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Hunger in Portland Mission Centre and the Entire World - Research Paper Example

"Hunger in Portland Mission Centre and the Entire World" paper interconnects the world hunger and the case and establishing the relatedness that will culminate to established postulations about world hunger. Portland rescue mission is a Christian organization that is based on philanthropic ideas. …
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Name: Date: Course: Hunger in Portland Mission Centre and the Entire World Introduction Hunger and starvation is one of the demeaning challenges that one can ever pass through life. Societies and other interested groups have always found it worth and human to take care of the hungry and those who cannot afford to get the daily bread. There are many circumstances that result to hunger, but personal failure is the main contributing factor. The failure can be attributed to, physical deformation, sickness or even mental retardation that culminates to clumsiness (Wagner, Viqietal, .2008).Therefore, the individuals with the above challenges may find it difficult to get the daily bread and, therefore, it is paramount to look after these cases. More also, there are far much more diverse causes of hunger and starvation that will be covered in the essayCauses of hunger are diverse and intricate and evaluating a case study from a convergent approach is the only to pull out the causative factors and come up with ways to solve the challenge (Labue 76).In the same breath, portal land Rescue Mission is an appropriate case study since it focuses on causes of hunger in urban America. Since the focus of study is world hunger, the study will interconnect the world hunger and the case, and finally establishing the relatedness that will culminate to established postulations about world hunger. Portland rescue mission is Christian organization that started in 1949 on the basis of philanthropic ideas and the teachings of Jesus Christ about taking care of the needy. The main motivating verse has been John 3:16 which asserts that “For so God loved the world, that he gave His only son that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life.”Since then, the mission has been having tireless commitment in trying to help the needy and breaking the cycle of homelessness. Moreover, the institution offers food and shelter to the hungry especially in the 111 in west Burnside. The men who come with cases of drug addiction also recover through going a rehabilitation process and later on they are ready to live a victorious life outside the mission. Women and children also find help in the centre especially at the Shepherds Door where they stay in the safety and ultimately recover. Hunger in Portland rescue mission However, there are various challenges that face Portland Mission Centre and among them is hunger. It is possible to find that most of the people in the centre do not get enough food or at times, they may lack food at all. This has been a challenge that has been eating away the society since it mainly depend son aids and donations. They are what sustain the centre and when it is minimal, it means that it is not possible to feed the people appropriately. The research will be focusing on the causes of hunger in the centre and its relatedness to world hunger. Additionally, it will seek to evaluate the potential remedies that were applicable in the past, and how effective they have turned out to be. Research postulates that approximately 13 million families in year 2004 were unable to buy the food they desired in many parts of America and more especially in the poor areas.The department of agriculture asserted that only little proportion of the total population could manage to provide good food. Finances were little for the five million families and it was considerably difficult for those families to provide good and nutritious food. Making the matters worse, some people could even go hungry in America considering it is among the richest countries in the world and the initiative of the state was minimal. Some of the most affected areas were the interior where most of the people were peasants (Wagner, Viqietal, .2008). USDA and hunger in America USDA has classified approximately 37.5 million people in America to be living below the poverty line. The poverty line means that these people cannot provide the basic needs which a normal person should get. In year 2005, $19,350 was the poverty threshold for a family of four and that is according to the department of the human services. Additionally, the government also classifies 38 million people as food insecure and that means that the hunger is a great challenge in America. Presumably, many of those people who cannot afford to buy the food they need means that these people alls live in poverty though there is scanty empirical data which is linking poverty and hunger. Big part of the food uncertainties is directly proportional to the uncertainties of the daily life. People usually go hungry as a result of the unexpected events more especially paying hospital bills, repairs and loss of jobs. Therefore, it is likely to above poverty line and any of the above named factors will push you to the level below the poverty line. When families are living at the close edge, the bottom line cut will be used in food consumption. The food that is purchased with cash often indicates that the people are suffering since credit cards are readily available. Using cash shows that maybe that is the only money