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Key Issues of Domestic Violence Social science Report
5 pages (1459 words) , Download 0 , Report
It is important to increase awareness about the subject of domestic violence. Women are usually not aware of their rights and therefore they take violence against them for granted. Also, men should be informed that it is not their birthright to abuse their partners and they are equal to women in all respects. Education and awareness can play a great role in curbing the evil of domestic violence.
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Human Trafficking Awareness for Schools Social science Report
6 pages (1683 words) , Download 0 , Report
Volunteers have joined in these campaigns as well as funds many people give to help run these campaigns. Plans have also been made in order to host awareness events and fundraisers’ around the city to help people to understand the urgency of these issues. Our generation needs to be more aware of the magnitude at which human trafficking affects us since it is in our very own backyard.
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Campus Crime: Legal, Social, and Policy Perspectives Social science Report
6 pages (1593 words) , Download 0 , Report
There are various sources of homicides on university and college campuses: racism, individual to individual competitions, group-group competitions, revenge, amongst other reasons. However, perpetrators such as predatory form an exceptionally weird group of individuals who target students to murder, just to gain the satisfaction that they claim to get after murdering.
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Addiction on Children Social science Report
5 pages (1353 words) , Download 0 , Report
If habit stays untreated, dysfunctional strategies of coping grow to be extremely imbedded in the overall behavior of the family unit. Members of the family might find themselves in a painful and confusing bind, for example wanting to run away from or get annoyed at those people who stand for hearth and home.
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Effects of Malnourishment on Children when they Age Social science Report
5 pages (1336 words) , Download 0 , Report
If we turn a blind eye towards this problem, the sufferer’s physical growth and mental development can become impaired permanently. What a nation requires is a fully formed person and not a deformed one. So, it is not a problem that can be snubbed easily. The main factor that pulls back all the efforts of the developing countries is the shortage of funds and resources.
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Legalization of Drugs Social science Report
5 pages (1416 words) , Download 0 , Report
The next victims of these drugs are the family and relatives of the users. They undergo psychological and emotional stress in the effort trying to come to terms with the condition of their family members under drugs. They spend their resources in the effort to settle their medical expenses. In a broader sense, the whole of society is indirectly affected by these drugs.
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Types of People Style Social science Term Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The author states that at work, people converse in order to exchange ideas, convince, sell, and achieve objectives. Therefore, the conversation can be defined as a work. It is difficult to talk to strangers. Most important thing is to be aware of the general points of conversation and keeping it interesting and simple.
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Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Social science Case Study
5 pages (1356 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The innovative policies related to border security, immigration, and customs play an important role in safeguarding a nation from internal/external aggressions. Within the scenario of national security, the primary responsibility of the DHS in the U.S. is to protect the civilians from internal/external aggressions and natural/manmade disasters.
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The Aspects of Quality of Life (QOL) Social science Term Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The author state that the Aspects of Quality of Life (QOL) include an understanding of how a patient is doing on a physical, psychological, social, and spiritual level. The way these are interconnected is that they depend on each other. As an example, an individual must have a strong physical basis.
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Effects of Exposure to Facebook on Self-Esteem Social science Report
5 pages (1481 words) , Download 0 , Report
In the past decade during the rise of Internet technology and its use, there was a belief that the use of the Internet enhanced negative psychosocial health, such as lonesomeness and dejection. The increased notion across the research community impelled research in the relation between psychosocial well-being and the use of the Internet.
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Combatting Child Abuse: International Perspectives and Trends Social science Report
5 pages (1444 words) , Download 1 , Report
The support and services that the parents require may not be the intervention consequences of the agencies. The parents consider the agencies more like enemies than friends that need to be avoided. Thus in most cases, the agencies receive complaints from third persons. The relationship between families and child welfare agencies is being distorted by this dual-role structure of the agencies.
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The Past, Present, and Future of Abortion Social science Report
5 pages (1325 words) , Download 0 , Report
To become an innovator of change, one must not make a poor judgment. Women must not be judged if, at some point in their lives, they have chosen to abort the innocent human being in their womb. Again, there may be some reasons why women have done those things. What is essential is to encourage women to be responsible for their actions so that regret will not come in the end.
