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The Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing and Economic Perspectives
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The article would be beneficial in the current research to provide support to updates regarding the Gasland incident.... The article would therefore be beneficial in the current research to provide support to updates regarding the Gasland incident.... "Shale Gas Extraction in North Carolina: research Recommendations and Public Health Implications.... Various recommendations proposed by experts during the research Triangle Environmental Health Collaborative summit have noted the importance of collecting crucial data prior to proposed drilling; monitor health impacts through a comprehensive health impact assessment (HIA); and the creation of a community needs and assets assessment....
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Developing a Nursing Theory of Change from Lewin
11 pages (2931 words) , Download 11 , Essay
Using papers and books is cumbersome and obsolete, and there is a shift to communication technology where data is entered in data management systems and retrieved easily when required.... Field theory in social service: Selected theoretical papers.... Numerous theories have been developed to explain change and to give room for empirical research.... Action research model of change is today being used in the health sector to initiate, implement and sustain change....
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Branding proposal: photography studio
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In this technological era everyone have its own camera and such devices to capture the photographs but still the picture quality which can be in the work of a professional cannot be taken by a layman Branding Proposal: Photography Studio Photographs are now a very important part of anyone's life.... In this technological era everyone have its own camera and such devices to capture the photographs but still the picture quality which can be in the work of a professional cannot be taken by a layman (Entrepreneur)....
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Spiritual Assessment of Mentally Retarded Patient
5 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
“The connection between spirituality and medicine”, Puchalski observes, “has been receiving a lot of attention in both the scientific and lay presses recently, but research and anecdotal evidence all indicate that spirituality is central to the care of the chronically ill and dying.... On enquiry, she also admitted that she did not give due heed to her belief because of her financial, professional and domestic engagements.... Wilson had been a modern lady, and served as a market analyst in her professional life....
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Innovation for Sustainability
6 pages (1709 words) , Download 0 , Essay
For instance, research and development projects can be hard to predict, and even if they are successful, unexpected or unmanageable outside factors time and again establish whether the innovation will achieve global recognition (Schubert & Simar, 2011).... The Institute of Mechanical Engineers was the first formed mechanical engineers' professional society in 1847, in the UK.... here are a number of setbacks allied to ethical issues; social responsibility, professional responsibility, quality as a moral aspect, , privacy, intellectual property rights, confidentiality, impacts on society, safety, dependability and security, together with professional capability (Van den Hoven, Lokhorst, & Ven de Poel, 2012)....
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Role of Internal Auditing in Enterprise Risk Management - Corporations in Qatar
10 pages (2529 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Generally speaking, the paper "Role of Internal Auditing in Enterprise Risk Management - Corporations in Qatar" is a perfect example of a finance and accounting research proposal.... The main reason for this research proposal is to examine how internal auditing interacts with enterprise risk management.... Generally speaking, the paper "Role of Internal Auditing in Enterprise Risk Management - Corporations in Qatar" is a perfect example of a finance and accounting research proposal....
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Chicago tribune tower competition
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In 1922, the Chicago Tribune hosted an international design competition for its new headquarters, and offered a $50,000 prize for the most beautiful and eye-catching building in the world.... The competition worked brilliantly for months as a publicity stunt to enhance the.... ... ... The resulting entries reveal a unique turning point in American and world architectural history. ...
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Advocacy-LLM Criminal Litigation
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
A research study conducted by Sue Lees expose that women who were victims in rape cases, were methodically disgraced in UK courts particularly by defence criminal advocate.... A research carried out by Baldwin and McConville (1979, p.... Criminal Advocates and the Necessity for Accreditation Program in UK In UK, more than 3600 legal professional are enrolled with the Criminal Bar Association.... Criminal Advocates and the Necessity for Accreditation Program in UK In UK, more than 3600 legal professional are enrolled with the Criminal Bar Association (CBA) who either directly employed or under self-employment....
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Contemporary Diplomatic Challenges
8 pages (2174 words) , Download 2 , Essay
THE EXTENT TO WHICH THE THOUGHT OF THE PAST AND PRSENT DIPLOMATIC PRACTITIONERS HELP INFORM CONTEMPORARY DIPLOMATIC CHALLENGES Date: Following the end of the Cold War, a growing number of professional researchers have come up to show their embrace and concern to diplomacy as an important tool in facilitating international relations.... It is the conduct of carrying out international talks for understandings on various subjects such as trade using the intercession of professional personalities referred to as diplomats....
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Benefits and Difficulties of Including Children with Special Needs in Mainstream School
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
research shows that most teachers in mainstream schools do not have adequate training in special education.... Down Syndrome research and Practice, vol.... What are effective strategies to support pupils with emotional and behavioral difficulties (EBD) in mainstream primary schools: Findings from a systematic review of research.... Journal of research in Special Educational Needs, vol....
