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Beyond Good and Evil Philosophy Personal Statement
6 pages (1604 words) , Download 1 , Personal Statement
The author states that his friend’s life seems so hyped because of the things he always talks about when we are together. He offers his advice and it is hard to take them because they have clearly not worked for him so far. He always looks shabby despite being dressed in some of the best designer clothes. 
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Liberal and Marxist Perspectives on International Politics Philosophy Assignment
7 pages (2007 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that the Marxist view rejects liberal view on state cooperation and focuses mainly on the economic aspect where it uses the mainly materialistic interpretation of historical development in its beliefs. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels inspired it in the 19th century and ever since it has inspired several political ideologies.
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Bodies, Sexualities and Identities: Accepting Changes, Reflecting Minds, Redefining Self Philosophy Literature review
11 pages (3132 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Michel Foucault is one of the philosophers who have redefined western thought in terms of bodies and sexualities. Judith Butler and Simone de Beauvoir are feminists who have continued in the quest for identities, challenging the ways in which social constructs like gender and identity define the perspectives of individuals and society.
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Free Will and Its Critical Concepts in Philosophy Philosophy Assignment
8 pages (2084 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Frankfurt relates his theory to ‘hierarchical mesh.’ The idea is that an individual can have conflicting desires at a first-order level and also have a desire about the various first-order desires to the effect that one of the desires prevails over the others. A person's will is to be identified with her effective first-order desire. 
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Social Darwinism Theory Philosophy Term Paper
9 pages (2485 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
According to Hodgson’s research Darwin was neither a racist nor an imperialist, in fact, his work has been associated to everything from liberalism to conservatism and from war to pacifism (Hodgson 2004) which clearly shows that attributing the much-acclaimed Darwinian Theory to be the basic gist of Social Darwinism would be like a generalization.
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Analysis of Ethical Theories of Michael Sandel Philosophy Assignment
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
There are people who oppose redistribution of income because they have certain reasons to justify their stand in either based on actual experience or pure reason. There are also people who would love to adhere to libertarian principles because they believe that paying taxes is the right thing to do because it particularly gives value to a person.
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Loves Blind Ingredient Philosophy Literature review
8 pages (2083 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The Hemingway novel shows love’s blindness makes the world a challengingly meaningful place to survive. love can be defined as blind. Blindness equates to darkness. In the dark alley of love, people fall in love with many seemingly wrong reasons. The Hemingway novel proves love’s blind ingredient creates a challengingly meaningful world to live in.
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Francis Bacon and the Four Idols of the Mind Philosophy Annotated Bibliography
8 pages (2171 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The article focuses on four branches of Bacon’s ideology and they include the mind, the body, and their leagues. In addition, the article further examined the relationship between the body using natural philosophy, philosophy of the man and the moral philosophy. They argued that imagination is a powerful aspect that influences the conception of cure.
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Political Thought Philosophy Assignment
6 pages (1647 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that the philosophers also believes that a good leader is one who shows or posses the interest of the citizens at heart. Good leaders as described should be able to show their ability to display their ethical judgments on different situations which requires them to make a decision concerning an action.
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New Riddle of Induction and Nelson Goodman's Approach to the Problem of Induction Philosophy Essay
6 pages (1708 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It may be viewed as rightful thinking to conclude that Goodman’s thinking of what the problem of induction shows does not offer any new insight different from how it was viewed in the past. But instead, his approach seems to presents an illustration that seems to be filled with complexities thus an answer to the problem is yet to be discovered.
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The Major Differences between Theorists of Existentialism Philosophy Philosophy Essay
6 pages (1610 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In conclusion, it can be drawn from the above explanation of the existentialism theories that one of the major differences between theorists is the view they possess, on whether the main queries of our being can be answered. In a general argument, theorists agree that there is a possibility of incapability not to answer these questions completely being still in our finite form.
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Kant: Self-Determination in the Age of Reason Philosophy Assignment
8 pages (2134 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that ethics have been studied for thousands of years and there are many varieties. According to Richard T. Hull, there are two types of fundamental ethical theories: those that say a person should choose their actions to "maximize the value or values to be expected as consequences of those actions".
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Great Works of Western Philosophy Philosophy Assignment
9 pages (2265 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author discusses Anselm’s ontological argument on the existence of God in order to understand the crux of the matter. Anselm’s ontological argument is cited in the second chapter of his theological discourse Proslogion and is considered to be one of the most written about philosophical arguments ever.
