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Modern Educational Thoughts - Liberalism and Communitarianism Education Literature review
12 pages (3361 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
In discussing the concept of social self as presented by feminists, she recognizes the importance of social relationships and the community in creating self-identity and giving meaning to life. I agree with this view in the sense that basic social matters such as feminism, culture, education among others cannot be decided on liberal views.
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Beliefs, Assertions, and Theories about Education Education Essay
11 pages (2997 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It has always been a point of discussion whether education fosters reasoning and inquiry or whether it is merely a tool meant to transmit knowledge. This is where friction between two groups working in the realm of education arises. One group considers education as progressive and another group terms it as conservative.
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The Place of English in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Education Literature review
17 pages (4716 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The majority of the tertiary education in the country is taught using English. The high number of English-speaking expatriates has increased the need for learning English and also facilitated its spread further. Many scholars argue that the arrival of the English language in KSA was triggered by trade relations between Saudi Arabia and English-speaking countries. 
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The Role of the Teacher in Developing of Learner's Autonomy Education Research Paper
42 pages (11502 words) , Research Paper
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The number of students taking English as a second language in schools around the word has increased over the recent past. Their learning of the English is largely a function of their first language. In Saudi Arabia, the number of secondary school students taking English as a second language has grown significantly.
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The Progress under New Labour Policy Relating to Childcare and Education Education Literature review
12 pages (3312 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
There is substantial ongoing work regarding the measurement and definition of the well-being of children in the UK. This has incorporated objective measurements and indicators, and a focus on subjective measures of wellbeing. Axford explains the various conceptual frameworks, which can be used in relation to wellbeing, including rights, needs, poverty, social exclusion, and quality of life.
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Academic Administrators Making a Difference - Promoting Peace Education in Jordanian Higher Education Education Article
8 pages (2413 words) , Download 0 , Article
Using a quantitative research approach in exploratory research seems to represent a conflict. Additionally, it would appear that a qualitative approach would have been better suited for the type of research work that is discussed in the article. Overall, however, the article is well-formatted, with only a few grammatical errors detected.  
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The Benefits of a Bilingual Education Education Assignment
8 pages (2267 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Subtractive bilingualism encourages children informal learning to abandon one language while taking up a dominant language. Additive strategy on the other hand involves prestigious and elite groups. This is whereby the two languages that an individual has learned are maintained in a formal institution in the process of learning (Li Wei, 2000). 
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Traditional vs. Online Education Education Report
6 pages (1690 words) , Download 1 , Report
The advantages of traditional education include students can learn practical work and improve their experience as well as increasing their socialization skills. The drawbacks are; the student is limited in focus and there is a lack of focus by the student. The advantages of online education include it is less expensive and helps the students to personalize their education.
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Definition of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education Education Assignment
8 pages (2379 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The process of switching between different codes and meanings within different languages leads to the loss of meaning of different words and phrases in the translation and communication process. Translation, therefore, involves the internalization of different words and meanings in a different language with different meanings in varied words and phrases.
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Implementation of the Early Years Foundation Stage Education Coursework
12 pages (3316 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) refers to the age between zero years to five. EYFS has been recognized as a learning stage that lays the foundation for more formal education. This learning stage puts a lot of emphasis on the application of active play as basic in learning. The children are encouraged to concentrate on their individual interests and needs.
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The Relative Strengths of Competing Discourses of Economic Competitiveness Education Literature review
12 pages (3369 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
According to (Oughton, 1997; Schoenberger, 1998; Lall, 2001a; Bristow, 2005, competitiveness today represents a dominant policy discourse among those concerned with the development of economies at the whole range of territorial scales. Discourse means information or conversion and it is through discourse that our economic competitiveness in the world is formed.
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Education System in Saudi Arabia Education Coursework
11 pages (3139 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Since 2000, the budget for education has increased, indicating the importance of education to the country’s development. The Saudi Arabian government also encourages education by providing motivational factors that encourage students to pursue further education or even providing scholarships for students to study internationally (Farsy, 1986).
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Distance Education: A Systems View of Online Learning Education Coursework
8 pages (2301 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
There are several ways in which content can be delivered right from the teachers to the students and vice versa. These technologies include the internet, satellite, interactive video, and cable television. Distance learning has been embraced by many institutions including nonprofit, public, and private institutions.
