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Impacts of Globalization on French Culture - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Impacts of Globalization on French Culture" describes that globalization is an increasing phenomenon or is becoming stronger as time progresses while indigenous culture are losing their popularity as the effects of globalization increases. This research paper attempts to establish the effects of globalization on French culture. …
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Impacts of Globalization on French Culture
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?Research Paper Globalization has become a common phrase in the modern world. The increasing popularity of globalization raises the issue of its effects on human development. Culture is a vital aspect of humanity that defines a community or a society. This indicates that changes in a society or an ethnic group are first demonstrated through the culture of the group or the society. Globalization is inevitable and, therefore its influences on culture are inevitable. Globalization is the aspect of increasing connectivity and liberalization of world markets and global business. On the other hand, culture is the overall characteristics that define a society. This includes language, knowledge, beliefs, values, goals behavior and other values that characterize a certain society or group (Carrithers 14). Globalization is an increasing phenomenon or is becoming stronger as time progresses while indigenous culture are losing their popularity as the effects of globalization increases. This research paper attempts to establish the effects of globalization on French culture. The paper will also establish the effects of globalization on a region with emphasis on West African region. Finally, the paper will focus on the effects of globalization on international immigrants. Impacts of globalization on French culture French culture is commonly regarded as the culture of people who live in the modern day France. However, the French culture or French influence is not only constrained to Europe since France is an influential country. The French culture is practiced in other parts of the world that have had a close relationship with modern day France or the French community. This includes former French colonies found in Africa and other parts of the world. French culture is also practices in various parts of North America in countries such as the US and Canada. This resulted from high scale immigration of French citizens into the new world. In Africa, countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo and Central Africa live and practice the French culture. The assimilation aspect in the French colonization is the main factor that contributed to the establishments of French culture in African societies. The French culture is among the strongest cultures in Europe. In addition, French culture is also among the few European cultures that have existed or survived the influence and alienation of cultures. The French language is considered as the basic pillar of the French culture. The French language is also viewed as a factor that unites all people who are affiliated to the French culture. The importance of language to French culture indicates that any significant effect on the society is first pronounced through its language (Carrithers 19). This also indicates that any significant effect of globalization on French culture would first be pronounced through the French language before being effective on other aspects of the French society. Globalization results in increased connectivity and interdependence among global societies. The first result of globalization is the spread of French language across global societies that were initially not among countries that practice French culture. French plays a major role in global economy and it is recognized world wide as a global business leader. The position of France in the global market and the existence of different global institutions in French territories have necessitated the use of the language. Currently the French language is the second most spoken language in the world. The French language holds the second position in popularity after the English language. French influence on global economy is the main factor that has contributed to the popularity of the French language. Currently French language has become a part of most school curriculum with most educational institutions teaching the language as a subject. France is also a major player in the entertainment industry. French films and music are common in the global market. The role played by French in the global entertainment industry has created the need to learn the language among the beneficiaries of the French films and music. Although dabbling and subtitling are used as a substitute to the French language, most people enjoy a piece of music or film if they are conversant with the original language. This has created the need to learn the French language among people who value French entertainment. Globalization has not only led to the popularity of the French language but it has also resulted into the decline of indigenous French language. This has resulted from the rise of different versions of the language especially among the young generation. The exposure of French language into other global language has resulted in increased borrowing and introduction of new words into the indigenous French language. This has resulted into the creation of a new language that has a high degree of deviation from the mother language or from the French language that initially united the French society. France is also an important country in global sports and other related activities. Currently France holds key position in major global sporting activities such as football and world athletics. The position of France in global sports is a direct consequence of globalization or impacts of globalization. In particular, French football has numerous followers across the globe and this has increased the influence that the sports have on its followers. The globalization of French football has eliminated the barriers that existed between France and other societies. Currently there are people from different societies across the globe playing in major French leagues. The presence of African players on French football team and in particular the national team proves the importance of French culture in global affairs. The popularity or globalization of sports has also increased the interactions between France and other countries around the globe. The French culture is also greatly defined by the French religion or the effects of religion in France. France enjoys a perfect balance between different religions. Christianity is the main religion in France although the country enjoys the support of other religions such as Islam and Buddhism. Globalization has increased the connectivity between the different religions in France and other religions in different parts of the world. The increased interaction between the French religion and other religions across the globe has reduced the value of French identity within the religious arena. The French identity is an important aspect of the French citizens. The French identity is partly created by the French nationality or people’s association with the country. The impacts of globalization on identity have replaced the French identity with a global identity. This is because most French citizens do