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Standard Practice for Emergency Medical Dispatch Management
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The people responsible for operating the 911 lines are frequently referred to as 911 operators; however, this title is both misleading and largely demeans and trivializes the nature and scope of their professional role1 ... The rule of the thumb is that very caller should be given their due attention and every report investigated and this often requires diligence and professional discretion form the dispatchers.... wing the professional demands of the job, today 911 dispatchers are required to undergo rigorous training on a range of specific subjects and responsibilities applying to emergency telecommunication as opposed to simply general public safety....
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Effects of a Major Intervention on Retained Third Grade Students Success or Failure
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Students are facing high stake testing all across the country.... States are passing legislation to require students to be retained based on a test score.... Many states are focused on raising test scores and ending social promotion.... The state of Florida has mandatory retention for students scoring level one igarnering a barely-passing score in the subject area of Reading....
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Scientific Misconduct
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Inclination reviews of papers or recommendations are interchanged because some research conclusions may be unpleasant to the redirections of the researcher or his/her sponsor(s).... ("Publish or perish") A "jury" of peer-reviewers of research and publications makes recommendations, acceptance decisions, and.... Published research is some of the time inclined to be maltreated and when this is uncovered, the researcher mindful is liable to expert approvals (termination) and sent to correctional facilities....
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Goerge Bernad Shaw's Pygmalion Term Papaer
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
He is not only one of the greatest playwrights of Europe, but also his marvelous contributions in the field of literature make him.... ... ... Born in 1856 in Dublin, Shaw started his career as musician and novelist, though the remarkable speech, made by the revolutionary socialist Henry George in 1884, on the condemnation of class Even belonging to the middle stratum of society, Shaw was the torch-bearer for the cause of the poor and suppressed section of society, and studied socialism as the philosophy that aimed to diminish social injustice and inequality from society....
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Pros and Cons of University Ranking
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In light of this, university ranking aims at evaluating the quality of education based on various indicators such as research, infrastructure, service delivery, and human resource ratios and qualifications.... In light of this, university ranking aims at evaluating the quality of education based on various indicators such as research, infrastructure, service delivery, and human resource ratios and qualifications.... For instance, from research on institutions offering a course of choice, one can make a concrete decision on an institution based on its ranking position....
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Finance and Accounting Individual Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Accounting is one of the hottest professional fields.... Week One Individual Assignment Connie Johnson August 15, 2011 University of Phoenix The integration of accounting across the world is a concept that started back in the 1950's due to the vast amount of international business transactions that came in the aftermath of World War II....
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Implications of Whistleblowing for Accountability, and Raising and Escalating Concerns
4 pages (1170 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Recent research studies conducted in the US panorama showed that disabled patients were the most neglected and less attended (Boatright, 2009, p.... 2009, research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting, New York: Emerald Group Pub Ltd.... The law was put in place to protect workers from victimization once they air out issues concerning professional malpractices....
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The UKs Constitution Does Not Provide Sufficient Protection for the Right to Protest in the Streets
5 pages (1477 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The UKs Constitution Does Not Provide Sufficient Protection for the Right to Protest in the Streets" states that Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 introduced changes to existing law about reduction of existing rights and more punishment for anti-social behaviors.... ... ... ... The courts are under an obligation to follow the Parliament's Acts and cannot overrule legislation passed by the parliament and no Parliament can pass a law that the future Parliament of the country cannot change....
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Theoretical Change in Technology - Domesticating vs Technological
7 pages (2005 words) , Download 0 , Essay
research has shown that through technology, there can be panic within the family structure, smart technologies like the iPhone and tablets are the triggers of possible conflicts (Ruthmann et al.... research has been conducted and analyzed, and there is the need to have a platform for new technologies within the society, but there needs to proper control.... research shows that the domestication theory began being studied in the early 1990s to understand technology....
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Philosophy of Education
7 pages (1944 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This usually is in the form of enhanced health care, via scientific and medical research or development of latest infrastructure that can link us via the building of bridges, roads, as well as communication equipments.... That being the case, diversified writing of essays, academic compositions in addition to reading literature comprehensions and practicing verbal communication is important to any ESL teaching. ... This therefore implies that the primary responsibilities that the standards hold are regarded as exceedingly important, “the key success of the educational operation is the wholesome personal and professional relations that the principle (as chief executive officer) holds with teachers and members of the staff....
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Prevention Strategy Before the Commencement of John's Chemotherapy
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As a result of the diverse nature of the symptoms, professional management and assessment of the disease symptoms is mandatory.... For health care professional to effectively apply pharmacological intervention in pain management, they have to adequately assess the severity of the symptoms....
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How Has the Family Album Changed from the 19th to the 20th Centuries
25 pages (6250 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The ease of simply taking a modern picture has brought the photograph from the realm of the technical professional into the reach of anyone.... This paper demonstrates how the family album has changed from the 19th to the 20th Centuries, many things have been enumerated.... Noting the dramatic changes between the two eras, the author has looked at the purpose of the album, the people of the album, and the images of the album....
