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Diffusion and Adoption of Total Quality Management
23 pages (7432 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The paper "Diffusion and Adoption of Total Quality Management" highlights that TQM is a set of values or a philosophy that may be incorporated for organizational change, it is not an exact formula.... As a flexible management technique, TQM can apply to organizations as it fits.... ... ... ... To implement a TQM program, Levy (2003) recommends five necessities....
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Organ Transplants, Selling Body Parts for Profit
12 pages (3289 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
While the medical Science provides treatments for health issues, society creates structures for administering those treatments.... The Science involves creating a cloned embryo and when an organ, such as a kidney, begins to develop, those cells are taken from the embryo and then grown separately into a kidney.... Understanding organ donation: Applied behavioral Science perspectives....
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The Efficiency of Systems Applications Products
6 pages (1803 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
, Pages 28–37, 21/04/2010, Science Direct.... This research paper "The Efficiency of Systems Applications Products" is about the project, the credibility, efficiency, flexibility, and suitability of SAP which will be discussed critically by evaluating the real-time applications of SAP to fitting the ever-expanding world of business....
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Role and Influence of the Finance Industry in Shaping the Effect of Financial Services Regulation
17 pages (4917 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
J, ‘The Development of Risk Based Regulation in Financial Services, Canada, the UK and Australia: A Research Report,' (September 2004) ESCR Centre for the Analysis of Risk and Regulation, London School of Economics and Political Science, 1-66 ... "Role and Influence of the Finance Industry in Shaping the Effect of Financial Services Regulation" paper analyses the role of the financial sector in the real economy, and the influence of the financial sector on the character of financial services regulation....
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Separation of Classes on Gender Basis
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Girls are very slow learners in subjects like Science and math.... This can be easily overcome by the single sex school where the new teaching techniques can be introduced in the classroom to learn Science or math effectively and which can be retrieved in the exam hall with ease.... The researchers at Cambridge University report that the single sex classroom greatly improves the learning abilities of a foreign language in boys and also of math and Science in girls....
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How Are Mixed-sex Schools Advantageous
11 pages (3109 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Social Science research have shown that people who have gone through the mixed-sex system of education tend to integrate better in the society than the people who have undergone the single sex system of education(Researchers, n.... This research paper focuses on the advantages of mixed-sex schools as an education system....
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Chemical Andsedimentary Processes in Acidic Salinelakes and Their Significance for Martiangeology
25 pages (6827 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research paper "Chemical Andsedimentary Processes in Acidic Salinelakes and Their Significance for Martiangeology" shows that The chemistry of lake sediments helps in identifying the ancient history of the lake environment, and the chemical and physical processes.... ... ... ... These data are useful in finding out whether another planet such as Mars has hosted life or water bodies on its surface or underground....
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E-Commerce: Obstacles to B2B Communication
20 pages (5841 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "E-Commerce: Obstacles to B2B Communication" focuses on the critical analysis of the E-commerce business that is experiencing obstacles in its communication processes with its customers.... Electronic commerce is an exciting and innovative change.... ... ... ... The methods of doing business are changing rapidly and internet-based business is growing and is projected to continue flourishing....
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Curriculum Based Assessment
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Measures have been tested after research in the domains of reading, spelling, Science, math, dictionary skills, study skills, and direction following.... Conceptualizing the Science Curriculum: 40 Years of Developing Assessment Frameworks in Three Large-Scale Assessments.... Science Education....
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The Value of Blood Testing and Analysis
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
?? Science and Justice.... ?? National Forensic Science Technology Center (NFSTC).... This paper explores what occurs at the crime scene in terms of collecting blood samples and what blood testing processes occur while collecting the samples.... Blood can also be analyzed for levels of alcohol in order to determine if a driver is driving over the alcohol limit....
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Relationship of Aging and Sense of Control
4 pages (1241 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The author of the "Relationship of Aging and Sense of Control" paper aims to investigate the plausibility and possibility of such an occurrence.... The investigation poses the question: Does the sense of control decline over some time as people get older?... ... ... ... Old age brings along weaknesses both at a physical and mental level due to the natural degradation of the human body....
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Classical Era Reflection Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Develop a Science for each part of a person's work, replacing “a rule of thumb method” (p.... The Classical Management Theories – Scientific & Administrative Perspective Instructor Name This paper will give an overview of the classical (management) era by discussing the scientific and administrative perspectives, the theorists behind each perspective, the relevance today of the classical management methods, and how they may relate to my personal managerial style....
