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The paper "New Business In The Summertown Area Of Oxford" is a great example of a Marketing Case Study. Sunshine cafe is going to be a new coffee shop that provides a good environment for people to meet and interact. Sunshine cafe will not be like an ordinary bar where people meet; it will provide a unique dining experience through an intimate and family-oriented atmosphere.
The paper "Apple's Australian Dominance Grows Ahead of the New iPhone Launch" is a wonderful example of a Marketing Case Study. This journal paper has an objective of presenting a critical analysis of the level of adoption of e-marketing in the Australian economy within the technological, organizational as well as the environmental framework.
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, Literature review
The paper "How Celebrity Endorsement Affects Consumer Behavior Of Young Adults In Fashion Industry" is a wonderful example of a Marketing Literature Review. Competition is fast increasing in the fashion industry. This has forced the fashion industry to revolt against the use of celebrity endorsement as a marketing tool.
The paper "New Service Which Is Going To Launch In The Summertown Area Of Oxford" is a perfect example of a Marketing Business Plan. This marketing plan details a new service that will act as an intermediary between parents who need babysitting services and the babysitters who will be providing the service within the Summertown area of Oxford.
The paper "Creating Value Through the Marketing Mix" is a wonderful example of a Marketing Case Study. The ALDI Australia Company is a key retail supermarket in the Australian industry. The organization focuses on a variety of market customers. Of special interest in this analysis are its domestic use and grocery customers.
The paper "Developing a Creative and Innovative Integrated Marketing Communications Plan" is a wonderful example of a Marketing Case Study. This paper contains a marketing plan for Kmart. The plan targets female audiences between the ages of 18 to 35. The plan comprises of Background of Kmart market and brand where it provides the history of the brand, etc.
The paper "A New Brand Of Cell Phone" is a perfect example of a Marketing Case Study. Samsung is presently on the lead with a market share of 26%, having dropped from 32% market share previously as of 2016 (Lemish 2013). Micro max is following closely behind and has crossed the two million unit mark in consignments and it holds 22% of the market share (Lemish2013).
The paper "Marketing Innovation Strategy And Marketing Performance" is a wonderful example of a Marketing Case Study. Blackmore is a leading healthy and nutritious drinks producer that consistently introduces varieties of healthy beverages. This report is a marketing plan for the new product, Aloe and White grape which will be a healthy beverage targeting the family-oriented market segment.
The paper "Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name" is a great example of a Marketing Case Study. The Coca-Cola brand declares its purpose as the mission to create value and inspire optimism and happiness through refreshing the world and making a difference (Coca-Cola® | Taste The Feeling!). The vision for Coca-Cola notes that the brand intends to create a workplace.
The paper "Special Issue on Recent Trends in the Food Industry and Food Chain" is a great example of a Marketing Case Study. The report gives a detailed marketing strategy that Domino’s Pizza should take up for its chicken prawn pizza product. The paper reviews the firm’s background and growth opportunity with the focus of whether there are evident.
The paper entitled "Development of a Knowledge-Based Design Support System for Product-Service Systems" is a wonderful example of a Marketing Case Study. Competition and customer’s changing requirements and expectations require organizations to customize services and products to reflect the market dynamics.
The paper "Sales Promotion and Public Relations" is a wonderful example of a Marketing Case Study. The Coca Cola Company is one of the largest manufacturers of soft drinks in the world (Bell 2004). Besides being a manufacturer of non-alcoholic beverages, the company also distributes and markets its products. Coca-Cola is the flagship brand of the company.
The paper "Social Media Marketing Communications" is a perfect example of a Marketing Term Paper. Marketing communications are used to define the relationship between an organization and its customers (The open university, 2015). The relationship is represented by the message and media used to reach the customers. I will focus on McDonalds Cooperation’s marketing communications campaign.
The paper "Retention and Acquisition of Customers in the Music Streaming Industry - Deezer" is an outstanding example of a marketing case study. The music streaming industry is among the modern-day industries tremendously affected by the increased internet and mobile innovation. Indeed, during the last half a decade, the industry has become among the fastest-growing ventures.
8 pages (2299 words)
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, Literature review
The paper "Relationship between Personality Factors and Consumer Buying Behavior" is a great example of a Marketing Literature Review. Consumer behavior is the analysis and study of groups and individuals, as well as organizations and the processes all of them, use to secure, make use as well as dispose of the services, products or even experiences in order for them to satisfy their wants.
The paper "The Entry of AmazonFresh into the Retail Market in the United Kingdom " is a perfect example of a marketing case study. The entry of AmazonFresh into the retail market in the UK was a calculated move to expand its online grocery business from the USA. The establishment of the business has furthermore faced a number of situations from the UK environment.