available and, therefore, it is important to seek help at that point. Moreover, there are problems when it comes to access and distribution of food. Good and healthy food is usually expensive especially if one is working at a minimum wage. It is worth noting that $5.15 is the minimum wage per hour and that is translated to$10,300 annually for a full-time job (Stanford 75). There is a definite geography of poverty and the highest cases of poverty are evident in areas such as Appalachia, Mississippi delta, the US Mexico and the Indian reservations. Some poor communities where you are 30 to 40 miles from a store that is managing the vegetables and they do selling wilting and rotting veggies show that poverty is biting a lot. For example, in Tunica, Miss, Piggy Wiggly food market where everything seemed normal except for the meat and vegetables. The vegetables were made of wilted lettuce and some dried apples and even some tomatoes have some wilted spots which showed clear evidence of lack. At the counter of meat, the high percentage of meat is the chicken wings and ham hocks packed in every conceivable way. This shows that that is only the available food for the people to buy. Taking into account the food and groceries, it is apparent that poverty has stuck its roots in the area. Considering the food sold in the market, it is apparent that it has low quality something which makes it hard for the people to be healthy. The food taken has a high content of fats and that translates to increased cases of obesity and food related diseases (Stanford 78). Another major cause of hunger in urban American is trading food for health care. Mostly, the poor families find themselves trading between food and other expenses that are above withholding. For example, healthcare is a particular problem that causes havoc to poor families. They drain all what they have just to ensure that they get the best healthcare and save the lives of their loved ones. Moreover, car expenses are other expenses which are worth noting, for example, when a family car breaks down, during the end of the month, the family will reduce the ration of food just to ensure that the gets repaired. The reduced food intake will in one way or another affect the family and hunger will be the ultimate effect. The original measure of food created at minimal point based primarily on the minimum budget that is essential for basic family of three people. This shows that poverty is far much more concentrated in these areas hence need to alleviate the situation (Wagner 79). Ways the governments have taken to solve hunger crisis United States Department of Agriculture (U.S.D.A) in 2004 asserted that the average monthly food stamp was approximately 86% per individual and about$200 for the whole household. An average of about $200 is just about two thirds of the USDA recommends t as the best standard for the family. The program reduces hunger, but it does not eliminate hunger permanently. What it does is reducing the pangs but the problem still exists. USDA asserts that the number of families who have received the food stamps has continued to decline exponentially especially between 1995 to year 2000 (Coleman-Jensen, Alisha, 2009).This time when the rate of poverty had escalated to injurious levels and many Americans suffered significantly. People at this time needed significant support but later on the state scale the program making it hard for the people to continue getting enough food. After the Welfare Reform Act in the 1990s, the government went ahead and cut back the eligibility of food stamps. This cut back made it difficult for any legible person to quality for the program. In several parts of the country, fewer than half of the people who are supposedly to receive the food stamps are the ones who receive the stamps yet there is a high population of people who are needy. The legibility is the common factor whereby most people are not legible due different causes (Wagner 87). Taking into account that Portland rescue mission is located in this environment, it is impossible to evade the cases of hunger and starvation. Most of the people who are surrounding the area are just poor and, therefore, it would not be possible for them to support a charity organization. Getting their daily bread is a challenge to them and there it is not possible for them to get surplus for them to help the needy. It is worth noting that most of the people who go to the Portland rescue mission are destitute whom mainly come poor areas aiming and hoping that they would get food in the area. Interviews conducted in the local areas to ascertain what causes hunger area provided some horrifying news which given room for empathy. Most of the interviewees were women and they affirmed that they cannot be able to feed their families in the right way and, therefore, it would not be possible for them to donate food (Kuhlman 442). They continued and asserted that it is not possible to donate what they cannot afford. One old woman gave an intriguing response and said” Surely, it is philanthropic and godly for one to help the people in the mission, but how can I help them while am one of them?”She continues and said,” many are times when I go to the Mission just to have a good bite, I know I contribute to the deficiency but I cannot avoid it.”The response did not only give surprising results but also confirmed fears that some needy people may be going to the mission just to have a meal and place to sleep. Therefore, considering that the place is getting new people on a daily basis, it would