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Case study on a restaurant operations management (Ks Biryani)
22 pages (5500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
K's Biryani has the most promising chain of restaurants located in three different locations in Jeddah; the heart of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.... The chain of restaurants has worked in these locations for over three years and has an opportunity to grow and prosper in the upcoming years.... .... ... ...
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Skills Development
25 pages (6250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Introduction What does skill development means?... Well, according to the Skills Development Knowledge Map, we can define skills development as a process which focuses on the identification and response to the challenges posed by the environment and various contexts.... ... ... ... These challenges can be on individual, group, organizational or national level....
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Many Forms of Cybercrime
29 pages (7131 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Many Forms of Cybercrime" highlights that the legal way of pursuing the individuals committing this cybercrime would be to pursue the individuals in court.... However, a better way would be by shutting down the sites that enable file-sharing.... ... ... ... The Act goes on to describe the pornographic image as 'an image is 'pornographic' if it is such a nature that it must reasonably be assumed to have been produced solely or principally for the purpose of sexual arousal....
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Methods Organizations Use for Employee Development
20 pages (5517 words) , Download 3 , Essay
(1995), Reengineering HR through Information technology, Human Resource Planning, 18:2, pp.... Typically, organizations design their wage structures with ranges in grade to reflect different tenure in positions, as well as levels of performance.... The paper "Methods Organizations Use for Employee Development" claims that many firms have workforce diversity programs....
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Adaptive Portfolio Management using Evolutionary Algorithm
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As of 2009, high-frequency trading firms account for 73% of all US equity trading volume [4] The notable interest in use of technology in portfolio management in financial industry in the last two decades has attracted many academics.... Portfolio management is the process of managing assets i....
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Potential and Possible Consequences of Systemic Financial Crisis
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper draws attention to the systemic financial crisis, indicating its potential causes, using theoretical and empirical approaches.... Towards the end of each concept, an attempt to identify the ways to gauge investments in a way that those do not lead to the systemic financial crisis are made ....
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Fire Alarm Systems
20 pages (5457 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Genetic algorithms in automatic fire detection technology.... Regardless of the nature of the difference, our experimental fires were measurably different enough to create a valid challenge to our detection system, especially given the early state of the detector design herein....
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A literature review on the increase of depression in adolescents
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Adolescent depression is described as "a disorder occurring during the teenage years marked by persistent sadness, discouragement, loss of self worth, and loss of interest in usual.... ... ... Depression in adolescents has often been overlooked since teenagers are considered moody and withdrawn, yet one out of every ten teenagers are diagnosed every day (Hyde and Forsyth, 2002)....
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Philosophy-Contemporary Ethical Theory4
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Thus, meta-ethics goes further beyond ethical theories, to take into consideration what the concepts or terms used in ethics mean.... On the other hand, normative ethics decides which things are good and.... ... ... Examples of normative ethics are the theories of Natural Law, Utilitarianism and Kantian ethics....
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Subculture, Taste Culture and Counterculture Theory
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper is discussing particular music scenes in different social forms as subcultures.... his is detailed and well prepared research with proper citations and referencing styles.... ... ... ... Culture refers to the form that social existences assume under historical conditions.... This is contrasted with the word social, which refers to the content of relationships between men within any social formation, and culture is the form of these relationships....
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Human Rights in China: The Great Political Divide between Regional and International Regimes
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Debating Human Rights: Critical essays from the United States and Asia.... The author concludes that there are not numerous mentions of Asian political values in the Chinese human rights discourse, and neither there are great deals of really expressed mentions to particular Confucian values....
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Development of Chinas legal system and its difficulties and challenges
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
(2003), The WTO as a legal system: essays on international trade law and policy, London: Cameron May 18.... The Republic of China was established in 1949 and was influenced largely by the Soviet system of socialist law.... However, the traditions of the Chinese law and history have been retained by the new law of the country....
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Tag Question in Womens Speech
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Dindia Editions, Gender differences and similarities in communication: Critical essays and empirical investigations of gender and gender in interaction, Mahwah, NJ: Laurence Erlbaum, pp.... This essay 'Tag Question in Women's Speech' was intended to determine whether men and women have differences in their language use....
