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Analysis of Taking the Pulse of the Economy Article by Landefeld
1 pages (470 words) , Download 2 , Essay
With continued studies and research in the field of economics, I believe comprehensive frameworks that can evaluate all components will be developed.... "Analysis of Taking the Pulse of the Economy Article by Landefeld" paper focuses on the article's answers to queries better by providing an analysis of the tools and techniques used in determining the national accounts, as well as, the GDP in the United States....
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Summary for Iraq Politics Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper contains a summary introduction of Iraq research paper in which focuses on the events that have characterized Iraq in the international arena.... The author describes the international relations theory or aspects of different theories helps him to reach the answer to the research question .... Once a concept fits into a discussion or a topic of study, the theory is applied to data Summary Introduction of Final research Paper: IraqEvents that have characterized Iraq in the international arena constitute a critical subject to explore....
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Should We Drink Our Milk
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The World Health Organization asserts that “Breastfeeding is an unequalled way of providing ideal food for the healthy growth and development of.... ... ... Mother nature has also ordained so by bestowing the ability to digest milk to almost all infants, but withdrawing the same ability in many We are speaking of lactose intolerance in which a person is unable to digest milk and milk products because the body stops producing the milk digesting enzyme called lactase which is essential to break down the lactose in milk....
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The Pathogenic Bacteria Affect
7 pages (2264 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In this some original research papers that are still quoted today as legitimate sources have been utilised.... cademia-research.... Nevertheless, the rendering is believed to be thorough enough to be of utility as a base for more research, possibly in the direction of combinational strategies as the paper notes that the current research trend is in that direction though cooking needs that home have to be guided exclusively by such simple treatment methods as the thermal one....
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Frock Coats of Victoria and Albert Museum
9 pages (2680 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Nevertheless with the rise of sports and games such as cricket, hunting, football and others, there came the introduction of sportswear.... Due to the increasing fondness for lounge suits, sport jackets, Norfolk shooting jackets with front and back pleats, and knickerbockers in loud tweeds, there came a greater importance on comfort, and a greater obsession with sports.... This was the particularly the period of polo, cricket, shooting and hunting, and in the 1890s, such new sports such as tennis, football, golf and motoring....
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Bump Guards Research
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
“The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that some infants when they are overheated or lack sufficient oxygen during sleep, are unable to arouse themselves enough to prevent.... ... ... The AAP states that re-breathing of air may in fact be a contributing factor to SIDS” (Corley, 2008).... hat happens is that children roll around in their sleep and sometimes push their faces into the bumpers wrapped around the crib....
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Britain and the Creation of Israel
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The present paper entitled "Britain and the Creation of Israel" is focused on the role of the UK in Israel development.... As the text has it, this paper will look at the part played by the Balfour declaration in determining and securing the future of Israel as a country.... .... ... ... On 2nd day of November 1917, Baron Rothschild who was the leader of the British Jewish community for the transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain received a very important letter from Arthur James Balfour who at the time was the acting Foreign Secretary to the United Kingdom....
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Media Reaction Paper: Diversity and Multiculturalism
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The objective of this essay “Media Reaction Paper: Diversity and Multiculturalism” is to proffer diversity in media using the Internet as its contemporary form with a selected material duly summarized.... It will delve into the concepts of diversity and multiculturalism in societies today.... ...
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The Conflict Between Medical Research and Medical Ethics
9 pages (2434 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Conflict Between Medical research and Medical Ethics" states that the use of humans as subjects of medical research experimentation cannot be avoided if we want the world to be rid of viruses and other maladies that threaten to exterminate man from the face of the earth.... Running head: research & Ethics CONFLICT BETWEEN research AND ETHICS The world, time and time again, is beset by esoteric and virulent viruses that threaten to ...
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Personal subculture (the equestrian culture)
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There are many types of competitive sports that involve the riding of horses.... Personal Subculture (The Equestrian Culture) Equestrianism, also known as horse riding, is one of the most enjoyable activities that involves human interaction with animals.... Horses are normally trained and ridden for purposes of practical work like controlling animals in a ranch or police work....
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The Equestrian Culture
5 pages (1284 words) , Download 0 , Essay
There are many types of competitive sports that involve the riding of horses.... From the paper "The Equestrian Culture" it is clear that when riding, I constantly get swayed and this requires that I make every attempt to re-balance.... This has improved the contraction and relaxation of my muscles....
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Impacts of Globalization on French Culture
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research paper attempts to establish the effects of globalization on French culture.... This research paper attempts to establish the effects of globalization on French culture.... France is also an important country in global sports and other related activities.... The position of France in global sports is a direct consequence of globalization or impacts of globalization.... In particular, French football has numerous followers across the globe and this has increased the influence that the sports have on its followers....
