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Gender Roles in the 20th Century: A Trifles Revelation Social science Literature review
6 pages (1527 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Trifles indicate that men have a tendency to be hostile, impatient, aggressive, methodical, and egoistic; on the contrary, women are more cautious, reflective, perceptive, and receptive to the needs of others. These particular differences enable Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peter to unravel the evidence required to solve the crime.
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Drug Use and its Contribution to Crime Social science Literature review
6 pages (1705 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The punitive, conservative approach to eradicating the drug problem has resulted in creating a solid foundation for organized criminal activity, raised the cost of drugs, and has encouraged sullying and dilution of drugs.  Drug laws, though well-intentioned, are directly responsible for the increased instances of misconduct with regard to both violent and property-related crimes.
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Important Influence on the Identity of a Transmigrant Social science Essay
6 pages (1607 words) , Download 0 , Essay
People of any country expect a sort of recognition and respect among the other people with whom they spend their activities. Political and personal identity comes next in preference, as these forms of identity belong to notable and popular persons in the society who establish themselves in terms of economic stability, implanted talents, and service to others.
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Gender Equality in the Workplace Social science Article
6 pages (1831 words) , Download 0 , Article
Employers continue to discriminate against women, not only in the selection process for many types of employment but also by offering proportionately lower wages once employment is secured.  Societal stereotypes that reflect past attitudes of women’s role as subservient to men still prevail showcased by the continued imbalance of employment opportunities.
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How did the Timber Industry Influence the Society of the Ottawa Valley Social science Report
5 pages (1532 words) , Download 0 , Report
The forest gradually replaced the Ottawa Valley’s commercial economy that is based on the export of furs and the import of European goods into one that is based on the production of timber and lumber and its exports. Entrepreneurs established factories in the river towns so that in time an urban proletariat emerged. (Hoerder 1999, p. 50)
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Effects of Childhood Bullying on Adult Personality Social science Report
5 pages (1541 words) , Download 0 , Report
It is defined as repetitive instrumental aggression resulting in a power imbalance between a perpetrator and a victim. It is reported to be affecting 30% of US students during their school life. It is demonstrated that the bully-victims are never the same, and bully as a phenomenon has permanent effects on both the bully and the victim.
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Correlation between Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse Social science Essay
5 pages (1508 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Substance abuse, especially alcohol abuse, tends to exacerbate these kinds of situations: the person abusing the substance is trying to ease their stress, but in the process, more stress is created. In many cases, when people cannot control their impulses in the first place, alcohol and other substances make this impulse control problem even worse.
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Abused Case Analysis Social science Case Study
5 pages (1531 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
One is the parens patriae concept of the treatment of juveniles. The due-process model can also be taken. After explaining the investigation, before similar cases, and current Child Protective Services (CPS) guidelines, a plan will be suggested in this case. Although the case seems simple, several facets must be taken into consideration.
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Bullying- Effects and Combat Strategies Social science Report
5 pages (1736 words) , Download 1 , Report
The health consequences of fostering interpersonal and helping relationships among students have been brought into account. What strategies schools can use to help students counter bullying has been discussed. The report is summarized in a concluding paragraph at the end, and APA referencing style has been used correctly.
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Organizational Behaviour Social science Report
5 pages (1532 words) , Download 0 , Report
As per the findings, it is shown that group members and individuals influence the workers' status in an organization, position, and performance. In addition, workers formed groups, which affected their production, and there were certain codes of behavior were to be adhered to by the members of each group.
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The Necessity of Parent and Community Cooperation and Collaboration in Early Childhood Social science Report
5 pages (1460 words) , Download 0 , Report
As I take my position that I support the relations of parents, community, and early childhood programs; I must admit that there is considerable variation. I, therefore, conclude by indicating that the advances in program efforts geared towards forming responsive connections with families and communities require a systematic understanding of the current state of affairs in various families.
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The Clash of Civilizations by Samuel Huntington Social science Article
5 pages (1391 words) , Download 1 , Article
Huntington argues a civilization is considered as the “cultural identity” of a specific group of individuals in a certain geographical location. This can be composed of different numbers as long as the group shares common characteristics that include religion, language, and others. It can be created and can disappear in accordance with the force it displays.
