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These theories suggest a disagreement among ‘orthodox,’ ‘revisionist,’ and other theories about underlying reasons for Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings (Bernstein, 1996). Orthodox theorists believe the bombings were necessary to force the Japanese to surrender. Revisionist theorists argue that Americans were not justified.
Houthi leadership did promise that they were going to revenge over the killings of General Suleimani. Martin tried to appeal to all parties to desist from indulging in any action whose impact would lead to war furtherance. Such actions would lead to an escalation of conflict and lower peace negotiations in the region.
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The paper "First Responders: Are We Ready for Another Attack" is a perfect example of a military capstone project. Privatized security firms provide forces for banks, industries, and personal service where the burden on public law enforcement does not provide adequate coverage in order to focus the security on a specific, private target.
The paper “Military Transition Programs in the United States” is a forceful example of the military case study. The United States has introduced numerous programs in order to facilitate the welfare of veteran soldiers. In this regard, the United States Congress has made numerous intervention programs to address the issue of veteran employment in the civilian labor market.
The paper “North Korea’s Nuclear Program” is a forceful example of a military case study. To determine the probable impact that North Korea’s nuclear program will have on global security, it is first essential to analyze a mixture of historical and hypothetical insights. In this paper, I will address the question ‘To What Extent Does The North Korea’s Nuclear Programme Constitute A Threat To Global Security?'
The paper "Security Priorities in Britain" is an outstanding example of a military essay. Britain, as one of the most powerful nations in the world, has a population of 62,227,409 people, with a higher economic base, it has long been actively involved in foreign affairs, historically linked with different nations in the world, associated with quality education, and also protected by armed forces of higher international ranking.
11 pages (2963 words)
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, Literature review
The paper "Military Means to Defeat Terrorism" is a great example of a literature review on the military. Undoubtedly peace is the most significant and universal of human ideals. Major systems of belief and faith, whether secular or religious in character, have in some way or another promised peace as the aftermath of implementing of its precepts.
The paper "Biological Weapons of Terror" is a great example of a report on the military. From Uganda to the coast of Kenya, various means of transport can be employed biological weapons of terror. This can range from road transport to railway, boat, and airway. From Kampala (capital of Uganda) to Mombasa (coast of Kenya) stands a distance of around twelve hundred kilometers.
The paper “Homeland Security - Terrorist Attacks as the Greatest Threat to the USA, Measures to Counter Terrorist Attacks ” is a provoking example of an essay on military. After 9/ 11 attacks, a frightened and horrified American public needed something more to be undertaken to protect the nation from terrorist attacks.
The paper "Investigating the Role of Leadership In Retaining Talented Employees - Iraqi’s Army " is a good example of a military report. Medical services are offered to armed forces while in their services during wars and during their encounters in battlegrounds. These services have been offered by several medical services some of which are supported by the government or through partnerships of several armed force alliances.
8 pages (2237 words)
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, Research Proposal
The paper "Electronic Terrorism and International Relations in Saudi Arabia" is an outstanding example of a military research proposal. Electronic terrorism involves acts of terrorism that are committed through the use of computers. This is different from ordinary terrorism that involves terrorist groups and armed attacks (Wehrey, 2013).
The paper "Cheese Transportation from France to Sri Lanka: How to Overcome the Challenges" is a perfect example of a military case study. Dairy product supplies ought to know how to attend appropriately cheese products when it comes to shipping from the supplier to the consumer through the supply chain.
The paper 'Military Outsourcing in the UK' is a great example of a Military Case Study. A private initiative within the corporate services of the government is normally healthy for quality services. In this era of attaining better services through advances in intelligence, most governments in t world are outsourcing various activities, especially facilities services among others.
The paper "How Might Globalization Produce Terrorism" is a perfect example of military coursework. When we start to speak about Terrorism and globalization, the foremost thought that comes to the mind is that what the most credible definition of terrorism is. The most classic interpretation has always been that ‘one man’s hero is another man’s terrorist.’
The paper "Australia Involvement in Iraq War" is a great example of a report on the military. Australia's involvement in the Iraq war is surrounded by controversy with individuals, experts, government officials as well as the international community questioning the decision. The then Prime Minister John Howard is largely perceived as the rationale behind Australia’s participation in the war.
The paper “The Joint Strike Fighter Program” is a meaningful variant of the case study on the military. Almost every country around the world takes the issue of national defense seriously and hence national defense is given priority. Historically, the survival of countries has depended on the superiority of arms.