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The Relationship between Self and Nature: Soul Seeking Serenity Philosophy Assignment
8 pages (2247 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that though few remarks for Nature from these poets come directly to clarify their philosophy and thoughts on Nature, it is obvious that nature in most of their poems appears to serve the purpose of a background that is vast, endless, somber and generous as Nature itself is.
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Sympathy and Morality Philosophy Term Paper
8 pages (2145 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
While sympathy is the act or power of sharing the feelings of another, empathy is the identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives, etc (Robin, 2009). In any case, both sympathy and empathy are definitely connected with morality which is concerned with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong.
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How Far Does the Description of Totalitarianism in Nineteen Eighty-Four Fit Reality Philosophy Assignment
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The crowd is the most dangerous, the most powerful and the most irrational and helpless entity that can ever be. Crowd deprives us of our individuality, of our “Selves”. This is clearly shown by Orwell in his “1984”. One does not have to actually be out there, among thousands of people in the crowd, in the street, to be a part of it.
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Conflict between Natural Law and Man Made Law Philosophy Assignment
6 pages (1636 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author of the paper states that Sophocles' plays celebrate the superiority of humans, who are the crowning glory of God’s creation, and the master of their environment. But his plays seek to show that temperance of spirit in humans is a must, and cautions against irrationality and wild emotions.
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The Phenomenon of Progress Philosophy Term Paper
7 pages (1866 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
In order to gain a clear understanding of the concept of scientific progression, one needs to have a clear understanding of the general concept that starts with the origination of the concept and its meaning. The word progress, derived from the Latin language pro-grade, refers to moving forward, advancing towards the next step.
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John Stuart Mill's Utilitarianism Conception Philosophy Essay
6 pages (1694 words) , Download 2 , Essay
John Stuart Mill was the leading proponent of the ethical theory of utilitarianism. Mill believed in the qualitative separation of pleasures. He argued that intellectual and moral pleasures have a degree of superiority over other types of pleasure. He also believed in the superiority of happiness over contentment. 
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Political Philosophy in Ancient Greece: An Analysis of Plato and Aristotles Theories Philosophy Term Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The prominent flaw with Plato and Aristotle’s political philosophies is the exclusion of women from political and social life. A reader will obviously notice, even at first glance, the excessive use of the pronoun ‘he’ and the noun ‘man’ in their literary works. This error has proven to be immortalized.
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Friedrich Hegel's Philosophy Philosophy Term Paper
7 pages (2106 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (August 27, 1770 – November 14, 1831) was one of the creators of German idealism and an influential German philosopher whose philosophy of art or aesthetics constituting the first sub-section of his philosophy of absolute spirit forms part of German’s rich aesthetic tradition.
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A Philosophical Approach to the Subject of Gang Activity in Londons Night Time Economy Philosophy Term Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
With a specific focus on a cultural problem such as gang violence, the following line of logic can be helpful in finding the problem’s origin. On a primary level, one can look at a city as a sort of infrastructure. Each and every metropolis that becomes more and more modernized sets a higher standard for cities that follow as their predecessors.
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Philosophy of Berkeley, Descartes, Russell, and Plato Philosophy Assignment
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Russell would then state that Berkeley was stating that the existence of the matter of the table and the existence of the sensory perception of the table are two different things, and Russell felt that the sheer mention of the independence of the two implied that there obviously was in fact reason to believe that the matter of the table existed.
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Introduction to Visual Culture Philosophy Assignment
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Foucault has expressed in detail the meaning of having such a spatial arrangement of buildings for prison schools and factories in terms of enabling maximum visibility and vigilance. Foucault further argues that this gives rise to a new form of self-disciplinary practice (which Foucault calls as internalized disciplinary practice). 
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The Reason as a Way of Knowing Philosophy Assignment
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The reason is a way of knowing that is common to any human being living on this planet. It is, in fact, a logical way of thinking that is natural and hereditary from the very beginning of humankind. The reason is one of the strongest ways of knowing, taking into account some other ways of knowing depend on it for guidance.  
