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The Post-Modern Society - Essay Example

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The author of the paper "The Post-Modern Society" will begin with the statement that post-modernity can be described as the current situation of society after being transformed from modernity in regard to the socio-cultural and economic aspects…
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The Post-Modern Society
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School: Lecturer: presented: Introduction Post-modernity can be described as the current situation of the society after being transformed from modernity in regard to the socio-cultural and economic aspects. Modernity has been defined by Krishan (2005 p 43) as the enlightenment, which was the period whereby many discoveries were made, and science was understood as the basis of progression. Many industries were developed during this period. Human interventions during modernity were aimed at transforming the world in to a favorable place to benefit them. Economic and political institutions were developed during modernity. The emergence of the post-modern society was in a way fueled by the failures of modernism. For example, the post modern society views climate change and the occurrence of various ailments as a result of modernity. Industries led to environmental pollution and degradation of natural resources that supported life. Noah (2003 p 47) observes that the post-modern society began in the 21st century whereby knowledge was applied for personal development rather than for enlightenment. For example, learners in the post-modern society are less focused on theories that give them knowledge regarding particular issues in nature, from which they can not derive monetary value for their existence. In this view, knowledge has been commoditized to a great extent (Patrick and Nick 2001 p 66). There are many views regarding post-modernity, with some even asserting that that the contemporary society is not post-modern, but rather highly modernized. Post-modernity is a positive transformation of the modern traits of society that are obsolete (Krishan 2005 p 65). This essay is a critique of the post-modern society. The paper highlights the meaning of post-modernity, in a number of perspectives; from social reviewers as well as the philosophical point of view. The features that can be used for classifying the post-modern society have been discussed. Postmodern Society The post-modern society is characterized by lack of confidence in the perspectives of enlightenment, which focused on the application of science and thinking based on reason to enhance survival in the world. People are cynical about accomplishment of progress through industrialization, which is associated with destruction of human and animal life through environmental pollution, global warming and increasing the vulnerability of humans through the use of toxic substances in industries. For example, the generation of nuclear power in modernity has led to the use of nuclear weapons that are a threat to human life. Martin (1996 p 55) observes that the phenomena such as the Hiroshima are examples of the causes of disillusionment in the post-modern society in which people have developed the understanding that it is only a transformation from modernity that can save human race. They are focusing on better ways to enhance their survival, and in the process they engage in risky undertakings. There are other notable characteristics that the post-modern society possesses, which are different from the conventional modern society. There are some conservative convictions that were affirmed by the modern society that are disappearing in the post-modern society. Issues of gender disparities and ethnicity as well as social segregation based on class in the society which were pronounced and acknowledged by the modern society are vanishing in the post-modern society. Members of the post-modern society do not conform to the expectations of the society in regard to their behavior and day-to-day activities. Determination of the behaviors of people as well as what they would like to be in future is upon the people’s discretion rather than the society in general (Krishan 2005 p 49). In regard to industries and production, organizations are tending towards diversity in production of goods and services instead of the conventional mass production of one kind of product. Production by the emerging small organizations is focused on particular markets, and surplus production is rare (Stanley 1996 p 27). Social integration is being enhanced by emerging social movements which are enabling the formation of links between ethnic groups and social classes. These movements are being formed as a result of the realization that certain aspects of the modern society were suppressive and limited the rights of people, as well as increasing their vulnerability. For example, environmental movements are formed with the idea of lowering the hazards that were caused by what was referred to as “progression” in the modern society. People of all social classes understand the dangers associated with global warming and are coming together to find a lasting solution. Other social movements such as those advocating gender equality, social inclusion and religion amongst others enhance social integration that the modern society did not accomplish (Martin 1996 p 47). Nations in the post-modern society are tending to lose their significance as globalization of industries continues to lead to the emergence of strong multinational organizations that are more powerful than many sovereign nations. More over, states are tending to privatize their companies rather than the conventional ownership of state corporations as significant enterprises for governments (Noah 2003 p 69). In regard to employment, people are acquiring high levels of education and skills with little confidence in securing employment. The conventional belief of getting engaged in long-term employment is diminishing as many people are working on part-time basis as well as in different workplaces from their careers backgrounds. Temporary and contract employment is on the rise, and there are fewer chances of career development in one organization (Patrick and Nick 2001 p 69). This makes the post-modern society different from the modern society to a great extent. As people seek solutions for the problems affecting the society as a result of modernity, they tend to move towards globalization in virtually all aspects of life. There is cultural diversity in workplaces as well as in educational institutions, which in many cases has resulted in a hybrid post-modern culture that is not rooted to any particular foundation. The ethnic and racial conflicts that were pronounced in the modern society are diminishing as cultural prejudice