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Natural Resources, Conflict, and Conflict Resolution
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
All in all, this research is valuable because it brings about an important contribution to political analysis and Science.... This research topic presents a complex and dynamic analysis which would be appreciated well by an audience with background in political Science....
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Giant Magneto-Resistance
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Initially it was IBM that used this new discovery in physical Science, in their hard disks in 1997.... The contemporary era of advanced nanotechnology is a new field in technology, Science and materials at the molecular level (Deal 2002).... reactions on solids: Nobels awarded in genetics, materials Science, and surface ... Science News, 172 (15): p....
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Social Institutions-health-care
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
ver the years, the study of Sociology as a Science has been a point of debate.... This article examines one of the most influential factors in maintaining and sustaining a social setting in today's world of Science and technology – Health and Health care.... 4), When viewed as a system rather than just Science and its application, it is possible to close relations to the sociological aspect of health care.... ealth care and reform as a sociological institution has been debated and established on the same grounds of the close relation between sociology and Science....
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Carter's Way of Knowing
6 pages (1739 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Empirics are a pattern of knowing that appeals to conventional or traditional notions and ideas of Science.... Empirical knowing is characterized by positivist Science that can be used to systematically organise nursing knowledge into general theories and laws.... The paper "Carter's Way of Knowing....
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Recent increase in suicide among young men in United Kingdom
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
In my essay, the problem is related to the topic of suicide committed by the young male population seen in England during the modern times.... This issue is seen as an important part relevant to the modern society, where young people of the age group of 15-35 years are ending their lives.... ... ...
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Understanding the Dyslexia Field
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
While acknowledging the importance of this approach for advancing the Science of reading failure, this paper concludes with a critique of the cognitive-neuropsychological view, centering on three issues: (1) the heterogeneity of symptoms present in dyslexia, (2) the comorbidity of dyslexia and AD /HD, and (3) the lack of consideration for developmental factors....
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Low frequency of human papillomavirus DNA in breast cancer by Mendizabal-Ruiz et al 2009
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It is well known or well established in medical Science that the HPV is an etiological agent for cervical uterine cancers (Mendizabal-Ruiz et al.... It is well known or well established in medical Science that the HPV is an etiological agent for cervical uterine cancers (Mendizabal-Ruiz et al....
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Quantitative Research Techniques and Designs
11 pages (2989 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
This research paper "Quantitative Research Techniques and Designs" perfectly describes that quantitative research gives much emphasis to objective measurement and numerical analysis of collected data which may have been done through questionnaires or surveys.... ... ... ... It is worth noting that quantitative research gives much focus to the gathering of numerical data and its generalization across groups of people....
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Cloning Entire Organisms
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Cloning which has now long been a buzz word among not only the Science, biology, medicine or genetics learned people but has also been arousing strong interest and attention among the so called “laymen” or non-Science background group of the society.... Cloning Entire Organism Name of Author Author's Affiliation Author Note Author note with more information about affiliation, research grants, conflict of interest and how to contact....
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Construction safety
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The construction sites are ranked high in the rates of extreme and deadly word related wounds because of the intricacy and unusual nature of the assignments.... Decades long endeavors to battle word related mischances by utilizing different safety change methodologies have arrived.... ... ... Figures distributed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics demonstrate a change in the safety of the construction business, yet a more intensive look uncovers that it is lingering behind most different commercial enterprises (OSHA 87)....
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Piagets Theory of Child Development
6 pages (1698 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Social Science.... The paper "Piaget's Theory of Child Development" focuses on the critical analysis of the application of Piaget's tasks and theory of Cognitive Development on Nathan, a 5-year-old child, to assess his growth and development.... Human development is the process of growing....
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Social Research on Youth and Youth Gangs
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Criminology features prominently in social Science research methodology collections.... Social Science research on the role and impact of forensic evidence on the criminal justice process.... The paper "Social Research on Youth and Youth Gangs" explains that Qualitative Social Research on Youth and Youth gangs organized groups of self-identified adolescents coming together with a common interest and a leader in those activities that are regarded as illegal to the society are called youth gangs....
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Impact of Humans on the Florida Everglades Ecosystem
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
References Exploring Life Science (2000): Dinosaurs – extinction.... Impact of Humans on the Florida Everglades Ecosystem Name Institution Date Abstract The Florida Everglades is a region that is characterized with shallow and immense floods with numerous hills that have become islands....