not identify themselves with France more than they identify themselves with the global societies or global communities. The global identity gives a person the ability to interact and conduct business around the globe without any French restrictions. Implications of globalization on regions The effects of globalization are not only experienced on a country but also on a region. The West African region is among the few regions in the continent and the world that have a unique culture. The West African region has a unique culture that is defined through the people’s language, beliefs, traditions, religion and the general way of life. The West African culture has been mainly preserved across different generations through oral narrations. Changes on different aspects of West African culture indicate the effects of globalization on culture. The West African region enjoys a perfect balance between different religions with Christianity and Islamic religion being the most dominant. Traditional African religions are also practiced among different communities that live in the region. The substitution of traditional African religions is the main effect of globalization on the West African culture. Christianity and Islamic religion are constantly replacing traditional African religions despite its significance to indigenous societies. This is a significant aspect of most West African countries such as Nigeria and Ghana. In these countries, traditional African religions have lost their importance to western religion and Islam. The economic significance of the West African region has accelerated the pace of globalization in the region (Carrithers 104). This has resulted from increased interactions between the region and western world. The region holds great wealth and mineral resources that makes it significance to the global economy. Countries such as Nigeria and Mali have significant oil resources that have attracted the world interest on the region. Globalization has opened the region into the wider world. Technological development and development of transport infrastructure in the region has increased the pace of globalization of the region. The West African culture was considered as a factor that united the people. However, globalization has increased divisions among the people. This has resulted in increased warfare and criminal activities that are inspired by the economic rivalry among different societies in the region. On the other hand, globalization has helped to reduce ethnic and interreligious conflicts. These conflicts were common in countries such as Nigeria and Mali that have significant numbers of Muslims and Christian societies. Increased interaction between the region and the outside world has increased coexistence between different religions minimizing the conflicts. The West African region is also well known for its well-developed traditions. The region is well known for unique style of dressing, food and trade. Globalization has helped to maintain these traditions and the same time contributed to their decrease. This is the case when a given tradition is of global significance. In such case, globalization contributes to the preservation of the tradition. On the other hand, globalization has led to the decrease in popularity of some traditional values of the West African society. The traditional mode of dressing in most West African states has thrived despite the increasing influence from the external world. Globalization has therefore contributed to the elimination of traditional values in the region depending on their significance on global affairs. Effects of globalization on international immigrants International immigrants are people who move from their mother country to another country for economical political reasons. International immigration or migration across boarders is a significant determinant of foreign policies in various countries. Most countries establish or create their policies on immigration with prospects of restricting international immigration. Countries with stronger economies attract migrants from less developed countries. In developed countries, international migration has negative contribution to the country’s economy and, therefore foreign policies in such countries are designed to restrict international immigration. On the other hand, countries with less developed economies encourage international immigrants with the prospects of attracting foreign investors. Globalization has contributed significantly to international immigration. Globalization has led to an increase in connectivity and interdependence between different countries. Increased economic activities across the globe have necessitated international immigration. Transport and communication are important aspects of globalization. Globalization has necessitated or contributed to the establishment of transport and communication links between countries. Transport links between countries contribute to the movement of people across borders or across different countries of the world. On the other hand, communication networks or increased communication across the globe has contributed to the sharing of information among people. This is of particular interest if the information is of economic significance. Increased communication or sharing of information across different societies has increased the need of international immigration. The popularity of the social media has also contributed significantly to international immigration. The pace or trend of international immigration depends on the society. In addition, the views of globalization on international immigration depend with a society. Globalization has led to increased connectivity of different societies across the globe. Globalization can therefore be viewed as the process of brining the global institution closer to the people. This has contributed to a balance in availability of facilities across different countries. Globalization is also about creating uniformity in different aspect of a country’s development. In this case, globalization has minimized the rate of international immigration. This is because people do not need to move from one country in order to experience the lifestyle of a specific country (Carrithers 123). Developing countries are continuously developing their infrastructures to meet international standards and this has greatly reduced the rate of international immigration in such countries. Conclusion Globalization is the process through which the world is increasingly becoming connected or is increasingly becoming consistent. Globalization has both destructive and constructive effects on culture. This is on both the culture of a particular society and the culture of a particular region. Globalization has contributed to the development of French culture by increasing the geographical region under French influence. Globalization has opened the West African region to the outside world leading to a replacement of traditional cultures with modern culture. Globalization has also contributed to the spread of West African culture across the globe. International immigrants are also experiencing the effects of globalization. The increasing development in third world countries has led to the decrease of international immigrants from such countries. Reference Carrithers, Michael. Why Humans Have Culture. Explaining Anthropology and Social Diversity Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. Print. Read More
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