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Cultural Nursing Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The application of the transcultural nursing research based knowledge is available today.... research in the entire world has demonstrated the appeal and applicability of the theory across various cultural backgrounds.... The awareness on cultural care as a reasonable area of study has opened avenues for nurses to conduct research on cultural issues....
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Admissions Essay
7 pages (2015 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
I am confident that I can interact fruitfully with my classmates and mentors, being equipped with the professional knowledge that I possess now.... prepared ADMISSON ESSAY Each professional who wishes to further expand his knowledge and expertise enrolls in post graduate courses.... Ultimately, it is the Doctorate Degree that post graduate students covet the most, being the definitive gauge of one's professional and academic success.... Their professional journey goes hand in hand with seeking higher education....
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Development of the Professional Role
9 pages (2748 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper "Development of the professional Role" seeks to discuss a reflective account of one of the author's year 3 placements in which s\he negotiated with his\her mentor on the opportunity to develop his\her professional role and reflect on the episode of the author's practice.... The main focus of this paper is the circumstance I found myself in during my placement and the lessons I learned from the experience and how I developed my professional role during this practice....
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Professional Goals (Short Term and Long Term)
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 6 , Essay
professional Goals (Short Term and Long Term) Name of the Student Nursing Name of the Concerned Professor May 11, 2012 professional Goals (Short Term and Long Term) It goes without saying that nursing is a profession that is intimately associated with values, service and morality.... A nursing professional who is not affiliated to a sense of service and philanthropy is certainly not conversant with the quintessence of nursing profession.... However, it is also a fact that professional goals and aspirations also need to be configured in the light of the demand and supply forces governing the job market (Lumby, 2001, p....
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Journalism Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Ferguson city was in the headlines for demonstrations against police killing of a black unarmed young man and role of the media in the shooting case has raised criticism.... Media is accused of biased reporting that has depicted relativism in significance of cases that would.... ... ... Significance of the bias its possible effects on racial gaps, and its possible solutions are discussed. ...
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Ethical and Moral Obligations of Computer Professional
6 pages (1835 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper "Ethical and Moral Obligations of Computer professional " states that software engineers and other computer professionals involved in the design and implementation of software and related products can choose to do harm or leave allowances for such harm.... The code of ethics was developed by the Joint Taskforce on Software Engineering Ethics and professional Practices to address the need for an 'appropriate set(s) of standards for the professional practice of Software Engineering upon which industrial decisions, professional certification, and educational curricula can be based" (Gotterbarn & Rogerson 1997, p....
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Parkinson's Disease Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
PARKINSON'S DISEASE Name: Institution: Introduction Human beings face numerous health conditions and disease.... These conditions could be chronic, in that the disease could be persistent leading to long lasting effects of the symptoms in the human body.... These conditions usually progress slowly in the human body and cannot be cured completely like normal maladies....
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Quantitative Method in the Research
9 pages (2454 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
k/papers/research_methods.... "Quantitative Method in the research" paper adopts the usage of quantitative method of study to identify the hypothesis.... As part of the preliminary research the study has observed a the HR strategies of European companies that can motivate employees to understand the successful performance factors.... The study uses interview questionnaire as instrument for the quantitative tool for the research....
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Revising this qualitative research paper
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The purpose of this research is to provide contextual definitions of key concepts and apply them to the general elderly population as well as the Taiwanese elderly, demonstrate the efficacy of phenomenological research methodology, and provide a framework for conducting studies that will facilitate the self care of chronically-ill elderly patients as a supplement to proper nursing and medical therapies. ... Given the significance of the area, one research question is particularly important: What are the experiences of self care in the chronically ill elderly ...
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The Complex Relationship Between Concepts of the Brand and Their Branding Strategies
107 pages (26750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The present study is therefore aimed at evaluating the parameters that can be used to measure the brand equity of Universities in the UK context.... In this study, the researcher focuses on the application of environmental psychology within the lodging settings.... ... ... ... In today's competitive markets where globalization has led to the growth of multi-national organizations providing attractive offerings, it becomes difficult not only to remain profitable but even to survive....
