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7 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
The rationality for this urban renewal is for the city to create ideal communities and halt their demise in the city by attracting people – good and able people –, by supporting the middle-income workers by helping them achieve better living conditions; by developing the very kinds of environment in which families can thrive
The author states that social development helps children to settle well in schools this is because every child is said to be a competent learner thus is capable of copying ideas and being self-assured. Therefore, if development is enhanced in the school environment, children will be in a position to cooperate and work properly with other students.
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14 pages (3500 words)
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, Research Paper
Marriage is one of the most sacred institutions of the Christian life. It is however fraught with various challenges and how the couple deals with such challenges are crucial to the longevity of the marriage. Hence, this paper seeks to determine the effects of unresolved conflicts on marital satisfaction and on the longevity of the marriage.
13 pages (3250 words)
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, Research Paper
A close analysis of the impacts of divorce will reveal the fact that it is more of a blessing for the two parties of marriage than for the family members and the society in which they live. Various researches in this field show that especially it has tremendous effects on the children of divorced couples.
8 pages (2155 words)
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, Research Paper
According to the paper, employees who are interested in maintaining their current jobs must clearly know and observe what is required by their employers. It is important to be aware of the values and attributes which an employer wants in an individual, especially in the current job market where downsizing is very common.
The Arab region, which has been long associated with a considerable political activity such as domestic and regional conflicts and wars, remains to lag behind other nations with regards to the political status and involvement of their female citizens. Therefore, women’s political status and privileges in the Arab regions are of great significance.
20 pages (5000 words)
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, Literature review
The author explores the contribution of celebrity endorsement to achieving marketing communications objectives in the retail clothing industry: a case study on Topshop. Marketing professionals can market anything; from goods to services, and from events to experiences. Even people, places and properties are known commodities that are marketed.
Public enterprises are characterized by the existence of strong trade unions and organizations that represent the interests of the workforce. The organizations ensure the worker's rights are not infringed and ensure good working conditions. The government criticizes these unions as they interfere with the running of the public enterprises.
The first recommendation is to amend The US Constitution that deals with the Domestic Crime against the elderly. The Constitution should provide basic rights to the victims of domestic crime. The Office for Victims of Crime New Directions and President' s Task Force on Victims of Crime also made this suggestion during 1980s
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Research Paper
The abovementioned case is just one of the few incidents in schools where bullying often results in school violence in the United States. As a repeated form of violence, bullying is a persistent societal problem, especially in schools where a large number of children and youth have experienced different types of bullying.
9 pages (2517 words)
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, Research Paper
The author states that unlike a large number of comprehensive observations of the balancing of liberty and security concerns since the September 11 attacks, which holds that societies have taken government authority further, especially on security issues. Advocates of civil liberty have undervalued the necessity of wider investigative authority.
According to the paper, at about 8:46 in the morning of September 11, 2001, hijackers crashed American Airlines Flight 11 into the North Tower of the World Trade Centre, and after about 20 minutes, United Airlines Flight 175 would crash into the South Tower. American Airlines Flight 77 was crashed into the Pentagon about 25 minutes after the South Tower attack.
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Proposal
The author states that with the topology of the desert, Dubai manages to fulfill many of the desires of the people regarding the desert safari who travel from various parts of the world. The islands and the lands are filled with infrastructural facilities like shopping malls that attract many of the tourists.
9 pages (2250 words)
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, Research Paper
The foundations of social work practice generally represent several multi-level interventions and effective knowledge bases, simultaneously addressing various social issues. Concerning the working group of Native Americans, the effectiveness of the Generalist Intervention Model has been taken into concern in this study.
An able-bodied individual is traditionally given an advantage in society and is considered or referred to as a desirable normal category. People without a disability are more powerful and can speak with a much stronger voice than the disabled person. The demands of people with able bodies are overweighed than people with disabilities.
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Paper
A high amount of publicity has revolved around the Social Security Trust fund in the recent months and years. Much of this attention has been due to the politicization of the issue and the fact that even though a large number of individuals within the country may not understand the unique level fo economic hardships that face the nation.