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Educational Issues and Special Education Needs
19 pages (5098 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Educational Issues and Special Education Needs (SEN) Two essays What is understood by the term 'inclusion' Describe the move to inclusion with in UK policy since 1997 in terms of excellence for all.... The paper "Educational Issues and Special Education Needs" describes that one of the most significant points to note about integration in England and Wales is the growing acceptance of integration as a matter of school reform, as opposed to the accumulation of individual programs....
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Influence of Trade Unions in Employee Relationships- Industrial Relations in EU Countries
16 pages (5164 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Influence of Trade Unions in Employee Relationships- Industrial Relations in EU Countries" highlights the government bodies in most instances generally adopted a neutral standing with regards to the issue of conflict management between the managers and workers in companies.... ... ... ...
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Issues in Multicultural England
14 pages (4359 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Sociology at the Crossroads and Other essays.... The paper "Issues in Multicultural England" underlines that The prospects for more desirable positive multiculturalism in England will get brighter with the introduction of a revised and improved National Curriculum that includes lessons deliberately targeting cohesion, tolerance and ethnic diversity....
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Canadian Radio and Television Broadcasting
16 pages (4109 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Communicating in Canadas past essays in media history.... The paper "Canadian Radio and Television Broadcasting" discusses that the Canadian content regulations have gone through a series of structural and functional changes beginning from the introduction of the regulations in the early 1920s to its current present state....
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American Civil Rights Leadership
16 pages (4397 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One of his other more famous forms of communication was in the writing of essays that inspired his followers.... This essay "American Civil Rights Leadership" presents Martin Luther King Jr.... as an inspirational leader who helped the group of people in the United States identified as belonging to the African American race to emancipate their segregation from the privileges of the general population....
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International Commercial Arbitration and Privity of Contract
13 pages (4107 words) , Download 3 , Essay
, Canadian Environments: essays in Culture, Politics and History.... The essay "International Commercial Arbitration and Privity of Contract" focuses on the critical analysis of whether the principle of privity of contract undermines the application and functioning of ICA in that it causes unnecessary disputes that have little to do with the actual contract....
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Ethical Dilemma: Cancer and Pregnancy
9 pages (4601 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In a series of influential essays, Renee Fox (1989, 1990, Fox & Swazey 1984), the follower of the utilitarianism theory, has argued that the "ethos" of medical ethics has been dominated by an analytic individualism, organized around the value of "autonomy," that assigns prominence to "the notion of contract" while relegating "more socially-oriented values ....
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Hague and Visby Rules
18 pages (5160 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Jurisdiction and Forum Selection in International Maritime Law: essays in Honor of Robert Force, (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2005).... The author of the "Hague and Visby Rules" paper analyzes such cases as "Ji MacWilliam Co.... Inc.... v Mediterranean Shipping Co.... SA, The Rafaela", "Actis Co....
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The Identification of Pathological Liars in the Criminal Justice System
18 pages (4776 words) , Download 3 , Essay
om/blog/jodi-arias-essays/ Burgess, A.... From the paper "The Identification of Pathological Liars in the Criminal Justice System" it is clear that generally, pathological lying may not be a menace in itself.... But it becomes one when it works in tandem with an even more serious mental disorder....
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Macbeth as History: Between the Lines and Beyond the Facts
19 pages (5191 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Macbeth as History: Between the Lines and Beyond the Facts" states that from the seventeenth century up to this time, the literature continues to draw from Macbeth certain historical and cultural presumptions about 11th and 14th century Scotland.... ... ... ... The play, Macbeth, by William Shakespeare is supposed to have been written in the first decade of 1600 and it was printed for the first time in 1623 (Clarke and Wright, V)....
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Machine Learning Algorithms and Tools
8 pages (2112 words) , Download 6 , Essay
The paper "Machine Learning Algorithms and Tools" explores the functionality of the WEKA tool that consists of visualization tools and algorithms used for data analysis and predictive modeling, the experimenter application that allows comparison of the predictive performance of Weka's machine learning algorithms on a collection of datasets, etc....
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Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Skin Cancer
7 pages (2110 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This work "Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Skin Cancer" focuses on the incidence of skin cancers.... The author outlines a highly effective skin cancer education and prevention program, which could effectively reduce the incidence of skin cancer.... ... ... ... Basal cell carcinoma emanates in the basal cells which in turn form a cell within the skin that produces new skin cells....