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Academic Personal & Professional Development
8 pages (2421 words) , Download 0 , Essay
eading widely from literature and research journals and books.... I need good communication and analytical skills to write term papers and respond to tutorial questions in good time.... I think that professionalism in education emerges from being honest like undertaking original work and avoiding plagiarizing papers and assignments.... urchase revision materials like pens, papers and reading materials ... , Future visions: The unpublished papers of Abraham Maslow....
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Physiological Characteristics of Semi-Professional Male and Female Tennis Players
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
A research on the Effect of Gender on Playing Tennis ... he aim of this research paper is to find out the characteristics of the singles tennis professional players during any competition.... The observations that were made in this research included: The point duration, the duration of the tennis game, the match duration, and the number of strokes in each point.... The methods used in this research provided an important tool that was used to assess the “activity patterns, intensity patterns, and the performance” in any tennis competition....
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Review of the Separation of Powers Section of the Federalist Papers 47, 48, 49, 50, 51
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Review of the Separation of Powers Section of the Federalist papers 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 The federalist papers constitute essays written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay.... Federalist papers #47 In this essay, the principle of separation of power is addressed.... Federalist papers #48 This essay propounds that the three branches needed not be absolutely separate and independent.... Federalist papers #49 Jefferson highlighted the...
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Personal and Professional Goals
5 pages (1373 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This is precisely the reason why I would like to venture into educational research after developing my skills as a teacher.... In addition to that, there is a limited research available on pedagogical impacts of globalization on the role of educators; therefore I would also prefer to perform research on the importance of uniformity in global curriculum and its implications on teachers.... Furthermore, development of standardized educational techniques would be another area of my research in future....
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Professional demeanor
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper describes professional demeanor refers to a commitment to a certain code of behavior which is commonly found in some subcultures.... professional demeanor refers to a commitment to a certain code of behavior which is commonly found in some subcultures.... In the following parts of this paper, first professional demeanor is elucidated within the work context.... Subsequently, the college context has been applied to the professional behavior; and it is followed by the section detailing the friendship circle....
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Professional Ethics of Farmers
8 pages (2169 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the research conducted by Cummins &Lilliston (2004) and Thompson (2007), the overture of the genetically modified (GM) crops in the United States of America not only in the environment, but also in the food composition has caused a lot of controversies.... In the research compiled by Cummins &Lilliston (2004), biotechnology, ought to make information handy to all the partners concerned with the project.... The author of this essay describes the professional ethics of farmers....
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Continued Professional Development
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This implies that Continued professional development Introduction The research investigates the importance of nursing education in enhancing the quality of the practice.... I do agree with the research findings.... This implies that nurses with either associate degree in nursing or bachelor degree in nursing are professional individuals who understand the practice....
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Development of the Professional Role
14 pages (3883 words) , Download 0 , Essay
research reveals that the development of a nursing care plan is normally an essential step in treating a patient, and managing the adverse conditions that may arise during the recovery of the patient.... The paper "Development of the professional Role" states that in the management of adverse conditions that may affect a patient after an ailment, it is essential that the safety of the patient is addressed and communication should also be ensured to help in monitoring the progress of the patient....
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Professional Development within Podiatry
8 pages (2470 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Candidates also continue with the Masters Degree university course, accomplishing modules in clinical pharmacology and research methods, culminating in a research project in a surgically associated field.... The paper "professional Development within Podiatry" describes that the integration of podiatric surgery as a new specialty was afforded early support in 1985 by the SCP and the State Board.... professional Development within Podiatry in the Context of Health Policy Reform: How National Health Service (NHS) Reform Has Influenced the Development of Podiatric Surgery ...
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Professional Accountability
5 pages (1741 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "professional Accountability" discusses the professional accountability of persons engaged in the medical profession.... Running head: professional ACCOUNTABILITY professional Accountability Discussion Paper Nursing Introduction Every person must have personal and professional integrity in their life.... Accountability is another important trait to be practiced by every professional to do justice to his job....
