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Historiography Paper on Rosa Parks History Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The few cases that are discussed herein are generally seen to stem from the historic timeline of the social reforms. According to the authors, in 1955 Rosa’s act spontaneously sparked a boycott in the transportation industry; and specifically the bus independent sector.
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Education Issues in Texas History Essay
4 pages (1346 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Despite the establishment of various educational reforms, the state is still faced with high dropout rates and poor educational policy. The state has undergone several educational reforms like many other states to achieve educational excellence and to provide better quality education to poverty-stricken districts.
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Female Participation in the Mwxican Revolution as Narrated by Elena Ponitowska and Anna Macias History Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
But little is acknowledged about the role that the Soldaderas or the female soldiers played for their country at such a critical time. They proved their worth in a male dominated society by putting in every possible effort. The time has come now to enlighten the world about the dynamic role played by the female warriors.
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George Pattons Perception by German Public History Research Paper
6 pages (1655 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Through his trials to make the lives of others better, Patton exhibited fiery integrity and brilliance in tackling emerging issues (Yiede 741). He had great respect for other Generals, for instance, Eisenhower, though they were less significant in their influence. He also had respect for the seniors in the official ranks. The assertive personality of George Patton always made him a winner.
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Tragedy of the Commons and Collective Action History Term Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The manifestations of the harmful effects of activities on the environment is shown by pollution of water resources, which incidentally is a renewable resource but not inexhaustible as most of the people erroneously think.
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Cold War- Arms Race between US and USSR which Lead to the Fall of USSR History Research Paper
8 pages (2151 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The demand of the countries to gain freedom spread throughout the Soviet Union (Ganske, 2008, p. 152). This led Gorbachev with no country to rule an aspect that even led to his arrest and being put under house arrest. The turn of events shocked the world, especially the united states which pumped trillions of dollars towards the armament of the war that was never to be.
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Confrontation between the Germanic people and Romans History Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
They never understood the Germanic tribe primordial religion as they assumed it was not important as the Germanic tribe viewed it. It is worth noting that, whether the religion of the Germanic tribe was Pagan, Aryan, or Roman-Catholic, it played a significant role in the Germanic tribes’ uniqueness.
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Presentation of Critical Assignment History Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Parties are divided on the justification of the means for the accomplishment of a significant end. The significance of this event to Terrorism and Homeland Security affected notions on religion and the strategy of deceit and denial. The fake vaccination drive depicts the adversities of collecting intelligence information and the moral dilemmas of covert operations, but denial and deception exemplify critical concepts in implementing and protecting homeland security.
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Empress Elizabeths Impact on the Russian Economy History Essay
5 pages (1106 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Elizabeth Petrovna was born Peter 1 the Great and grew to be a very intelligent woman due to her level and passion for education. At her tender age, she was not very active in politics and enjoyed a wide span of political, economic, and social knowledge from people close to her, who included administrators and military personnel among others.
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Errors in World War II and Its Impacts History Essay
5 pages (1837 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One of the authors who wrote about the mistakes that happened in the war is Bill Fawcett. In his book, How to Lose WWII: Bad Mistakes of the Good War, he highlighted facts in a very interesting way. According to Fawcett, the outbreak of war was ignited by Germany’s invasion of Poland in September 1939 which could have been avoided if not for poor judgment.
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1947 U.N.'s Special Commission on Palestine History Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
1947 U.N.'S Special Commission on Palestine Introduction 1947 U.N.'s Special Commission on Palestine is a committee was created as a response to the request of making recommendations under the article 10 of Charter by the U.K government. This was in concern of Palestine’s future government.
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Coffin and Mummy of Panchama History Research Paper
8 pages (2122 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Therefore, Egyptian preserved the dead body through a process known as mummification. They avoided decay at all value since it implied the separation between the soul and body. The artist placed the mummies in the structured grave with authentic materials necessary for eternity The illustration of the mummy of Panchama is a super piece made by Egyptian artists during the period before Christ.