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Sigmund Freuds Creative Thinking Philosophy Research Paper
7 pages (1972 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The author states that to formulate Freud’s theories and demonstrate their effectiveness, it was necessary for Freud to think ‘outside the box’ of his contemporaries, to employ the various stages of creative thinking in order to change the way in which most doctors viewed the appropriate treatment of their mentally disturbed patients.
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Functionalism and Marxism in Todays World Philosophy Assignment
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that in global commerce, the closest one can come to a simple definition is that functionalism is a modification of the Marxist philosophy. Marx expected the ruling class to be replaced by the working class and government to wither, while the functionalist view shows it inextricably intertwined with international trade.
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The Veil of Ignorance Philosophy Assignment
8 pages (2160 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that one of the challenges that confront human existence is the quest for a condition that will perpetuate and enhance human life. This challenge is continuously addressed on the supposition that “a human being can maintain his existence only when he has placed himself under, particularly favorable conditions.
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Edmund Husserl and his Concepts of Perception Philosophy Literature review
11 pages (3078 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
In the late 1800s, a philosopher and mathematician by the name of Edward Husserl (1859-1938) developed a philosophical approach known today as Phenomenology, which re-introduced the concept of subjectivity into the consideration of individual development. Husserl felt it would be especially useful as an initial inquiry to identify the major objectives of further study.
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The Place of Rationalism in Greek, Buddhist Philosophies and Hebrew Scriptures Philosophy Assignment
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
According to Hebrew Scriptures, God is One and He is the creator of this universe. He existed before all his creation and created heaven and earth from nothing. Therefore, Jehovah the Hebrew God is all-powerful and omniscient. He is timeless and exists through his creations everywhere. He is immortal and has sovereign power over all his creation.
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Platos Theory of Forms Philosophy Assignment
12 pages (3313 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that the main characteristic of Plato’s work was the use of ‘forms’ which were the ‘vehicle’ for the ‘exit’ of knowledge to the real world by the representation of ‘intangible’ aspects. The importance of forms for Plato’s work is very significant. His work can be even misunderstood or interpreted on a wrong theoretical basis.
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The French Revolution: The Profession of Faith by Rousseau Philosophy Assignment
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
I agree with Rousseau that our outer senses are poor equipment for unraveling moral truths. Yet, while emphasizing the validity of feelings that arise from the heart, he fails to distinguish between those feelings which comprise conscience and the rest which are mere prejudice. This weakens his argument and leaves it incomplete. 
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Platos Royal Lies and Manuscript Illustration in Islamic Art Philosophy Assignment
9 pages (2485 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
To keep the breed of the guardians pure, certain nurses were to bring up the offspring of good parents, but inferior offspring would be put away in a mysterious unknown place. For the purpose of population control, women could bear children from the age of 20 to 40, and men from 25 to 55. The guardians were to have wives and children in common.
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The Development of Humanity in Imago Dei Philosophy Research Paper
10 pages (2921 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
It is quite possible that this various philosophy of humanity does continue to be made by human kinds' own interactions among each other and the environment, but it is best not forget that it initially developed through our creation and expanded from there, as again has been depicted in the literature.
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Should Planning Set Out to Produce a Utopian Ideal Philosophy Assignment
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Because utopia is the best humanity can conceptualize, utopia has to be humanity's regulatory philosophy. This definitive philosophy of motivation for the paramount life thinkable for the whole world can be one conventional component of common sense and central purpose in or else multifarious and disjointed world. 
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Development of Cosmopolitanism Philosophy Essay
6 pages (1649 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Currently, the world has become globalized, and the idea of cosmopolitanism cannot ignore the impulse to merge, cooperate and progress socially, politically and economically as a single unit. Humanity has commonalities, which are fundamental, and we have no option but to contain for the progress of the universe for the current generation and the coming generations.   
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Principles of Morality in Relation to The Stranger by Albert Camus Philosophy Book Report/Review
6 pages (1819 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Morals are defined as principles concerning the differentiation between wrong and right or good behavior and bad behavior (Galens 20). It is the distinction between the right actions and wrong ones. Morals deal with peoples’ behaviors as well as their motives. These involve a particular system of principles and values of conduct, particularly ones held by a specified society or individuals.  
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Culture and Philosophy: Aesthetics - the Beautiful and the Sublime Philosophy Literature review
7 pages (1848 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
In a more simple and narrow sense, aesthetics can be defined as the theory of beauty in relation to the philosophy of art. However, in a broader definition, aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of art, taste, and beauty. The Oxford English Dictionary associates aesthetics with the appreciation of beauty.
