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Biology Topics

Topics on the subject of Biology are known to be exciting and challenging. See, what we’ve collected for you from our best Biology papers samples! In our free database you will find only high quality, professional and interesting paper. Grab ideas, see examples and create own perfect Biology essay and research paper!
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Need awesome Biology study material for free? We’ve got you!

Biology can be a difficult subject to crack, and one of the most disliked sciences disciplines. Students often find it difficult to work on the Biology essays, homework and assignments because of how technical the courses can get. We have all the Biology study material

That you need right where you need it. Instead of spending countless hours in the library doing boring research, why not go through our large volume of Biology topics that should help you get right back in the game?

Whether you are in high school or college, our writers have just the thing to help you find success with any of your Biology papers; whether it is a Genetics research paper that you are writing, or an essay on Growth and Development in plants, our researchers will help you find your footing and words to submit the best possible paper. We have a variety of Biology research paper topics for all you college students who feel like the world is quickly tumbling down around them.

Never Get Stuck: Access Our Vault of Biology Topics

Biology papers can get very technical very quickly. This is because you need to adhere to a select structure and also need to be very keen with the vocabulary and logical flow that you employ. In many cases, these papers will aim to discuss vital scientific processes which effectively means that you need to understand you work well before you start writing. Medical students and Biology majors understand just how much research needs to go into writing a Biology paper.

We’ve got a wide array of interesting Biology topics which you can use as the buildup for your own writing. Biology writing gets more complex as you progress from high school to college. The amount of research that you needs to do progressively gets more difficult. Since Biology is such a wide discipline, students often have a hard time selecting a topic to work on.

The Biology essay topics that you are thinking about working on should be of interest to you. Working on a paper that you have an actual interest in makes your work easier and also makes the research process seamless. Your professor will be looking to see just how much you have learned and whether you can apply the knowledge that you have gained in class.

Get Essays and Biology Research Paper Topics

No need to get stuck any longer. Our service comes with a full package solution that should work for your benefit. We offer a variety of advantages that include:

  • Professional writers: Our writers and editors have the added advantage of working experience as practitioners in the field of Medicine, either as Doctors, Nurses, Scientists, Researchers and other professions in the wider field of Biology. You will never miss a writer to carry out any of your research and you will always find a topic to work on if you look through our large database of Biology paper topics.
  • Originality: You never have to worry about any of papers being downloaded from the internet. Our writers are also avid researchers and they have themselves gone through ropes of writing their own academic papers. Other writing services may download papers and research topics from the internet. We don’t. We work on all our papers from the ground and we make sure that you get the benefit of raw research.
  • Speed: If you need an essay or research paper written really quickly, we have just the people for you. You never have to worry about your deadline elapsing or your paper being submitted late.
  • A wide array of Biology topics: If you need Biology topics to write about we have just what you need. You can get original topics which have been researched and produced by experts and you can be sure that we have the expertise to carry out entire papers, even 4000 page case studies. We have Biology research topics for everyone, as we know students have widely varied interests.
  • Affordability: Our CPPs are low and anyone can afford them, from a high school student to an advanced college student doing a BSc in Biology.

Expert Biology Essay Topics and Tested Scientific Writing

Scientific writing is at the core of any Biology paper, whether a high school paper on photosynthesis or a college paper on Stem Cell research. Writing such papers can be intimidating because most students understand how to carry out scientific research and content synthesis, but not how to logically and coherently present those research efforts on paper.

Apart from numerous examples of topics in Biology, we also have a large database of samples which we have already worked on and which might help you get started.

IB Biology IA topics: Biology being a scientific course encompasses a lot of investigation and research. We have plenty of Biology IA topics which you can choose from covering various topics such as respiration, pollution, abiotic factors in biodiversity, germination, photosynthesis, epidemiology, and the various effects of drugs and medicines on human cell functions among others. We make sure to include topics which are testable and which student’s won’t face difficulties with when writing.

AP Biology topics: If you need to study for the rigorous AP exam or if you want to absolutely ace the college application process, go through our comprehensive list of AP Biology. We have covered essays and papers on all the topics that you may need to pass your exams such as Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Zoology, Genetics, Evolution, Cell Biology and Botany among others. Our papers will not only serve to get you good grades, but will also serve to prepare you for the difficult college Biology modules that you will have to contend with once you finish high school.

Controversial Biology topics: Some Biology professors need you to tackle hard issues in the realm of Biology. These include stem-cell research, cloning, assisted reproduction, technological applications in Biology, plastic surgery and other controversial topics. You will never miss something to write about.