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The Nature of Law by Harlow Critique
7 pages (2004 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Cognitive Science, Vol.... The paper "The Nature of Law by Harlow Critique" focuses on the critical, and multifaceted analysis of the article The Nature of Law by Harlow that is not only a landmark in the study of attachment and separation but also in creating innovative research designs....
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General Background information about Bayer Health Care company
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The mission statement, features the slogan “Bayer: Science for a Better Life,” and summarizes the Group's goals, strategies and values.... This division primarily caters to the segment of the business that is to do with health care and has sub-divisions within the group that cater to the Pharma,....
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Dangerous Factors of Philosophy
8 pages (2111 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Philosophy is an acceptable Science that is not depicted as bad anywhere in history because it involves giving opinions (Hedley, 2007).... It describes how Philosophy is an erroneous Science that practices whatever is criticized and has become the greatest enemy of all young brains....
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Consumer Attitudes towards Online Shopping
15 pages (4210 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
A, Information Science Reference. ... ershey PA, Information Science Reference. ... Hershey, PA, Information Science Reference. ... This paper examines the factors that affect online purchasing behavior.... In the discussion, it was seen that non-delivery and financial risks were the highest-ranking deterrents of online purchases....
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Excotic invasive species: Rapa Whelk ( marine snails )
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
"USGS Science for changing the world.... The snail is said to be predatory in nature.... The snail is found in marine waters and belongs to the family Muricidae.... The species is found in many parts of the world.... The snail is.... ... ... They usually burrow below the sand and in many instances they use them as hideouts....
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Ergonomic Analysis of Airport Baggage Service Department
12 pages (3486 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
rgonomic is simply defined as the Science or overall processes involved in the strategic fitting of jobs and tasks to humans (Ford, 2014).... As a Science, it encompasses knowledge regarding physical limitations and disabilities in relation to human characteristics and behavior relevant and necessary for certain task operations.... Springer Science & Business Media. ... Springer Science & Business Media. ...
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Foreign Direct Investment Influence on Chinas Jiangsu Province
9 pages (3014 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
New Delhi: Social Science Press. ... New York: Nova Science. ... The analysis of several research works based on the relationship between Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) forms the center stage of this paper.... FDI is attached to GDP via two mechanisms; Location and Digesting ability which have led to regional....
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Evolution of The Horse
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Journal of Archaeological Science, 34(10), 1713- 1719 ... ournal: Journal of Archaeological Science, Volume 34, Issue 10, October 2007, Pages 1713-1719 ... om/Science?... The paper "Evolution of The Horse" discusses that the evolution of Equus caballus has rather, been a story of microevolution, with fluctuating sizes, varying characteristics, species interbreeding and migrations across the old and new worlds (Hunt, 1995)....
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Earnings Management: The Continuum from Legitimacy to Fraud
35 pages (8750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The aim of the paper 'Earnings Management: The Continuum from Legitimacy to Fraud' is to examine earnings management as reasonable and proper practices that are part of a well-managed business that delivers value to shareholders.... On the other hand, it may constitute fraud.... ... ... ... The author states that fraud violates the main acknowledged accounting values....
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Internationalization of Royal Bank of Scotland
18 pages (5051 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
It has also fostered good influence in the Science and technology field owing to the R&D collaborations with more than 150 nations (Tian et al, 2014).... "Internationalization of Royal Bank of Scotland" paper examines the market environmental factors and the responses of the customers....
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Medical Arguments for the Use of Marijuana
6 pages (1662 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The paper "Medical Arguments for the Use of Marijuana" explores the use of marijuana for medical purposes because some people argue that marijuana has properties that are valuable in the treatment of certain chronic diseases, while others argue that any benefits are far outweighed by its risks.... ...
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Human Life and Death: Health Care Professionals and Prognostication Impasses
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
All sciences, including medical Science, stem from doubts, questions to attain Truth, where as Spirituality stems from faith, and attempts to get to Truth.... On embracing failure to get to Truth, Science daringly admits its inability, leaving indelible track of its course.... Development in medical Science has extended its helping hands to overcome many diseases.... ??, Social Science and Medicine, Vol....
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Scientific Evaluation of the American Public Administration
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Public administration definition has remained difficult owing to its close interaction, associations, and influences from fields like political Science, law, human relations, and social Science.... Public administration definition has remained difficult owing to its close interaction, associations and influences from fields like political Science, law, human relations and social Science.... istorical foundations and progression of the study of public administration in America is classified by Henry (1975) as falling under five paradigms which are political/administration dichotomy of 1900-1926; the principles of administration of 1927-1937; public administration as political Science of 1950-1970; Public administration as administrative Science and public administration as public administration of 1970 (Henry 378)....