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Analysis of the Book Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody History Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As a story, the book works well since it is full of memorable characters, tragic events, and courageous acts. It has a deeper relevance and interest for modern readers, however, because it documents what it was like in economic and political terms to be discriminated against by the white majority in the years leading up to the Civil Rights Movement
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Totalitarianism: Reasons Why Human Dignity Need a New Guarantee History Essay
10 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Arendt believes strongly that today’s political regimes are consequences of the political philosophies of the western traditions. Totalitarianism is a political ideology that is characterized by the government enforcing total control over all aspects of the lives of the citizens or her subjects.
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Political Thinker: Niccolo Machiavelli History Term Paper
7 pages (2059 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Born on the third day of May 1469, Niccolo Machiavelli grew to be one of the most celebrated public figures of his time. Niccolo Machiavelli was concerned with politics, history, diplomacy, philosophy and ethics. The great writer from Florence in Italy has variously been defined as one of the most controversial politicians of all time.
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The Expansion of European Integrative Processes History Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Expansion of European Integrative Processes The term European Union (EU) refers to the national member states’ union comprising of twenty-seven independent European countries. It was founded in 1993 and its main functions are to enhance economic, political and social co-operation.
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Soviet and American cold war polices History Term Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
In particular, both sides wished to have Germany, which was a vast country in need of repair at the time, following in their own footsteps. The day that Germany was divided between the east and the west, the cold war policies of both nations began to take shape with the United States advocating democracy and the curtailment of communism while Russia continued to advocate communism and its spread across the world.
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Evaluate how Napoleon both continued and broke from the aims of his revolutionary predecessors History Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
He dominated over most parts of continental Europe and envisioned spreading the principles of the French Revolution. Alongside, he consolidated an imposing monarchy based on the principles and standards of the deposed Ancien Regime. Napoleon was more than often successful in the wars he wages, even against armies who were numerically superior to Napoleon’s armies.
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The Vietnam War affected America History Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Thus, after the WWII the US and the USSR embarked on a passive confrontation in which either side would extend support to those countries or regions that stood up for their ideologies. In this case, Vietnam was split into two parts; the North and the South (Anderson 77).
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Post-Ruth Ellis: Changing Attitudes to Crime and Punishment in Britain History Essay
9 pages (2727 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Dance with a Stranger, Kenneth Harper’s apparently fictitious work based on the life of Ruth Ellis and its film version of the same name were both well received.3 The 2013 book A Fine Day for a Hanging: The Real Ruth Ellis Story by Carol Ann Lee4 claims to have done a lot of research and makes yet another effort to throw light on the facts of the case.
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Dust Bowl, USA by Brad Lookingbill History Book Report/Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The main reason for this is its coincidence with the Great Depression that precipitated in 1929 with the stock market crash and continued into the next decade. The sweep and magnitude of the Great Depression was such that it overwhelmed attention to an equally catastrophic drought unfolded in several states in the Midwest.
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The Foreign Policy In The USSR During And After The Cold War History Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The cold war which was a rather very prolonged battle of a myriad of threats, posturing and wills between the Capitalistic United States and the Communist Soviet Union, was seen to follow soon after the World War II. By the year 1943, the eventual outcome of the cold war was clear to all the Germany led countries.
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Goverment Imigration Act History Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Accordingly, this represents over 3% of the total population of the United States. Although the figure of 11 million seems like a stunningly large number, when contextualized as a percentage of the US population, it begins to lose some of its shock value.
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Impeachment of two U.S. Presidents, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton History Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
All civil officers, the President and his vice in the U.S can be removed from office on conviction of, and impeachment for bribery, treason, or and other misdemeanors and high crimes. Removal from office requires two steps, namely; an impeachment of a formal accusation by the House of Representatives, and the second step of the Senate’s trial and conviction.
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Historiography Of The Dobama Movement In Burma History Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Brief History of the Dobama Movement in Burma. The Dobama Asiayone Movement was essentially a Burmese Nationalist group that was established by the Burmese leader Ba Thoung back in May 1930 аfter the killing of an approximated 250 Indian dock workers as well as their families by Burmese.