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Manufacturing Engineer Professional Development
7 pages (1987 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Some of the most common practices in the field include equipment, processes, machines, and research and development.... They normally liaises with other members of the organization such as those in the research and development department in ensuring that the company continues to operate as efficiently as possible in the process of producing quality products.... This essay "Manufacturing Engineer professional Development" talks about professional qualifications for a manufacturing engineer....
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Research Paper outline
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The mission statement are complementary to the organization values and shows collective objectives of the organization. ... ... ehman, J.... Treviño, L.... ... ... ... (2013).... Values Work: A Process Study Of The Emergence And Performance Of Organizational Values Practices.... Academy Of Management Journal, 56(1), 84-112....
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Portfolio: Highlighting the Professional Strengths
9 pages (2695 words) , Download 3 , Essay
There are some differences between quality improvement and research.... The program outcomes can also be found in the portfolio which indicates the performance in various assessments, assignments, exams, and other graded papers.... The program outcomes can also be found in the portfolio which indicates the performance in various assessments, assignments, exams and other graded papers.... The use of academic papers as evidence of subject is important in term of representing me as a learner....
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A Professional Portfolio
10 pages (2509 words) , Download 0 , Essay
graduate research project ( Regulation in health facilities ) / 2002 ... This paper ''A professional Portfolio'' tells that author has had three placements so far.... He has worked in three hospitals namely, Cumberland Hospital where he was charged with organizational duties for the health professional, writing of reports on outcome forums for the distribution attendees.... I have worked in three hospitals namely; Cumberland Hospital where I was charged with organizational duties for the health professional, writing of reports on outcome forums for the distribution attendees, and as a host for the career information day....
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The Complexity of Essay Writing
8 pages (2240 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Good dedication and research is required to enable one come up with a good essay. ... Leaving this stage for the last minute rush may be very risky and may lead to a poor outcome even if the research was conducted well.... There are cases where one is supplied with the topic and asked to research on it while in some cases a list of topics are supplied and one is asked to choose that which best fits him/her.... Better understanding of the topic of discussion is therefore the key to a good essay as relevant research will be done on the topic and the deductions made. ...
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Edit research paper
30 pages (7500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
As a consequence of the sharp rise in petroleum revenues in the 1960s, Saudi Arabia has inevitably become one of the fastest-growing economies in the world today.... ... ... Diplomacy in Action, 2012).... Being the largest oil-based economy, the country is indeed a key player in the world and definitely affects the international market in immense ways. ...
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Development of the Professional Engineer
6 pages (1588 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
ppropriate research and analysis might be initiated to find the best possible technique for the solution.... The paper "Development of the professional Engineer" focuses on the discussion of the objectives and professional qualities to become a professional engineer.... A chartered engineer in the United Kingdom is considered to be a professional engineer who is registered with Engineering Council UK.... Development of an Engineer Introduction A chartered engineer in the United Kingdom is considered to be a professional engineer who is registered with Engineering Council UK....
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Professional Reflective Practice
7 pages (2003 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Professional Reflective Practice" states that there are some alternative techniques not discussed in the chapter that the author can use for sharing the findings of my research.... Education PART ONE Question One The act of academician and other practitioners in the teaching profession presenting their action research have proved to have some benefits in terms of professional reflective practice in a number of ways.... According to the author, when performing an action research, the particular practitioner can bridge the gap between research and application in his profession....
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Self Assesment Proposal Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The last paper, which I will be assessed in this semester, is the Self-Assessment essay; besides these three papers, I will also be submitting one page essay every week, whereby in every essay I will be selecting a specific topic and write about it.... I have encountered difficulties when writing these papers; for example, starting with the argumentative paper, I had trouble in coming up with a clear thesis statement that easily attracts my audiences and expresses the objective of the essay....