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Examining the Social Implications of Obesity
10 pages (3017 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Science, 227(4690): 1019-1020.... Social Science and Medicine, 58: 1171-1180.... The purpose of this research "Examining the Social Implications of Obesity" is to explore the extent to which the everyday lives of obese persons are mediated by a set of socially constructed meanings and how those meanings are present in their social relationships....
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Genetically Modified Food
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This kind of technology received a total boost from the White House through its Science and Technology office.... Science and Public Policy, 27: 2-12.... USA has similarity in regulating the Genetic modified organism.... This paper will focus on these aspects majorly and explain in details....
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Properties of Human Memory - Storage, Retrieval, And Oblivion
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It has been specified that even after modernization of Science and technology, scholars are unable to completely determine the working of the memory system.... This essay investigates specific of human memory.... The author considers the newest scientific researches concerning basic parameters of the mind: storage of the new information, retrieval, and oblivion along with their implications for the system of evaluation....
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The Relationship Between Car Ownership and Income
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper researched a small sample of 15 countries in the same year.... Only one determinant of car ownership, GDP per capita- which is a kind of basis for an economic indicator which is used to show the approximate value of goods produced per people in a country.... ... ... ... In order for any study to achieve the required scientific rigour using a sample to draw inferences from an entire population, it is important to have a bigger sample and a sample with countries from different locations....
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ISO 14001 Standards and Supply Chain Sustainability
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Management Science, 53(3), pp 120-133 ... Organization Science 127(18).... American Journal of Political Science, 49(2), pp 235 ... In the paper 'ISO 14001 Standards and Supply Chain Sustainability' the author examines a collection of standards that relate to environmental management whose main aim is to assist organizations in minimizing the negative effects that their operations and processes may have on the environment....
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The Level of Students' Commitment to the University
9 pages (3116 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Data was obtained between 1st November and 13th December 2014 from 7 Royal Holloway, University of London students across departments such as Management, Psychology, Economic, Criminology and Computer Science.... ?Administrative Science Quarterly.... This research paper "The Level of Students' Commitment to the University" finds out how the RHUL student is committed to the college....
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Head Trauma
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
As medical Science continues to improve and the level to which doctors and sports medicine specialists understand the long-tem effects of sustained head trauma, as is oftentimes experienced in the NFL and other impact sports, the views of the medical community have changed.... Section/# Head Trauma and Professional Football in the NFL As medical Science continues to improve and the level to which doctors and sports medicine specialists understand the long-tem effects of sustained head trauma, as is oftentimes experienced in the NFL and other impact sports, the views of the medical community have changed....
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Harlow's Observations in The Nature of Love
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Cognitive Science, Vol.... This report explains the Harlow's observations, presented in his book 'The Nature of Love'.... The researcher conducted studies with rhesus monkeys' kids, which demonstrated reactions like those of human babies to the presence of fake mothers, tactile descent and not similar to real female macaques....
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Purposes of Environmental Engineering Career
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The career in environmental engineering entails the use of Science and technology to make the environment a better place.... Career in environmental engineering entails the use of Science and technology to make the environment a better place.... s stated earlier, a career in environmental engineering requires a strong background in Science courses.... Therefore, high school courses in Science are a prerequisite before joining the college....
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Piagets Theory of Human Development
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Social Science.... The aim of this research paper is to apply the Piaget's tasks and theory of Cognitive Development on Nathan, to assess his growth and development.... The concept of child development explains how a child's mental, physical and spiritual growth takes place throughout the life....
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Subject Response in Biology
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The current paper highlights that among the laboratory methods used in diagnosing and identifying cancer includes the following: Anti-malignin Antibody Screen (AMAS), Biological Terrain Assessment (BTA), CBC blood test, DR-70, and Cancer Market Test (The Cancer Cure Foundation, 2010).... ... ... ...
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Intellectual Disabilities
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Justifiably, in the year 2012, 14% and 9% of the boys and the girls were found not to attain the proficiency level in the core subjects including Science, reading and mathematics.... they failed to attain 5 A* - C GCSE grade in Maths, Science and English) as compared to that of the girls, which might be due to the reason of gender gap in terms of ethnicity amid the community.... o obtain responses from the parents of a boy of a specific school X, who had a poor GCSE result failing to attain 5 A* - C GCSE grade including Maths, Science and English, a semi-structured interview was conducted (see Appendix 2)....
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