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Portrait of Augustus of Primaporta - Essay Example

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The portrait of adopted son of Julius Caesar, was made in 20 B.C. to rejoice the success against Parthians. This victory was a huge success due to the fact that…
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Portrait of Augustus of Primaporta
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Number] Portrait of Augustus of Prima Porta Objective: The renowned sculpture of Augustus of Prima Porta is an ideological depiction of esteemed Roman Ruler in power. The portrait of adopted son of Julius Caesar, was made in 20 B.C. to rejoice the success against Parthians. This victory was a huge success due to the fact that Parthians were a major power in Central Asia and historical rival of Roman Empire. After three failed attempts of his predecessors against Parthians, Augustus was the sole victor (

Although, Augustus was middle aged at the time of sculpture creation; the portrait has classical Greek resemblance in unblemished athletic body and youthfulness. Through this sculpture, Augustus meant to publicize his relationship with Athen’s authority and supremacy. Simultaneously, he meant to proclaim autocracy and progeny of God for himself and his family.Subjective: The marble portrait of Augustus depicts an air of commandership with athletic perfection. His armour and angelic support (Cupid /son of Venus) on the side shows that he has been a significant ‘Imaginer’ by proclaiming association with God.

His raised arm show how Augustus has been a leader and is followed by many in Rome. Simultaneously, his appearance and posture matches with ‘Spear- Bearer’ Statue. Therefore, he has youthful appearance and trim shaped body. Since Romans liked to show perfection with supernatural association, hence; this portrait contains Cupid holding onto Augustus side. Cupid is riding on a dolphin, which was a sign of his Navy. Therefore, this shows that his Naval army had supernatural aid. Since he also proclaimed that he is a descendent of God; thus, it was obvious to expect excellence in the statue as well.

Work,. Augustus Of Prima Porta. N.p., 2014. Web. 20 Sept. 2014.

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“Portrait of Augustus of Primaporta Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words”, n.d.
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