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How to Measure Bank Funding Liquidity Risk
8 pages (2427 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "How to Measure Bank Funding Liquidity Risk?... will begin with the statement that banks over the years have been faced with crises emanating from various factors.... A major player that has historically been associated with these crises is the funding liquidity risk.... ... ... ... The author of the paper discusses the situations where a bank may not be in a position to meet its obligations with urgency or immediacy....
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Certified Home Health Care Agency for the Hearing Impaired and Deaf Community. Working plan
45 pages (11250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Developing a certified home health care agency that is able to meet the needs of the hearing impaired and deaf provides new opportunities for health care and assistance with preventative care and complexities which often occur among the deaf and hearing impaired.... .... ... ... The needs for health care continue to change, specifically because of difficulties with reaching marginalized populations and those who have disabilities....
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Public Relations Management and Marketing in the Hotel Industry
28 pages (7846 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The author of this study "Public Relations Management and Marketing in the Hotel Industry" adds to and expands on current knowledge and theories on public relations and its link to market communication.... This study is comprised of a case study of Café Royal.... ... ... ... Café Royal has a rich history of success and image, but suffered a relatively short period of decline and possibly suffered some damage to its public image....
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Private Language in The Philosophy of Wittgenstein
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the twentieth century, Western philosophers, especially those in Great Britain and the United States, looked to the logical analysis of language as the corrective to philosophical perplexities.... This new conception of philosophy held that the proper function of philosophy was.... ... ... ot to seek answers to the "big questions, but rather, as Ludwig Wittgenstein said, the task in philosophy is comparable to the situation in architecture, it is really a job on oneself....
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Foreign Direct Investment for Germany
16 pages (5173 words) , Download 4 , Essay
National Income and Economic Progress, essays in Honour of ... This essay "Advantages and Disadvantages of Foreign Direct Investment for Germany" was prepared with the aim of finding o address the background given and the problem identified.... Most researchers have focused their attention on FDI on how individual companies and investors benefit or lose....
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Jurisprudence - There Is No Such Thing as Quaker Law
18 pages (4715 words) , Download 2 , Essay
(2011), Philosophy of Law: Collected essays.... The paper "Jurisprudence - There Is No Such Thing as Quaker Law" states that though legal law may differ from moral law in that, in legal law the purpose is more of restriction than positive commands.... Legal law can also be broken without someone partaking in immoral conduct....
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The Role of the Public Sector in Health Care
18 pages (4583 words) , Download 2 , Essay
essays on the Theory and Practice of Index Numbers: The Making of Macroeconomics Data New York: Wiley and Sons.... This essay "The Role of the Public Sector in Health Care" will give an overview of the background on why having a public healthcare system is an important social responsibility for a state....
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Virus of Tribalism and Nature of Modern Warfare
16 pages (4660 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Virus of Tribalism and Nature of Modern Warfare " tries to find out whether the proliferation of ethnic and sectarian conflict, together with the rise of intra-state war poses a challenge to the comprehensiveness of international relations theories.... ... ... ... There are certain clear emerging trends that have been observed, in regards to the various studies on international relationships, which focus on the period after World War II....
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Legal Regime for International Sales Today
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Since the 15th century in Europe, after the great voyages of discovery which created thriving markets in the Americas, Asia and Africa, there was a frenetic pace of commerce and trade between Europe and the new colonies overseas, and as a result an effective legal regime for international trade and commerce was sought to be formulated....
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SC2034C Interpreting crime and criminals prt 2
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The aim of this dissertation is to explain the individual and social phenomena in a research question of my personal interest: ‘juvenile delinquency', the causes and consequences thereof and the different remedial actions that can offer a.... ... ...
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What caused Weimar German to suffer such extreme economic dislocations
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The regime, however, was rocked by polarization and turbulence, which eventually led to its collapse.... The failure, then, posed important questions such as whether the country could afford a democratic.... ... ...
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Can Documentary Photography Be Objective
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Photography at the Dock: essays on Photographic History, Institutions, and Practices.... The author states that documentation for a purpose makes it crucial to question that how much a photographer can influence the way a picture is presented.... The paper analyses some iconic documentary photographs in order to learn about the level of objectivity their influential photographers practiced....