According to the paper, Apple claims to be the best personal computer solution provider both in terms of hardware and software. As the mission statement depicts, Apple mission statement argues the utility of its hardware designs. The mission statement is quite straightforward and full of clarity. Apple design MAC and useful machines for personal and enterprise usage.
People affected with mental illness are most disadvantaged and misrepresented in the community. Most of them experience social and economic adversities due to their illnesses. In many cases, people defend themselves by imposing discrimination against other people. As such, a person may think that he or she is running away from reality.
In this paper, reference is made to space as related to space of flows, a term developed by Castells, as the specific term is related to globalization. The term ‘flows’, as described in the study of Castells, is of critical importance for understanding the structure and the rules of modern societies.
According to the author, her experience in corporate events has given her insight regarding how this time is a good icebreaker and a golden chance for such young people to interact with each other and share their experiences. She observed many such youngsters either busy in texting or surfing the internet on their phones or looking around awkwardly.
According to the crime report, the victim was found by the officer at about 4 pm in a vegetative state with severe head injuries and a stab wound on his chest. The incident was reported to the police by Miss Gallagher, a partner of the victim, with whom they have a child. The report lists two suspects in this case.
16 pages (4000 words)
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, Research Paper
The author states that international security has long been considered as a major concern due to the long-standing issue of violence as well as unrests among the nations. In relation to the current phenomenon, the notion of international security is highly influenced by the changing prevalence in the global political, environmental and social domains.
16 pages (4000 words)
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, Book Report/Review
The aims of the paper were to assist separating parents in being able to make arrangements that would be in the best interests of the child. It was anticipated in the report that this would be achieved by providing the parents with access to information, advice, and mediation at the time of separation.
It is safe to assume, with the evident shortcomings of the Rational Choice Theory to provide a reliable and viable framework for the deterrence of criminal offenses, that its theoretical foundations - the legislative principles founded on the theory as well as the theoretical concepts which spawned from the model - be revisited and reassessed
According to the study, the war in Afghanistan and Iraq war are the two earlier wars while Civil War and Vietnam are older ones. Civil War and War in Afghanistan were fought in order to end oppression. Afghanis were considered to be oppressed by Taliban due to which, Afghan War took place while in Civil War, Blacks were considered to be oppressed.
20 pages (5000 words)
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, Research Paper
This paper examines different researches and aims to identify the positive and negative impacts of advertisements on people’s individual and social life. The paper is also designed to investigate how advertisements affect current society. The reason for conducting this research is to examine the claims and their validity that advertisements do affect society.
Interracial communities are very common all over the world. But is it accepted by individuals? Are people loved in a community that may not like them? My friend told me the story above and how she dealt with the racism in her country. She lives in a country where Haitians are not considered people. She endures hatred and pain.
7 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
The author states that ‘A Modest Proposal’ is regarded as one of the most prevalent sustained ironies of the English literature ever. In the satire, Jonathan Swift is found to be deeply moved by the economic condition of Ireland. This Anglo – English cleric believed that it was because of the British government’s policies.
Social policies involve supporting the well-being of citizens; hence, a study of social policy refers to how the concept of citizens’ well being is interpreted by societies and government. Social policy is all about the study of human well being (welfare) because it is all about how well (safe and healthy) people are and not how well they do.
7 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
Loneliness is a state of mind when individual experiences undesirable psychological phenomena such as emptiness, boredom, and depression associated with lack of interpersonal relationship. It is a very subjective condition. However, loneliness is triggered when an individual does not have a person with whom he desires to communicate.
30 pages (7500 words)
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, Research Paper
According to research, children who are brought up in a poverty struck environment are exposed to risks of having poor health, being involved in crime and do not grow to reach and exploit their full potential. Children who come from this kind of background have problems in their academic life.
20 pages (5000 words)
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, Research Paper
The author states that in order to investigate the gap between creativity and learning children will be interviewed to ascertain their views on this topic. Furthermore, practitioners within the set will be asked to put forward their views and opinions on the curriculum into the form of a questionnaire.
8 pages (2000 words)
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, Research Paper
The colonial history of Canada can be connected to the origin and development of the ‘colored population’ in North America. The term ‘African American’, used to denote the people from Africa is acceptable in the US. The term ‘Black Canadian’ is still to be accepted because of the difference between African Canadian and Caribbean Canadian.
