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Picassos Three Musicians Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper aims to analyze Pablo Picasso's "Three Musicians". It is possible to gain a more concrete understanding of what Cubism means after having applied it to a representative work, such as Pablo Picasso’s painting "Three Musicians". A large oil on canvas work measuring approximately 6’7” x 7’3 ¾”.
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Story of Nell Movie Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
1 pages (269 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
The life in the jungle, as represented in the film through the focus on the life of Nell discloses that we could be much better off if we emulated how those who lived before us lived. As social beings, humans should be able to live next to each without engaging in wars that would result in the deaths of other people.
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Albert Pope, Columbia Bicycles, and Mass Production Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
This monotonous task was but a stepping stone to success for Pope. Similarly, a factory worker engaged in repetitive tasks can use his natural ability
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Janaina Tschpe & Vitria Daniela Bousso the Photo Gallery Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (323 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Women are in costumes dressed in fantastical attire. In addition, these female figures have stuffed fabric appendages and balloons as well as trailing hoses with their feet or hands immersed in water-filled membranes. The Livia 2 also contains these representations and Tschäpe is in the photo at a site that seems eroded. 
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Israeli Performing Arts Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
10 pages (2787 words) , Download 3 , Essay
There is no white or black in reading a poem, listening to music, or evaluating a piece of art. This kind of examination allows multidimensional believes opinions, feelings, and approaches to the concept of Israel. In the same way, life is beyond intellectual and scientific perspective, so do artists, who respond with excitement.
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Selfies Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The widespread popularity of self-portraitures, that are now commonly referred to as selfies caused the publishers of the Oxford English Dictionary who are perceived to be the final authority in matters pertaining to Anglophone
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Discussion DESIGN Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Most obviously a costume has to speak about gender, status, age, the époque of narration, background of the hero and so on. Some costume designers have to create a great number of clothes to recreate the époque so it is important for them to catch the main
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Analysis of Film - China: A Century of Revolution - The Mao Years, 1949-1976 Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 6 , Movie Review
While land reforms advanced during the Mao years have been depicted in the negative light of dispossessing the landlords of their lands and property as well as disrupting agricultural independence for the farmers, the benefit of reallocating lands to the peasants and the landless has been undermined.
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Analysis of Art: Concerning Burma by Vance Kirkland Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
 One of his masterpieces displayed in the Kirkland museum is ‘Concerning Burma’, which was created in 1964, during the 4th period of a total of five distinct periods that his works of art spanned. His main technique here was creating a painting with the use of oil and water and incorporating techniques, which brought out beautiful art as the two liquids displayed their unique characteristics of resistance.
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Waiting for Godot Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 9 , Assignment
The play as a whole informs about the loneliness and pathetic state of human beings on earth who look towards God for seeking mercy. They are skeptical about their lives and nothing changes and remains
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Genies Character in The Secret of the Wild Child Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
1)Genie’s father seemed to be either completely insane or extremely sadistic for treating her daughter like an animal while her mother seemed helpless or oblivious of the cruelty against her daughter. Her parents seemed to view their daughter as less of a human being because they did not treat their son the same way.
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The Contemporary British Film Industry Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
12 pages (3236 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Independent films are often regarded as the last bulwark of British cinematography aiming at preserving the cultural identity of the British. In these films, filmmakers explore various issues and trends that are important for British society. However, these films are often the product for quite a narrow audience, which makes them less efficient in terms of the cultural impact.
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The Love Embrace of the Universe Visual Arts & Film Studies Article
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The author states that Kahlo’s painting is, at first glance, a beautiful expression of the love of the universe as it flows down to the individual. The painting depicts a vaguely human image as the background universe, divided vertically between night and day, with its arms embracing another female figure.
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The Villain Syndrome in The Incredibles Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
2 pages (723 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The author states that although the movie’s premise is that of a family of superheroes undergoing economic and personal difficulties, it was only when Syndrome, the main villain, threatened to destroy the family that things got heated up. When the element of violence was introduced was the point that the story slowly unfolded and moved on.
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A Bar at the Folies-Bergre Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author explains that the painting depicts a woman who is standing behind a counter and her image is reflected in a mirror. The reflection however seems to have been captured at the wrong angle which makes it seem as if it was not an actual reflection of the woman. There is also a seemingly displaced symmetry of the lights.
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Catfish Reflection Paper Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Yaniv, on the other hand was handicapped to determine the authenticity of the story played on him because of the absense of non-verbal cues. He was having this “virtual relationship” with
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Romanticism and Liberty Leading the People Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
In the past, romanticism referred to romances’ characteristics, but in the eighteenth century people used this term to refer to the feelings of pleasant melancholy. It may also refer to a movement, which is both intellectual and artistic in nature. It originated from Europe , in the late eighteenth century. It has some characteristics of immense interest in nature.