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Professional Integration within Health Care Pharmacies
2 pages (565 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Integrated care systems have unique advantages for conducting research, this system, in particular, is a perfect example of this representation.... The HMO research Network (HMORN) includes research centers associated with 13 large integrated care systems whose research focuses primarily on improving health and health care delivery using the extraordinary platform which is provided by these health systems.... "HMORN research centers have access to large, defined populations, comprehensive medical information, extensive computerized data systems, and to medical care delivery systems that offer extraordinary research opportunities....
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The Concept of Research Paper
6 pages (1895 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Oftentimes, concept papers can be used to apply for private or state funding.... In some cases, concept papers can be used to inform the audience about the importance of completing the proposed research study (Statistics Solutions).... Often times, concept papers can be used to apply for private or state funding.... In some cases, concept papers can be used to inform the audiences about the importance of completing the proposed research study (Statistics Solutions). ...
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Professional Identity of Nursing
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 6 , Essay
research Report.... The main objective of the paper is to identify how nursing as a profession challenges the professional identity of an individual.... professional identity has become one of the most significant concepts in the field of nursing.... A number of the scholars have defined professional identity as values as well as beliefs considered by the nurses that guide their thinking, interactions, and actions with the patients....
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Physics research paper outline
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
For my research paper, I have chosen the topic: New Solar Technologies: What ideas are out there for bringing down the cost of solar energy, both in photovoltaic and solar thermal technologies?... Thin-Film Solar No: Physics research Paper Outline Topic For my research paper, I have chosen the topic: New SolarTechnologies: What ideas are out there for bringing down the cost of solar energy, both in photovoltaic and solar thermal technologies?...
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Photomontage in the 20th Century
38 pages (9500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The purpose of this essay 'Photomontage in the 20th Century' is to illustrate initial rapport of this art and advertising by comparing their core and their influence on the society in artistic and commercial levels, and estimating the role of heavily signified graphic arts as a communication tool....
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The Subject of Art
86 pages (21696 words) , Download 2 , Essay
his article is based on two research studies, which examined arts education in elementary schools using qualitative methods.... The first, a three-year project, was conducted under the auspices of the National Endowment for the Arts (4) The second, a four-year project, was sponsored by the Bureau of Educational research and the research board at the University of Illinois....
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Professional Enquiry
4 pages (1360 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Professional Enquiry" is a perfect example of a finance and accounting research proposal.... The paper "Professional Enquiry" is a perfect example of a finance and accounting research proposal.... As such, the proposed research is a review of comparison between the two traders to establish features similarity and differences.... As such, the research intends to increase the current literature pool on the two traders' types. ...
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Picturing the Perfect Essay by Tim Bascom
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
If such visual models are generally used by the essay writers then it is expected that essays would not just deliver a body of words but incorporate communication in a two-way mode between the essay writer and reader.... This paper 'Picturing the Perfect Essay by Tim Bascom' aims to represent the author's response regarding a creatively written piece by Tim Bascom....
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Inter professional Relations in social work practice
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The position papers, reports, research projects, national policy, and the Code of Ethics are generated by CASW and can be accessed through the national office.... Each has its own history, professional culture, career and training trajectories and ethical and value bases.... Because of diverse membership, the association is capable of offering advantages and benefits linked with a professional institution, like insurance packages, which include disability, retirement and group life plan, and professional liability insurance....
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Explaining a Concept Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Daily routines usually hinder us from noticing the signs of human trafficking and possible suffering endured This research paper, therefore, purpose to provide the definition of human trafficking as well as elucidating how it differs from human smuggling.... Do we have a definite distinction between human trafficking and human smuggling?...
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Research Paper Proposal
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The main purpose of the research study is to enable readers to have a better and.... By increasing forensic scientists understanding with regards to the advantages and disadvantages as well as the purpose and limitations of With regards to the proposed research study, the researcher aims to provide a clear introduction....
