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Effects of Bullying on Children and Adolescents with Disabilities Social science Article
10 pages (3002 words) , Download 0 , Article
It is one of the negative social factors that affect a wide scope of people in society, either at a childhood level or at an adolescent level. The bullies instill fears and terror in their victims. Bullying is an act and/or behavior that involve attacking those who are weaker members of the group who becomes the victims (Swearer, Espelage, Vaillancourt & Hymel, 2010).
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Are Certain Animal Welfare Issues Misreported or Excluded in the Media Social science Article
12 pages (3284 words) , Download 0 , Article
Due to miseries that animals may face, various animal welfare organizations have been established to protect them. Governments have implemented laws and established Animal Welfare Boards in attempt to protect and conserve animal species.
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What's Wrong with Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Subjective Likert Scales Social science Annotated Bibliography
8 pages (3063 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the clinical and educational Brief Evidence-Based Assessment of Research (BEAR). The BEAR is a template that assists the students in their searching, evaluation, and use of the important medical literature in their career.
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Research Annotation Paper Social science Annotated Bibliography
6 pages (1793 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The anti-positivism research paradigm is in use in this research paper. This research paradigm emphasizes that social reality is understood from a personal level, that is, where a person shares personal experiences instead of conducting research. The emphasis is that human behavior is best understood by interaction with phenomena.
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Asian Studies, Mau Tse-tung Social science Annotated Bibliography
22 pages (5749 words) , Annotated Bibliography
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The paper "Asian Studies, Mau Tse-tung" is an outstanding example of a social science annotated bibliography. Technological and industrialization has brought about many changes in the working lives of individuals in the society. The issue of whether technological and industrial development has led to the increase or decrease of employment opportunities is a complex one.
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Prejudice and Discrimination Social science Annotated Bibliography
7 pages (4346 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper 'Prejudice and Discrimination" is a good example of a social science annotated bibliography. Prejudice can be defined as the holding of a derogatory social attitude or cognitive belief, the expression or display of hostile, negative and discriminatory behaviour towards a member of a group due to their affiliation or membership to that group (Hogg and Vaughan, 2011).
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Reflective Journals Social science Annotated Bibliography
14 pages (4002 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Reflective Journals" is a wonderful example of an annotated bibliography on social science. In the O'Reilly Factor hosted by Bill O’Reilly that is aired on Fox News, O’Reilly in the ‘Anarchy in America’ topic argues that Malia Cohen, San Francisco Board of Supervisors is a disgrace and should be arrested for failing to obey the federal law.
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Domestic Violence and Abuse Social science Assignment
7 pages (1932 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
A major strength is that they are equipped with expert personnel who can guide the victims and counsel them on how to cope with the experiences they have undergone. The support services have a connection with authorities and law enforcers.  Through this connection, they are able to help sufficiently the victims get justice.
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Problems of Aging Population in Japan Social science Essay
8 pages (2244 words) , Download 0 , Essay
From the research that has been conducted, it has been determined that about 7% of the population comprises the aging population which is about 65 years old and above. This means that the population of Japan is slowly becoming an aging population and some issues are associated with the increasing aging population (Project 2015).
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Insurmountable Problem of Non-identity Social science Assignment
5 pages (1307 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
First Choice - If people are worse off, this cannot be outweighed by the increased number of people living. The Impersonal Average Principle, which states that if the other things are equal, the best outcome is the one in which people’s lives go best, on average, supports this belief.
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Bring Civility Back to American Society Social science Essay
6 pages (1518 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The author’s ideas of morality and social justice can be understood through a careful understanding of this issue. That is, the issue sets the ethical code, in a sense, since it is at least theoretically there to determine a positive relationship between the individual and the society through models of good behavior that do not bring harm to others.
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The Problem of Diversity Management Social science Assignment
5 pages (1413 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
As for the physically disabled people, most organizations strive for not hiring them, since they can perform only strictly specific work without being given the wide range of duties and responsibilities. Moreover, such people demand additional assistance to the workplace and some technical facilities.
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Human Behaviour as it is Associated with Various Political Theories Social science Essay
5 pages (1323 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The study’s design recruits random samples from different socio-economic backgrounds, with varying age groups identified in the population. This, again, adds more validity to the study’s methodology by not securing like groups that might share the same behavioural traits or pre-existing viewpoints about current political candidates.
