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, Research Paper
The author states that there are elements in the decision-making process of organizations, like BHS, that determine the need to change or to sustain current strategies to ensure success. The theoretical framework which guided the management of DHS to apply a strategic decision is found in the concept of the marketing mix.
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Book Report/Review
By taking into concern various readings, perspectives and arguments presented in the book by the author, it can be affirmed from a broader understanding that the book is deemed to serve as a preamble for the acceptance of American establishment in its lessening role as a ‘cold war’ worldwide maritime warrior
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The author of the paper states that organizational communication plays an important role in forming an effective management in the workplace. This field is related to business communication and business information. It is a natural process where at least two living being is involved.
10 pages (2804 words)
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, Research Paper
The purpose of this research is to come up with the most suitable way of using land effectively to meet the needs of the community. In order to understand the paper and the research, numerous terms used for the research should be understood as well as their significance to the research.
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Book Report/Review
The immigrant struggles are difficult to comprehend initially, even in the best of positions, Sepha’s intense remembering of his homeland is a human quality not to be discredited. African-Americans, who have been America for centuries, also face acute economic and cultural problems. For running a store one need not take to the course of ‘aloneness’
The role of the project is to make sure the communities and the participants it touches acquire directly the needs they pursue as entry-level performers. On the other hand, the project is focused on promoting sport specifically running. The need to keep the mantle of sport in the nation is an objective for the company
This is a big land size. Its capital is in Sao Paulo.it has a coastline of approximately 7491 kilometers that border the Atlantic ocean to the east side. It is one of the nations that have diverse cultural and ethnic compositions in the world. Its official language is Portuguese. This makes to be different from the other states in South America, which do not speak the Portuguese language.
Conversations of “isms” serve to reinforce the beliefs and ideas of a particular society. They form part of social phenomena that can destroy or control lives. These phenomena work to establish standards of righteousness under which everyone is judged or defined. My experience as a young adult was filled with family conversations about gender, race, culture among other ‘isms”.
Natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes, are known for removing families from an area they call home. These natural disasters can occur in any common population, which can wipe out a region of people. When tragic events like this take place, many begin to proceed to a safer location.
Aristotle’s virtues theory insists and emphasizes the fact that a good human life is a result of routine or habit short of mind. A virtue in itself is a trait that is familiar to the character and describes what is rightfully done for the goodwill of the doer and yields positively to the society (Bowden, 1).
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Research Paper
Most women who are in prostitution for longer than a few months drift among these various permutations of the commercial sex industry. With the invention of males and females came the constant need for negotiation, as history indicates. Some civilizations were based on male dominance and rewarded those who possessed strength.
18 pages (4500 words)
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, Research Paper
Even the cost of the help extended by the government to some of the students was being part of the cause to increase the costs of higher education, though up to a lesser extent in community and Government colleges. It is clear from this fact that aid from the Government will not help to solve the problem.
The discussion tries to find out how biology. Psychology and sociology can inform nursing practices by drawing upon the applied science module content and using my recent experiences at a nursing home. The Nursing and Midwifery, standards for conduct, performance and ethics have been diligently applied while doing this study.
The guardian or a child’s family is allowed to approve for the process of immunization on behalf of the child because a child who is below eighteen years is regarded as underage and is unable to take his/her own decisions. For the people who are mentally disabled, again the right of consent for immunization goes towards the family
Racial issues in America began even before the continent had an internationally recognized country to support. Indigenous people discovered already living on the continent, possessing different skin tones and customs, were instantly labeled ‘savage’ and ‘uncivilized’ and thus placed on a significantly lower social level than the Europeans.
Constructive conflict can be identified when participants are cooperative, while in destructive conflict, participants are destructive and very competitive. While destructive conflict creates a destructive atmosphere, nurtures more competition and less participation. Constructive conflict improves cooperation and less competition.
The author states that there are a variety of ways to assess students in learning. To assess the learners in this situation we did a pre and post-test. The test was the same test both times, and it was a true/false test that was geared towards the objectives. The questions were taken from various materials received from diabetic organizations.