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Research Methods and Statistics
8 pages (2080 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper "research Methods and Statistics" underlines that The lack of information and disclosure about the research's design, methodology, and analyses leads the readers to question the extent and rigour the authors have provided in the article.... The design of the research study itself should have used a time-series experimental design, comparing the participants' performance during and after the time they have been exposed and immersed in the hydrotherapeutic environment....
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The Male Dominance Effect
9 pages (2568 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This research paper will examine this prevailing idea that women are attracted to dominant men.... Since the 1987 breakthrough research disclosing women's attraction to dominant males, researchers have assumed that women would have chosen male partners most likely to provide for and protect them.... In their research, they reported findings from three investigations conducted with college women....
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Paper on LAN Technology
4 pages (1000 words) , Essay
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This report will analyze and present the detailed analysis of the different network technology components.... In this scenario this report will compare and determine the most excellent technology.... ... ... We have to establish the network at the business so we need to assess the main areas and aspects of the business setting....
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Health and Well Being in the Tamaru Community
5 pages (1679 words) , Download 0 , Essay
My group carried out research within the Tamarau community.... My group carried out a research within the Tamarau community and I believe that availability and health promotion in community are an important factor contributing to community health and well-being but these amenities are not readily and easily available. ... Therefore, the first priority will be to make sure all citizens have access to safe and affordable outlets for exercise and recreation, particularly the elderly and children (McMurray, 2004)....
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Definition essay on a juicy word of your choice
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Optimism is often seen as a positive mindset, although several writers have satirized it, such as Voltaire in “Candide.... ?? I chose this word, because I am an optimistic person myself, although I understand that too much of optimism can also produce negative consequences, such.... ... ... Nevertheless, I believe that it is better to pursue optimism than pessimism, especially when dealing with forces that people cannot control....
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Process-Analysis Essay on How to Ask Someone Out
2 pages (500 words) , Download 11 , Essay
The essay 'How to Ask Someone Out ' advices to learn about the elect as much as possible to understand if he is interesting for you and what topics interest him, try to do him a favor, but do not overdo it so as not to be obtrusive, and try to find out his opinion about yourself.... ... ... ... The fear of rejection is one factor that prevents someone from displaying or expressing their true feelings for another....
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The International monetary and finance structure
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
China has grown to become the second-largest economy in the world, with research showing that it could surpass the US in 2020s.... This growth has be attributed to several factors.... For instance, by December 2013, the Chinese Yuan had appreciated cumulatively by 12% to exchange at 6....
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Neighborhood research assignment Ozone Park Queens
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Neighbourhood research Assignment Ozone Park Queens The Ozone Park Queens is an urban area which is located in the state of New York.... The paper is a research on Ozone Park Queens.... The research has been conducted on the following factors: Population (Past and Present) Geographical Boundaries Ethnicity Population Past and Present: Ozone Park was initially used as a farmland till around 1880s....
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The importance of Learning and Acquiring Skills
8 pages (2219 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The importance of Learning and Acquiring Skills" states that behaviourism emphasizes the importance of learning and acquiring skills.... The British Education System and the Department for Education of the United Kingdom have initiated many policies.... ... ... ... The main priorities indicated by the policy are the formation of a safer and securer environment of Hampshire for all citizens, the enhancement of the quality of services being provided, responding effectively to the improvements the community wants, meeting the demands of the local people, and maximising well-being and prosperity in the community....
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Discribe the structure and function to the relevant organ system as the day progresses
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The main function of the cardiovascular system is the transportation of hormones, nutrients and other substances to the cells, and removal of wastes from the cells to the respective organs.... The cardiovascular system is also responsible for protecting the body against infection.... ... ... The platelets also act as a first line of defence to prevent entry of pathogens in the body and extreme blood loss (Porth & Porth, 2011,p....
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The Novels and Short Stories
10 pages (2926 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This paper ''The Novels and Short Stories '' tells that Novels and short stories written for young adult fiction are different from other kinds of fiction by their attributes that appear so distinct.... The other fiction categories compared to young adult fiction are children fiction, adult, and middle grade....
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The Role Of Physical Education In The Universities
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The sports and fitness classes within universities and schools are important because they look to make the students very fit and sporty.... These sports and fitness classes bring the best within the students and make them look like good human beings.... Physical education is a must because it teaches the students more than what their education teaches them....
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Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed Methods research
2 pages (500 words) , Download 26 , Research Paper
Succeeding sections of this paper example contain an elaborative analysis of a research method used in conducting the report documented within the article under evaluation.... The research report under analysis examines the depth and breadth of reverse logistical practices.... In practice, there are primarily three types of research methods used in collection of data and gathering of information pertaining to a study question under analysis.... These three methods are qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methods....