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Issues in Sports Development in the UK Education Case Study
9 pages (2808 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In the United Kingdom, the government has put in place several policies and strategies to enhance the development of sports. This initiative is aimed at encouraging the youth to participate actively in sporting events (Houlihan, 2000). The sporting events are not only beneficial to the country but also to the participants.
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Special Educational Needs System Education Report
7 pages (2321 words) , Download 2 , Report
The issues with financial funding have been the issue of corruption where the funds are released directed to institutions but before they reach however they are to be utilized they come across greedy individuals who end up slashing the money to very small amounts which can’t really sustain specialized skills training in institutions.
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Usability of E-learning Platform for Blind Students Education Research Proposal
14 pages (4424 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The author of the paper states that the usability and accessibility of the e-learning platform still remain challenging for blind students (Conway, 2013). Blind students have bad usability that leads to problems and confusion while using the e-learning platform, for example, blackboard (Gornitsky, 2011; Roberts, Crittenden, & Crittenden, 2011).
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History of the Lamb Inquiry 2009 Education Case Study
7 pages (2217 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Special educational needs and disabilities usually have an effect on the young person and children’s ability to learn. This is based on the fact that they tend to affect the children’s ability to understand things, their behavior, or their ability when it comes to socializing, reading and working, physical ability as well as concentration levels.
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Hidden Lessons Taught in School Education Report
8 pages (2226 words) , Download 0 , Report
According to Jackson, the concept referred to a wide discipline that comprises all beliefs, unintended morals, and knowledge, that are part of the classroom and school learning process (Dahlström, 2006). Hidden Lesson is a term used to explain unacknowledged and unspecified items that are taught to students in school.
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Educating Primary School Children on Fire Safety Education Term Paper
9 pages (2534 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Children should be well informed of the processes that they should follow in their school if they experience a situation of fire. The school needs to take all the precautionary measures in their buildings so that the fire should not harm any child or any staff personnel of the school. All possible escape routes should be made sure that the children are well aware of them. 
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The Approach the Course Applies in the Teaching of English as a Second Language Education Book Report/Review
6 pages (1737 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
The teaching of English as a second language (ESL) is based on having the learners use the language as an instruction medium and for entertainment and commerce. The subject matter is to reflect an international perspective. The teaching and learning process is however expected to maintain fairness in culture and not be culture-free.
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Issues Relating to Anxiety and Performance Education Research Proposal
8 pages (2331 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The pre-competitive period, a time before an athlete gets into a game, is the period that has the highest level of stress. It is also at this time that a soccer player experiences differing emotions that produce a precompetitive effect. In Soccer, the anxiety is even higher than in most sports because apart from the competitor’s strengths, the game usually attracts thousands of spectators. 
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The Issue of Quality in Early Education Education Research Paper
17 pages (4657 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Provision of quality education at the earliest levels of education helps to maximize human value because it is when a person’s capacity for learning is formed. However, ensuring universal quality education has generally been difficult to achieve in developing countries such as those in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region. 
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Higher Educational Institutes of Saudi Arabia Education Literature review
10 pages (2447 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The professional demands of a career have increased to an extent that graduates are required to have some practical skills demonstrative of knowledge acquired before they enter into a professional field. Despite the benefits of incorporating newer technology and knowledge in the development curriculum of higher education institutes, there are still many dilemmas that are faced in this process.
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Leadership in the British and Saudi Education System Education Research Proposal
20 pages (5474 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
According to Neergaard & Ulhri (2008), the main aim of qualitative research is to enhance understanding of social phenomena in their natural settings by exploring views of the meanings and experiences of research participants. This research design research has the ability to explore in-depth the uncharted depths of a research issue and establish new findings (Neergaard & Ulhri 2008).
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Cross-Curriculum Design: Enacting Inclusive Pedagogy and Curriculum Education Report
7 pages (2108 words) , Download 2 , Report
At Enumclaw Middle School, Crystal Morey offers menus that enable learners to pick a task or question, which they consider as more comfortable to work on. Importantly, the task increases the probability of the students becoming successful since they are given a sense of independence and ownership over their tasks.