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Research Paper
The establishment of systems for youth work is borne out of the challenge to provide a holistic development among young persons with an understanding that their lives are shaped by the demands met. Youth work provides young people with a legitimate voice that allows them to influence society and maximize their potentials.
The ranking of subjective responses on a scale of one to five is also assumed to be adequate to cover the range of responses required. Random sampling will be used in this study by targeting different healthcare institutions in Doha of different levels and of different sizes in which the participation of female workers will be sought
Health promotion is a step taken by the government, institutions, NGOs and other parties to educate and help people regarding their health by increasing self-control and hygienic habits. An individual or a group must be flexible with changing the environment and satisfying their need in a process of achieving complete health (social, physical and mental).
As the research paper outlines, in many cases, inadequate knowledge on the biomedical factors related to obesity in childhood, the possible factors were not revealed, and as a result, the phenomenon of childhood obesity and its holistic medicine implications were less understood and hence remained unknown.
The growth of modern trade and business is a major area where public relation plays a very curial role. Due to globalization and technological advancements business activities has undergone through multiple improvements. The process of communication and public relation has been enhanced with help of advanced technology.
14 pages (3500 words)
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, Research Paper
As the paper highlights, when seeking to punish a corporation for their malfeasance, particularly in the case of deaths caused by reckless or dangerous working environments, a pursuit of profit or easily-avoidable issues such as quality of chemicals or safety controls for machinery, the legal justifications for pursuing action are a few folds.
The author of the paper states that the case can be traced back to 1972 when several Pinto cars caught fire in accidents or collisions. The number of such incidents started becoming rampant, such that notice was taken of these incidents and a case was filed whereby the causes were investigated.
Over the last several decades, improvements and changes in technology and infrastructure have caused a paradigm shift in the way human beings interact, access information and relate to each other. The world has become what is commonly referred to as a global village, and some of the key factors.
The author states that looked-after children are considered one of the most vulnerable and at the same time important group in society. Their needs and protection must be, at all times, considered not only by the social worker and government but also by the community where they belong.
The author states that the academic theories in this context provide a number of frameworks and models for behavioral change and these have been adopted by health professionals for decades. However, the effectiveness of these models is defined by the extent to which they have reported success or failure in different cases.
The author states that suicide is an emerging social issue in human societies. People end their lives as they do not want to live anymore. There can be many reasons for disappointment in life. People may have incurred a huge loss in business, been betrayed in love, or did not achieve the desired goals.
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Research Paper
The economic operational environments of officers are dynamic as well as the inclusion of social and intellectual conditions. All these influences the officers and are critical in making judgments on where and when they will enforce the law, how they will go about doing this, as well as which laws will be enforced as others will need to be ignored
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Paper
Allegany County is a suburban county situated along the Southern Tier of Upstate New York. Allegany County occupies an area of 1, 030 square miles. The county’s projected 2005 United States Census population, 50,602, remained fundamentally constant from the early 1970’s, with a somewhat estimated raise of 675 from the 49, 927.
In accordance with the observation, it has been identified that the policy development process in the Luton Nourishing Neighbourhoods Project emphasizes primarily on the population from different demographic backgrounds within the community of Luton to motivate their active participation in the mitigation of obesity risks among the people.
7 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
Previously, terrorism was mainly linked to foreign states and governments carrying out violent attacks against American installations and citizens in order to further a political objective. However, there has been an upsurge in the number of religiously motivated terror attacks targeting America.
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Paper
On July 1, 2001, Portugal took a giant step in the War on Drugs and made a risky move of framing a nationwide law that decriminalized all drugs, including methamphetamine, cocaine, and heroin. This law does not go hand in hand with declaring these substances to be legal, but rather takes away the offense of carrying them from being a crime.
The body of the essay will provide a detailed discussion of the key concepts of the global strategy. This section will be divided into different sub-sections. Finally, the conclusion will provide a summary of the main points discussed in the essay and make concluding remarks.