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Social Support, People who Give you Positive during Crisis Social science Essay
6 pages (1800 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Telephone counseling is most suitable for runaway teens because such teens will never come in front of the public to protect their privacy. It is difficult for teens to manage their stresses by themselves. Negative thoughts and anxieties will dominate the wisdom and positive thinking among teens who face family or social problems.
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The Social Role of Women in America Social science Essay
6 pages (1943 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It happened that the choice of a Cherokee woman to marry a non-Cherokee man was a display of disapproval or displeasure in Cherokee men, and which fact, therefore, tended to influence or modify their behaviour. Cherokee men, therefore “had better behave and stop drinking whiskey” if they wanted to be worthy of a Cherokee wife.
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Factors leading to Domestic Violence Social science Research Proposal
9 pages (2603 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Domestic violence refers to physical or emotional abuse of a partner in an intimate relationship, for example, in a marriage, family and dating relationship. Physical violence refers to inflicting bodily injuries to the victim. Emotional violence occurs when a partner hurls insulting words to the victim.
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The Idea of Transition within a Community Social science Book Report/Review
6 pages (1625 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
When looking at the specific aspects of this book, it can be seen that the idea of bringing change into a community is one that also creates an alteration in how individuals think, what is expected and the interactions occur. The refugees in the book, as well as the community responses, both show a specific understanding of the idea of transition.
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Slavery Reparations Social science Essay
5 pages (1488 words) , Download 1 , Essay
While seen by millions around the world as a beacon for freedom and liberty, the servitude of African-Americans in this country is an infamous chapter in the annals of American history.  While America evolved using the concept of freedom and liberty brought forth by the British, early American development was built on the backs of slave labor.
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Capital Punishment in the United States Social science Essay
5 pages (1307 words) , Download 0 , Essay
However, this is not the case. It should be made compulsory on any offender who goes about ravaging the law of the land and thus is easily escapable whenever there is a huge crime committed. This person needs to be taken to task and given the heinous possible punishment so that he could become an example for one and all.
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Are Changes to Knowledge Systems a Cause or Consequence of Social Change Social science Report
5 pages (1423 words) , Download 0 , Report
Every theory has its own strengths and weaknesses. Each theory has been developed with available information and knowledge about that particular period and society. These theories mainly focused on the changes in the market place and their impact on the knowledge and behavior of society. It is evident from the paper that changes to knowledge systems are a cause or consequence of social change.
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Truthiness in Same-Sex Marriage Social science Essay
6 pages (1757 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The argument supports that African Americans went through similar situations during the civil rights movement. The other side of the controversy states that marriage is sacred and it should only be between one male and one female. Generally, this is a religious point of view. "Fox News" reported all the facts as best they could it seem.
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To Incarcerate or Rehabilitate: Does Anything Really Work Social science Report
7 pages (1941 words) , Download 1 , Report
Like what most movies depict, prisons appear to be cold, dark, and uninviting places where people are put behind bars. Just the thought of being “locked up” for one year in those places would not just summon feelings of depression and uselessness, it literally magnifies the thought of how prisoners become a liability to our society.
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Housing Programs in the United States Social science Report
6 pages (1827 words) , Download 0 , Report
The aspect of helping the low and very low-income families by Community Development Block Grant Program and also the different flexibilities of the HOME Program which allow people to select their own needs and priorities on housing made it more attractive to select these two programs for discussion in this paper.  
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Civil Liberties in Gender Roles and Identities Social science Case Study
5 pages (1562 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Hence, this paper will attempt to analyze the changes in gender roles in the aftermath of the American civil war since the pivotal historical event reconciled women’s and men’s sexual and reproductive behavior within and outside the family constitution. The study of the American civil war in terms of gender and sexuality has proven to be worthwhile in the clarification of the intersection between the private and the public worlds.
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The Path to Love by Deepak Chopra Social science Book Report/Review
6 pages (1550 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
The concept of holistic health is one that is not only based on physical attributes of remaining healthy but also links directly to the spirit and mind of an individual. The ideas that one has about love toward another person as well as the spirituality in their life ultimately leads to holistic living and health.