The paper "Ethical Issues in the Cosmetic Industry " is a good example of a marketing case study. Ethical Marketing is associated with a philosophy aspect rather than a strategy implemented for the art of marketing. It informs all efforts involving marketing. It is an issue that seeks to enhance the promotion of honesty, responsibility, and fairness in each and every advertising.
This, as will give them a greater opportunity to adopt our marketing strategies for the Thai market. Quinncom International Pty Ltd is already established in the Thai dairy market, being one of the top sellers of milk. Quinncom International Pty Ltd. has enough equity to have a voice in management as well as take over the entire market.
The paper “Integrated Marketing Communication Plan for Promotion of Sony Home Theater System” is an informative variant of business plan on marketing. Sony Corporation is a multinational corporation whose headquarters in Minato, Tokyo, Japan. It is one of the leading firms in the manufacture of electronics, video, communications and information and technology products.
The paper “Branding and Its Growing Role in the Charity Sector” is a cogent variant of an essay on marketing. The brand has become a very important word in the marketing sector in the 21st century. There are a number of varying opinions in the market about what exactly branding is. Some believe it is the method through which companies are able to persuade people into doing what they want.
The paper “Brand Personality Characteristic in the Adverts of Three Charitable Organizations” is an intriguing variant of case study on marketing. Brands of products and services, either of profit or non-profit organizations, are conventionally held to be with human-like characteristics – hence, the word brand personality.
The paper “Nokia and Apple’s Strategic Marketing Planning, Macro, and Micro Environmental Forces” is an apposite variant of a report on marketing. This report addresses various management issues pertaining to the manufacturers of the Nokia N97 and iPhone mobile phone handsets. Today mobiles have become a necessity.
The paper "Online Retailer of Company that Deals with Marketing of Books, CDs and DVDs " is a great example of a marketing case study. For one to be successful in online retailing of products, there are fundamental requirements that must be met in order to improve sales of the products online. The creation of a website is not adequate as an aspect of attracting visitors to the website and thus increasing sales of the products.
The paper "Toyota Company Marketing Analysis" is a perfect example of a marketing case study. Government regulations and laws have been affecting Toyota Motors throughout the world. Regulations on the need to take into consideration environmental concerns have forced Toyota Motors to become forced to design and manufacture less polluting motors as well as meeting certain mileage per gallon as illustrated by Haberberg & Rieple.
The paper "Strategies for Developing Sustainable Restaurants Brands in Market" is a wonderful example of a Marketing Business Plan. For Green Pizza Restaurant, the exchange of foods and services is not merely the core idea behind its marketing, but rather, sincere efforts to create, communicate and deliver reasonable values.
The paper "How the Shopping Characteristics for the Consumer and Industrial Goods Affect the Channels for Them" is an outstanding example of a marketing assignment. There is little involved in the purchase of consumer goods and therefore little decision making is involved. The main characteristic of this consumer is that he or she just needs to find bread at the local outlet and at the specified price.
The paper "Refresh Organic Fruit Juice by Glimmers Limited - Marketing Communication Plan" is a perfect example of a marketing case study. Refresh Organic Fruit Juice is a new product to be launched by the soft drink company, Glimmers Limited. The following integrated marketing communication plan (IMCP) is designed in anticipation of the new product launching successfully and maintaining sustainability within the organic fruit juice industry.
The paper "Thematic-Based Group Negotiation - Dr Jones-Alpha Pharmaceuticals and Dr Ronald-Beta Pharmaceuticals" is an outstanding example of a marketing case study. Following a critical review of the state of affairs between Tinabul (South America) and Australia and the economic situation within the rivalry of pharmaceutical companies, the management adopted an opinion that there was raising concern to revaluate the economic relation.
The paper "Persuasion and the ELM, and the Evaluation for Advertising Effectiveness" is a good example of marketing coursework. The Elaboration likelihood model (ELM) of persuasion was initiated by Petty and Caciopo. This model is cognitive in nature and deals with the change of attitudes through persuasion.
The paper "Australian Retailer Harvey Norman Company Overview and SWOT Analysis" is a great example of a marketing case study. The purpose of this report is to provide a general view of the Australian retailer Harvey Norman business in relation to how it is organized and run. Harvey Norman is operational in Australia, Slovenia, Northern Ireland, Ireland and New Zealand (Koons, 2011).
The paper "Transplantation a Channel Design from one Country Directly to Another without any Modification" is an outstanding example of a marketing assignment. It is never advisable to take a channel design from one country to a different one before doing any modifications because it is bound to be faced with problems.
The paper "Small and Medium Enterprise Development Report - Posh Car Centre " is an outstanding example of a marketing case study. Posh Car Centre (PCC) is a unique innovation that started out as a personal hobby. It then developed into part item money making creative past time. This was the creation of a couple of students who used to wash their cars and those of their neighbours.
The paper "Internet Access in Australia" is a perfect example of a marketing case study. The internet has evolved a lot in the last two decades, such that it is becoming an integral component and a requisite for every organization. Internet access in Australia was first availed to universities in 1989 via AARNet, which was the foundation of commercial dial-up ISPs (Internet Service Providers).