The paper “The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty” is a perfect variant essay on the military. The first nuclear weapon was tested by the United States in the Alamogordo the current New Mexico in the year 1945. The international community has always struggled with the dilemma over 69 years to restrain the atom's destructive effects whereas harnessing the important use of nuclear atoms.
The paper “War Crimes Tribunal - Post-Conflict Justice and Reconciliation Processes” is an impressive variant of the essay on the military. A tribunal refers to a form of justice that decides and determines the course of justice. However, a war crimes tribunal is a unique type of tribunal. These refer courts of law established to try persons that have been accused of war crimes.
The paper "Historical Background, Purpose and Future of the Zapatistas Resistant Army" is a good example of a military case study. Globalization is a process that creates some world togetherness through interaction and integration into one. The rise in technology, the movement by people to invest and the development aided especially by the rise in information all create a sense of globalization (connectivity).
The paper “Libyan Civil War - Post-Conflict Justice and Reconciliation Processes” is provoking variant of the case study on the military. This refers to the crisis that occurred in Libya in 2011. The Libyan crisis was between the Pro-Gaddafi forces and the Anti-Gaddafi forces that were seeking to topple his government.
The paper "The Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime" is an outstanding example of a military essay. At the time that the treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons was opened for signature in 1968, many people feared that the number of nuclear weapon states would grow from 20 to 30 by the century and that would be a dangerous situation.
The paper “Complex System Problem about Syrian War” is an excellent variant of the term paper on the military. Syrian war arose due to a conflict between the forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and those of those who oppose him. The two opposing sides later divided into a number of militias which included foreign fighters and the local fighters.
People in Afghanistan had lived a life full of miseries and they need to find an escape towards peace. Afghanis had previously no know-how regarding the attacks that were done by US military forces. Most of the retaliation incidents that took place in Afghanistan by native people were a result of self-defense.
Thereafter, the group identifies the intensity of the threats through the Continual Philosophy. Notably, the intelligence’s resolution to establish the continuous process of the non-traditional threats enables it to gain added information concerning the masterminds of the activities and the targeted organizations from economic points of view.
The roles of the Regional Civil Contingencies Committee would be to support communication between the national and local levels as well as coordinate various local agencies and identify and task resources. The various agencies that the Regional Civil Contingency Committees would be in charge of include the Local Strategic Coordinating group.
There is a critical evaluation of issues related to informing, warning the public, identification and treatment of casualties. There is further evaluation of issues related to incident communications. Finally, a strategy is formulated to deal with attending media representatives and press statements for the attending media.
11 pages (3422 words)
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, Research Paper
The Kegworth Air Disaster occurred on 8th January 1989. It was British Midland Flight 92, a Boeing 737-400crashed onto the embankment of the M1 motorway near Kegworth, Leicestershire, England; just 900mtr away from the safety runway. There were 118 passengers, 8 crew members, on the plane. In the end, only 79 members were survived.
The US National Airspace System (NAS) is undoubtedly the most complicated airspace system across the globe. NAS is comprised of air traffic controls and controllers, radar systems, and airports, which are controlled by different safety technicians and inspectors on the ground. This system handles hundreds of thousands of passengers traveling within and outside the US.
This was entirely entrusted with utilizing technology and information gathering capabilities to keep the United States Homeland secure against terrorist attacks (Bureau of Consular Affairs, 2013). They entirely used video surveillance; however, new laser systems are being used to secure the Homeland against ballistic attacks.
7 pages (1995 words)
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, Research Paper
A military utility helicopter is basically a multipurpose helicopter used in various types of missions and operations (Johnson 2009), including air attacks, ground attacks, MEDEVAC, cargo, and transporting troops. The utility helicopter falls between a medium transport helicopter and a light observation helicopter in terms of size (Leishman 2000).
Since Islamic law does not differentiate between state and religious matters, it would be safe to say that the simple answer to the questions would be that suicide bombing practices are inspired by politics and religion (Toft 2007). This concept is however not favored by many as it ignores, to a great extent, the key issues.
Examples are counter-terrorism units, cyber-crime control units and anti-narcotics that have been established within the police service for purposes of dealing with the emerging threats to national security. It is important for a law enforcement agency to recognise and understand that the challenges are becoming enormous in an increasingly changing environment.
12 pages (3343 words)
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, Literature review
Paris attacks have had the most serious implications and repercussions. A series of terrorist attacks that have been claimed by the Islamic States have broadened the scope of implications and repercussions posed by terrorism not only in the countries that have been under attack but also in Europe as a whole (G4S 2015: 1).