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Eathan Nadelman's Pro-Drug Arguments Social science Report
5 pages (1325 words) , Download 0 , Report
The United States of America is one of the largest consumers of drugs and many people die due to excessive use or low and bad quality drugs. There are many harmful medical and psychological effects of indulging in drugs which include distorted perception, problems with memory, learning and coordination,  issues with problem-solving, increased heart rate, and low blood pressure.
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Successful Leadership Skills - Qualities that Make the Leader of the 21ST Century Social science Report
7 pages (1991 words) , Download 0 , Report
Rosalyn Carter, the US first lady, rightly stated what leadership is all about. Being herself in the category of leaders and also having led her life with one, she knew what she was talking about. The specific traits, be they inherent or learned of any leader set him apart from the rest of the crowd.  
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Features of Community Development Social science Coursework
9 pages (2798 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The introduction also gives a brief description of the problem at hand and the relevant case; the responsibility bestowed on a community health worker who seeks to reduce the factors that contribute to heart diseases in the community at the Bourneville Estate. The body of the will relate health promotion to community development with the aim of creating awareness.
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The Right to Bear Arms Is a Constitutional Amendment Social science Essay
5 pages (1453 words) , Download 0 , Essay
As a means of understanding this argument and informing the reader with regards to the benefits of gun ownership in the intangible right which the second amendment imbues the citizen with, this particular analysis will take the form of strongly supporting and advocating the right to bear arms as well as presenting analyzing several powerful statistics.
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Role of Race Racism in Black Studies Social science Report
5 pages (1296 words) , Download 0 , Report
Racism is the discrimination or prejudice accorded to members of a different race by another race. The discrimination is largely historical with its roots in the slave trade after the Africans were shipped to America to become slaves in the large plantations as well as become domestic workers in exchange for cotton and other raw materials to the European countries.
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International Public Relations Social science Report
7 pages (1783 words) , Download 1 , Report
Studying international public relations presents an opportunity for students to understand the multiple changes of the practice, expanding its concept to include advertising, the use of technology, and the embracing of numerous responsibilities under the umbrella of public relations. The emerging realities surrounding the complex network of skills that would enable an individual to deliver.
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Theory of Taste and Analysis of Social Role Social science Report
6 pages (1866 words) , Download 0 , Report
It is crucial to highlight variations between different socioeconomic classes based on their mobile phone preference. Class dynamics play crucial roles as the principal mechanisms that structure taste and notions of vulgarity and sophistication. The mobile phone is a device that has immensely influenced society because it facilitates communication, collaboration, and connectivity.
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Drugs and Celebrities Social science Report
11 pages (2966 words) , Download 0 , Report
There are impacts of the deaths of these two artists to the readers. The readers have learned to be responsible when dealing with drugs. The readers have known the value of doctor’s advice when it comes to drugs. The advice would help them prevent drugs from overreaction in their bodies. There are readers who are aspiring to be future artists.
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Best Practices for Preventing or Reducing Bullying in Schools Social science Report
10 pages (2786 words) , Download 1 , Report
Slowly giving time the bad culture should be eliminated by educating the teens on the importance of living a healthy relationship with others while not considering their sexual orientation. The LGBT peers should also learn to accept others and also take part in discussing their orientation with other instead of hiding within-group cannons that are supposed to protect them.
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Controversial Question of Concepts of Fat and Slim Social science Essay
5 pages (1644 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Nutritionists link behavioral diseases such as obesity to serious conditions such as cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure that today are the major killer diseases in the world. Critics of the concept of thinness have stated that the fear of growing fat has resulted in serious conditions such as anorexia among many youths today.
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The Activity of Social Work Social science Personal Statement
5 pages (1343 words) , Download 0 , Personal Statement
I also love participating in community works. I have time management skills and I perform the tasks given to me with total dedication and diligence. I also love working in a team because it enables the sharing of ideas and ensures that the work is done within a minimal time and the output is of the required standards. 
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The Death Penalty Should Be Used when Necessary Social science Coursework
5 pages (1456 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Turkey also abolished the penalty, and The People’s Republic of China intends to use the punishment with extreme caution in the future. However, the United States still use the death penalty in executing criminals. This deters the ability of the United States, for example, to fight terrorism appropriately, as many countries oppose the use of the death penalty in curbing crime.