We have a whole host of Biological topics and papers for you to choose from, and our team is made up of writers and researchers who will put forward the very best efforts for your stellar paper. Our Biology research paper topics will make you writing stand out as unique, intelligent and out-of-the-box.

Biological Topics, Essays, Research Papers and So Much More

Our guarantees are outstanding, and we know just what to do to make your paper stand out. Never get stuck if you can talk to one of our writers. If you are going to work on a Biology research paper, then you need to find something that you are interested in. Research papers are extended and you may lose interest in the middle of your study or you may even run out of material to write about. Our Biology topics for research paper will guide you to choose what to write for your paper and how best to approach it.

Don’t get stuck with a difficult paper. Call us now or just press that order button to get our professionals started on that custom paper!

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Examples List of Biology essay and research paper

Microbiology and Its Significance to Food Safety Biology Research Paper
2 pages (656 words) , Download 8 , Research Paper
The list of microorganisms includes different types of viruses, fungi, and prokaryotes. When we study these unicellular or microscopic organisms, we say that we are studying microorganisms. Talking about microorganisms, we can also say that it is the study or research on those organisms that are very difficult or impossible to be observed or seen without any microscope. 
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Sciences Understanding of Life in Extreme Conditions Biology Assignment
3 pages (1137 words) , Download 6 , Assignment
These professionals come from many different fields and often work in collaboration with other experts on exciting and dynamic topics. Their projects have the potential to unearth the that our universe holds and to provide valuable new tools
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Interactions of Bacteria and Fungi on Decomposing Litter Biology Article
2 pages (855 words) , Download 3 , Article
Other factors such as season, pH, and salinity of the aqueous medium and other environmental factors should be considered to test if the same effects can be produced in vivo.  It would also be helpful to study if the same species of fungi and bacteria can produce the same effect using other plant litter with a different cell wall composition.
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Phyletic Gradualism versus Punctuated Equilibrium Biology Essay
3 pages (963 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Gradualists affirm that the incompleteness of fossil records is responsible for the nominal manifestations of transitional forms among species. The philosopher Daniel Dennett also believes in the gradual process of evolution. Charles Darwin was believed to be a gradualist, though not in the concept of evolutionary rates but of adaptations. (Ridley) 
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Accuracy of Saccades and Evaluating if the Presence Is Affecting the Accuracy Biology Article
2 pages (527 words) , Download 0 , Article
Initially, it was not clear whether the distracter distances from the target or the timing difference between the distracter and target onset give the remote distracter effect. However, the accuracy of a saccade is dependent only on the latency of the saccades in disregard to remote distracters. Involuntary increases saccade latency.
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Factors to Be Considered in Conducting Plasmid Purification Biology Term Paper
3 pages (891 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
There are still many advances that are being made in the area of cell study. What is there today will prove to be rather redundant in a few years to come. It will be of the essence to get an understanding of what is currently being applied and try to make use of it in the best way possible for the purpose of realizing developments in our lives.
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The Mechanisms That Contribute to the Development of Autoimmunity Biology Essay
3 pages (969 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Regulatory T cells may inactivate autoreactive T cells by two principal mechanisms. Either cytokines such as TGF-β and IL-10 may be used as effectors or a cytokine-independent. The ability of regulatory T cells (Treg) to suppress responder T cells (Tresp) is dependent on the strength of the stimulus activating Tresp.
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Advising Osteoporosis Patients Biology Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 0 , Essay
I agree with Prof. Caroline Fall regarding the possibility that adult bone density mass first develops in childhood, I find it hard to believe that bone density is something that is set out for a child from the womb. She wants us to believe that prenatal care sets the foundation for the child's bone development in the future.
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Atlas of Clinical Gross Anatomy Biology Assignment
3 pages (939 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The Acromion is easily accessible in male adults due to its wide shoulder protuberance. They are not hard to access in women, but they are easier if the woman is slender. It is located at the center top of the deltoid muscle (Chung, 18). In muscled individuals, it can be hard to distinguish the feel because of the development of the deltoid muscles.
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Aerobic Respiration Biology Lab Report
2 pages (713 words) , Download 6 , Lab Report
s into smaller ones releasing energy in return as they break the bonds in their also help the cell to get energy to provide energy for the cellular activity in the cell. A plants and animals cell uses sugar, amino acid, fatty acids, and oxygen which is the oxidizing
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Working Memory Encoding Delays Top-Down Sensory Processing in the Extra Striate Cortex Biology Research Paper