The paper "Macro Environmental Forces that impact Motor Vehicle Industry" is a great example of a Marketing Case Study. The purpose of this paper is to discuss environmental factors that impact on motor vehicle industry in Australia. The paper mainly focuses on safety, carbon emission and changing consumer needs in the Australian motor vehicle industry.
The paper "Internet Marketing Plan for Intercontinental Hotels" is a good example of a marketing case study. This report is based on internet marketing for hotels. The report will analyse critically internet marketing carried out by Intercontinental Hotels, their target market, internet marketing objectives and five major internet marketing strategies.
The paper "Healthy Eating as a Social Marketing Issue" is a good example of marketing coursework. Social marketing involves commercial marketing techniques that help in health-boosting. Social marketing is operational on the population level, and those that provide health care take part in ensuring its effectiveness.
The paper “Sun's Florist - Company's SWOT Analysis, E-Marketing Planning Strategy, and Objective” is a forceful variant of the report on marketing. Sun's Florist is one of the leading flower companies in Australia. The business is located in Kogarah Town Centre, Kogarah, NSW. It is a privately owned company that operates from 8 am to 8 pm even days a week.
The paper "Old Spice: The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" is a great example of a marketing case study. Advertisements have emerged as an imperative aspect of organisations when communicating new/existing products into the market. Arguably, they present divergent advantages linked to increased consumer preference.
The paper "Market Mix Plan for Natalie Herbal Creams " is an outstanding example of a marketing case study. The objectives of Natalie Herbal Creams are: To attract male and female sport participants in Australia at a rate of 35% of new customers in the first year and 75% in the second year, To breakeven within the first two years.
The paper "Marketing Communication Through the Integration of New Media and Traditional Media" is a great example of a Marketing Business Plan. The following is a business plan for our company; Woolworths Ltd. Woolworths Ltd aims at achieving a competitive edge in the Australian retail industry through innovation.
The paper "Brand Management Plan for LG" is an outstanding example of a marketing case study. Life is indeed good with LG. LG is a lifestyle brand. A household name recognized virtually across the world. The LG brand is globally recognized and has continued increasing its customer base meeting and exceeding most of its expectation. (Deans, & Metcalfe, 2013, p.393).
The paper "Michelle’s Express Travel Agency " is a wonderful example of a Marketing Business Plan. Michelle’s Express Travel Agency Michelle’s Express Travel Agency is a business that will have its base in the Tuggeranong area of Canberra. The situation analysis of the wider Australian travel industry presents a complicated market for travel agencies.
The paper "Domestic Violence against Immigrant Women in Australia" is a perfect example of a marketing case study. The recent studies indicating a higher prevalence in wife battering cases and its failure to get way into official reports amongst the immigrant women in Australia has borne intensive levels of debates to many people across Australia.
The paper 'Rapits & Sons Pty Ltd International Marketing Plan" is a good example of a marketing case study. Typically, the process of penetrating as well as developing into an international market is often challenging thus, a firm must consider all strategies in place in order to succeed. As Ekeledo and Sivakumar (2004) point out entering into a new country-market can be compared with a start-up situation.
The paper "Marketing Introduction of White Freshener Product" is a good example of a marketing case study. Millions of products and services are available to consumers across the world. Despite these, more new products and services continue to emerge in the market with more features and values for money to customers. The product that needs an introduction in the market is new toothpaste, ‘White Freshener’.
The paper "Integrated Global Marketing Promotion for McDonalds and BMW" is a great example of a marketing case study. Integrated marketing communications applies several methods of communication to reach out to the target clients of the firm. Advertising via mass media such as TV and newspapers are the most popular methods of communications applied in integrated marketing communications.
The paper "Importance of Brand Interaction " is a good example of marketing coursework. Brand interaction is the way customers interact with different brands. Understanding consumer buying behavior is important because it helps to develop and implement appropriate strategies that can lead to improved organizational performance (Keller 2003).
The paper "Brand Communities and Customer Engagement" is a good example of marketing coursework. The contemporary market has undergone a shift from traditional service marketing. This has been made possible by globalization and thus the advancement of technology. Brands being one of the most informed marketing foundations have to use the participation of their customers to meet their dynamic demands.
The paper 'Football Marketing in Australia" is a great example of a marketing case study. Soccer is among the popular sports in Australian (Lynch, 2013). Australians engage in soccer as both a recreation and professional activity. The activity, however, was not popular in its initial stages of introduction in the country.
The paper "Hayashi Restaurant Marketing Plan" is a great example of a marketing case study. The major target market for the Hayashi restaurant is basically people from the middle to the upper class. Selecting this target group was mainly influenced by the fact that many of the people living in the Applecross suburb are mainly people from the upper class and the middle-class populations.