be impossible to dispute the fact that they will get hungry. Moreover, the mission depends entirely on charity and, therefore, it is not possible to feed all the people without some subtle challenges Another contributing factor of hunger in America is the food deserts. Food desserts are those areas where people cannot get nutritious food because of several reasons and most likely because of poverty. Research proves that the food deserts contribute to hunger at approximately 5.7% of all the households in America. Research continues to affirm that they are approximately 6500 food deserts in America and more also the United States.75% of the affected people usually lives in the urban areas during 25% lives in the rural areas (Claire, 2007). The unavailability of nutritious food contributes to hunger since nutrition goes hand in hand with hunger. Lacking nutrients in the body contributes to a loss of body weight and energy and, therefore, turning out to be malnourished. Taking into the case of Portland Mission Centre, the same thing is happening and that also turns out to be a concrete cause of hunger in the area (Kuhlman 443). Causes of hunger in the entire world International causes of hunger also contribute heavily towards famine and hunger in America and most likely the Portland mission. For example, when there are far and fighting, America and other superior nations intervene and that means using the Americas budget. The budget is usually in millions of dollars and that translates to escalated cases of hunger in United States. The money meant for buying extra ration of food ended up in combats, buying relief, and this means that the hunger must continue to pinch the Americans. For example, during the Afghanistan war, many people died in the war while other Americans continues to suffer from the pangs of hunger which and that was not welcomed warmly by the Americans. Tax payers’ money meant to buy food for the Americans ended up in the war field leaving Americans begging for food. The idea was not loquacious to the Americans and they try as much as possible to avoid such circumstances. If the occurrence affected the whole nation, it is not possible to assume that it did not affect Portland mission hence becoming another contributing factor of hunger in the centre (Nobel 69). Hunger is highly influenced by poverty and lack of financial ability and purchasing power. The main causes of poverty in America and the entire world is the socio-political factors and economic systems which have kept people in the poor families, in abject poverty. The systems have not only affected the poor people, but it has impacted negatively on the poor people and more especially the in mental and behavior.In regards to Gailliot, Matthew, etal, (2013). Poor people outside United States are far much poorer than those who are United States and this shows that the hunger has turned out to be a menace. For example, the economic system of the United States has contributed to disenfranchisement of some groups. The normal operation of the current economic system will go ahead and create a significant amount of poverty since it is in no way caring for the poor. First, in the free enterprise economy that is evident today, there is high competition of jobs and the least qualified people and the ones who need the opportunities. This trend continues to impoverish the people because it is not possible to get the daily bread without a job. Therefore, by the end of the day, there will be lots of people who will be unemployed and this will further increase the chances of hunger in America and also in the entire world (McLaughlin, Diane K. and Alisha Coleman-Jensen, 2008).As posited earlier, the US political system spends much money on a military expedition rather than using that money to create employment and feed the civilian population. For example, much money paid the war in Afghanistan to the extent that the civilian population started complaining since the economy of the country recessed to a higher degree. Many soldiers died in the line of duty and all these led to the downfall of the country’s economy. This had a long lasting effect on the country and many people suffered hunger and poverty escalated highly (Nobel 89). Climatic changes and national disasters have also contributed to the spread of hunger in the in one way or the other. When disasters such as earthquakes and tornados occur, they leave people homeless and helpless and this means that they have nothing to depend on apart from aids and grants. The issue becomes more severe especially when tornados and storms affect agricultural lands. For example, there was a time when storm destroyed very large fields of corn and that translated to escalated hunger in America and the countries which depend on America for food. Such disasters do not only rob America, but also other countries that depend on relief food from America (Coleman-Jensen, Alisha, 2009). Therefore, this is another factor that have contributed to extended hunger to an extent that it is affecting some critical sectors such as mission centers. Africa and some other developing countries have tasted the pangs of hunger now and then and it has turned to be a problem in the continent. At times, it is reported that many people are dying due to hunger and, therefore, some countries like US cannot fathom the pain and joins up with FAO, WHO( World Health Organisation) and other nongovernmental organizations to ensure that the people are fed. They end up using the reserves of the country just to make sure that the