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Influence of Political Trend on Social Movement Social science Literature review
5 pages (1988 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Several scholars have studied the issue of the influence of political trends on social movements, how period trends and cohort in protest attendance and petition signing has influenced social movements. Their article explored the period between the years 1973 and 2008 and it was based on a cross-sectional survey involving 34241 respondents.
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Indigenous Knowledge Systems Social science Research Proposal
9 pages (2153 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
As humans reach the end of the 5,125-year Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012, the world is in rapid transformation. One can observe transformations in climate, financial turmoil, and the evolution of technology. The accelerating changes can leave one bewildered and lost or offer an awakening to personal, social, political, and economic potential.
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Nutrition Labeling of Menu Items in Restaurant Social science Assignment
7 pages (1773 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
FDA has studied the effect of the proposed rule under executive orders, the regulatory flexibility Act, and the unfunded Mandate reform Act of 1995. These executive orders guide agencies to evaluate all costs and gains of obtainable regulatory options and, if regulation is essential, to decide on regulatory advances that maximize net benefits. 
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Pharmacy Code of Ethics and Religion Social science Essay
8 pages (2174 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Ethics is defined as a systematic reflection on what is considered right. The question arising in the definition is the understanding of morality is on the exclusiveness of definition. Morality can be described as the work of opinions, decisions, and actions that can be classified into what people think is good or right.
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Securitization of Migration Impact on the Protection of the Rights of Refugees Social science Report
10 pages (2685 words) , Download 0 , Report
Migration and asylum issues have got to be paramount subjects of contemporary security legislative issues, both in the real world as well as in the institutes. The issue of migration has progressively given climb to serious political discussion after the official boycott on labor migration chosen by the lion's share of European nations in the 1970s.
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Political Systems: Meaning, Functions Social science Report
5 pages (1422 words) , Download 0 , Report
Every political system is said to have major or minor effects on its area of domicile as well as its region of influence and sometimes the entire world. For example, the American system of democracy gave the whole world especially the third world countries a new direction, a sense of self- responsibility, and a diligent approach towards human rights and citizen stronghold.
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The Impact of Sex Trafficking on Young Girls and Women Social science Report
5 pages (1583 words) , Download 0 , Report
Sex trafficking normally involves some form of coerced or forced sexual exploitation that is not restricted to prostitution. It has turned into a significant and growing issue in both the United States as well as the larger global community. It has several costs and impacts on both the victims as well as society as a whole.
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Leadership in the 21st Century Social science Report
5 pages (1452 words) , Download 1 , Report
Page encourages his employees to come up with crazy ideas. He believes that he is doing the wrong things he does come up with crazy ideas; the page urges his employees to come up with audacious ideas and pursue that idea single-minded. By tackling great ideas, even if the idea was not the original goal, the result is great and worthwhile.
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Evaluating a Persuasive Communication Social science Report
5 pages (1660 words) , Download 0 , Report
What people have experienced before reinforces bad habits; an imperfect teacher (Mark, Donaldson, & Campbell, 2011). Empirical studies show that the incidences of domestic violence among men and women have increased significantly. Therefore, law enforcement agencies such as the police officer and judges should approach the issue with a lot of care.
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Protests in Modern Democracies Social science Report
5 pages (1377 words) , Download 0 , Report
The difference between democracies and dictatorships lies in citizen’s right to protest through demonstrations and other legal means. Protest can be physical, visual, written, or oral in nature, and it is a common assertion that leadership and power in democracies are derived from the people. As such, people automatically have the right to show their displeasure irrespective of the level of power.
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Teenage Pregnancy Issue Social science Coursework
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
A person who is below 16 years old may consent to medical treatment provided that they have ‘sufficient intelligence and understanding to appreciate the information and advice about treatment and what it involves’. This is a statement of common (case) law. The issue was considered in detail by the case of Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech AHA.
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Youth Violence Program Social science Report
6 pages (1767 words) , Download 0 , Report
There is a significant relationship between youth violence and the carrying of guns and drugs. During the late 1980s and early 1990s when the number of death reports and other serious physical injuries was significantly high is the same period wherein the population of teens started to carry guns and other deadly weapons. It was in 1994 when the rate of youth violence was at its peak.2
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September 11 of 2001: The Aftermath Social science Essay
6 pages (1743 words) , Download 0 , Essay
America’s faith in God and its spirituality was shaken, challenged, and shattered on Sept.11, 2001, leaving many in search of solace in religion. The aftermath has left many bewildered and doubting if what they found amidst the horror is God's work or not. It has taken a long time for the country to come to terms with the disaster.  