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The Effect of Using Educational Electronic Games Education Literature review
8 pages (2617 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The study utilized pre- and post-test questionnaires to generate comparative data from both the control group and the experimental group that was exposed to computer games during the study period (Qteefan, 2012). The findings revealed significant differences in language skills between the experimental and control groups for both genders.
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Effectiveness of Using Cooperative Learning Method in Arabic Reading for Primary Students in Saudi Arabia Education Research Proposal
14 pages (3985 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The entails having students working together to help each other get answers to questions rather than relying on the teachers. Students are actively involved in problem-solving which promotes a better understanding of the subjects being taught. One of the advantages of this method is the fact that it enables the students to identify their areas of strength.
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Learning Numbers in Multiple Ways Education Report
7 pages (2104 words) , Download 0 , Report
Moss and Harvie (2015) insist that the methods of teaching must be modified in order to meet the exceptional children’s needs. Indubitably, a class must be an observational environment since long observation can single-handedly facilitate the difference to be seen between backwardness; moronity; and dullness.
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The Position of a Student Leader Education Report
7 pages (2007 words) , Download 0 , Report
The meetings organized by the union had education being one of its agenda. Such programs ultimately worked towards improving the ability to study for the students. During such occasions, many programs pertaining to cultural activities, that are quite important for the development of personal identity, were undertaken by the student union.
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Vocational Education Training in Australia Education Literature review
32 pages (8360 words) , Literature review
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The Vocational Education and Training (VET) system has the most significant role when it comes to providing skilled technical laborers to most of the industries in Australia. VET not only brings new individuals to the market but also ensures that it helps the already present to retrain their skills for new jobs and upgrade skills to meet the technological developments.
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The Role of Effective Reading Using Monolingual Dictionary versus Bilingual Dictionary Education Literature review
10 pages (2723 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Hayati determined that the fundamental importance of reading as a rudimentary and complementary skill in the process of language learning plays an integral role in keeping one well informed of new findings and elevating one’s niche both professionally and academically. In this process, dictionaries come in handy in the diverse processes of learning a language which includes reading comprehension.
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Genre Approach to Develop Creative Thinking and Writing Skills Education Research Paper
10 pages (2878 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
In this paper, I am going to find out the facilities of teaching reading or writing with a genre approach. My idea is to discover how through genre approach the system of studying can be well evaluated. This paper is an attempt to find out some of the concrete solutions to creative thinking and writing skills in terms of genre approach.
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A National Curriculum for Australian Schools - Perspectives of Teachers and Parents Education Research Proposal
15 pages (4064 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This study concerns itself with the perspectives of teachers and parents on the proposed National Curriculum for school children in Australia. There is an ongoing debate in the Australian society on the shape and form of the proposed National Curriculum. The debate also includes what should be the shape and structure of the authority set up to develop the National Curriculum.
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Higher Education in Massachusetts Education Report
18 pages (4775 words) , Download 0 , Report
There is an intense debate about whether undocumented immigrants should be allowed to pay in-state tuition at Massachusetts public colleges/ universities. The college tuition paid by a resident to a university or public college within his or her home state is called in-state tuition. This is usually much lesser than what is charged for students coming from other states.
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Speech Codes on College Campuses Education Literature review
12 pages (3480 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
It is then by no small wonder, that American institutions of higher learning purport that their campuses are practitioners of freedom of speech and open expression. However, it does not take the average student long before he/she realizes that their constitutional guarantees are suppressed by limitations when they are translated by campus administrators and often times professors.
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Advantages or Disadvantages of Co-Educational Settings Education Report
35 pages (9435 words) , Report
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Research on co-educational settings has been shaped greatly by the need to address what feminists refer to as imbalances in opportunities given to girls to enable them o access different educational opportunities that correspond to their choice of science subjects. Feminists are worried that such opportunities are not available in co-educational settings. This claim is yet to be proven through research.
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Educational Interventions for Children with Autism Education Research Paper
15 pages (4188 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Children with autism have a common difficulty when making sense of the work and, how others do things regardless of the general level of intelligence. Autistic Children have repetitive and restricted behavior due to the affected information processing in the brain through altered nerve cells and synapses connections and organizations.
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Earlier Is Better: Learning of English as a Foreign Language in Saudi Arabia Education Research Paper
18 pages (5638 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Early learners are able to engage in communication outside of the classroom setting into an environment that is natural, informal, and relaxed.  Meanwhile, adults tend to learn without physical responses which lessen the motivation to learn. At the end of the day, learning becomes routine like which boils down to boredom (Harb Rachel Hayes, 2006).
