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Technology cause of obesity
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The bibliography will mainly detail on how technology relates with occurrence of obesity.... The research questions that will guide my.... ... ... In addressing this research I will search for viable materials; materials that touches on matters of technology extensively.... In connection to this, I will The materials that I will research on and write annotated bibliography will enhance me write a research paper with much ease because I will have the reference within my reach....
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Isaac Newton is a Great Man
7 pages (2024 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
His life was religious though and believed that religion and Science were intertwined, and just as he insisted on in-depth research in Science, he had the same approach to religion where he was insistent on historical and natural facts.... “The Reception of Newton's Gravitational Theory: How Normal Science May Be ... ?? Perspectives on Science, 11.... “Does the History of Science and Religion Change Depending on the ...
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Thailand: Economic Growth and Development
14 pages (3851 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper "Thailand: Economic Growth and Development" studies in detail the economic growth in Thailand and finds out the possible factors that have attributed to this growth.... The main research question aims to find out the impact of economic growth.... ... ... ... This is a qualitative paper drawing its conclusions mainly from quantitative analysis done by institutions such as the Bank of Thailand and the Asian Development Bank....
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The Importance of Ethics to Sustainable Growth in Engineering Enterprise
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Comparing secondary and primary data, it has been observed that the governments of both the countries are cautious about the growing pollution created by the engineering and.... ... ... They have taken steps to mitigate its affects.... However, there are more governing bodies involved in UK's engineering industry than in China....
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Quantifying Systemic Risk in the European Banking Sector
27 pages (8388 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
"Quantifying Systemic Risk in the European Banking Sector" paper argues that the new global realities and the features of the regulatory and supervisory activities underline the need for a more powerful, solid crisis management and European solutions for managing systemic risk.... ... ... ... Credit risk is systemic, the integrated result of the implications on the entire financial system....
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The Global Transmission of HIV/AIDS and Challenges of Producing Effective Vaccines
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
ll the references were mostly obtained from the high impact online subscription journals namely Science Direct, Wiley Inter Science and Springerlink.... Science 288(5472):1789–96.... Science 299(5611):1290–1.... Science 303(5660):961....
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Validity and Reliability Issues
7 pages (2249 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
rounded theory is basically a qualitative research approach that was originally developed by various social Science researchers in 1960s (Wahyuni 2013).... Qualitative research practice: A guide for social Science students and researchers.... This research paper "Validity and Reliability Issues" explains the validity and reliability issues of the qualitative research technique, physiological assumptions that have affected the credibility of most works, and the strategies that can be adapted to ensure the integrity of qualitative research findings....
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Counterterrorism and Intelligence
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It is composed of the Office of the Director and five functional branches – (1) National Security Branch; (2) Criminal, Cyber, Response and Services Branch; (3) Human Resource Branch; (4) Science and Technology Branch; and (5) Information and Technology Branch.... It is composed of four distinct teams tasked with different responsibilities – National Clandestine Service, Directorate of Science and Technology, Directorate of Intelligence, and Directorate of Support....
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The Question of Whether Gene Therapy Should be Allowed or Not
4 pages (1248 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
For this reason, currently, the question of whether the further development and use of gene therapy should be allowed is particularly important in modern Science.... In this regard, gene therapy is seen as a revolution in modern Science, which is able to save mankind from a variety of serious and even untreatable diseases that are transmitted by heredity.... This suggests that, like any other field of Science, gene therapy may become a victim in the hands of those who want to use it for personal gain or to inflict damage, etc....
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Analysis of Robotic Technology
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Most of the studies done regarding robots and their ability to teach Science and technology show positive results suggesting that robots are very helpful to teach students, especially programming languages.... Most of the studies done regarding robots and their ability to teach Science and technology show positive results suggesting that robots are very helpful to teach students, especially the programming languages.... he Science of Robotics Technology ...
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Universal Grammar in Second Language Acquisition
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Universal Grammar belongs to an innate naturally endowed linguistic faculty.... It puts limitations upon grammars, limiting their form and how they function (the computational organism, principles, which the grammar is based on).... ... ... ... Universal Grammar in Second Language Acquisition ... niversal Grammar includes invariant ideologies and parameters....
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Technologies, Such as the Computer, Pose Harmful Health and Social Effect on Children and Teenagers
4 pages (1006 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Psychological Science 20.... ?? Psychological Science 20.... The London School of Economics & Political Science, Dec.... The paper "Technologies, Such as the Computer, Pose Harmful Health and Social Effect on Children and Teenagers" provides a useful discussion on internet addiction, and sets the stage for the evaluation of various online activities based on their risks and predispositions to internet addiction....