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Merits and Demerits of a Global Government Social science Essay
6 pages (1736 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In a perfect world, there would be no conflict, hunger, floods, or even death. People would all exist in harmony. This is not the case today. There is a lot of disharmonies that have ensured that there are rich and poor nations and people, and at the same time, some countries like Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo have not known peace.
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Democracy's Discontent by Sandel Social science Book Report/Review
5 pages (1285 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
Sandel acknowledges that public philosophy entails the political theories that guide and directs our public lives. These political theories invariably affect our daily practices, the assumptions we hold as a citizenry, and the freedom that is bestowed in our expressive lives. The current American politics is not able to facilitate democracy.
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Female Participation in Nova Scotia's Paid Labour Force, 1871-1921 by Muise D.A Social science Article
6 pages (1697 words) , Download 0 , Article
These points have been proven with reliable data sourced from the cited articles as well as data obtained from the historical records of the factories during that period, which had been obtained from the respective towns. The author lays emphasis on the fact that this region lagged behind because it was not in touch with the Canadian mainstream.
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Definition American Government Social science Assignment
5 pages (1471 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Although the United States of America is praised as a modern and progressive Democracy, voter participation is not a given.  Indeed, voter participation is far from complete at both the state and federal levels.  Political scientists, sociologists, and many others have attempted to determine the extent of voter participation.
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Womens Influence on American Society Social science Essay
5 pages (1612 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Though there is undoubtedly still a glass ceiling, especially when considering the difference in pay wages between men and women, women have come a long way from when they were relegated to a different social sphere than men.  Women have more power today than ever before, but this is not to say that women had no influence before the modern era.
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The Limitations Social science Case Study
6 pages (1594 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Due to the translation process, it is cautioned that some data might have been inadvertently lost or made slightly inaccurate during the process of interpreting a specific language to a different language.The researcher did not have enough time to formulate an adequate questionnaire method that will cover a comprehensive picture of the defects that have the most significant impact on hospital maintenance.
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The Sexual Orientation Social science Report
5 pages (1412 words) , Download 1 , Report
As a result, people’s perception that the “normal” sexual orientation is heterosexuality has long since become a tradition. This essay will argue that despite traditional views against homosexuality and bisexuality, there is no such thing as a regular sexual orientation. It will further conclude that heterosexuality as a sexual orientation is a socially constructed view.
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Description of the Alienated Labor Concept Social science Essay
5 pages (1303 words) , Download 0 , Essay
To be alienated from something implies a situation where one lacks wholehearted identification with something and instead regards it as strange and perhaps an obstacle in one’s way. An individual speaks of alienation only in situations where there is a preceding anticipation that one will recognize the idea in question as one’s own. 
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Cultural of the Foreignness Definition Social science Essay
5 pages (1298 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Lack of communication has a lot of common in getting to understand the new culture. It takes me a lot of time, especially when I’m living in a culture that is completely different than mine, and what I used to. In the start, I was very weak in the language that was spoken in the USA.
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Analysis of Contextualizing Welfare Social science Report
5 pages (1543 words) , Download 0 , Report
The existing laws and the misconceptions within the social spaces attribute the social iniquities and cultural disparities. Society requires a social platform where its members work and enjoy equal benefits.  The laws play an integral role in limit elements of disparities along with racial and social diversities.
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Meeting with the Martians - True or Fiction Social science Essay
7 pages (1727 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In the daily life of the human race, one is likely to encounter some creatures that may seem uncommon or unidentified by scientists. In most cases, some of these creatures will portray the characteristics of restlessness and panic at the same time. Scientists have been able to name these unidentified creatures as aliens.
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Political and Economic Risk for Brazil Social science Essay
6 pages (1694 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Brazil is being led by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and while his term may be in jeopardy come election time in October, da Silva still has many economic and political issues to sort through. According to the Political Risk Yearbook, da Silva is not supported by some groups in the country which could result in difficulties for da Silva.
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Analysis of Serial Murder Profiling Social science Literature review
6 pages (1685 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The gradual shift to criminal profiling was developed during the course of the twentieth century, with the idea of providing a preventive measure against crime. Criminal profiling aims to discover correlations between the criminal activity in question and certain traits that go along with such crimes, in order to narrow down the range of possible suspects.
