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Corporate Communications & PR - Toyota Motors Company Marketing Assignment
7 pages (2136 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Corporate Communications & PR - Toyota Motors Company " is an outstanding example of a marketing assignment. The automobile industry is one of the most growing and developing industries across the world. It has become one of the most significant economic drivers in several nations that have invested in it, the American automobile being the finest example.
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Distribution and Retail Marketing Assignment
6 pages (1708 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The main aim of Supply Chain Management is to help the manufacturers and everyone in the supply chain process to have adequate knowledge about the proper management of stock. The Supply Chain Management was initiated to help mainly the companies functioning in the processed food distribution industry (Harris, 2010).
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Marketing Principles of Enterprise Rent-A-Car Marketing Assignment
11 pages (3074 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Marketing Principles of Enterprise Rent-A-Car" is a wonderful example of an assignment on marketing. Enterprise Rent-A-Car is basically a private car rental business and more than 850,000 vehicles are being operated. The main aim and goal of this company is quite different than that of other businesses. The main goal of Enterprise Rent-A-Car is customer satisfaction.
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Affiliate Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, and Viral Marketing Marketing Assignment
12 pages (3869 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Affiliate Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, and Viral Marketing" is a wonderful example of an assignment on marketing. Emerging Trends in the world of business are increasingly being shaped by the influences of technology and IT. The world of marketing is having much influence from IT and e-marketing strategies, which are slowly gaining appreciation across the globe.
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Global Hotel Industry Project Marketing Assignment
10 pages (2747 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Global Hotel Industry Project" is an outstanding example of a marketing assignment. According to the World Tourism Organization (WTO), the tourism or hotel industry is recognized as the most competitive industry accounting for more than 40 percent of the revenue of the nation. Due to which the gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national product (GNP) enhanced to a significant extent.
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Global Relationship Marketing and Its Influence Marketing Assignment
10 pages (4318 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Dubai is a tourist hub that receives many tourists annually thus it creates a market that can create high returns on investment. Thus, it is evident that expanding a Cruise business into Dubai is a viable business opportunity. For the expansion in NCL, this company needs to build strong relations with the customers for various reasons to capture the Dubai market.
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Money, Banking and the Financial Crisis Marketing Assignment
10 pages (2858 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The analysis reveals that Italy and Spain were the countries that were most troubled in the banking area. ECB hopes that in the near future the regulation of all European banks will be brought under one consistent standard. The assessment of the banks had made several banks to shed their non-profitable assets and raise new capital.
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The Concepts of Distribution and Retailing Marketing Assignment
11 pages (2938 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
One more aspect of marketing is that of retailing which is a booming sector in today’s scenario. To obtain a competitive advantage in the retail industry it is very important that the retailer has a wide range of products to offer the customers and it creates a perfect ambiance for the customers to shop from the retail outlets comfortably. The main focus of the retailers should be on the customers. 
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Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Concept of Entrepreneurship Marketing Assignment
16 pages (4532 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
This assignment also discusses EM that plays a significant role in assisting large companies in their performing business operations with better competitive advantages. Additionally, the management of large companies adopts the concept of intrapreneurship with the aim of performing their operations in a profitable manner. 
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Retail Marketing Marketing Assignment
16 pages (4855 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
UK retail industry has become highly competitive as several leading multinational and domestic retail chains are implementing unique strategies in the business operation process in order to gain potential competitive advantages. Tesco Plc. can be considered as one of the leading UK based multinational retail chains.
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International Banking, Measure of Asset Liquidity Marketing Assignment
7 pages (1902 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "International Banking, Measure of Asset Liquidity" is an outstanding example of a marketing assignment. The international banking sector came to the fore when counting the sectors that contributed much to the financial crisis that rocked the world in the years 2007/2008. Through the same crisis, other effects like the subprime mortgage crisis were bored and they continued the effect that the financial crisis had already created.
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Abercrombie and Fitch: Expanding into the European Market Marketing Assignment
11 pages (3442 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
For instance, it has had successful promotions in Singapore due to its occurrence in conflicts and context culture. The company managed to trigger the individual’s emotions and created a unique experience that helped the firm to link with its customers. Thus, the strategy helped them in building up the company’s image around Singapore.
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Marketing Plan of BoxPlus Company Marketing Assignment
7 pages (1987 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
This marketing plan is developed for a new company, the BoxPlus.  It is formed by a group of friends who  have set their minds in establishing a business after college.   They come up with an idea of supplying restaurants, retail outlets and specialty shops with secondary packages to put their products into.
