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Nursing - Professional Portfolio - Essay Example

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The mission of ANA\C is to optimize nursing's contribution to the health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities. As nurses, this primary commitment to society guides and shapes our efforts to foster nursing practice standards, promote professional development, conduct and use research, influence public policy, and enhance professional practice environments…
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Nursing - Professional Portfolio
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Professional Portfolio CAREER GOALS Career Goals Education Units Earned Experiences/Activities Done Related to Career Development Personal Attributes (1) To continue working in Nursing Supervision as supervisor to oversee the departmental nursing activities, ensure that each and every patient is promptly and courteously attended, and implement and observe strict adherence to departmental policies. I received an Associate Degree in Nursing/Bachelors in Liberal Arts in 1990 at Indiana University North West and am currently enrolled in MSN program. I am a registered nurse and have worked as Nursing Supervisor V, Emergency Nurse VI, and Radiology Procedural Section since 1995 to present at San Mateo County General Medical Center. I would like to continue working in nursing management due to the positive impact it had created on my nursing career focus and to the valuable experience that can be gained from management experience such as enhancement of critical thinking and communication skills. I received licenses and certifications from emergency-related skills including basic and advanced neonatal, pediatric, prehospital trauma and cardiac life supports, certifications on IV, peripheral and external jugular, glucose clamp, and conversational American Sign Language. I have worked in the Intensive Care Department of the Cook County Hospital (1990-1992) as a Registered Nurse, Staff Nurse II of Adult ICU/Surgical ICU/Neuro ICU of St. Anthony Hospital (1998-1992), Staff Nurse IV of Cardiac ICU, Open Heart Unit, Surgical ICU of the Naval Hospital Oakland (1992-1993), Staff Nurse IV of Adult ICU/Emergency of San Jose Medical Center (1992 – 1995), and a Flight Nurse, Helicopter at Air Rescue. I have a strong work ethic and positive attitude, possess a strong customer and human service skills due to my management experience in San Mateo County General Medical Center, superb administrative and organizational skills, and has the ability to operate equipment in emergency situations. I am focused and a quick problem solver, have good communication skills and time management and work well under pressure. I am flexible and adaptable, and have the ability to accept and learn from criticism. (2) To continue with Nursing Informatics after Master in Nursing (MSN). I am currently enrolled in the MSN program with expected date of graduation on 2012. After that, focus will be given on attaining Nursing Informatics competency. I have been working with the EMR for over 16 years in the emergency department where the EMR was first piloted. I am knowledgeable of the EMR and have strong supervision skills needed to execute or revamp EMR. (3) To change and develop the current electronic medical record at San Mateo County Medical Center. I received an Associate Degree in Nursing/Bachelors in Liberal Arts in 1990 at Indiana University North West and am currently enrolled in MSN program with expected date of graduation on 2012. I have professional affiliations with Dorothy L. and James D. Frank of the Diabetes Research Institute as an Associate Clinical Research Coordinator (2008-2010). Focus includes Diabetes nutritional counseling, glucose clamp studies, running YSI glucose analyzer, electronic (CGM) continued glucose monitor management, recruitment, screening, and secure informed consent following GCP guidelines, and track protocol deviation, adverse events, and drug accountability. We also maintain regulatory documents for IRB and maintain related records according to GCP and FDA guidelines. In addition, I work at San Mateo County Medical Center for over 16 years in the emergency department where the EMR was first piloted. I have the skills needed in a research undertaking, is knowledgeable of the EMR and the setting as I work in the hospital itself. INVOLVEMENT IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION I am affiliated in the following organizations stated below and these serve well for my past and present nursing focuses. Professional Organization General Information Nurses Association-California (ANA/C) The mission of ANA\C is to optimize nursing's contribution to the health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities. As nurses, this primary commitment to society guides and shapes our efforts to foster nursing practice standards, promote professional development, conduct and use research, influence public policy, and enhance professional practice environments. California Nurses Association (CAN) California Nurses Association was founded in 1903 and represents over 75,000 members nationwide. CNA is the largest and fastest-growing organization of direct care Registered Nurses in the country and are dedicated to providing a voice for nurses and a vision for healthcare. American Nurses Association (ANA) Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) American Informatics Association (ANIA) ANIA's purpose is to provide professional networking opportunities for nurses working in healthcare informatics and a forum for the advancement of nursing and nursing professionals in informatics. American Association of Critical Care Nurses American Association of Air – Surface Transport PLANS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION As I’ve stated earlier, I will continue my MSN program and will graduate on 2012. After that, I will continue other endeavors and focus on Nursing Informatics. Nursing informatics, as defined by the American Nurses Association (ANA), is a specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science and information science to manage and communicate data, information and knowledge in nursing practice. Nursing informatics facilitates the integration of data, information and knowledge to support patients, nurses and other providers in their decision-making in all roles and settings. This support is accomplished through the use of information technology and information structures, which organize data, information and knowledge for processing by computers. Nursing Informatics will also help me to develop skills needed to participate in a project aimed towards the revamp of the current electronic medical record of the San Mateo County Medical Center. IMPACT ON PROFESSIONAL LIFE The professional development I continuously aim for has created an impact both on my professional and personal life. Being a nurse always creates an opportunity for learning, educating others, and helping people. It made me feel happy and proud as a nurse when every time I care, I made significant impact on patient’s lives. I would like also to contribute to the professional development of my co-nurses by creating an effective new nurse orientation program. In this way, I would like to create an orientation program that could impact nurses on providing safe, nonthreatening learning environments where nurses can succeed. Reorganizing the entire orientation programs will create strong and safe nurses and will intend to decrease nursing shortages in facilities while being cost effective. The professional development I had and I will take in the future encouraged me to strongly develop compassion and empathy for patients. I would like to be remembered as a nurse who conveys compassion and empathy to patients at all times, despite having personal issues, physical exhaustion, or hectic schedule – a nurse whose compassion can be showed even in a simple gesture, a light touch, a smile, or by giving a simple moment of my time to listen. I have been a nurse for 21 years but I am still learning through my experiences. I hope to gain more confidence which I feel will come through education, repetition, and life work experience. Read More
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