2 pages (685 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Research shows that when WME is engaged, it delays perceptual processing by using executive resources. In a bid to understand whether a
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Developing a Conservation Plan for a Protected Area of Pinery Park Biology Essay
3 pages (1110 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In this essay, attention will be paid to the Pinery Park natural park. This park is home to various indigenous species such as oak trees, rare organisms, and unique shrubs. The Pinery Park also contains the remaining part of the Oak savanna woodland. Such a unique ecosystem that is represented here should be conserved.
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Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA Biology Term Paper
3 pages (850 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Gel electrophoresis is applied in clinical chemistry to separate proteins by size and/or charge and in molecular biology and biochemistry to
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Allopatric Speciation and Habitat Adaptation Biology Lab Report
1 pages (378 words) , Download 1 , Lab Report
(Ref. Losos Laboratory, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University). However there are also cases where two physically isolated populations have not changed morphologically but do not interbreed.
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Method to Investigate the Molecular Genetic Heritability of Body Weight in Children Biology Article
2 pages (587 words) , Download 0 , Article
The identification of various Single-nucleotide polymorphisms involved could have paved way for more research on them and determine their effects. Assumptions will be eliminated because more research could give better findings. The findings could also not be reliable because the height and weight data were parent-reported.
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Human Urine: A Possible Alternative in Organic Farming Biology Lab Report
3 pages (750 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
s one type of waste that some scientists have studied to be a good organic fertilizer because of its organic chemical constituents that may aid in plant growth. This paper aims to establish that plants treated with diluted human urine are more robust compared to untreated
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Biodiversity: Plant and Animal Life Biology Lab Report
3 pages (1212 words) , Download 1 , Lab Report
Too much loss of species certain environments may become unstable and collapse. There are certain differences between endangered and threatened species. A threatened species is defined as any species that will likely face the likelihood of extinction in the near or
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Study of Genomes of Modern Humans and Neanderthals Biology Term Paper
3 pages (793 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
In addition, the mtDNA that was attained from the European population showed to have some recent origins. There was also a study that illustrated that the direct genetic pool of modern humans was not from Neanderthals. The results of this DNA analysis were accompanied by numerous questions including the credibility of the test.
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Electrophoresis: The Main Technique for Molecular Separation Biology Lab Report
2 pages (743 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
rdless of the medium through which molecules are allowed to migrate, all electrophoretic separations depend upon the charge distribution of the molecules being separated. 1 Electrophoresis can be one dimensional (i.e. one plane of separation) or two dimensional. One dimensional
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2 D-Electrophoresis Separation of the Wheat Leaf Proteome Biology Lab Report
2 pages (741 words) , Download 1 , Lab Report
This means the gel was bad and it is recommended that the experiment to be run again. By definition, proteome is the entire protein complement that includes the modifications made to a give set of proteins by a cellular system or an
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Gene Expression Levels of csy1 Gene Biology Lab Report
3 pages (935 words) , Download 2 , Lab Report
Most of the time, this product is a protein. Hundreds and even thousands of genes are usually contained in a single chromosome. Therefore, for a diploid organism with
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Telomerase Significance in Cellular Ageing and Cancer Biology Assignment
3 pages (930 words) , Download 4 , Assignment
The telomerase enzyme synthesizes units of telomeric DNA using its inbuilt RNA template which has a complementary sequence to the repeating unit that is characteristic of the particular species (Papachristodoulou et al. 2014). Telomeres are dynamic structures made of long
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Significance of Differing Levels of Telomerase Activity in Different Types of Cell Biology Assignment
2 pages (682 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
For the purpose of DNA replication in every cell division, these telomeres are shortened. Ultimately the chromosomes become frayed (Pardue & DeBaryshe, 2009). The problem is the replication of the daughter
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Comprehensive High-Throughput Arrays for Relative Methylation Biology Article
3 pages (833 words) , Download 0 , Article
CHARM would be highly important to other researchers in their field of genetics study. Moreover, it implies that technology would lead to the discovery of several other facts in genetic engineering studies. In this context, the high specificity and sensitivity of CHARM imply considerable advantage to the study of human diseases.
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Osmosis as a Special Form of Diffusion Biology Lab Report
2 pages (653 words) , Download 2 , Lab Report
On the other hand, when the egg solution has less water, that is, it is more sugar concentrated; the solution will draw water from the egg causing weight
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