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Phonological Aspects of English Teaching and Learning
18 pages (5113 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 2(6), 536-538. ... International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), 10(2). ... The paper "Phonological Aspects of English Teaching and Learning" tells that as a branch of linguistics, phonology is concerned with the way in which sounds are systematically organized in languages....
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To What Extent Are Saudi Arabian Students Satisfied with the E-Learning Tool Blackboard
20 pages (5561 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Profiling online and face-to-face information Science students.... The paper "To What Extent Are Saudi Arabian Students Satisfied with the E-Learning Tool Blackboard" states that the research is analytical in nature since the objective of the study is to investigate the level of satisfaction among users of the e-learning tool Blackboard....
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Solarizing of Telecom Towers in India
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Heidelberg: Springer Science & Business Media. ... The paper 'Solarizing of Telecom Towers in India' will identify the current situational factors of the green energy industry including internal dynamics, opportunities, and obstacles Vis a Vis the innovation and provide actionable recommendations to a client for dealing with the innovation....
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The Impact of Human Activities on Global Environmental Changes
4 pages (1102 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The extensive scope of GEC has been recognized in the Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP) report where the inclusive elements in the definition are effectively illustrated in the following table, as Box 1 (Earth System Science Partnership, N.... ; increasing the risks for changes in disease vectors and composition and gravity of identified infectious and chronic illnesses influencing immunity concerns; propensities for reduction in food supply due to water shortages and unpredictable weather; and increased rates for skin cancer, eye disorders and immune system depression (Earth System Science Partnership, N....
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Decision-Making Tools For Health Care Professionals
25 pages (6250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Decision-Making Tools For Health Care Professionals" examines the new approach in using modern information technologies to help improve the survival odds of cancer patients.... It also discusses some of the convoluted ethical and legal issues associated with this theme.... ... ... ... The purveyance of critical information gained from medical research should not be hindered in any way and should be disseminated in the fastest means possible....
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Future of Quantum Computing
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Future of Quantum Computing" discusses that QC sounds similar to Science fiction for the reason that moon shots, satellites, as well as the unique microprocessor formerly, were.... Quantum technology basically computes and unites quantum mechanics through computer Science as well as it is a rapid emergent research area.... erging mathematics, physics as well as computer Science, QC has developed in the precedent two decades beginning a visionary thought to one of the majority attractive regions of quantum technicalities....
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Single sex education
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The group further argued that the use of single sex classes increased the enrollment of girls in mathematics and Science, as well as, increasing the achievements in the classes (Williams, 2010).... This paper discusses the impact of single sex education in the United States of America....
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Article Critique
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 7 , Research Paper
The four doctors who participated in the research, Sagalyn, Band, Gaieski, and Abella are from the Department of Emergency Medicine and Center for Resuscitation Science at the University of Pennsylvania.... Critique of “Therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest in clinical practice: Review and compilation of recent experiences” Abstract This report will offer a critical analysis of the specific research article....
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Approaches to Environmental Management Policy: Ozone Layer Depletion
17 pages (5393 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Major governmental and intergovernmental bodies of research and Science such as NASA will help in evaluating the success of the international policy.... Currents in Science, technology and society 3(1), pp.... Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis.... ?Current Science (00113891), 104, 7, pp.... nternational Journal of Environmental Science and Development 2(1), pp....
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Technology and Retention of Good Employees
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 9 , Research Paper
International journal of advanced research in computer Science and management studies, 154(5). ... The paper "Technology and Retention of Good Employees" will determine the impact of technology and employee retention practices in human resource management.... This will involve studying employee perceptions and attitudes towards various technologies and employee retention practices adopted by the HR department....
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Technology in Education
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 7 , Research Paper
Science and scientific expansions are one of them which are complemented by technological advancements.... Science and scientific expansions are one of them which are complemented by technological advancements.... This research paper describes the information technology, that is used in education these days....
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11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In a world that is increasingly becoming globalised with transnational companies reigning in economic power and supremacy, there is growing laxity in regard to the implementation of environmental regulations and high tolerance to human rights violations.... ... ... ... The transnational companies currently are not liable to charges in regard to the destruction of the environment under international law which means that when harm is caused to individuals and by extension to future generations by a party, the party is bound to go scot free....
