The aim was the experiment was to assess how bacteria differ from each other by subjecting gram stain through a physical and chemical process. We exposed the bacteria to staining through violet and other simple procedures to determine at the end if its gram positive or gram negative or manifest the characteristics of both. By understanding the types of the bacteria and how they react to the environment helps to have an in-depth understanding of the experiment and at the same time dealing with the bacteria in their natural form. Hence, differential staining helps to differentiate different types of bacteria.
In bacteriology, Gram stain is the most useful and commonly differentia stain used. Knowledge about the differential staining helps one to differentiate between the gram negative and gram positive bacteria easily. The critical step while dying the lens into crystal violet is called primary stain. During this phase, iodine is mordant as it catalyzes the reaction between the bacterial cell and the dye to ensure the dye bounds itself to the cells or strongly stained. To stain at a later stage, we shall use a light microscope (x100).
Through the experiment, we were able to distinguish between gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It was an incredible exposure to the science of differential staining. We also learned about bacterial smear through the process of crystal violet, Gram's iodine, and 95% of ethanol and safranin solution. The results had deep purple/ blue for gram-positive and pink/red for gram negative. E-coli is known as gram-negative and staphylococcus as gram-positive.
“Bright-Field Light Microscope And
Microscopic Measurement of Organisms”
It is essential to know the measurements of each organism. In biotechnology, these kinds of things are central and should be recognized in each lab while working with bacteria and other samples through the microscope. By knowing the ocular and stage micrometer space during the measuring, the samples make it less complicated to understand what we are doing precisely in each experiment. In this experiment, we measure in metric units for microorganisms.
Bright-field light microscope is an instrument that magnifies images using two lens systems.
The magnification occurs the objective lens. The objective lenses have the low-power (10X), high dry(40X), and oil immersion(90X,100x). Depending on the microorganism and how big/small or if the liquid is in the process we use one of these three.
1 ocular micrometer space= 25 stage space
1 stage micrometer space = 0.01 mm/µm (the smallest space on stage micrometer).
1 ocular micrometer = 25 X 0.01 = 0.25 mm
1 ocular micrometer = 10 stage space
1 stage micrometer space = 0.01 mm/µm (the smallest space on stage micrometer).
1 ocular micrometer = 10 X 0.01 = 0.1 mm
1 ocular micrometer = 3 stage
1 stage micrometer space = 0.01 mm/µm (the smallest space on stage micrometer).
1 ocular micrometer = 0.03 mm
From the experiment, we have exposed ourselves on how to measure samples using a microscope that uses objective lenses and focusing the ocular micrometer parallel to the stage micrometer. The experiment revealed that the stage micrometer was stable and the smallest space was always 0.01 mm/µm. I also observed that based on the sample the objective lenses ones uses varies. For instance, if a bacteria is tiny then one can use zoomed in more from the objective lenses and zoom it
“The Hanging Drop Slide and Bacterial Motility”
Bacterial motility and hanging drop slides help one to acknowledge every bacteria and their environment. In some cases, some bacteria don’t have any form of motion, and they are referred to as non-motile. When these bacteria are located in aqueous solution, they move erratically by a means called Brownian. On the other hand, motility bacteria have four modes of movements which are: “bending-type motion, Flagella motion, corkscrew motion, and gliding motion.”
This experiment was fascinating, as I was able to see the movement of bacteria through the microscope. Even though ti was not that easy, but it was beneficial. I know, next time it will be easy.
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