When it comes to ‘reasonable expectation’, one is faced with a tough case. Most argue that the ambitions in Afghanistan, the need to turn it into a stable and peaceful state are unattainable. The US faces an “unprecedented case, against a thoroughly armed opposition, in a largely unstable state and with little support from allies”.
The Confederates in the American Civil War did. Unfortunately, things usually go wrong in the field that put the question to the initial hope for victory. At such times, not willing to forfeit that hope, warring parties adopt other strategies; wrong or right, moral or not. The circumstances are made even harder in Falk’s (2002) borderless map.
Recent disputes about sovereignty claims in the South China Sea have not only caught attention of the world spotlight but have also presented opportunities for China to reconsider its perceived primacy in the Asia-Pacific region.
Simpsons clearly uses the principle of polarity in relating Clausewitz's work with the current wars. This is different from Echavarria’s observation. According to Clausewitz, the most influential war is a result of opposing forces. The polarity that is between the enemies makes the war a contest that provides a resolution or a decision.
7 pages (2055 words)
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, Literature review
Australian Defense Force has often been charged with the responsibility of operating in various theatres and filling numerous operational roles. However, since the year 1999 which saw the deployment of the Australian Defense Forces in East Timor, the Australian Defense Force has been expected to perform several operational roles than any given time since its inception in the year 1975.
Counterintelligence consists of activities and information gathered to deter espionage activities by foreign powers (Hastedt, 2003). Leggit et al (2011) define counterintelligence as security measures and procedures designed to neutralize or liquidate attempts by foreign powers to acquire protected and secure information.
The intervention applies where the violations in question are a perpetuation of state or in cases where the state is failing in protecting civilians against the violation of their rights. Teson (2011) states that cases of humanitarian intervention are on the rise despite the presence of regional and international human rights bodies whose aim is to ensure that states observe the basic rights f their citizens.
The level of security is one of the factors determining the economic growth of a country. The United States is one of the countries that experienced several attacks from terrorists due to its firm stand on fight against any terror group. Since September 11 of 2001, the country has been at the forefront in outlining strict security measures.
The approach in tackling global terrorism took a different perspective after the major event of the September 11 attack. New multilateral approaches for fighting terrorism were adopted in reaction to the unprecedented Alqaeda attack that confirmed terrorism to be a new danger to global security.
The independence war occurred between the British and the American soldiers. The British soldiers fought to ensure they sustained their colonies' control while the American soldiers fought to attain their political independence. The war was fought between 1775 and 1783 and led to 13 American states gaining their independence.
The violent behaviors were more common in the case of afghan veterans than their counterparts. It is noticeable that the Vietnam veterans and sailors were vulnerable to substance abuse than the Afghan veterans. It has been witnessed that the compensation amount received by the Vietnam veterans was less in comparison to the other wars’ veterans.
This author highlights Iraqi politics' political fragility, as shown by the governing coalition's tense form following the country’s 2010 national polls. For example, even though the 2009 provincial polls led to Sunnis' inclusion into local government and initiated reconciliation, the national elections instigated friction.
When the cold war came to an end, Cuba was left alone out of the backyard countries, with no financial or any diplomatic help, and also Moscow withdrew its help from Cuba. Latin America dropped off the map geopolitically even though it had been a flashpoint in the cold war. Latin America was left to pick up its pieces.
The country is against ISIS, the jihadists, and anti-government rebels. The Yemen case is one of the exhibits of the country’s commitment to the deterrence of war crisis in the region that has various military powerhouses including Turkey and Israel. The Saudi Arabian government has always made war the last resort in brokering peace between warring nations.
Post-war violence is the violence that escalates right after a great war. Many people expect peace right after a war, but that is never the case because most people have not healed and still fight small wars within themselves that actually might grow into another war. An example of such is the “post-conflict” of the 1990s.
Compulsory military service was commonly practiced throughout the previous century. In the United States, conscription ended officially in 1973. Conscription was a common practice in the United States, especially during the First and Second World Wars. Proponents of the practice argue that conscription would help strengthen social and national cohesion.
America employed its troops to stop the wide spread communism in Vietnam; however the American efforts did not yield the desired outcome. It kicked off in the year 1961 and continuing until the 1970. The period was long enough to impose worst experiences that can ever be recorded in a soldier`s lifetime during wartime. This essay focuses on the experiences that resulted from Australian soldiers` involvement in the war in Vietnam.