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Online Buying Behaviour
14 pages (3630 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Online Buying Behaviour' is an earnest example of the marketing research proposal.... The research entails evaluating the consumer online purchasing behavior and the role of the consumer characteristics.... The paper 'Online Buying Behaviour' is an earnest example of the marketing research proposal.... The research entails evaluating the consumer online purchasing behavior and the role of the consumer characteristics....
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Marketing research and information
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
J.... ainsbury is a widely respected chain store that has a 140-year old history in customer servicing and providing quality products at affordable prices.... Its maxim of good quality at lower price has been at the core of its success story for many years of its history and has underpinned its supremacy for nearly 3 half centuries of trade in UK food sector, besides diversifying into banking, insurance and core financial areas. ...
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The Research in Motion Entity, Drawing from Its Mission, Vision, Objectives, and Structure
2 pages (4417 words) , Download 6 , Essay
"The research in Motion Entity, Drawing from Its Mission, Vision, Objectives, and Structure" paper discusses the BlackBerry company's competitive advantage, its business strategy, and the strategic changes that need to be implemented, to achieve its organizational goals.... BlackBerry was formerly recognized as research In Motion Limited....
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The Search for Success
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "The Search for Success" describes that a man's discernment of success defines his character.... Success could mean different things to different people.... he very idea of it encompasses many different connotations that vary from one person to another.... ... ... ... It is something than men strive for as oftentimes it is equated to fulfillment and happiness....
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Research question or hypothesis
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
My research question is that I would like to know if there is any importance or any differences between soldiers who attend military chapel(s) on a regular basis compared to those who do not attend or sporadically attend the same entities. ... My research question is that I would like to know if there is any importance or any differences between soldiers who attend military chapel(s) on a regular basis compared to those who do not attend or sporadically attend the same entities....
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Research, Emal and Ethics
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
research, Email and Ethics Name: Institution: research, EMAIL AND ETHICS Search Engine Comparison For the first part of the assignment, I researched on the history of the English language.... research, Email and Ethics research, EMAIL AND ETHICS Search Engine Comparison For the first part of the assignment, I researched on the history of the English language.... The article gives a traditional morphological description of the language's various stages, and it continues to give examples of cartoons, texts, and sentences for analysis to benefit the student, which ensures that it is ideal for research purposes in class....
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How to Write an Effective Research Proposal
4 pages (1015 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "How to Write an Effective research Proposal" reminds us the main goal of writing a research proposal is to show that the problem you propose to investigate is big, to justify the need to conduct a study on the problem, and to present practical ways the research should be conducted.... A research proposal usually constitutes a request for sponsorship.... What is the main purpose of the research proposal?...
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What Is Mean to Be a Vegetarian
2 pages (640 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Although some people believe that essays are meant mostly to be argumentative and critical, they fail to see that essays are supposed to instead, offer more information on a specified topic that is meant to either support or negate the claims of the other party.... ' In sum, then, their view is that essays are meant to provide more information and allow readers to make informed decisions for themselves.... In addition, the essays that we respond to normally leave the reader informed about one side of the story and they make very believable arguments in support of it....
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The film Water as a characteristic of contemporary films made for the love of cinema
2 pages (500 words) , Download 10 , Research Proposal
research proposal The topic of this proposed research paper is: The film “Water” is characteristic of contemporary films made for the “love of cinema” , contravening the trend in post colonial cinema on the origin of oppression of women.... Additionally, this research study will also examine post colonial feminist theories applied in the context of film making and will take into account, the views of feminist theories such as Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Sara Mills....
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Global Studies Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Topic: Global Studies Paper In “Who governs the globe?... ?? the textbook authors contrast the speculative nature of academic discussion of “international governance” by scholars along with the failure of these researchers to give equal attention to the agents who actually perform the daily acts of governance and administration....
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Executive Briefing Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research indicates that the mentorship in an organization has many benefits attached to it, which is why many organizations are eager at developing the culture.... McClenaghan argues that, this is because it is among the most cost effective methods of building a strong pool of workers within the....
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Learning Outcomes Evaluation
1 pages (549 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Reportedly, some methods of evaluating the achievement of oral medication administration lessons include oral presentations, essays, and observation.... Some evaluation methods include essays, clinical concept mapping, observation, and oral presentation.... The author of this paper "Learning Outcomes Evaluation" focuses on the evaluation that will help the nursing students make decisions, diagnose problems....