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How Conversational Is Online Advertising Marketing Assignment
8 pages (2215 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Mobile phones, social media, search engines, etc. provide interconnection between marketers and customers anywhere and anytime. Either the marketer or the customer can initiate or terminate the conversation hence giving both parties some control over the online exchanges. Marketers use affiliate marketing programs and other forms of marketing to encourage online participation of the audience.
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Sport Sponsorship Strategy Marketing Assignment
13 pages (4103 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The big number of fans means increased revenues for the club and its sponsors, and is bound to attract other potential sponsors due to its economic viability. The achievement of these metrics depends on three key strategies, among which are having agent outlets, issuing bonus games and reducing the prices of tickets
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Marketing Planning Issues for Samsung Mobile Marketing Assignment
8 pages (2406 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Investors should therefore remember that the last traded price is not necessarily the price the market order will be executed at.  In a highly competitive market, the price at which a market order is executed often changes from the last traded price. Marketing orders tend to put markets in a stable condition, help in standardization of quality and the packaging process.
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Proposed Marketing Plan for Chacha Inn Marketing Assignment
16 pages (4238 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Proposed Marketing Plan for Chacha Inn" is a great example of a Marketing assignment. The key features of this report are the proposed marketing plan for Chacha Inn. Chacha Inn is a garden retreat in Mount Abu, India, that specializes in a variety of hospitality products and services for its varied customers.
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Marketing Plan of Delamere Dairy's Range of Goats' Marketing Assignment
10 pages (2622 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Marketing Plan of Delamere Dairy's Range of Goats" is an outstanding example of a Marketing assignment. The name of the new business is YOYO goat’s Yoghurt Shop selling exclusively Delamere goat’s yogurt and flavors that will be served in cups varying from 360g, 360g, 450g, and 125g. The yogurt will be sold in two places namely: Dubai Mall and Dubai Festival City.
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The Benefit of a Strategic Marketing Plan Marketing Assignment
14 pages (3934 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "The Benefit of a Strategic Marketing Plan" is an impressive example of a Marketing assignment. Behind any successful business is an effective and strategic marketing plan. Thus, business/firms are advised to do what is seen as strategically right than what is immediately profitable’’. Marketing planning has regained recognition and is seen as first priority of development within an organization.
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Changing of Advertising and Promotion over Decades Marketing Assignment
6 pages (1775 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Brand financial value is measured at the level of Earnings Before Interest & Tax. The brand exists only if it creates a profitable business. The journey of the brand is from awareness to strength to value. The brand has value addition- encourages trials, repeat sales, retains consumer base in spite of low-cost imitations or alternatives.
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Successful Marketing Practices Marketing Assignment
6 pages (2040 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Successful Marketing Practices" is a wonderful example of an assignment on marketing. Marketing is a process by which the trading objectives of an organization are achieved by satisfying customer wants and needs. By paying attention to customer wants and needs, organizations are more likely to achieve their objectives in the marketplace.
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Essentials of Marketing - Importance on the Foundation of a Marketing Plan Structure Marketing Assignment
6 pages (1612 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper “Essentials of Marketing - Importance on the Foundation of a Marketing Plan Structure”  is a meaty example of an assignment on marketing. The essence of marketing activities is associated with the identification of the consumers’ needs and wants, and then the satisfaction of what the consumer demands better than what competitors can offer.
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Public Sector Marketing of Dubai Metro Marketing Assignment
8 pages (2276 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The mechanisms that Dubai Metro uses to promote public sector marketing have helped the organization to meet its objectives that include serving more than 170,000 passengers daily. The service is offered efficiently and effectively and this has enabled the organization to be a world-class public transport organization.
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Role Description of a Marketing Officer at Unilever Inc Marketing Assignment
7 pages (1427 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper “Role Description of a Marketing Officer at Unilever Inc” is a  delightful variant of an assignment on marketing. Unilever's industry competitors consist of Seasoning, Condiment production, and Sauce Company in the United States. The industry under which Unilever company operates in is manufacturing which deals with products like spices, salad dressings, Seasoning, etc.
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Role Description and Work Plan for a Position of Customer Relationship Specialist Marketing Assignment
6 pages (1621 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper “Role Description and Work Plan for a Position of Customer Relationship Specialist” is a  fascinating variant of an assignment on marketing. Bank of Queensland in Australia seeks to recruit Customer Relationship Specialist to work at its branch in Browns Plains. The bank expects the prospective employee to sustain its growth rate.