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Paper
According to the study, Korea also has continued to experience an influx of legal and illegal immigrants over the last few years but this has constantly been due to the fact that citizens are refusing to take up manual jobs and instead, they look for the office and other white collar jobs. South Korea is deemed to be a homogenous country.
A surveillance society aims to keep a check over its entire population or a fraction of it, but basically over the masses. A surveillance society, usually under the government influence, aims to closely monitor the behavior, actions, activities, and personal information of the individuals with or without their consent.
Especially important is the need to educate primary care physicians and veterans on psychological disorders, especially post-traumatic stress disorder, that can result from war-time experiences, as these are the most common conditions in the returning veterans and often the most difficult ones to diagnose and treat
As the paper outlines, performative social science (or PSS) is an emerging and growing discipline of specialized human knowledge. At the outset, PSS was essentially considered as part or parcel of the social sciences such as sociology. The domain of PSS, in fact, comes generally from the social sciences.
According to the paper, Core Stability and Low Back Pain, the core is consist of 29 pairs of muscles (ie. rectus abdominals, transverses abdominis, quadratus lumborum, multifidi) that help to stabilize the spine, pelvis, and kinetic chain during movements. Without these muscles, the spine would become mechanically unstable.
The National Health Services (NHS) is one of the premier government agencies implementing health care services to the people. It is the publicly-supported health care system which encompasses England. It provides various health interventions and services to people in terms of health interventions, diagnosis, and rehabilitation.
As the paper, Spiritual Cultural Models, outlines, applying and understanding various models are able to provide deeper insight into the importance of spiritual and cultural changes within various environments and the impact which this creates toward one’s life. The examination of this is able to further identify the missing gaps.
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Paper
Social work is a considerably challenging practice, accompanied by perceptions from the public, scholars and the media as being ineffective and even unprofessional at times. As Radford et al. (2011, pp. 107-108) argue, the practice is not only fraught with such perceptions of ineffectiveness but also actual challenges within the system.
The paper goes ahead to identify and discuss some of the initiatives undertaken by the federal government to address the rising number of foreclosures. Some of the measures discussed in the paper include Making Home Available Program, Hardest Hit Funds, and Emergency Homeowners Loan Program among others.
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Research Paper
According to Butcher (2007), the approaches to community development include community participation, asset-based community development, community-based planning, community empowerment, faith-based community development, community mobilization, community-driven development, and community capacity building.
In order to effectively use interpersonal communication in your relationship, you need to understand the principles of and misconceptions in effective interpersonal communications, eliminate barriers to effective interpersonal interactions, improve your EI, learn strategies for managing interpersonal conflicts, and enhancing the empathic listening
16 pages (4000 words)
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, Research Paper
This research work aims at analyzing the different aspects of practice through which the Libyan Red Crescent staff and volunteers in Zintan can develop sustainable health care. It will thus focus on the workers' viewpoint towards the services they provide in the institution. The activities of the LRC are majorly reliant on the volunteers.
9 pages (2250 words)
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, Research Paper
Finally, a communication error is also a vital point of concern that causes most aviation accidents. Nonetheless, the emphasis on effective communication ability cannot be placed. Communication is used in this case not only to refer to voice transmission but also includes the language of the body and any other intangible means of passing information
The author states that the quality of life that citizens in a particular country enjoy significantly depends on the rule of power that governs them and the political temperature of that particular nation. If the government does not effectively control the resources then a good percentage of common citizens will continue to wallow in abject poverty.
8 pages (2000 words)
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, Book Report/Review
The author states that the company demands that everything is done in transparency such that the main slogans used in the company are ‘privacy is theft’ and ‘secret are lies’. In the situation, anonymity is banished and the past of everyone is able to be revealed, the present is able to be shown live through videos.
Midlife couples were somewhere between the passivity of the majority of retired couples and the intensity of the young. Even though they exhibit certain intensity more akin to aggressiveness in dealing with issues in their married lives, it is a tendency for them to veer away from actively engaging and acknowledging conflicts within the marriage.