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Civil Society and Religious Figures in Saudi Arabia Social science Report
17 pages (5165 words) , Download 1 , Report
Tensions and conflicts are highlighted by opposing interests, values, and needs which have resulted in the ‘politicization of identities and an escalatory conflict dynamics' in which one side stubbornly resists the ‘beliefs and mores of the other’ regarding the other as a threat and a problem (Funk and Said, 2004, p. 1).
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Investigation on Urban Planning in Manila in the Philippine Social science Report
5 pages (1584 words) , Download 0 , Report
Despite its large economy, the business hub of Manila has recorded one of the largest economic gaps between the rich and the poor within the Philippine. This gap is, in fact, the reason why the metropolitan is experiencing a financial deficit and is on the verge of running bankrupt. Coupled to the widespread poverty, food scarcity and overfishing are common issues within the city.
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Same-Sex Marriages in the United States Social science Report
5 pages (1530 words) , Download 0 , Report
The controversy over same-sex marriages in the United States dates back to 1972(Camenker 4). In that year, the Supreme Court dismissed Baker v. Nelson. The Supreme Court of Hawaii kicked off the modern debate when it ruled that the marriage ban of the state was unconstitutional.  
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Finlandization: Against Ukrainian Sovereignty Social science Report
5 pages (1416 words) , Download 0 , Report
In the context of contemporary events, the question of Ukrainian in general and Crimean in particular sovereignty is one among the most crucial in international relations. In fact, conflict with Russia questions the current sustainability of Ukraine’s sovereignty in the circumstances when it is a brand-new country that appeared after the Soviet Union collapsed.
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Why the Legal Drinking Age Should Be Lowered Social science Thesis Proposal
5 pages (1528 words) , Download 0 , Thesis Proposal
From the arguments presented, it is accurate to assert that the argument of lowering the drinking age is opposed and supported from different perspectives. However, one may also cite that the arguments in support of lowering the drinking age are based on problems that could be easily addressed by other relevant approaches.
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Dating among College Students Social science Article
5 pages (1547 words) , Download 0 , Article
The concept of college dating today has taken on a whole new meaning, were getting into serious relationships and finding a lifelong partner seems to be the last thing on the student’s minds. The sex revolution which attaches no stigma to premarital sex, abortion and switching partners or having group sex, has shaken their ability to commit to one person.
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Pragmatic Communication Problems Social science Term Paper
5 pages (1691 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Strong coordination among the persons and eliminating the feelings of ego and misunderstandings also hold the key in reducing the pragmatic communication problems and hence form the core component of treatment. Moreover, the preference is to be given to the programs that facilitate more listening and learning.
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Why Is the Gap between Rich and Poor Getting Wider Social science Term Paper
5 pages (1815 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
In spite of the attempts by the governments to reduce the gap between the rich and poor, the rich have been getting richer and the poor have stayed about the same. Human Development Report (1999) issued by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) explained how the quality of life varies (improving or declining) among people around the world.
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Thoughts on Stereotyping Social science Speech or Presentation
5 pages (1408 words) , Download 0 , Speech or Presentation
I am a free un-oppressed woman by my religion. I am an advocate for peace and human rights and contest against any form of terrorism. I am a strong Arab woman who will not rest until justice prevails against the fallacious propaganda placed upon Muslims by the West. That is my true self, gratefully ladies and gentlemen.
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Relationship Between Conflict and Fantasy Social science Term Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper clearly states that the moral condemnation and the holy alliance against terrorism are on equal footing as the prodigious jubilation at seeing this global superpower destroyed. Better, at seeing it, in a sense, destroying itself, committing suicide. Clearly, the suicide attacks by the fanatic plane hijackers were avenged.
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Helping Parents Deal with Children's Acute Disciplinary Problems without Escalation Social science Research Proposal
6 pages (1656 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Although there are minor questions in the report it also paved the way for a new idea of further study with consideration of those controlled conditions. Further study in the applicability of the non-violent attitude and sit-in technique could be conducted by comparing its effects across different age brackets, sex, the severity of misbehaviors.