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How Rhetoric Is Applicable in the Modern Setting Philosophy Research Paper
10 pages (2677 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Classical theory has the bragging rights of having all the great orators in the world who influenced masses through the use of the theory. By attracting big masses the leaders must have used classical theory. Theorists say that Jesus and even Buddha though they taught on a religious platform they used a persuasion element in their teachings.
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New Lanark: As Seen by Robert Southey and Robert Owen Philosophy Term Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Southey points out that Owen’s reforms succeed only because they are executed in a carefully controlled environment. He compares New Lanark to a cotton plantation, categorically stating that the mill workers, although they are white, “are as much under his (Owen’s) absolute management as so many negro-slaves”.
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The Messages of William Blake about Heaven and Hell Philosophy Literature review
9 pages (2407 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The author states that in the second plate, Blake writes, “Without Contraries is no progression. Attraction and Repulsion, Reason and Energy, Love and Hate, are necessary to Human Existence”. In fact, Blake clearly concludes in the text that “Good is the passive that obeys Reason Evil is the active springing from Energy”.
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Moral and Ethical Rules of Analects of Confucius Philosophy Book Report/Review
22 pages (5827 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
The term Master is used for Confucius as well as other disciples of Confucius who garnered a league of his own followers who fondly referred to him as Master. The dialogues between these Masters and their disciples provide a glimpse of the events that took place in their lives as well as post their demise.
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Effect of Alchemy on Religion, Science and Society and Government Philosophy Essay
7 pages (1995 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Death and mortality have always haunted him and egged him on to find the elixir of life to be immortal. These concerns have also forced him to look for those powers that may enable him to overpower the forces around him. To this end his imagination has helped him coin the possibility of such magical or powerful things that may empower him to be the controller of everything around him.
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Comparison of Plato and Confucius and their Contemporary Relevance Philosophy Essay
6 pages (1769 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Confucius’ views make it clear to one that mindless rebellion is not desirable as a kind of stability in an individual and the society is necessary for order. To prevent society from disintegrating into anarchy, one must remember what Confucius says about the individual in relation to his society. This is relevant in society where all kinds of confusion exist regarding the roles of individuals.
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Religion versus Reason Philosophy Term Paper
7 pages (1933 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The reason is superior to religion in explaining the world, considering the fact that religion is based on the application of relevant authority to reinforce a position (Peterson, 63). Thus, any religious believer will have selective authority from the scripture or other religious and sacred texts, which reinforces what the individual believes in.
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Defining Cruelty in the 21st Century Philosophy Case Study
7 pages (2006 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Cruelty, we see, therefore, has evolved over time and across space in its meaning and implications. Different cultures, different schools of thought, different events around the world have caused newer dimensions of the term to be raised and debated upon. From its more limited Latin etymological origins, ‘cruelty’ and what it entails has been examined time and again to yield newer meaning.
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In Our Time by Hemingway Philosophy Book Report/Review
12 pages (3195 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Nick is one of the characters who are associated with fear on various occasions; a reader can appreciate the response of Nick to the harsh reality of fear in various roles he has played In Our Time. In his narration, Hemingway demonstrates that he admires individuals that face fear with courage and do not accept defeat in the light of fear.
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Philosophical Radicals Philosophy Essay
6 pages (1874 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Radicals argue that the processes that the society has established cannot effectively deal with inequality and injustice hence influencing them to devise their own radical approaches to tackle the perceived vices. “When the systems in which we live are in crisis, the most honest confrontations with those systems have to be radical”.
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The Study of the Soul Philosophy Essay
8 pages (2059 words) , Download 1 , Essay
We should not forget about the places and people around us because they will be definitely perpetuated in memory. For example, there are parents with whom you have a kind of a spiritual connection. They are the first people who teach you how to define good and bad things, a mother is a person who always gives love and care and never asks something instead.
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Personal Thoughts on Plato: His Writing and Influence Philosophy Essay
17 pages (4436 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Plato did his best to stand for what he believed in, the same way that I fight for what I think is morally correct. He fought for the truth, knowing in his heart that it will one day prevail, that goodness will continually overpower evil. Plato, indeed, is an inspiration that will forever make the human race realize that it is not enough that you believe.
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