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Fast Food Nation
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Annotated Bibliography
In the paper “Fast Food Nation” the author looks at fast food as a form of cultural imperialism, where local food diets diminish and replaced by exported fast food diets.... He attempts to analyze the impact of fast food on local cultures and social habits.... ... ... ... The author deeply analyzes the phenomenon of fast food from a cultural and social point of view and impacts on health and society....
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Treatments for Alcoholism
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
Weng, C.... Chen, C.... & Chen, M.... (Jul 2010).... Facilitators and barriers to intervening for problem alcohol use.... Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol.... 66 Issue 7, p1459-1468, 10p, 5.... DOI: 10.... 111/j.... 365-2648.... 010.... 5299.... ... ... he article is a report of study.... ... ...
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From Local Generally Accepted Accounting Principles to International Financial Reporting Standards
10 pages (2654 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
ame as the previous article, this article also emphasized the fact that the adoption of IFRS “will impact more than accounting and reporting; it will affect a company's business, systems and processes and people” (Heffes, 2008).... It puts emphasis on the need to form a core group (a steering committee) who will identify the areas that will be affected, the strategies that will be implemented and the necessary communication systems that will be in place during the conversion phase, and even after....
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Security Issues of Outsourcing Business Process to Cloud Environment
7 pages (2212 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Security Issues of Outsourcing Business Process to Cloud Environment" describes that onSSC4Cloud project offers an integrated cloud-based environment to create and execute a business process model with the enforcement of security requirements.... ... ... ... The author first presents a useful case of a Virtual Travel Agency to show how a business process model can be defined and executed in the SSC4Cloud environment and also introduces the stakeholders that are involved in the process....
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Religion in the Work Place
3 pages (818 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The annotated bibliography "Religion in the Work Place" states that Alidadi (2010) argues on the positive measures that, present healthy, workplace relations through offering religious freedom.... With increased time spent in workplaces, individuals should be accorded religious freedom.... ... ... ...
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Gentrification and Urban Neglect
8 pages (2257 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
The "Gentrification and Urban Neglect" paper contains an annotated bibliography of such articles "Murder of a teenage boy on London Street exposes city's great wealth divide" by Andrew Anthony, "Social housing and anti-gentrification campaigners disrupt Property Awards" by Nicola Slawson.... ... ...
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Teaching and Learning Polysemous Lexical Items
9 pages (2402 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
"Teaching and Learning Polysemous Lexical Items" paper analizes the four articles that focus on determining the creation of polysemy and how often they are used among the second language learners.... Its counterpart focuses on how the second language learners select their polysemous phrasal verbs....
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Summarizing Analysis on Models of Health Care Implementation
6 pages (1657 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
A further study should be carried done on the previous systems that were in place and how the current ones are working.... The paper "Summarizing Analysis on Models of Health Care Implementation" is a great example of an annotated bibliography on nursing.... The paper aims to identify diverse partnership models elements that have really put into the collaboration amid the Australian key healthiness wellbeing providers and the current insinuation of policy issues....
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World Hunger
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
As the discussion outlines, most of these countries do not have solid governance systems and their dictatorial officials are most interested in safeguarding their individual interests instead of serving their own people.... Most of these countries do not have solid governance systems and their dictatorial officials are most interested in safeguarding their individual interests instead of serving their own people....
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The Role of Cyber Bullying and Physical Bullying in Adolescent Suicide
5 pages (1341 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
To deal with bullying in the education systems, the teachers should be keen on the changes in performance and the parents should be assessing their children and pushing them to talk if performance deteriorates.... The bibliography "The Role of Cyber Bullying and Physical Bullying in Adolescent Suicide" states increase in suicides among teenagers has prompted deeper research into the causes of suicide among teens....
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Different Views on Organic Food
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
Production systems have changed in that they have adopted price driven approach where supply of the commodity determines the price of the commodity.... This research paper highlights that organic food industries thrive because of the perception that organic foods are safer and healthier than conventional foods....
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Gun Control Laws
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
Wilson (2007) has also explained how public activism over the matter is increasing as such special interest groups advocate their opinion on the matter thereby putting pressure on the political systems and legal institutions.... The paper contains the annotated bibliography of web articles and books about the Gun Laws and control such as "More Guns, Less Crime" written by M....
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Human Trafficking in the United States
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
This has improved personal understanding about issues such as prostitution as there are many in the trade that value its income and feel suppressed by unfair legislation, especially when corrupted systems are driving policing efforts.... This annotated bibliography includes a review of five articles that are related to the topic of human trafficking in the United States....