comes to an end through integration of cultures globally (Martin 1996 p 78). The post-modern society also exhibits high levels of individualism, especially due to the few opportunities that are available to enhance survival. It is a society in which every individual focuses on satisfaction of personal desires, and the various interests in life. These interests are wide-ranging, including economic interests, family life and political interests among others. Although the opportunities for personal development are few, Patrick and Nick (2001 p 66) observe that there is a tendency of the post-modern society to be committed to various aspects of their day to day activities. This may be attributed to the disillusionment arising from the diminishing expectations in life. The society views commitment to the modern belief of progression as a continuation of the negative impact that science has had on the world. There is little communal work as people pursue different interests in life, which has lowered solidarity in communities. The post-modern society is also characterized by the attachment of high economic value to virtually anything in life. Commoditization of certain aspects of life contributes to the uniqueness of the post-modern society (Maxcy 1993 p 97). For example, education, religion and social issues are facets of the life of the society that have been made highly commercial rather than the conventional way whereby people offered knowledge, religion and assistance in social matters such as counseling for the purpose of enlightenment and behavioral change rather than the present situation whereby they are offered for a price. Politics are also highly commercial, and politicians tend to be elected not mainly on the basis of their economic power, and the promises they make regarding improvement of the society’s economic well-being. Sports in the society were originally meant as a leisure activity. However, in the post-modern society, sports have been highly commercialized, with players earning substantially while spectators pay for the entertainment in the field. Entertainment in the post-modern society is highly emphasized especially due to the technological developments that have made information accessible in virtually all communities in the world. Televised entertainment is among the most common among the post-modern media. Entertainers are undertaking risky activities that are meant for entertainment. The risky the undertakings, the more captivating the actions are to spectators. Telecommunication has allowed the quick flow of information between people. Development in information technology is one of the major developments that have enhanced the living standards of the post-modern society. The emergence of internet technology is also a significant contributor to the changes occurring in the society. People can share knowledge over wide distances globally (Krishan 2005 p 43). Production efficiency has been accomplished through technological advancements, which are eco-friendly and therefore are not harmful to the environment. For example, as a result of the realization by the post-modern society that environmental pollution is likely to have a negative impact on human life; people are tending towards utilization of technologies that reduce environmental pollution such as decreased use of fossil fuels. Nations are also participating in the restoration of wilderness, which was depleted by urbanization. This tends to portray the modern society to have been less concerned about the future generations. People seem to have been mainly concerned with improving the standards of living at the time regardless of the impacts of their actions on the future inhabitants of the planet (Steven and Douglas 1997 p 39). Leadership in the post-modern society is based on personality and the style that the leader applies (Maxcy 1993 p 66). There is no great leadership or the emergence of a leader from a bureaucratic process that imposes leaders on the society. There is a possibility of a leader emerging from any organization in the society, which depends on his/her capability to interact with people in the community. Autocratic leadership is no longer in the post-modern society. People elect their leaders based on a combination of particular qualities. The leader is regarded as the person who is capable of initiating solutions to problems facing the society rather than the conventional way whereby the leader had to come from a pre-determined foundation (Wheale 1995 p 72). For example, the modern society allowed leadership based on dynasty. In the post-modern society, anyone can be a leader so long as he/she possesses the desired leadership qualities. It is believed that there is no conventional wisdom among leaders in the post-modern society (Steven and Douglas 1997 p 41). Wisdom is acquired in the process of leadership and life-long learning. The leader is therefore a learner who must remain open to challenges rather than assume knowledge for all the matters affecting the society. The post-modern society expects constant interaction with the leader and exchange of ideas to find solutions o emerging problems. The leader therefore is obligated to be open-minded, rather than act as the modern authoritarian leader. Conclusion The post-modern society has been transformed from the modern society that focused on enlightenment. It views progression in the modern society as the cause of the many problems that are prevailing today. There are many attributes that have changed, as the society tries to get rid of its vulnerability that was caused by science, which is viewed negatively in relation to its usefulness in improving the quality of life in the world. People have understood that environmental degradation affects their life, and is as a result of the use of science by the modern society. Entertainment and leadership have also been transformed from the conventional way. References 1. Krishan K. From Post-Industrial to Post-Modern Society: New Theories of the Contemporary World, Blackwell Publishers, 2005. 2. Martin A. The Global Age: State and Society beyond Modernity. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1996. 3. Maxcy S. J. Postmodern School Leadership Meeting the Crisis in Educational Administration, Praeger Publishers, 1993. 4. Noah S. E. Comparative Civilizations and Multiple Modernity, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2003. 5. Patrick F. and Nick M. Cultural Studies and Critical Theory. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 2001. 6. Stanley J. G. A Primer on Postmodernism. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996. 7. Steven B. and Douglas K. The Postmodern Turn, NY/London: The Guilford Press, 1997. 8. Wheale, N. The Postmodern Arts: An introductory reader. New York: Routledge, 1995. Read More
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