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Inequality in China Social science Report
5 pages (1399 words) , Download 1 , Report
In direct contrast to this, wealth and prosperity is the number of destitute poor in China. Classified as those earning less than $75 a year, the government estimates that the number of people in this lowest stratum is around 85 million. China's income divide is also destroying the unity of the nation. The rich are spending conspicuously while the poor struggle to put food on the table and cannot afford basics like education and health.
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Cigarettes are Bad Social science Case Study
5 pages (1430 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Cigarettes are consumed more and more with each passing day all over the world. There is just no stopping this harsh fact that people smoke for the pleasure that is derived out of these cigarettes. There is a problem that smoking cigarettes kill people but then again the smokers do not realize the mistakes that they are committing towards their own selves.
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The Role of Women in America Social science Coursework
5 pages (1489 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Women in America have had a very significant role in different fields of life. This has come about because women have felt empowered in nearly all walks of life. Their role has increased enormously with the passage of time and hence the reason that America is considered the super power nation of the world today. 
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Analysis of Messages to the World: The Statements of Osama bin Laden Book by Bruce Lawrence Social science Book Report/Review
6 pages (1717 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
Lawrence provides a successful compilation of bin Laden’s statements and also provides helpful points in his own introduction in order to guide the reader to more clearly viewing bin Laden’s notions.  As stated before, it can be easy, as a western reader, to read emotionally and thus read too much, or too little, into what bin Laden has stated. 
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Identity and Self-Reflection Social science Essay
5 pages (1357 words) , Download 1 , Essay
I was born in Bulgaria, where I stayed for several years, after which our family shifted to Italy and then Greece. I did not have a chance to learn any of the other languages, even though I knew it might have helped communicate with the other children who were right in their native languages.
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Attacking Faulty Reasoning: A Practical Guide to Fallacy-Free Arguments Social science Report
6 pages (1639 words) , Download 0 , Report
Statements that depict the fallacy of denying the antecedent usually comprise of a condition with a bi-conditional proposition therefore arising confusion. Such statements deny the truth of a certain condition. These statements explain that if a certain situation failed to occur then the second situation could definitely not have occurred.
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Violence in School UK Social science Research Paper
15 pages (6062 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The tendency of the introduction is straight forward; what causes bullying and how to prevent it. The basis of my project on Violence in School is so that students, parents, and teachers take into concern the magnitude of bullying and how injurious it is. Research Methods that I used were books, the internet, articles, and interviews.
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Las Vegas: The Social Production of an All-American City Social science Report
5 pages (1468 words) , Download 0 , Report
It would be unfair to say a very rare percentage of tourists who come to Las Vegas are motivated by its title of Sin City or in other words, gambling, and bars, etc. However, this paper puts forwards a few other important motivations of the visitors who come to Las Vegas that are worth considering. In fact, no one can disagree that Las Vegas is a small world in itself, which has all the colors of life.
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Curriculum Evaluation and Change Social science Essay
5 pages (1400 words) , Download 1 , Essay
There is also the argument that standardized testing will insure the academic achievement of all students across the board through creating better curricula, and that such testing measures are based on a high standard that is applied to all students across the country, not just some students or groups.
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Innocence Lost and Unexpected Death Social science Essay
6 pages (1854 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The author's little town was never the same without his dear friend. She was a bright light that was extinguished all too soon. His life was altered and the author felt a sense of restlessness creep into his thoughts and he felt unbalanced after that day. His faith had been challenged and his sense of youth was gone – bye-bye to it!
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The Individual, the Parental and Family Values Social science Assignment
5 pages (1489 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
I like to say that I am simply an African. But for the sake of political correctness, and because I was born here in America, I’ll call myself African American. In terms of social class; I was born into the middle class, but have arguably moved up the social ladder a little bit. I’ll say I am an African American in the middle of the middle class.
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Understanding of Terms Globalization and Citizenship Social science Report
5 pages (1608 words) , Download 0 , Report
In the last three decades, the social, political, & economic processes of globalization have been radically transforming the lives of people all around the world. Not only the production processes and nature of the labor market have confronted drastic alteration, but state policies, individual lifestyles, collective values, and social practices have undergone drastic changes.
