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Chapter three of the film the emperor and the assassin, is significant in several ways. The film applies Bolla’s theoryof early childhood behavior and influence on personality traits. The queen mother has male children who are fathered by changxin. The king does not know about this but when he knows he orders their death. The king realizes that his real father is the prime minister meaning he is a bastard from Zhao. The Prime Minister Kills changxin who is the traitor and the king recognizes him as his father.
When he leaves the king orders that, all his family should be killed since, he is a traitor. The king’s personality developed from his childhood when he was growing up. Chen Kaige’s character analysis can be extended to an analysis of the Chinese culture. The film has addressed many issues that haunt Chinese culture up to date. It addresses issues such as the value of an individual in a highly populated country, issues of betrayals in politics, and assassinations.The film ‘Hero’ offers a Taoist take on the first emperor’s rule.
Taoism is the guiding principle of Chinese activities. The film ‘hero’ conveys Taoism by portraying the human world and natural world as one. By embracing the world, one sees only friends and not enemies. A Taoist faces anything without emotion. The film presents beautiful scenes and images in line with Taoist aesthetics. The images are simple in color and the landscapes are mono colored. The swordsmen wear robes that have a color similar to the landscape. In the entire movie, there are no flowers or delicate things as is expected in a royal palace.
The king is the hero every dynasty represents earth, wood, metal, water, and fire (Li 231).Works citedLi, You-Sheng. A new interpretation of Chinese Taoist philosophy : ananthropological/psychological view. London: Taoist Recovery Centre, 2005.
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