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Educational Settings in the Workplace
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It is very important to consider that once students have, for example, formulated a model in a particular context during a Science activity, if that exact same context is given in the assessment; the response is recall, and not a test of any conceptual or process ability.... o aid data collection so that the factors of scientific literacy are addressed in student assessment, checklists have been included in the Science Program Overview and Connections K-12 and in this guide....
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Does the Ingestion of Mercury Cause Autism
3 pages (981 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
University of Texas Health Science Center study reveals that high rates of mercury emissions led to, on average, a 17 percent increase in the rate of autism for every 1,000 pounds discharged.... From the paper "Does the Ingestion of Mercury Cause Autism" it is clear that the mercury autism relationship debate dates back to the early 1990s....
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Definition of Chronic Cough and GERD
13 pages (3483 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Definition of Chronic Cough and GERD" suggests that there are still debates on the causal links between GERD and chronic cough, prompting the writing of this state of the Science paper, which seeks to explore the already researched and published findings on the subject.... of The of the Science Paper/Project Proposal Pediatrics has recently been faced with numerous GERD and chronic cough related complications in their patients.... However, there are still debates on the causal links between GERD and chronic cough, prompting the writing of this state of the Science paper, which seeks to explore the already researched and published findings on the subject....
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The Technological Impact on Education
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The aim of the essay 'Technological Impact on Education' is to discuss distant-learning, which has become life saving for working students because they can study, work and support their families as well.... However, there are some limitations of this.... ... ... ... The author states that advantages include: easy access for those who live away from schools and universities....
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Medical and Nursing Interventions for Patients
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
This paper shall assess such evidence-based practices applied by various institutions and in the process appraise two pieces of evidence relevant to my area of interest.... After the development of two in-depth critiques, the usefulness of this evidence in practice shall be evaluated.... ... ... ...
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Alternative Pain Therapy
30 pages (8561 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper "Alternative Pain Therapy" identifies alternative chronic orthopedic pain treatments.... The fact that a curative measure taken to help a soldier in pain, in the long run, comes back to be the main undoing in the soldier's career and life as in the case of analgesics, is quite disturbing....
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The Relationship Between Leadership Behaviors and Employee Motivation
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The current paper "The Relationship Between Leadership Behaviors and Employee Motivation" aims to determine if leadership behaviors influence motivation.... The objective of the paper is to ascertain perceptions of employees on their superiors' leadership behaviors.... ... ... ... The current study aimed to determine if leadership behaviors are significantly correlated with employee motivation....
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Internet in Terms of the Concept of Public Sphere
19 pages (7948 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Social Science Computer Review, 29(3), pp.... Social Science Computer Review, DOI: 10.... Global Journal of Human Social Science, 12(5).... International Journal of Science and Technology Education Research, 1(6).... Journal of Science and Technology Education Research, 1(2), pp.... Social Science Computer Review, 28(1), pp.... Social Science Computer Review, 28(1), pp....
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An Effective Marketing Strategy in the Development of a Firms Activities
28 pages (7000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper focuses on the effectiveness of strategic marketing for firms operating in the construction industry.... Bellway Plc has been chosen for the examination of the various aspects.... The current position of the firm in its market is rather satisfactory – the firm ranked 4th among its competitors....
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I dont have a specific topic. i want my topic to be something on sociol trend
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Name Institution Course Instructor Date HIV/AIDS among the Youth HIV/AIDS pandemic has affected many countries' economy and other developmental supporters in those nations.... Youths aged between 13 years and 29 years accounted for almost 40% of the HIV infections three years ago.... ... ... ... Most gay and bisexual youths are at high risks of contracting HIV as they lack basic knowledge on how to protect themselves and the awareness is missing since in most cases these sexual orientations are not encouraged in many nations....
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The Issue of Resistance to Organisational Change
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Management Science, 48(8), pp.... The paper "The Issue of Resistance to Organisational Change" states that there are two important elements in organisational change: the changes itself and the resistance to these changes.... The former is an organisational response to external and internal variables in a bid to survive and thrive....
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Self-Presentation and Gender on Social Networking Sites
7 pages (2382 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology.... The paper "Self-Presentation and Gender on Social Networking Sites" focuses on the critical analysis of how males and females present themselves online in the social networking environment.... It also intends to check if culture influences the self-presentation of genders in social networking....
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Security Issues for Cloud Computing Systems
15 pages (4362 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Armoni, "Data Security Management in Distributed Computer Systems," Informing Science, Vol.... This research paper "Security Issues for Cloud Computing Systems" is aimed at presenting a detailed analysis of security issues in the cloud computing environment.... Cloud computing technology has emerged as a dominant feature in information technology (IT)....