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Analysis of the Motorcycle Diaries Film History Essay
5 pages (1471 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The film narrates the 1952 voyage, initially by motorbike, throughout South America by Ernesto Guevara together with his friend and colleague Alberto Granado. As the escapade, centered on youthful pleasure-seeking, unfolds, Guevara finds himself changed through his observations of the living conditions of the disadvantaged indigenous peasantry.
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Adam Smith vs. Samuel Smiles History Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Adam Smith vs. Samuel Smiles. Adam Smith was an 18th Century professor of logic and philosophy who had immense interests in the workings of economies all over the world, and their impact on people’s lives. Smith’s best works are exhibited in his 1776 publication followed by Wealth of Nations, which rightly addresses the notion of economic liberalism.
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Gun control should be enforeced History Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
I. Background of American gun culture A. The Constitution In the American constitution, the provision of gun ownership and gun control is in defined in the Second Amendment, which gives the rights of the citizens to keep and bear arms from infringement. This amendment was adopted in December 1791 along with the rest of the bill of rights.
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German Student Movement of the Late 1960s History Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
German Student Movement of the Late 1960s. The German student movement of 1968 (soixante-huitaires or 68er –Bwegung) was a reaction against the authoritarianism of the western and German governments and unfavorable conditions of university students, that started in 1968 and climaxed in 1977 (Turner 171).
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Economic Paradigm for Growth and Development History Essay
6 pages (1657 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It has led them down a slippery slope of economic decline and misery. This is even though for the greater majority, or about four billion people, and certainly for those living in most of the developed world, the economic systems in place have resulted in improving incomes and a good measure of financial prosperity.
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Trojan War History Research Paper
7 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The present study aims to explore the causes, events, consequences, and the aftermath of the Trojan War fought between the Greeks and Trojans. One of the most significant reasons behind elucidating the same includes the elaboration of the contributions made by the warriors and heroes by dint of employing the best political strategic schemes.  
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Gendered Roles in The Tale of Genji History Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Because of its richness in themes that are tackled therein, the Tale of Genji is reputed as the world’s first novel, the first psychological novel, the first modern novel or/ and the first novel to be considered a classic. Even though the novel is universally considered a masterpiece, because of the novel’s concise illustration, classification and influence in both Eastern and Western canon, the Tale of Genji remains a matter of serious academic and cultural debates.
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Post-Civil War of the United States and How the Government Helped Build Entrepreneurship History Essay
3 pages (813 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Although it is true that the Industrial Revolution would necessarily have taken place without such a spending plan, it is doubtful that the speed and scope to which it was impacted, nor the fact that it was impacted in the United States prior to anywhere else in the world, would have been evidenced.
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Comparison between the Decolonization of Algeria and India History Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 9 , Research Paper
The paper throws light on decolonization as the process whereby nations formerly under colonial rule annihilated their suppression by fighting for their rights and being sovereign states. Over the course of history, decolonization has occurred through various means ranging from guerrilla warfare to “civilized” methods like compromise, intervention and arbitration processes.
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What does the Ionian revolt tell us of the nature of Persian imperial rule History Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
What does the Ionian revolt tell us of the nature of Persian imperial rule? The tyrants of Miletus, Histiaeus and Aristagoras, were the initiators of the revolt. The main events of the revolt fixed by Herodotus provide us with important information about Persian rule and the real reasons of Ionian revolt.
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Interviewing a War Veteran History Essay
4 pages (1074 words) , Download 2 , Essay
He currently runs his departmental store in Benton, Mississippi. He is my friend's cousin, Ian, and I conducted this interview on Skype. Peter served in the 71st Cavalry regiment but before going to Iraq, all the drafted soldiers were given special training in which Peter passed the tests with an above-average score.
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Health Care Reform (OBAMA) History Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The difference this time round is that this promise was made, and the politicians who entered into office made good of their promise to reform the health care system in the US. The Obama administration possessed the political goodwill and ambition to drive the health care reform agenda in the houses of representatives, and through a lot of political lobbying; they were able to pass two critical bills.