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Using Social Media for Market Investigation Marketing Assignment
6 pages (1566 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Social media is a global platform that is used by customers who are located in different parts of the world. As a result, it is hard for modern public relation practitioner to the segment-specific group. As a result, the platform is best suited for a global business that targets customers that emanate from different parts of the world.
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Developing Effective Communication Strategies for Marketing Segments Marketing Assignment
11 pages (2834 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Developing Effective Communication Strategies for Marketing Segments' is a wonderful example of an assignment on marketing. This was an interesting unit of study. The advent of a concept of goods or service and its journey to find the target consumer is very fascinating because of the innumerable factors that move it along the course.
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Changing Perspective in Marketing Planning Marketing Assignment
9 pages (2596 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Changing Perspective in Marketing Planning" is an outstanding example of a marketing assignment. Traditional marketing planning emphasizes pricing, product, promotion and place. A company designs a product, prices the product, places it in stores, and finally comes up with a promotion campaign for the product.
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Developing Organisational Marketing Objectives Marketing Assignment
33 pages (9207 words) , Assignment
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The paper “Developing Organisational Marketing Objectives” is a thoughtful variant of the assignment on marketing. Competitive analysis is assessing the effects of the entry of competitors who may be individuals or organizations that provide the same products and services as the organizations and therefore affect the various aspects of the organization such as the customer base.
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Public Relations Theory Marketing Assignment
8 pages (2331 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Public Relations Theory " is an outstanding example of a marketing assignment. In order to come up with an effective public relations campaign about a complex project in an area where I have little knowledge, I would use the systematic/excellence public relations theory. This is a theory that advocates for symmetrical two-way communication in public relations work in order to enhance effective results.
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Marketing Communications Marketing Assignment
12 pages (3292 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Marketing Communications" is an outstanding example of a marketing assignment. To confirm the purpose, the required outcomes and style of a conference, I would need to initially speak to the conference convenors. In addition, I will also need a brief of the conference requirements to assist in the planning. When confirming any detail and requirements, the convenor will need to be involved in this process for approval.
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The Provisions of the Scallop Fishing and Marketing Act Marketing Assignment
8 pages (2201 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper 'The Provisions of the Scallop Fishing and Marketing Act' is a great example of a marketing assignment. The issue in the scenario given is whether by incorporating a company Bob can be able to double his commercial fishing and exceed the quota limit set by the Scallop Fishing and Marketing Act.
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Clean Environment Services Business Idea Marketing Assignment
12 pages (2964 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The services the business is going to provide include domestic cleaning in offices and homes, packages for spring cleaning, window cleaning, clean that will be regular and one-off, washing and ironing, carpet cleaning, emergency cleaning, and cleaning for people who are moving in or out. The services will use staffs that are trained, trusted, and friendly.
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Distribution Strategy Using Digital Marketing Marketing Assignment
12 pages (3220 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
However, if Room Key opts to close its loop once again, it is apparent that Accor should consider the equity partnership option over its commercial partnership counterpart. Room Key's decision to enter the Travelocity partnership targeted to improve its image rather than improve the returns realized by the member brands.
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Royal Bank of Canada Retail Marketing Marketing Assignment
6 pages (1610 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Royal Bank of Canada Retail Marketing" is an outstanding example of a marketing assignment. The most important objective of any bank – or just about any other business, for that matter – is to increase its shareholder's wealth by obtaining the maximum value from its earnings, or to put it another way, to have the highest possible percentage of its revenue be profit.
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Marketing Strategy and Factors of Customer Satisfaction Marketing Assignment
9 pages (2227 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper “Marketing Strategy and Factors of Customer Satisfaction” is a useful example of a marketing assignment. Firms acknowledge that pricing is one of the most influential elements of marketing that has the potential to change a business for good. They, therefore, pay too much attention to the prices at which they offer their products, more than even other factors such as the production costs.
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New Business Models, Potential Rewards and Risks Involved in Conducting Business in Emerging Markets Marketing Assignment
10 pages (2520 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper “New Business Models, Potential Rewards and Risks Involved in Conducting Business in Emerging Markets” is a worthy example of a marketing assignment. Emerging markets play a critical role for business people and investors. At one particular time, there must be emerging markets where investors are looking up to start venturing.
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Automobile Marketing: Distribution Strategies for Competitiveness Marketing Assignment
9 pages (1 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Automobile Marketing: Distribution Strategies for Competitiveness" is a perfect example of an assignment on marketing. This paper analyses the provided SPSS data file “GlobalMotors.sav” to answer all the market analysis questions provided in the case study of Global Motors vehicle models. The paper uses descriptive statistics to analyses question one to FIVE.