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Smoking in Public Places
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The bibliography "Smoking in Public Places" evaluates all aspects of smoking affected by the law that came into effect in Italy in 2005.... These effects have a bearing on the effectivity of the legislature, because negative.... The bibliography shows that the desired effects were accomplished in areas....
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Ethics in Media
13 pages (3997 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Ethics in Media" is a great example of an annotated bibliography on ethics.... Ethics in the media, just like in other professions, is very important.... However the media industry is very sensitive since the reporters may end up giving wrong information to the public.... This might lead to numerous court cases and legal penalties prescribed by the law....
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Freshman Forced to Live on Campus
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The article published on State Press of Arizona State University started with the statement from local apartment manager, who expressed that increasing number of campus apartments have created problems for Tempe apartments, as more students are attracted and forced to live on.... ... ... Statistical analysis showed that in 2008 more than 50% students lived on campus houses, while only 14% undergraduate students lived on campus houses (Soucie, 2009)....
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George Washimgton
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
George Washington, the first and one among the best presidents of the United States of America was born on February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia.... Fervent biographers have identified Washington as belonging to a respectable ancestry and opined that the.... ... ... Though the modern investigators assert that a family of the name existed in Sulgrave, in Northamptonshire, many believe it was in Northumberland and Durham....
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Criminal justice issues
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
Isolation seems to be one of the most prevalent factors in the contribution to individuals engaged in school violence and the beginnings of juvenile delinquency.... Being shunned, ostracized from the group and ignored by teachers begins to create a sense of isolation and anger.... ... ... ... Peer and authority relationships are pivotal to the incorporation of correct social behavior in the growing student....
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Spain and portugal
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
We have one goal in mind that has one goal, which is to make the client happy and make his dream come true.... Our prices for the travel packets we offer are at a very economical price.... We specialize in travel tours all over the world,.... ... ... In May of 2012 the three Luna brothers will be the ones to experience a trip of a life time; it will be a great trip full of adventure....
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Human Sex Trafficking
29 pages (7272 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Human Sex Trafficking " discusses that the role of feminists is addressed a key and influential role in tackling the sex trafficking phenomena.... The article by Soderlund provides rhetoric to the interventions that are currently being employed to curb sex trafficking.... ... ... ... The article provides an important overview of appropriate research methodologies that are supposed to be applied in order to come up with a credible and distinguished research study pertaining to sex trafficking....
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Different Kinds of Globalization
9 pages (2331 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The transport of many types of materials, including gases, minerals and even organisms, can affect natural systems.... This paper stresses that the process of globalization is itself an ideology.... The construction of free trade agreements and the elimination of trade barriers occur within this paradigm....
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Ethnic Conflict and Multiculturalism
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The goal of this annotated bibliography is to concern the issue of multicultural aspects, discuss general best practices and common approaches to it basing on various sources.... The work also investigates the multiculturalism and the work from the management perspective.... ... ... ... The reading titled 'Beyond Reason: The Nature of the Ethnonational Bond', written by Walker Connor will provide the contextual background for this think-piece exercise....
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The Importance of Nurses Awareness in Ensuring Good Care
8 pages (2168 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
However, poor time management, lack of suitable long-term accommodation and distinctive management and health care support systems may hinder effective care provision.... The paper "The Importance of Nurses' Awareness in Ensuring Good Care " is a remarkable example of an annotated bibliography on nursing....
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Geography Issues in the News
6 pages (2033 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
Summary: promoting the usage of solar energy within urban environments require knowledge of geographical distribution as well as characteristics of the most suitable locations to implement solar systems.... "Geography Issues in the News" paper contains an annotated bibliography of such studies as "Spatial sensitivity of grassland yields to weather variations in Austria", "Remote sensing and GIS for mapping and monitoring land cover and land-use changes in the Northwestern coastal zone of Egypt"....
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Anthropology of Life Death and Culture
5 pages (1650 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Anthropology of Life Death and Culture" is a worthy example of an annotated bibliography on anthropology.... Kaufman, SR, & Morgan, LM 2005, 'The Anthropology of the beginnings and ends of life', The Annual Review of Anthropology, vol.... 34, pp.... 317-341.... ... ... ... The paper "Anthropology of Life Death and Culture" is a worthy example of an annotated bibliography on anthropology....