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Education Quality in Higher Learning Institutions Such as Sydney University Education Case Study
14 pages (4311 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The need for quality education has been heightened by new educational paradigms, socio-economic and political demands, demands for accountability, international market demands, and advances in information technology (Akbulut-Bailey, Ishak, & Motwani, 2011). Based on this I have interested to find out how quality is ensured at the Sydney University.
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E-Learning in Pakistan Education Literature review
15 pages (4690 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Through the use of course management systems, instructors have been assisted to amalgamate information technology into their teaching.  It is evident that the use of online communication and access to information expands the way education is handled and conducted. The use of improved information technology in facilitating education in a learning institution is known as e-learning.
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The Effects of Study Habits in Assisting Students to Attain Their Education Goals Education Research Proposal
11 pages (3984 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
According to Wilkinson (1991p. 96), an introduction within a research proposal should spell out to the reader any background information relevant to the subject under discussion. It is designed to establish a structure for the research in order to enable understanding of its relationship to other researches.
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South Korean High School Students Knowledge Education Research Paper
18 pages (5832 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
In order to achieve the rationale of this study, the specific research objectives were addressed and research questions designed in accordance with those specific objectives. Four hypotheses were clearly stated and the study sought to either reject or accept the hypothesis. The target population for this study was a small-scale population comprising 40 students.
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Korean Education System Comparing to USA and Finland Education Research Proposal
57 pages (15096 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Moreover, at least in recent years, educational reform discourses appearing in documents in many countries often identify teaching, teachers, and teacher education as the problem and then offer proposed solutions to change them. The solutions identified in recent years include the increase of teacher professionalism and the professionalization of teaching, teachers, and teacher education.
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Council for Exceptional Children Education Literature review
7 pages (2047 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Council for Exceptional Children sets professional standards, advocates for persons with exceptionalities as well as the right governmental policies and provides professional development (CEC, 2011). In addition, it also helps professionals get the appropriate resources and conditions necessary for effective professional practice.
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Using Rewards in Elementary Classroom Education Research Paper
20 pages (5628 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Classroom management is an essential phenomenon that needs to be understood by teachers in elementary schools who strive to ensure that high academic and discipline performances are upheld in their schools. Although it entails many aspects, reward systems are particularly important in any given institution. 
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Impact of Technology of Phonemic Awareness on Kindergarten Students Education Literature review
9 pages (2566 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Every sector of the economy is utilizing modern technological innovations in order to improve their performances. One of these sectors involves learning institutions right from kindergarten level to the university levels. There is a need for crucial examination concerning the issue of learning and teaching in highly networked classrooms that are rich in technology.
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Importance of Sex Education Education Report
9 pages (2517 words) , Download 1 , Report
Through offering sex education, both parents and teachers will offer young people a means of protecting themselves against sexual abuse, exploitation, sexually transmitted infections, and unintended pregnancies. Sex education can be offered through abstinence-based and comprehensive approaches that teach young people to keep away from sexual activities until marriage.
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The Need of Professional Development for Current Teachers Education Research Proposal
12 pages (3499 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Over the last numerous years, there has been an increase in student achievement for all groups within all subjects, yet the gaps between the white and minority (students of color) are still an unrelenting problem. Several incidents have taken place on the national, state as well as local levels that have impacted how schools and teachers approach the matter of closing achievement gaps.
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E-Learning: Pros and Cons Education Literature review
6 pages (1901 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
E-learning provides a solution for individual learning as it is the only form of training that encompasses all learning styles necessary to address varied learners who include auditory learners, visual learners, and kinesthetic learners. Individual learning is greatly enhanced as learners are able to select appropriate learning materials, contents, and time that best addresses their learning needs.
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Career Building: Initial Reflection Upon the Personal Skills Education Resume/CV
9 pages (2643 words) , Download 0 , Resume/CV
By undertaking the practicum, I will have the opportunity to meet with potential employers who can offer me a job upon completing my studies. Apart from gaining knowledge and skills, University will provide me with rich social experience. At the University, I will meet with many people from various cultures and hence will learn the values, practices, and believes of various cultures.
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