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Applying Research in Practice
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Other recommendations by the institution are empowerment through training and provision of information on pressure ulcers and prevention and management issues, Applying research in practice May 20, Applying research in practice Discrepancy from the guideline and possible solution The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence developed guidelines for management and prevention of pressure ulcers.... Evidence based research identifies practices for prevention and management of pressure ulcers that complement and support the institution's recommendations....
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Market Research and Information
1 pages (534 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''Market research and Information'' tells us that the boss's idea is indeed wrong and may not include the required expectations of what women require when purchasing a car.... This is a clear indication that there are lots of gaps that exist in the research report discovered by my boss and its findings may not represent the female buyers today.... In line with the findings above, I would suggest that recent research be done to help this situation....
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Researc on Marketing Department
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Further, the program provides skills in market research that are key in the marketing field.... The departments make up an organization: they are subsystem within a system.... Each subsystem plays a key role.... The marketing department determines the outcome of key.... ... ... It ascertains the outcome in terms of success and failure in any given organization....
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Federal Funding of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper 'Federal Funding of Human Embryonic Stem Cell research' seeks to propose an action plan that outlines the need for government officials to withdraw federal funding and ban human embryonic stem cell researches.... Embryonic stem cell research continues to provoke serious controversies.... The author states that stem cell research remains an extensive phenomenon that also involves the extraction of embryonic stem cells as well as adult stem cells....
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Why the Usage of Steroids by Athletes and for General Use Is Illegal
4 pages (1579 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
However, research indicates that andro used in large quantities daily can significantly upturn amounts of testosterone that can lead to several health problems.... The paper "Why the Usage of Steroids by Athletes and for General Use Is Illegal" highlights that Anabolic-androgenic steroids were employed in experiments piloted by the Nazis on camp convicts, and afterward by the associates trying to remedy the malnourished fatalities at Nazi camps....
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10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
After research and studies a model is developed which proves the statistically significant relationship between the three factors.... With growing awareness among people and accelerating competition in this globalised world the role and importance of brands are increasing rapidly....
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Effects of Media in the Society
7 pages (1965 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Currently, there are over a million media platforms ranging from the internet, news papers, TV and radio broadcasting stations among others.... From the same research, one African praised the advert of Dubai Emirates being helpful when he once visited the country.... For instance, we tend to be updated on the governance, sports, national structures, new appointments, new fashion, new movies, and songs among others.... Media has remained a constant friend to the sports lunatics as it ensure every detail reaches them, this ranges from the sport news, rumors, transfers, live matches coverage, results and fixtures among other features....
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Principles of Research and Evidence-Based Practice
14 pages (4265 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "Principles of research and Evidence-Based Practice" presents evidence-based nursing practice as a form of nursing approach that integrates the use of scholarly theories and concepts to diagnose medical issues with regards to evidence used to diagnose the problem.... ... ...
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Trade in Slovakia
16 pages (4502 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
This shows that open trade policies and joining of the euro zone has had a positive impact on Slovak exports.... 10 ... ... lovakia is.... ... ... The paper "Trade in Slovakia" is a perfect example of a macro & microeconomics term paper.... Slovakia is a successful, consolidated, and democratic state with a well-developed market economy (BTI, 2012)....
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Critical appraisal of a Harrogate Stakeholder framework
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
International events: The real tourism impact: Travel and Tourism research Association.... Annals of Tourism research.... Annals of Tourism research.... Tourism events mostly entail meetings, sports, entertainment and leisure activities.... Tourism events mostly entail meetings, sports, entertainment and leisure activities....
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Features of Developing Countries
8 pages (2130 words) , Download 4 , Essay
ccording to research conducted on the debt crises in the developing nations, its started dated back to 80s.... At the start of the paper "Features of Developing Countries" there is a need to begin with making the introduction of the key factor of the essay, which primarily focuses on Developing Countries....
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A Reflective Analysis on the Assessment and Management for an Ankle Injury
10 pages (3208 words) , Download 6 , Essay
However it is also one of the most often contused joints in the body especially when it comes to sports people (Walker,2007, p.... Similar guidelines can be found in the British Journal of sports Medicine , as in an article by Kerkhoffs et al ( 2012).... Also they should be advised, when undertaking sports to warm up properly and to use tape as described by Purcell et al ( 2009) in order to minimise the possibility of repeated injury.... This is because even though the injury is common for those who undertake sports, another person can also suffer the injury....
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Research proposal and introduction and literature review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
However, there is no research that has provided a clear explanation to the issue.... Therefore, there is a knowledge gap, and this The research will seek to know if politics has any influence on the political decisions of people.... The research will also investigate on whether the public opinions on political aspects are based on the information supplied to them by the media.... Voting is one of the biggest political arenas that involve the public and in respect to that, the research will seek to know if the media decides where the public cast their vote during an election....
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