as a Self-organized group of persons with a common interest, cause, or agenda, who work together by sharing information, ideas, as well as other important resources (Taylor et al., 2008).
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Social Inclusion in Australia Social science Case Study
7 pages (2053 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Social Inclusion in Australia" is a great example of a social science case study. Social inclusion is one of the core subjects addressed by governments, organizations and even non-government organizations. It is a core component of many governments and organizations social policies. So, what is social inclusion?
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Ways in Which the Australian Government Can Curb the Use of Illegal Drugs Social science Assignment
6 pages (1597 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Ways in Which the Australian Government Can Curb the Use of Illegal Drugs " is an outstanding example of a social science assignment. Pharmaceutical drugs have inelastic demand, while computers have elastic demand. This implies that the demand for computers in the market is more sensitive to price changes compared to pharmaceutical drugs.
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Policy Effectiveness in South Africa and Zimbabwe Social science Case Study
7 pages (2119 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Policy Effectiveness in South Africa and Zimbabwe" is a good example of a social science case study. According to Townsend & Gordon (2009, p 14), Poverty is a deficiency in peoples’ capabilities. There are many forms by which it manifests itself which includes the way people access basic services, important assets like land, Income, social capital and social network.
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Government Effectiveness in Protecting Our Freedom Social science Assignment
6 pages (1770 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper 'Government Effectiveness in Protecting Our Freedom' is a wonderful example of a Social Science Assignment. This essay will discuss whether governments are effective at protecting our freedom by protecting us from each and the main focus will be the Australian government. The Australian human rights commissions act 1986 details the powers and functions. 
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Doublespeak and Story in a Fashion and Design Event That Happened in Paris Social science Assignment
21 pages (5360 words) , Assignment
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The paper "Doublespeak and Story in a Fashion and Design Event That Happened in Paris" is a perfect example of a social science assignment. “The bitter end,” means experiencing an awful situation until the end. It is a nautical British expression, from the metaphor of ship’s anchor rope being dropped out wholly until it is fixed for the ship to be secure.
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Students in Xizang Province in China - Crowdfunding Social science Case Study
9 pages (2525 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Students in Xizang Province in China - Crowdfunding" is a perfect example of a social science case study. Crowdfunding is one of the important concepts that have emerged recently and it is used with an aim of raising funds. It involves funding a project or a venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people through the internet.
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Homeless People in Australia Social science Case Study
11 pages (3016 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Homeless People in Australia" is a perfect example of a social science case study. The aim of the study is to establish as well as provide a summary of the homeless among rare people and their use of unique services. the subject of indigenous homelessness has been in the past researched in the Australian Institute of health and welfare.
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Alcohol Fuelled Violence in Melbourne Social science Case Study
8 pages (2168 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Alcohol Fuelled Violence in Melbourne" is a perfect example of a social science case study. Alcohol and drug-related crimes have been a major issue in local communities in Melbourne. Apart from the communities, alcohol and drug-related violence also accounts for a major occupational hazard for the emergency service workers and police officers (Giancaspro, 2015).
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Trends in Terrorism over the Past Five Years Social science Case Study
8 pages (2573 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Trends in Terrorism over the Past Five Years' is a wonderful example of a Social Science Case Study. Terrorism as defined by Wisnewski (2008) is the threat of or utilization of violence, a combat technique, or a strategy for achieving specific targets. Terrorism is also defined as the utilization of violence against the public with the intention of intimidating. 
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Poor Working Condition in Cambodia Social science Case Study
10 pages (3136 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Poor Working Condition in Cambodia" is a perfect example of a social science case study. Long working hours, low wages, excessive noise, corruption, abuse, unsanitary conditions, as well as poor air quality in Cambodia’s manufacturing facilities have continuously been mentioned as factors that characterize production in the country.
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