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The Environmental Ethics
6 pages (1873 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
These include the destructive alliance formed by Science, technology, and democracy, which have seen the destruction of the earth (environment) in the name of development.... However, religion as a whole does not support its ethics sufficiently due to the constant conflict between issues of technology, Science, and religious beliefs.... This is by man showing how much he values nature through harmonious coexistence and the role of Science in providing information for man to make decisions affecting nature responsibly....
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Ben Franklin - Founding Father and Enlightener
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
His work on electricity not only made him into a respected man of Science but also gave the American colonies as a whole some distinction in the eyes of the European forbears whose respect they so desperately wanted. ... “Franklin and the Electric Phial: ‘A Classic of Science'.... ?? The Science News-Letter 20:538 (1931): pp....
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John Von Neumann
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
his achievement at such a young age was not unnoticed by foreign countries which were quickly trying to catch up to the standards of Europe in Mathematics in Science so he was sought out by one of the Ivy League colleges, Princeton University in the United States and offered lectureship....
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Isaac Newton
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Isaac Newton is regarded as the most influential scientist in the last 1000 years' history and often praised as the ‘Father of the Modern Science'.... This paper will describe why Newton's title as the ‘Father of the Modern Science' is justified and how his mathematical and scientific discoveries contributed to shaping the modern world. ... lthough Newton developed a range of theories in mathematics and Science, his greatest four achievements include the study of light, discovery of the binomial theorem, discovery of calculus, and the development of the theory of universal gravitation....
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The Relationship between Phonological Awareness and Development of Literacy
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Language and the Science of Reading.... lsevier Science Publishers B.... This research paper discusses an investigation on relationships of phonological awareness and literacy in young children with mild intellectual abilities compared to children with mixed etiologies who show learning difficulties and weak literacy and language skills ....
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7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Gary Goshgarian in his book, What Matters in America, explores themes that examine popular culture topics in the American society, by addressing topics of: Racial Profiling, Gay Marriages, Capital Punishment, and Television Violence.... These are some of the controversial topics of.... ... ... debate, since different people have different perceptions about their significance, and implications in the contemporary American society and culture....
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Analysis of Tasks on Mathematics in Crocket State School
5 pages (1376 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Indeed, males' interest tends to decline towards Science subjects.... In fact, this position is supported by the high performances realized in mathematics and Science subjects by the male subpopulations (USA, 2012).... This research paper "Analysis of Tasks on Mathematics in Crocket State School" presents the relationship and tools in mathematics....
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Determinants Of House Prices In Central And Eastern Europe
44 pages (11000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Determinants Of House Prices In Central And Eastern Europe" focuses on the impact of financial crisis on the housing industry and its effects on the house prices.... It draws information from primary and secondary sources to investigate the current trends in the European housing industry....
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The Creative Class, Importance of Economic Development and Planning
15 pages (3966 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The advancement in Science and technology is responsible for all the development that has taken place across the globe.... (Florida, 2010) According to Florida, these people are currently employed in fields that include Science, technology, and engineering; business, finance, and management; law, health care, and education; and arts, culture, media, and entertainment.... This group of individuals, comprising of 12% of the creative class in the United States, is responsible for Science, engineering, education, research along with the arts and cultural studies....
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Communication, Ethics, and Society
12 pages (3487 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, Volume 48, No.... Social Science Research, Volume 35, No.... The ethical dilemma explored by this paper 'Communication, Ethics and Society' is that whether or not it is ethical for the media outlets to comprise on their impartially or show ambivalence or oblivion towards being politically correct....
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Evaluation of Diagnostic Matrices for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
27 pages (6750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is defined as “an anxiety disorder precipitated by a traumatic event and characterized by symptoms of re-experiencing the trauma, avoidance and numbing, and hyper-arousal” (Tolin, D.... Foa, E.... 2008).... ... ... ... Evaluation of Diagnostic Matrices for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) ...
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The history of ancient India. Harppan Culture
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
History and Political Science 08 February Research Paper Proposal:       This research paper is discusses the history of ancient India.... This research paper is discusses the history of ancient India.... This paper has a specific focus on the Harppan Culture.... For some period of time, there was a belief that the History of India started with the Aryans....
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Unemployment Insurance Programs
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper stresses that the protection of the rights of employees has been one of the priorities of most governments worldwide.... A series of relevant principles are set in order to ensure the provision of appropriate financial support to people that have been left unemployed for a specific period of time....
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