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Chinese religion and Region
6 pages (1715 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
"Chinese religion and Region" ppaer contains an annotated bibliography of such articles as "Crazy Ji: Chinese Religion and Popular Literature" by Meir Shahar, "Chinese Religion in English Guise: The History of an Illusion" by Barrett, and "Religion grows to test the state".... .... ... ... The writer tries to explain how the expanding religious movement, which has always turned out to be the ideological authority of the Chinese Communist Party, is gradually weakening....
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Chronic Pain Assessment and Management in the Elderly Nursing Home Resident
6 pages (1614 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper contains the annotated bibliography of articles about chronic pain assessment and management in the elderly nursing home resident such as "Population-Based Study of Pain in Elderly People: A Descriptive Survey" and "Practical Geriatrics: Management of Chronic Pain among Elderly Patients" ....
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Environmental Anthropology with Reference to Cultural Ecology
6 pages (1572 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Environmental Anthropology with Reference to Cultural Ecology" develops the assumption anthropologists need to conduct expansive global education on the significance of protecting the environment, wellbeing, and sustainability of different human cultures.... .... ... ... Anthropology forms the basic understanding of human culture and their ways of life in the universe....
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Motivating Employee Performance through Rewards
5 pages (1400 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The "Motivating Employee Performance through Rewards" paper contains an annotated bibliography of such articles as "Master Class: America's Top CEOs On The Secrets Of Motivating Employees" by Meghan Casserley, " "Value-Based Motivation" by Edward Lawler.... .... ... ... In our course work, we learned that employees are always motivated, by appreciating their work....
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Analysis of Articles about a Deafchild Learns to Read
5 pages (1453 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
"Analysis of Articles about a Deafchild Learns to Read" paper contains an annotated bibliography of such articles "The language and literacy worlds of three profoundly deaf preschool children" and "Preschool deaf children's use of signed language during writing events" by Williams.... .... ... ... The case study conducted by Claire Rottenberg aimed to investigate and evaluate the literacy development, particularly the reading skill progression, of a deaf child – Jeffrey, a pseudonym (P....
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Encouraging Positive Consumer Behaviors
5 pages (1514 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Encouraging Positive Consumer Behaviors" is a great example of a Marketing Annotated Bibliography.... This journal seeks to describe how different people avoid consumption of products and services that are linked to certain reference groups.... It examines how consumers exhibit equal behaviors to eliminate group members in regard to the domain of consumer trends....
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Innovative Infection Control Measures
5 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
In the paper 'Innovative Infection Control Measures' the author provides a brief overview regarding the global challenges that the healthcare workers face in instilling infection control during an outbreak.... The author has used the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome case of 2003.... ... ... ... The author states that most infection control inefficiencies are associated with attitudes and behaviors of health workers and not the setting under which they carry out the practices....
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Nursing articles on HIV
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
This essay Nursing articles on HIV has some reports which describe this disease.... One of the article discusses that exploratory field study is one of the most common and adopted methods by nurses because this study helps us to gain information and study from real life circumstances.... .... ... ...
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Wither Capital Market Development
8 pages (2190 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
This annotated bibliography "How Has Globalization Influenced the Latin American Countries" provides a special insight into the capital markets of the Latin American countries.... A huge amount of effort had been made to promote the capital markets in these countries.... ... ... ... The article delves into one of the most surprising features of the FDI and makes an investigation into the cases of Foreign Direct Investment that has taken in the financial sector of an economy....
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Regressing Japans Economic Growth
8 pages (2353 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
Even though Japan went through a crisis especially the worldwide recession in 2008, its present depression can be traced back to late 1980s and early 1990s as well as the collapse of the Equity markets and its housing.... Many economists have researched on the “lost decade”,.... ... ... The paper "Regressing Japan's Economic Growth" is a great example of an annotated bibliography on macro and microeconomics....
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The Development of American English
8 pages (2061 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
This annotated bibliography "The Development of American English" presents the development of American English and how the mixed culture and the Natives have highly influenced American English to what it is today by analyzing different publications through the years.... ... ... ... In the recent decades, English as a language has become something omnipresent whatever the society and country across the globe....
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Global Growth of United States
10 pages (2520 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
Globalization is a factor that has been seen to transform the world resulting to the boost of the economy connecting United States has had with other developing.... ... ... The paper "Global Growth of United States" is a wonderful example of an annotated bibliography on macro and microeconomics.... The article bases that argument on the developments that have occurred in the country from the time of the cold war....