other brothers and sisters are not experiencing the pangs of hunger anymore (Saad 56). International ways to stamp out hunger However, there are some ways and means the government has formulated in an effort to get rid of the hunger, but they have not turned out to be very friendly. For example, in an effort to discourage further hunger and starvation in third world countries, American government have formulated some nongovernmental organizations such as ASDA that will help in educating farmers in Africa on effective methods of agriculture and appropriate methods that can be applied to ensure that productive agriculture is taking place. The procedure has turned out to be successful and farmers have reported increased in yields (Snyder, Anastasia R., Diane K,2009)However, the productivity has been short-lived since the government has not taken the appropriate initiatives to prevent cases of corruption and transparency that affect most of the t funded projects. The nongovernmental organizations may devote all the efforts in educating and teaching people effective ways to carry out agriculture but finally nothing many changes. All these are due to irresponsibility and corruption which has eaten up most sectors of government in many African countries. Therefore, it is affirmative to assert that the efforts of government and other organizations to get rid of hunger in developing countries are a mystery due to corruption that surrounds the government at every corner. Therefore, if the mystery of corruption if the mystery of corruption could be eliminated in the developing countries government, it would be possible to overcome hunger, however, with its continuous existence, it becomes difficult, to overcome the challenge (Saad, 78). Wars have been another issue that has become inevitable. War brings death and famine and at times, it is very difficult to control it. For example, when there is a war, nothing productive progresses and this continues to make it difficult to avoid the pangs of hunger. For example, in cases of Egypt and Syria, hunger has been one of the most dangerous issues which are affecting the civilian population (Sherman, Amy, 2010). In as much as the world is trying to quell the war through the United Nations programs, it has continued to increase to the point where the world cannot do anything to overcome. The rebels are fighting against the government and this has brought different feelings among the people. The United Nations have tried to solve the problem, but it has not been possible due to internal pressure from the state and external forces (Goshit,2007).The war has not continued to affect the people and more especially in hunger where they cannot access enough food and clean water. Considering the above, it is possible to affirm that war has played a great role in enhancing the hunger the entire world both directly and indirectly Conclusion In conclusion, it is evident that the hunger is a menace and it is wise to eliminate it as much as possible. Human factors are the main contributors of hunger though, at times, natural disasters play considerable role. Human factors such as war and inefficient political systems have contributed heavily to hunger whereby governments use much money on the military expedition on expense of formulating ways and means to eliminate hunger. For instance, the cases of Syria, Libya and Afghanistan are good examples of how the war leads to hunger. More also, natural calamities such as tornadoes and storms have contributed to poverty more especially in developing countries where the entire community depends on farm. The governments have tried to apply various strategies, such as food stamps, grants, empowering the poor no significant change noted. Therefore, the extended cases of hunger in America and the entire world have translated to extended cases of hunger in Portland Mission Centre. Works Cited Coleman-Jensen, Alisha. "U.S. Food Insecurity Status: Toward a Refined Definition," Social Indicators Research, 2009. Gailliot, Matthew T. "Hunger and Reduced Self-Control in the Laboratory and across the World: Reducing Hunger as a Self-Control Panacea." psychology 04.01 (2013): 59-66. Print. Goshit, Zd. "Alleviating poverty and hunger in Nigeria: Lessons from the United States of America." LWATI: A Journal of Contemporary Research 4.1 (2007): 123-126. Print. Kuhlman, T.. "War, Hunger and Displacement: The Origins of Humanitarian Emergencies." Journal of Refugee Studies 14.4 (2001): 447-449. Print. Labue, Gaston T.. Hunger in America issues and assistance. New York: Nova Science Pub., 2009. Print. Nobel, Loretta. Growing up empty: the hunger epidemic in America. New York: HarperCollins, 2002. Print. Saad, Majda. The global hunger crisis: tackling food insecurity in developing countries. London: Pluto Press;, 2013. Print. Smith, Olivia J.. Aging in America. New York: H.W. Wilson Co., 2000. Print. Stanford, Claire. World hunger. Bronx, N.Y.: H.W. Wilson Co., 2007. Print. Stanford, Sherman, Amy L.The church on a Justice Mission, July-August, 2010, Vol.16 (4), p.26 (5) Cengage Learning, Inc. McLaughlin, Diane K. and Alisha Coleman-Jensen. "Nonstandard Employment in the Nonmetropolitan United States," Rural Sociology 73(4): 631-59, December 2008. Snyder, Anastasia R., Diane K. McLaughlin, and Alisha Coleman-Jensen. "The New, Longer Road to Adulthood: Schooling, Work and Idleness among Rural Youth," Carsey Wagner, Viqi. Poverty. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2008. Print. Read More
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