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The Benefits of Legalizing Prostitution Social science Report
5 pages (1404 words) , Download 1 , Report
The sex trade is one of the oldest professions in the world, and it is also one of the most contentious.  In modern times, many countries have outlawed prostitution, seeing it as a cause of sin, abuse of women, and the spread of disease.  However, in other countries prostitution is still legal, although women who choose to work in the field are still frowned upon by most of the population.
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Gangs in Latin America Social science Report
6 pages (1783 words) , Download 0 , Report
America is one of the major countries that have recorded high numbers of notorious organized gangs, which are a threat to security in society (Rosenthal 2000 p 95). An organized gang can be defined as a group of people coming together with a common interest which is personal gain through mischievous behavior and criminal activities.
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Homelessness in Macon, GA Social science Report
10 pages (2607 words) , Download 0 , Report
Homelessness is one of the major problems faced by all the countries irrespective of developed, developing, or underdeveloped. The reasons for homelessness are plenty, but individual and structural reasons contribute heavily to this social problem. Many people have the false belief that developed countries like the United States may not have a homelessness problem.
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Routes into Homelessness because of Home Abuse and Drugs Social science Term Paper
6 pages (1750 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
      Housing and homelessness is a complex issue that is not fixed with one or two simple changes.  It involves examining root social issues to try to prevent them from first occurring while helping those on the street to help themselves through training, education, funding, rehabilitation, and community support. 
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Evolution of the American Dream Social science Thesis
12 pages (3318 words) , Download 0 , Thesis
It has sparked the imagination of those who wish to do better, be better, and fulfill their destiny. America isn’t just a place, a destination at the end of a journey; it is an idea that grows in the mind, full of expectation and hope. For the idea to take hold, it must be discussed, a discourse of propaganda and advertisement that has created this imagery.
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Non-Violence and Conflict Resolution Paradigms Social science Report
5 pages (1326 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paradigm further proposes that legitimate power stems from willpower and human solidarity. As such power does not come from violence. The paradigm can be used successfully to achieve international peacemaking. Peacemaking can be used to counter political repression, social discrimination, and reject foreign occupation and imperialism.
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Moral and Ethical History of Society Social science Report
5 pages (1487 words) , Download 0 , Report
Hollywood may be replacing hunting stories and survival with a call to inaction, warnings that technology is way ahead of human endurance. Modern tales will fall back to the Emperor and his clothes. Perhaps now the Emperor accomplishes nothing by texting all day, but everybody lauds his great multi-tasking skills.
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Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Social science Term Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The conclusion from this study states that when Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences found its way into the conversations of elementary and high school teachers, many expressed optimism. The concept of multiple intelligences offered a framework for developing new and more creative ways of tapping into students’ potential.
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Should We Exercise Some form Censorship in Humor Social science Term Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
According to the findings, it can, therefore, be said that like no two cuisines touch the taste buds of two humans in a similar fashion. Likewise, no two individuals digest the humor indifferently or at the same time. A humor that amuses one might be sarcastic to another. Thus, no two souls can digest from the same plate when it comes to Jokes.
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Crime in the Subculture of Poverty: Problems in the Community Social science Report
5 pages (1527 words) , Download 0 , Report
Many theoretical investigations have been carried out on the subculture of poverty but little light has been thrown upon how the children of this subculture respond to the circumstances of life created by this subculture. The members of this subculture are faced with a serious problem among their children, that is, the tendency to drop out from formal education.
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Values, Attitudes, Goals, and Motivations Social science Report
6 pages (1475 words) , Download 0 , Report
Having witnessed and experienced a strong family affection and sense of emotional security gives me a strong conviction to uphold such a concept when I decide to carve a family of my own. Reports revealed the resilient sense of marital love that encompasses mutual context within families and its reinforcement by sacrificial acts (Browning et al. 105).
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Legalization of the Cannabis in the United States Social science Report
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Report
The US should not indulge in banning cannabis to reinvent the wheel. We have had lessons from the past. Moreover, the harm caused by cannabis consumption would not incur the US government anywhere near the amount that the country incurs every year in taking care of the prisoners and placing hurdles in the way of the cannabis suppliers in the US.
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The Concept of Self Image Social science Report
5 pages (1676 words) , Download 0 , Report
If the child grows up with a positive foundation, they will usually develop a positive self-image. If they grow up with a foundation that is critical of them, they may grow up with a negative self-image. Regardless of how they have achieved their self-image, they will carry how they feel into their relationships at work and at home.
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