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Critique of Globalization and Trans-Nationalism Social science Report
6 pages (1630 words) , Download 0 , Report
The proponents of Liberalization and globalization claim that globalization has opened up newer vistas of trade and business all around the globe. It is said that the opening up of economies has now tilted the balance in favor of market forces, which is helping the consumer by way of providing quality at reasonable prices.
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The Issues Concerning Policymaking after WWII Social science Essay
6 pages (1546 words) , Download 0 , Essay
According to DeLeon (1988), 'policy analysis and advice were very personalized, idiosyncratic activities, passing from sage to ruler, from counselor to monarch, with only scarce and episodic regard for recording and routinizing the activity'. This was the case at the early stages of history down till the nineteenth and the early twentieth century.
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Relational Control: Motivated Aggression Social science Book Report/Review
11 pages (2873 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
Abusive and Violent couples experience severe and frequent forms of aggression. Moreover, one or both partners seek to dominate and control all of the everyday actions of the other partner. Thus, the systemic nature of the control within these relationships is believed to represent a belief in the right to control another person.
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Cognitive Theories of Piaget and Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory Social science Essay
5 pages (1418 words) , Download 1 , Essay
 Two of the main theorist who proposed theories defining learning in children were Piaget and Bandura who put forward theories regarding the development that takes place in children from their early days to adulthood. This paper focuses on their theories and then goes on to compare and contrasts them discussing the limitations that these theories have.
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Why Prisons Provide an Ideal Environment for Radicalization: Deterring Recruitment Social science Report
5 pages (1677 words) , Download 0 , Report
Therefore, the Department of Homeland Security should work towards ensuring that these groups are stopped by adding more sentences to people found recruited by inmates into radical groups. Therefore, although these groups allow the prisoners to integrate; their roots should be broken to ensure that they do not grow into something that will destroy national security.
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What do You Understand by Gramsci's Notion of Hegemony Social science Assignment
5 pages (1572 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Ever since humans originated, evolved, and developed, their tendency to dominate has also developed with them, but in the negative sense. That is, when the whole world came under his/her domain, the human donned the role of a dominant and many times lead the world to doom.
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Criminal Development Social science Essay
7 pages (1896 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The norms and values of the Gangster Disciples are transmitted to them by tong members, who act as mentors and may belong to black society. Gang members are inspired by societies' role in patriotic uprisings and their ideas of loyalty and righteousness. Gang members see themselves as nationalistic, loyal, and righteous (Huff 2000).
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Police Brutality in America Social science Report
5 pages (1394 words) , Download 0 , Report
Another measure that can possibly be used in the elimination of police brutality is advocating for a return to the former military-style policing system. This system was equipped with a number of stringent safeguards and bureaucracies that helped in preventing cases of police brutality from occurring.
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Womens Role and Social Status in Ancient Greece during the Hellenistic Era Social science Literature review
5 pages (1374 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Often men’s attitude to woman’s psychophysical realities often played a significant role in determining their social realities and status in society. The classical as well as the Hellenistic Greek society can be considered as a rigidly patriarchal society. Indeed, the Hellenistic Greek society inherited those patriarchal ideologies about women from the preceding Classical Greek.
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How the Language in the UAE Will Be Affected in the Future Social science Essay
5 pages (1465 words) , Download 0 , Essay
There exist a number of languages that are used in the United Arab Emirates. They include Arabic, English, Urdu, and other subsidiary forms of languages. The magnitude in which the languages are used differ. The official and nationally used language in the United Arab Emirates is Arabic.
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Are We Too Dependent on Computers Social science Article
5 pages (1520 words) , Download 0 , Article
     In summation, it can be said that the internet and the superior processing capacity of computers have resulted in the dominance of computers in almost every facet of life. But computer dependency has also manifested in the condition that is known as computer addiction which itself is a serious concern for those who are using computers.  
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Role of Regulations in the Economic, Political and Business Premises Social science Essay
7 pages (2093 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The emergence of globalization has been elevating the business salience both in the domestic and international political activities and the firms of this present business world are significantly being influenced by various political interventions across the different regions. The political dynamics involve different regulations.
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