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The Issue of Domestic Violence Social science Term Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Another aspect of the PFA is that having one in place alone will often prompt an abuser to act out of revenge. When a PFA is in place, the abuser is served at his or her home or work, usually by an officer(s) of the law. The officer(s) will explain to the abuser the confines and restrictions of the PFA and who has filed for said PFA 
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Alcoholism: Effects on the Family Social science Term Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
There are clearly a wide variety of potential effects which alcoholism can create within the family dynamic. This research, despite its limited sample population, does appear to point toward a specific trend. This evidence suggests that there might be a link between the caretaker role and sexual behavior on behalf of the alcoholic 
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Violence, Depression and Survival among Latina / Mexican Women Social science Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The author states that domestic violence is defined as gender-based aggressive behavior directed against an individual with an intention to cause serious physical or nonphysical injury by an intimate male partner on a woman. The kind of injuries inflicted could range from physical, mental, emotional, sexual or economic nature.
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Inflation or Recession in the USA Social science Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The author states that the recession and inflation are two concepts of economics that are avoided to the maximum for a stable and fulfilling economy. However, inflationary pressure exists when the economy is doing well; it puts pressure on the general people. They need more money to buy the same quantity of product.
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Comparison of Cyclone Nargis and Cyclone Sidr Social science Term Paper
5 pages (2076 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
As time went by and aid was slow to reach the survivors especially in Burma, both the local and international showed concern and fear over the threat of possible diseases resulting from the storm. Waterborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid, dysentery and other diseases such as dengue fever and malaria were possible consequences. 
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In American Colleges: Women Are More Often Exposted to Shame and Victimization Then Are Men Social science Coursework
7 pages (2009 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Participants can be with draw any time if they want to quit. The results of the experiment will be kept confidential and researchers will use results with participants’ permission for research purposes. Participants should feel free to ask any question about the research and they will be provided with the outcome of the research. 
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What Impact Do Sanctions and Incentives of Probationers Have on Success in Drug Court Programs Social science Research Proposal
5 pages (1778 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The research will be carried out in a survey where the researchers will visit different rehabilitation centers to come up with the required outcomes. They will use questionnaires and interviews to come up with tabulated results also come up with the variables that will be used in the research process. 
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Patients Right and Responsibilities Social science Assignment
5 pages (1357 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The antitrust concerns are mainly the concerns that have been set down by the US legislation to help protect from unlawful restraints, discriminations in prices, monopolies, and also price-fixing. This is mainly to provide for discouraging monopolies and also other restrictive practices (American Optometric Association, 2009).
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Should Athletes Be Role Models Social science Essay
5 pages (1320 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Athletes and sports personalities are considered role models in most countries. For advertising purposes and for creating brand images, these sports personalities are used extensively by organizations. The public, the youths, and children consider sports personalities as role models that help the business people to sell their products. 
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Causes of the Great Depression Social science Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The author states that the mal-distribution of wealth existed at many levels. Money was distributed unequally between agriculture and industry, between the rich and the poor and between the US and Europe. This unequal distribution of wealth led to an unstable economy. People started hoarding money.
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Abortion and Judith Jarvis Thomson Social science Case Study
5 pages (1391 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Since the ‘origination’ of humans in the form of men and women, stereotypical and realistic views about the role and rights of women are always being discussed. In most cultures, women are being treated as the less-dominant sex, and stereotyped as individuals, whose only purpose in life is getting married and delivering children.
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Ethical Analysis of Hurricane Katrina Disaster Social science Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
There are several ethical issues related to the Katrina disaster which have their own consequences. The foremost issue arising out of it is the allocation of tax funds. In a disaster situation like this, it is the government’s responsibility to come out and help the victims out of the funds they receive from the tax payers.
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Social Science Immigration Social science Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Gaining a solid education is the responsibility of future citizens, so to qualify for this amnesty program, all participants would need to be currently enrolled in school, have graduated from high school or have gotten a GED.  Failure to complete these requirements results in a denial of citizenship
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Richard Ramirez: The Night Stalker Social science Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
His crimes can be debated and subjected to analysis of causation. However, his statement in court, after receiving the death penalty, “You do not understand me. You are not capable of it. I am beyond your experience.”, seems to sum up our incapability to grasp the true horror of an evil person who is one of the most notorious serial killers 
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Organic Foods and Unhealthy Expectation about the Expense Social science Term Paper
5 pages (1312 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
It is an established fact that conventional foods are dangerous to health because of the over usage of fertilizers, chemicals, and pesticides while farming such foods. On the other hand, organic foods are safer for health; but are expensive because of the less yields and expensive farming methods.
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