Most of the writings are torn apart on whether to report on the end of the dark moments, the accidental history of the world, or the current state of affairs. The chapter is presented with five key ideologies with some being optimistic about the end of the Cold War while others argue that there is no hope in the recent and the future after the war.
The criminals make a bigger population suffer so that they benefit. The National Security Council is entrusted with protecting the interests of the citizens and deliberates to neutralize the global threats. This article will address the current nature of threats and the major priorities that the National Security Council should deal with them effectively.
Inequity concerns the distribution of resources unfairly. It takes a different perspective depending on the issues at hand. The imbalance can be portrayed through limited access to resources by an individual or group of individuals, biased treatment, or flawed representation. Curbing inequality requires goodwill from all stakeholders. Making reforms will help address the cause of inequality.
I would introduce various reforms in high school civics if I had powers. This includes making mandatory the teaching of government and citizenship in schools. This should also go beyond civic knowledge and skills but ensure there are proper disposition and civic motives. School culture will be ideal in creating interests among students.
The message is perfectly understood given the connection the person shares. The power of language exhibited by Noah’s story “Born a Crime” capturing his background. He was born under racial schemes that never support relations between Whites and Blacks. The schemes were enacted after apartheid.
There have been rising cases of divorce in the UAE in the past decade. For instance, more than 28 percent of the people who were involved in a divorce in 217 had not even completed one year in marriage. This has created a lot of concern among the public. However, the rate of marriages is decreasing tremendously. There seem to be some aspects of society that have caused this.
As mentioned, Westernised nations have gathered a vast assortment of ethnicities and religious groups which have been incorporated into these countries due both to the potential business opportunities available in Westernised nations or in order to flee their native homelands to become part of a more progressive, modern nation.
In the world of today, social services particularly in the field of public assistance and social security, social work and education of social work, have taken up a new meaning with increased importance and significance. “Sociology is about our lives and studying ourselves is the most complex and difficult endeavour we can undertake.”
24 pages (6000 words)
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, Research Paper
The development of a healthy nation depended upon the cultivation of local economy capable of supporting long-term growth. The founding fathers of the US understood the importance of establishing a stable economy and ratified the Constitution upon their satisfaction that the new government would protect key economic interests.
The author states that in developing countries over the last few decades, there has been a rapid increase in population and urbanization concurrent with changing socio-economic patterns. These factors have led to an increasing demand for housing, and related requirement for land, infrastructure, and services for residential development.
Opponents to legal euthanasia rightly claim that the practice would be in violation of the Hippocratic Oath. It also would cause a devaluation of human life. Life is held as sacred in the U.S. more so than in many other countries, therefore, the decisions other countries make regarding euthanasia are not relevant
13 pages (3250 words)
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, Research Paper
College drinking has become a serious problem in the US and it has to be rooted out from the campus itself; otherwise, it will become a serious threat for the well-being of the nation. Youngsters are the ones who have to build up the nation, and if they do misdeeds like excessive use of liquor, what will be the future of the nation?
8 pages (2000 words)
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, Research Paper
It is a common misconception that female teenagers are less responsible for sex offenses and most of them are victims of sex offenses. But in reality, it is not true. Females under the age of 18 accounts only for 1% of forcible rapes committed by juveniles whereas 7% of them arrested for sexual offenses.
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Paper
Uppermost in the mind of the social worker when dealing with abused children is the need to immediately stop the abusive practices. The social worker can hardly take matters in her own hands. Authorities have to be informed of the child’s situation. However, care in consulting with the parents must be taken before breaching of confidentiality
The Community Themes and Strengths Assessment provides answers to how the community sees the issue of substance abuse. General issues like the availability of dental care, nutrition, exercise, mental health care, and primary care could be identified as creating problems for the community (MAPP Final Report, Virginia University).
The author states that as of 23 July 2008, the World Trade Organization is composed of 153 countries. It succeeds the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) that was established in 1947 or immediately after World War II. The WTO was formally established on 1 January 1995 after a series of negotiations in the Uruguay Rounds from 1986 to 1994.