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Theories of Knowledge
19 pages (5224 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Reid; Curriculum as Institution and Practice: essays in the Deliberative Tradition, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1999 ... The focus of the paper "Theories of Knowledge" is on the theory of knowledge "epistemology", the possibilities of analyzing the curriculum at several different levels and identifying the contradictions, within and between them as possible sites of transformative interventions....
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Motivation and Its Role in Second Language Learning
18 pages (5144 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This essay "Motivation and Its Role in Second Language Learning" approaches the topic of second language learning from a perspective that motivation is key to the learning of the second language.... It gives an in-detail analysis by looking at the various factors related to motivation.... ... ... ...
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Theory of Knowledge
16 pages (4387 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Theory of Knowledge" provides a critical justification to these counterclaims made in contrast to Wittgenstein's connotations in 'On Certainty'.... With this aim, the essay will initially provide a brief elaboration of the views of Wittgenstein as portrayed in the book, followed by the bases to refute the ideology....
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Ecofeminism Movement Issues
10 pages (5153 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In defense of the Land Ethic: essays in Environmental Philosophy.... The essay "Ecofeminism Movement Issues" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the ecofeminism movement.... The Chipko movement case was a case involving the practice of North Indian villagers, especially the women, who pushed the government into revising logging policies....
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Beginnings of World Civilizations
18 pages (4726 words) , Download 2 , Essay
eneral essays on Western Christianity.... The author of the paper "Beginnings of World Civilizations" will begin with the statement that it is natural to believe that our earliest years as human beings were not considered to be the most civilized.... After all, we did not spring from the earth sporting ties and microwave ovens....
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The Greatest Future Threats of Israel
39 pages (9958 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "The Greatest Future Threats of Israel" examines the internal threats - high costs of living, health care concerns, deterioration of academic performance, water security problems, the imposition of high levels of taxation, high cost of maintaining the army, threats from the Arabs, etc.... ...
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Virgin Atlantic Airways
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
This paper tells that Virgin Atlantic Airways has been on the cutting-edge of innovative implementations since its creation by entrepreneur Richard Branson in 1984.... The airline company has been especially focused on guest satisfaction and has been able to, therefore, report high-profit margins in the past year....
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Business plan for Education and Cookery School
23 pages (5750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper is a business plan for Education and Cookery School in Harnhill, Gloucestershire.... This paper discussed various factors that affect planning of strategies for the Education and Cookery School using SWOT and PESTEL analysis.... ... ... ... This business plan proposes a business diversification on a 30-acre piece of the lower Harnhill farm....
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Short-Term Individual Training Program
16 pages (5725 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Short-Term Individual Training Program " discusses that generally, creating the right regime for those who are interested in strength conditioning is one that consists of combining scientific techniques with various methods of weight training.... ... ... ... Athletic training increases an athlete's endurance and physical strength***, which enables them to break records and compete more effectively....
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Organization Behavior of Leadership
19 pages (5289 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The business leaders must endeavour to incorporate high amount of innovation in the organizational process through the installation of enhanced technology and also in rendering changes in the operational processes.... The organisations by dearth of the flexibility parameter can respond in an effective manner to design newer business processes which would help address the needs of the customers in an enhanced manner....
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International Law and Mega Energy Projects
27 pages (6596 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "International Law and Mega Energy Projects" is aimed to study the effectiveness of the international environmental laws and the challenges faced by the energy megaprojects cross borders.... It will also discuss their effects on the environment and human lifecycle.... ... ... ... International markets are an open space for international investors....
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Opportunities in the Implementation of REDD+
20 pages (5444 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This project will also improve the capital, technology, marketing and technical knowledge of the local community members.... Several REDD+ design that may benefit the poor and one of them is based on a national level carbon credits sales that would receive financial funds in exchange for avoided deforestation and forest degradation....
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Human Resources Management - Semco Company
12 pages (5734 words) , Download 3 , Essay
(2001) leaders in modern organizations would have specific priorities, like ‘making and keeping relationships, implementing new technology in the supply channel, the use of forecasting to increase supply chain effectiveness, outsourcing to increase efficiency, and cost management as a strategic weapon' (Cook et al.... Using appropriate evidence, critically evaluate this organisation design....
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