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Jaws and the Growth Machine by Steven Spielberg Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
1 pages (348 words) , Download 12 , Movie Review
Spielberg is renowned both at home and abroad to be among the cabal of producers whose work has more than just entertainment in mind. His idea of a good movie is not only one that attracts rave reviews but also one that can pass a message. At the very least it should be able to provoke discussion in several areas of life.
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Relationship Between Femininity and Masculinity Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1398 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Women in the Elizabethan era adorned long dresses as depicted in the picture (Claudon, 1998). It was a symbol of royalty, dignity and grace because it only allowed the woman to take small majestic and graceful steps. Media often seeks to use aspects of dress and style to appeal to various attributes that society associates these styles with.
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Select 2 or 3 even 4 movies to conduct a comparison Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
11 pages (2879 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The piece is credited for literally bringing Chinese film directors (and the Chinese film industry in general) to world attention. The movie, spanning 53 years, tells the
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Suiting the Biomechanical Platform: Immersion and Contemporary Embodiment by Cranny-Francis Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (322 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One of the articles “Ecce techno, or, Suiting the Biomechanical Platform: Immersion and Contemporary Embodiment” by Cranny-Francis suggested a fascinating technological development idea, where “….a parent could sit in their office with a computer screen on which one window shows a baby in a crib, with a blanket made of touch fabric.
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Dances with Wolves (1990) Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The story revolves around Dunbar who becomes stranded in a military post in the American frontier where he was confronted with a group of Lakota Indians. This film is not only noted because it was extremely well projected by a first time director, but also the film has delved on various themes that are so much important for the Americans in this age.
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Adrian Frutiger and his fonts and how he influenced typography today Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This essay will present Adrian Frutiger as a personality and focus on his contribution to modern typography. Adrian Frutiger began his life at Unterseen near Interlaken. Adrian was a curious
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All Shooting Is For Editing Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It’s a collaborative type of art. According to Ohanian and Phillips, “this art form itself is communication, using pictures, motion, colors, sound, music, and the spoken word to convey a message” (2013, p. 5).This involves several stages like the initial story, idea, casting, shooting, editing, and screening.
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Youtube video and comic book pages summary Visual Arts & Film Studies Book Report/Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
By this, McCloud means that humans tend to see faces where there are none, and this is why we are so successful at seeing emotion in simplified faces like those used in comics. One thing that is
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Final Project Introduction and Week 1 Milestone Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Television always helps in several sectors, thus, my research will focus on television as the media type of interest. When choosing television as the media type of interest, several factors were considered. Some of these factors
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Modern Art History - Robert Colescott Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper analyzes Robert Colescott and his work. The main contemporary issue in this piece of art is about race. It's all about perception where he tries to interpret the photo to create and reveal the hidden meaning. The peasants eating their meal in Van Gogh's piece portrays how happy they were which is contrary to Colescott's point of view.
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Graffiti and Abstract Expressionism Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This paper examines the abstract expressionism style and the graffiti. Central to this discussion are the distinguishing characteristics of abstract expressionism and the extent to which Jackson Pollock’s works relate with abstract expressionism. The paintings focus on specifically personal expression of prevailing emotional states.
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Photography Influence on Impressionism Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper analyzes invention of photography and its influence on Impressionism. In literature during the 19th century the people’s taste had shifted towards more realistic stories about everyday people. Photographs also began to capture the instances that occurred in the streets and during informal gatherings of working people.
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Homosexual Acts in the Movie Philadelphia Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
2 pages (738 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The author states that shortly thereafter, Beckett stays home from work for several days to try to find a way to hide his lesions. While at home, he finishes the paperwork for the case he has been assigned and then brings it to his office, leaving instructions for his assistants to file the paperwork on the following day.
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DISCUSSION Jackson Pollock Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Though some of the critics of art did not find his art work good, others were impressed of what he did, since it was something new and went beyond the boundaries of art. He painted in order to express his feelings in his art, not to illustrate his feelings (Landau,
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Panopticon Visual Arts & Film Studies Thesis Proposal
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Thesis Proposal
pticon is a convenient means of settling penal transportation and arrangements through common surveillance.This is an important subject to study because of its capacity to create convert prisoners into docile bodies who self regulate their own actions. The nature of this control
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Comparison on Pietro Germi's film Divorce, Italian Style and Martin Scorsese's film Goodfellas Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 22 , Essay
Post war Italy was at this time ushering in with a customary sense of modernity and new social-cultural system of existence. Come to think of it, Italian cinema in the early 1960s was going through a rapid innovation and change. In this new phase of transformation, Italian
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Russian and Soviet Cinema Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
7 pages (1855 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The director, Sergei Eisenstein used a variety of montage editing in the movie. The director used motif for formalism in editing with montage. An instance of montage editing can be found in the movie in the scene where the director incorporates the shot of the eye. The super imposition of the eye of the character was done.