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Poverty reduction in Brazil History Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In this regard, the term development strategy can be ascertained to be contrasting with the concept of development that narrowly focuses on the economic growth and improvement of living conditions, comprising meeting basic needs (materials) (United Nations, “The United Nations Development Strategy Beyond 2015”).
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War, Revolution and Reconstruction in Europe (1914-1929) History Term Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
In this connection, this paper seeks to discuss the impact of fighting on all fronts in Europe and the devastation of its industrial and agricultural aspects. The toll of trench warfare which was apparent during that time will also be explained together with the propaganda that attracted nations to form allies and revolted against Germany.
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Declarations of Freedom History Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Note that it is not documented anywhere that the Creator provided two separate equality rights for the two genders. Declaration of freedom was a call for equality and fairness in society, especially in terms of governance and voting rights. The public was given the mandate to vote in and out the governing system as they deem best for the society.  
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Challenging Leopold History Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Congo Free State, which existed between 1877 and 1908, was a corporate state which was privately controlled by the Belgian King, Leopold II through Association Internationale Africaine which was a dummy non-governmental entity. It consisted largely of the present day Democratic Republic of Congo.
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Obama presidency and the media History Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The creation and maintenance of effective communication systems is the most daunting task of succeeding White House administrations, particularly because it requires the right people, resources, and strategies to advocate for the president, to explicate his messages, to argue for his actions and ideas, as well as, to coordinate publicity both inside and outside of the government.
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Preserving Knowledge for Future Generation History Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Man made incidences resulting from accidents or intent have resulted to insurmountable loss of knowledge in use or archived in some source. Aspects such as wars and fires have destroyed volumes of documents, books, knowledgeable personalities and libraries hence creating a missing link of information and knowledge.
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Comparison between Traditional and Modern Terrorism History Essay
11 pages (2969 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Assassinating political leaders as the old form of terrorism and the biological and nuclear weapons for modern terrorism are the main ways in which terrorism is defined from both perspectives. Even though there are different types of violence that are used, the concept of terrorism is dependent on the acts of violence that are used to get a message across.
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US History before 1877, Development of Erie Canal History Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The time era under discussion is between 1807 to 1825. Historical Perspective During the period between the late 18th and early 19th century the USA started to plan and develop the system of transportation throughout the country with special focus on the interiors areas and outside the localities from Appalachian mountainous regions.
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Pinochets Dictatorship: The Context of the Dirty War in Chile History Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet led to the deaths of up to 3,000 people, with up to 30,000 having been tortured. However, the true scope of these repressions cannot be understood out of context of the 1970s “Dirty War” in Chile and Southern Cone.
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Conflict between Federalist and Anti-Federalist: Manifestation in American Politics Today History Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
There are some people found who are not happy with the federal government. They demand the size of the federal government to become reasonable so that it could be maintained easily.
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The Violence currently facing Colombia's dispossessed History Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Columbia is known as the fourth largest country in South America and the life of its people mirrors its indigenous Spanish, Indian, and African origin. Activists and historians recognized the fact that Columbia is presently in front of the world’s most solemn humanitarian catastrophe.
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In what ways has technology ended the physical and intellectual isolation of Americans History Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This three page paper looks briefly at how technology was able to end the physical and intellectual isolation of Americans since the Civil War. The End of Isolation: The Impact of Technology on the Physical and Intellectual Isolation of Americans While American was in the grip of the Civil War, Britain was charging ahead in terms of technology thanks to the Industrial Revolution.
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Corporate Tax Policy Comparison for the United States and Ireland in Terms of Structure and Ideas History Research Paper
15 pages (3910 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
In this paper, I will argue that the corporate tax policy for the United States and Ireland differ in relation to structural and ideas theories in terms of job creation and revenues generation. Tax policies have been seen to differ from one country to another. Amongst the reasons predisposing to this difference is the tax rates set by individual countries.
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