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The Marketing Mix of a Transport and Logistics Company Marketing Assignment
11 pages (2937 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "The Marketing Mix of a Transport and Logistics Company" is a wonderful example of an assignment on marketing. The marketing mix refers to putting the right product or a combination thereof in the right place, at the right price, and at the right time. These are essentially referred to as the 4Ps of marketing.
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Macro and Micro-Economic Factors That Influence Marketing Decisions Marketing Assignment
8 pages (2097 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Macro and Micro-Economic Factors That Influence Marketing Decisions" is a wonderful example of an assignment on marketing. A marketing environment covers the external forces that shape a firm’s capacity to develop and maintain relationships and transactions that are successful with target customers.
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Applied Strategic Management at Ethiopian Market Marketing Assignment
6 pages (1594 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The paper "Applied Strategic Management at Ethiopian Market" is an outstanding example of an assignment on marketing. The Ethiopian market is an emerging opportunity for foreign companies willing to enter new markets and expand into the African continent. The paper identify the main pros of Ethiopia as a potential market for international expansion.
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Digital Marketing Strategies Marketing Assignment
12 pages (2199 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper “Digital Marketing Strategies” is an inspiring example of a marketing assignment. The organization is called Creating Better Futures and is based in the UK and Zimbabwe.  Type of organization The organization is a charity organization run by volunteers in the UK and Zimbabwe.
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Marketing and Consumer Behaviour - Intentions, Feelings, and Attitudes Marketing Assignment
7 pages (1766 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Marketing and Consumer Behaviour - Intentions, Feelings, and Attitudes" is a wonderful example of an assignment on marketing. All human beings, regardless of their culture or the societies from which they come from, are always making choices about products. Consumer psychology studies people’s behaviors and decisions about the acquisition, consumption, and disposal of goods, etc.
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The Business Environment: Marketing and Planning Marketing Assignment
18 pages (4694 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "The Business Environment: Marketing and Planning" is a wonderful example of an assignment on marketing. The organization that anticipatory leadership will be implemented will be a smartphone company known as a smartphone. Anticipatory leadership in this type of company is very important as the company deals with an industry where technology and innovation are very crucial.
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Service and Retail Marketing Marketing Assignment
6 pages (1701 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper “Service and Retail Marketing” is a valuable example of a marketing assignment. According to Palmer (2008), a service refers to the production of an important intangible benefit, either on its own or as a key element of a tangible product, which through some form of exchange, satisfies an identified need of a customer.
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Segmentation Factors to Use in Selecting the Target Market Marketing Assignment
6 pages (1520 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Segmentation Factors to Use in Selecting the Target Market" is an outstanding example of a marketing assignment. Marketing is one of the activities that any organization must take seriously to make it prosper. Today, businesses are characterized by competition and the innovation of products. Because of this, any organization must cope with the pressure to enjoy a competitive advantage.
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What Are the Four Types of Consumer Products Marketing Assignment
9 pages (2286 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "What Are the Four Types of Consumer Products" is an outstanding example of a marketing assignment. The product can be classified into two categories; business products and consumer products. Unlike business products which are bought for resale purposes, consumer products are bought with the intention of meeting the needs of the final consumer.
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Concept of Glocalization and Its Relation to the Standardization-Adaptation Debate Marketing Assignment
11 pages (2715 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Concept of Glocalization and Its Relation to the Standardization-Adaptation Debate " is an outstanding example of a marketing assignment. This report aims to critically assess the concept of ‘Glocalization’ and discuss how it relates to the ‘standardization-adaptation debate’ that prevails in Marketing literature.
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Benefits of Increasing Employee Engagement to a Business Marketing Assignment
6 pages (1742 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Benefits of Increasing Employee Engagement to a Business" is an outstanding example of a marketing assignment. According to Dessler (2000, 44), human resource management is described as a function within an organization that involves the process of valuing, hiring as well as developing employees to be more productive at their place of work.
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The Current Market Prices of Each of the Securities Marketing Assignment
19 pages (4612 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "The Current Market Prices of Each of the Securities" is a perfect example of a marketing assignment. From the formula, it is the dividend paid divided by the difference between the rate of return per annum and the growth rate. This is therefore substituted as shown: 17÷ (9-2) =2.4286. From the figure, there is the expectation of fluctuation in the price of the share in the market.
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