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Teacher Professional Development and Student Achievement Gains
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The research conducted on the professional development of teachers focus on the personal traits of teachers and classroom activities.... research helps to find the appropriate way of developing teachers so that students achieve high performance.... Teacher professional Development and Student Achievement Gains Instructor Date Teacher professional Development and Student Achievement Gains The achievement of students results from the work of knowledgeable, experienced, and skilled teachers....
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Persuasive Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The target audiences of this paper are ordinary people, especially parents, as well as students like me, and even policymakers, who affect access to education, housing, and health.... ... ... ... The main argument tackles the debate on nature versus nurture.... Nature theories fundamentally assert that people are born with The idea of tabula rasa does not exist for them....
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Qualitative research paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
(1996) A Analysis of Thinking and research about Qualitative Methods, New Jersey: Lawrence Erbaum Associates, MahwaWalsh, D.... The qualitative research paper analyzed in this paper is “Risk, FDI and Economic Growth: A Dynamic Panel Analysis of the Determinants and Growth Impact of FDI in Africa” by Kevin N.... he topic of the study is very Qualitative research paper The qualitative research paper analyzed in this paper is “Risk, FDI and Economic Growth: A Dynamic Panel Analysis of the Determinants and Growth Impact of FDI in Africa” by Kevin N....
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Professional Regulation and Criminal Liability in Nursing
6 pages (1593 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
This work called "professional Regulation and Criminal Liability in Nursing" describes the regulation of nurses working in California based on health care statues within the region.... The Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) has the task of protecting public members from unhealthy care practices by regulating professional conduct advanced and registered burses.... According to California's Nursing Practice Act, Nurses have the professional obligation and responsibility of solving public members' daily health-related concerns....
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Professional psychology Organizations
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Among the competencies required of its members is that they should only perform that is teach, provide services or conduct research within their areas of jurisdiction as dictated by their level of competence.... For instance, research identified that coaches teaching students during remedial classes often have a preconceived personality bias associated with teaching dumb children.... Michigan: research and Practice.... professional psychology organizations Name Institutional Affiliation professional psychology organizations Having knowledge on psychological procedure is essential to a graduate level student otherwise referred to as a student affiliate member # 32037152....
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The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Each field requires its own convention when writing scholarly papers, reviews, reports and projects.... essays can comprise a number of aspects.... The paper describes a reflective essay as a piece of writing that is generally one's own perspective or view about a specific subject....
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Nursing - Professional Portfolio
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
As nurses, this primary commitment to society guides and shapes our efforts to foster nursing practice standards, promote professional development, conduct and use research, influence public policy, and enhance professional practice environments.... Frank of the Diabetes research Institute as an Associate Clinical research Coordinator (2008-2010).... I have the skills needed in a research undertaking, is knowledgeable of the EMR and the setting as I work in the hospital itself....
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Professional Career Development
2 pages (500 words) , Download 18 , Essay
The essay "professional Career Development" focuses on the critical analysis of the development of a professional career.... People use the Internet for professional and personal purposes.... For the most part, people use the Internet for professional and personal purposes as well as for business transactions.... For instance, skills in time management, effective communication and organization, the key online learning skills, are also applicable in developing my professional career....
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Federalist Paper by Alexander Hamilton
3 pages (874 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The most important interpretation of the United States Constitution is the compilation of 85 Federalist papers who's one of the three founding authors and acted as the major and primary contributor is Alexander Hamilton, a statesman and a leader in working the United States Constitutional Convention which is written and published in the year 1787 and 1788 respectively.... Moreover, his two colleagues write the supporting essays in the Federalist papers which gives Hamilton the motivation to continue writing....
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Personal Assessment on Writing and Research Skills
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I will practise this by writing and researching at my free time, then assessing the essays and short research papers using the knowledge I have gained.... Personal Assessment on Writing and research Skills Name Course Tutor's Name 16th, February 2013 Introduction Writing is core to learning.... Personal Assessment on Writing and research Skills 16th, February Introduction Writing is core to learning.... In most cases, the best academic performers have mastered the art of writing and research....
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