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WSJ Articles Summary
5 pages (1753 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper ''WSJ Articles Summary'' tells that the author focuses on the adoption of information technology tools, including internet-enabled sensors and RFID by a gold mining firm (Boulton 1).... The purpose of adopting these tools was to assist in attaining the organization's strategic objective of reducing production cost....
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Investment Article Critiques
7 pages (1897 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
"Investment Article Critiques" paper analizes such articles as "How Three Funds Hope To Crawl Back" by Kalwarski, "Out The Door, But Still On The Hook" by Goldstein, "Why Bankers Got So Reckless" by Bhide, and "Fee Upon Fee To Feed Madoff" by Goldstein, Matthew & Burrows Peter.... ... ... ... In the ongoing search for stocks and investments that meet the new criteria of the current environment, that is ones that have lost less than the average, Gene Marcial has pointed out Billionaire Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway....
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Educational Opportunities
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
The present paper is an annotated bibliography on educational opportunities.... The first article is Race, Culture, and Educational Opportunity written by Anderson, which criticizes the view that, if cultural factors within the black community explain poor educational outcomes for blacks, then blacks should bear all of the disadvantages that follow from this....
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Teaching Models in Education of the Gifted
7 pages (1963 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
"Teaching Models in Education of the Gifted" paper espouses some of the key issues identified that are found to impinge on the various facets of curricular development, how they are addressed in curricular development literature and their implications for stakeholders and policymakers.... .... ... ...
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Analysis of Articles about Economic Growth
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper contains an annotated bibliography of articles about economic growth such as 'Economic growth, inequality, and poverty: Findings from a new data set', "Distributive politics and economic growth", and "Finance, inequality, and poverty: Cross-country evidence.... .... ... ... The author showed evidence to support his argument that the recent housing market boom bears many similarities to the stock market bubble of the late 1990s, and may eventually be followed by declining home prices for years to come....
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Modern Internet Trends
9 pages (2322 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Modern Internet Trends" highlights that media regulations have changed over time.... Globalization and internet freedom has played a significant role in ensuring that there has been a shift in media regulations.... The advancement of technology and apps has made it easier to pass information....
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Gender Distribution of Mental Illnesses
8 pages (2110 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
This annotated bibliography "Gender Distribution of Mental Illnesses" focuses on the literature that revolves around gender differences in mental health.... Gender determines the risks of developing mental illness, an individual's literacy of psychological health, and ability to seek medical help....
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Global Media, War, and Technology
6 pages (1911 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
This bibliography "Global Media, War, and Technology" analyses population culture in relation to Government power and media control.... The bibliography mainstream media coverage of the war in Iraq.... The media in the war on Iraq was filled with ideas that had the reality concealed.... ... ... ... Popular culture to Douglas is a result of the interface of the industries of culture and everyday life....
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Employment Selection Methods Through Social Networking Websites
11 pages (2764 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
Rosen is an Assistant Professor of Management Information systems at the University of Evansville, Indiana.... This annotated bibliography "Employment Selection Methods Through Social Networking Websites" discusses the invasion of personal privacy, misrepresentation, and discrimination based on religion, sexual orientation, and so on....
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Globalization and Resistance Media Journal
28 pages (7634 words) , Annotated Bibliography
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The "Globalization and Resistance – Media Journal" paper analizes such articles as "End of the Road: How Australia's auto industry ignored peak oil" by Matt Mushalik and "France, Japan Form Alliance Targeting Chinese Influence in Africa" by Kumaran Ira.... .... ... ... This article is about the wrong choices made about investments in the car industry in Australia....
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Integration of Theatre Arts into Primary Education
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper presents the integration of arts in primary education which can be of enormous importance to the education system.... Theatre arts provide a valuable tool for children to understand and be able to practice different skills other than what is academic.... .... ... ... As the paper highlights, integration of arts improves the cognitive skills of young children....
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Little Desert National Park
9 pages (2655 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
As the author of the paper "Little Desert National Park" outlines, the Little Desert National Park is found in Wimmera in Victoria in Australia.... It runs all the way from the Wimmera River in the Eastern part to the Southwestern border of Australia.... ... ... ... The Little Desert National Park has located about 375 km from Melbourne towards the Westside....
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Psychology: Optimism, Pessimism, and Behaviour Control
10 pages (2608 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper "Psychology: Optimism, Pessimism, and Behaviour Control" gives excellent examples of articles, researches and reports that aim to view the human's behaviour, how to control it, describes physiologic conditions, and also researches the term of loneliness and its affection on our health....
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