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Time and Motion - Jackson Pollock Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (567 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Jackson Pollock was an American artist who was well known for his abstract expressionist movement. Pollock’s work of art was different from that of other artists in that he abandoned the traditional concepts of using points of emphasis and instead focused on having an all-over style of art (Poich 1).
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Assignments questions for course (Introduction to Mass Media 110 01) Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
In this assignment the song “happy” by Pharrell Williams will be analyzed in terms of aesthetic, moral, emotional and cognitive aspects. In terms of the esthetic value,
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The Killing and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (323 words) , Download 2 , Essay
However, the American version of the film is full of drama and other small details. More emphasis is given to the crime committed and corruption. The Danish version is drab and generally dull. Similarly, the killing film in America is a different film the Danish version based on graphic details.
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Howl of the Beat Generation Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that the year is 1955 and a fretful and unpublished poet in his late 20s has a feeling that time is running out for him. He wants to be the greatest writer ever to have walked the face of the earth but fate has not been so kind. The poet Gary Snyder predicted that the night would be a “Poetik all bombshell” and sure enough, it was.
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Evolution of Revolution Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It talks a story of a teenager called Dean, who moved to Los Angeles with her parents and enrolled in Dawson high school. He was loitering in the streets and got arrested and taken to police custody. It is at the police station where battle ensued with
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Rocky (1976) - 5 Question Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Avildsen creates memorable and persuasive scenes (Rocky on the stairs of Art Museum or Rocky boxing meat) making shots a bit longer than usual. The director also uses “mirror shots” allowing his characters see themselves from a
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The Value of Traditional form of Art Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that today, many new forms of art have emerged and have caught the interest of people at large. Among these are Tumblr and Instagram. Today, everybody can be an artist. Pictures taken and shared on social networking platforms have a lot of sociological and political implications.
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Stereotypes in Turkish-German Film Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
7 pages (2048 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The third aspect of stereotypes among the Turkish Germans is the expression of the society members, especially women as Muslim conservatives. For instance, women have the tendency of wearing a hijab, which relates to a scarf wrapped tightly around their heads. In addition, Turkish Germans come out as individuals from a desert with camels in the background.
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Critical Analysis of Metropolis Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
7 pages (1918 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It consumed astronomical resources that would have produced upwards of twenty traditional features. In the somewhat futurist tradition, the city Metropolis, which is accentuated by huge towers and vast wealth, is a concourse to a ruling elite living lavish lifestyles and decadence. They are taken care of by a much bigger populace of workers.
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Mice and Men Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
2 pages (711 words) , Download 6 , Movie Review
  The author states that in the film Of Mice and Men, the director Lewis Milestone unveils the psychological reason behind the strange friendship between two individuals and leads the audience to the hidden reason behind the tragedy in the end. In the film, the director portrays the strange relationship between George Milton and Lennie Small.
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History of Western Art Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (532 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author states that images are sculpted from marble as this was a popular material among artists in the Roman Empire. Both of them have used various shades and colors of marble that are symbolic of the class rankings present in the society at that time. Emperors were the cream of the society and they were often depicted wearing red porphyry.
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The Pillow as a National Historic Landmark Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Jacob’s Pillow Dance is a school and performance space, dance centre located in Becket, Massachusetts in Berkshires. The institution is known for an earliest acclaimed international summer dance festival in the United States. The organization also includes extensive archives and professional school as well as community programs.
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A Picture and Feeling about It Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (511 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The chandeliers are made of crystal-like circular plates to fit the candles in. A muddy pathway forms the base of the picture. The pathway curves downward in the middle of the picture that goes beyond the sight so that the pathway and the space meet each other in the middle of the sight. There are thick and dense trees in the background whose branches show through the leaves.
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Photography Visual Arts & Film Studies Book Report/Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Indeed, passion is not enough rather; it should be combined with a deep knowledge about the subject because one of the objectives of photography should be to inform
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The Advertisement of Virginia Slims Cigarette Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (510 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The advertisement of Virginia Slims cigarette was chosen as a subject of analysis because the challenge posed in selling a potentially harmful product is worth inquiring about.  Here in the advertisement picture, we could immediately notice that the advertising approach was to package Virginia Slims to be empowering women as confident.
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Cause and effect of media on children and youth Visual Arts & Film Studies Annotated Bibliography
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Annotated Bibliography
Therefore, in this research, I want to explore the positive and negative effects of television media on the behaviors and thoughts of children and youth. In this
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