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Difference between Polykleitos Doryphoros (Statue A) and Portrait of Augustus (Statue B) Objective Differences: Statue A:DoryphorosArt through the hands of Polykletious of Argos have been considered mystic pieces of historical Roman regalia. ‘Doryphorus’ or ‘Spear Bearer’ has been an epic piece of art in Roman history inspired from ancient Greek art. Produced in 440-450 B.C this marble replica of Greek Bronze sculpture depicts Greek imitation of masculine beauty in Rome (, 2014).
Doryphorus aimed to represent the notion of perfection through masculine beauty. As Romans were highly inspired by Greek art and tried to imitate them in all walks of life. The sculpture was crafted to produce an everlasting impression of Roman masculine beauty (idealized by every man) through Greek techniques of sculpturing and meticulously measured body parts.Statue B: Augustus of Prima PortaThe sculpture of Augustus of Prima Porta was an ideological depiction of Caesar’s adopted son Augustus in 20 B.C. Though, Augustus was middle age when he won against ancient rival Parthian, but the status represents a prefect version of Roman victor.
Unlike Doryphoros, which shows the perfection idealized by Roman male citizens, Augustus through his portrait intended to proclaim his authenticity as Athens supreme ruler and progeny of God. Objective similarities:Statue A: DoryphorosThe mathematical formula devised to measure all the body parts into equal proportions was known as ‘Canon’. Canon was supposed to depict equality and harmony through calculation, which intended to show perfection in human facial features and figure and to emanate aesthetic aura of male precision.
Doryphoros contains canon/ rule of perfection by all means.Statue B: Augustus of Prima PortaThe portrait contains military regalia, which depict his designation as a commander, emperor and warrior. Perfection was the most obsessed idea by Romans; hence, Augustus in the portrait depicts a perfectly youthful and athletic body of a ruler and warrior, who ruled for peaceful 200 years.Subjective Differences:Statue A: DoyphorusThere are no signs of armor or weapon to show that the sculpture was produced to show military power or warrior in battlefield.
However, Doryphoros is nude and with nudity it represented beauty and perfection in Rome since, nudity was considered a sign of civilization in Greek and Roman history. Ancient Romans were fanatical about perfection though they did understand that perfection was an inaccessible idea. Doryphorus meant to depict an aesthetic view of every Roman man, its facial features and body parts show perfection and this perfection was idealized by Romans. Statue B: Augustus Prima PortaThe self-supporting marble sculpture of Augustus the ruler is accessorized with armour on which 200 year Pax Romana history is inscribed in illustrations.
Moreover, he has cupid next to him who is a son of Venuse riding on the dolphin. This symbolic representation was devised by Augustus to show that he is a descendant of God and he has all the support of super natural on his side. Subjective Similarities:Statue A: Doryphorus The equal proportions and balanced end results for perfections were known as symmetry to Greeks and thus, Polykletious took significant care of body proportion in a manner that his body weight is rested on right leg. The left foot is slightly bent which gives a shift to right hip and in the due process left hip is downwards.
This eventually raises his left shoulder and eventually the right one shifts downwards. Status B: Augustus Prima Porta:Since Protrait of Augustus was basically inspired from Spear Bearer. Thus, it contains basic similarities in posture. Whole weight rests on right leg and left foot slightly bent to give a lift to right hip. Leveled body and outstretched arm was meant to show traditional controposto manner of perfect leader (,. (2014). Art Through Time: A Global View - Doryphoros (Canon).
Retrieved 1 October 2014, from,. Augustus Of Prima Porta. N.p., 2014. Web. 1 October. 2014.
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