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Family Photo Albums of the 19th and 20th Centuries
20 pages (4975 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The ease of simply taking a modern picture has brought the photograph from the realm of the technical professional into the reach of anyone.... Indeed, the "two generations form bookends to the tale of photography: mid-Victorians at one end, contemporary professional photographers and schoolchildren using computers at the other.... irst, the evolutionary path of the camera has taken the ability to create visual images out of professional hands and placed it with the reach of anyone....
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Adult education self reflection
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In this context, self-assessment inventories are formulated questionnaire papers used by adult teachers to gauge their professionals in their teaching duty.... Some of the expectations include the completion of assignments on time or the students carrying out further research of a concept learned in class.... Having acquired the knowledge concerning strengths and weaknesses, a teacher will react by developing control mechanism that will ensure professional performance of his/her duties as an adult learner (Griff, 2008 p....
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Adult Education Self-Reflection
7 pages (2025 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In this context, self-assessment inventories are formulated questionnaire papers used by adult teachers to gauge their professionals in their teaching duty.... Some of the expectations include the completion of assignments on time or the students carrying out further research of a concept learned in class.... Having acquired the knowledge concerning strengths and weaknesses, a teacher will react by developing control mechanism that will ensure professional performance of his/her duties as an adult learner (Griff, 2008 p....
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Fukushima Nuclear Plant Explosion
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
My research on Fukushima Nuclear Plant disaster is conducted in five stages; the immediate reasons behind the disaster, the possibility of any defect or shortcoming in the construction of the plant, the immediate effects of the disaster, and the long-term consequences of the disaster.... Memo Fukushima Nuclear Plant Explosion My research on Fukushima Nuclear Plant disaster is conducted in five stages; the immediate reasons behind the disaster, the possibility of any defect or shortcoming in the construction of the plant, the immediate effects of the disaster, and the long-term consequences of the disaster....
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Deontology and Utilitarianism
10 pages (2833 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The thesis statement is mainly based on the ethical systems that deal with the organizational culture, the code of professional conduct and the logical arguments of both the systems. ... In the field of accounting it is never observed or experienced the lack of conflict which exists between the ethical responsibilities and individual moral of an employee towards its company....
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Reflection of this course
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
econdly, I also enjoyed and took a lot of care and interest in the learning objective which required us to produce research materials for specific audiences.... The learning goals and objectives which interested and captivated my mind the most was the aspect of being able to note and recognize bias from other texts and informational materials....
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Public Health and Environment
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author explains that professional negligence or breach of the professional duty of care is one of the areas of greatest importance for health workers.... The possibility of legal action for professional care is very real.... The Tort of Negligence is where professional responsibility is ultimately tested in the courts of law.... ublic Service and health professionals who have involved themselves in the lives and service of the people, clients or patients need to exercise proper professional care in the very way they have carry out their duties or responsibilities (Unison, 2003)....
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The History and Importance of Phlebotomy
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Phlebotomists are medical practitioners tasked with drawing blood from a patient for medical testing, donations, research, transfusions, and diagnosis.... To that effect, phlebotomists are medical practitioners tasked with drawing blood from a patient for medical testing, donations, research, transfusions, and diagnosis.... Certainly, Assi and Baz (2014) note that phlebotomy is the practice of opening up a vein through puncture or incision in order to draw blood for therapeutic treatment, research, diagnosis, transfusions, and donations....
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Platinum Challenger 600 Accident
10 pages (2694 words) , Download 1 , Essay
A mistake in professional duty is often and in other industries, it does not lead to increased criminalization.... However, for the aviation industry, mistakes lead to prosecution that may cause long-term career and professional repercussions.... mistake in professional duty is often and in other industries it does not lead to increased criminalization.... However, for the aviation industry, mistakes lead to prosecuting that may cause long-term career and professional repercussions....
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Health Promotion For Childhood Obesity
14 pages (4421 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
BMC health services research, 13(1), 167. ... ikano et al (2000) observes that opportunistic routine clinic delivery entails a form of preventive care that is geared towards the belief that a health care professional should wait until the patient visit the facility next time while complaining of given ailment, but to exploit the contact he or she has had with the patient to diagnose different ailments even t5hose that the patient have not complained of....
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Leadership and Management, Its Effect and Impact on Nurses and Patients
13 pages (3947 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Encyclopedia of nursing research.... BMC Health Services research, 10(1), p.... From the paper "Leadership and Management, Its Effect and Impact on Nurses and Patients" it is clear that conflicts between health professionals must be resolved through an effective communication process which seeks to consider all possible options objectively....
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The War Games Poster
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to several research projects, the most important and significant national secrets are present in the digital form.... In this paper, the author demonstrates evaluate the poster of 'War Games' in the light of Rhetoric Situation and Toulmin Model.... Also, the author describes why In the light of the Toulmin model the being analyzed picture is conveying confusion of young generation....
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Nursing Studies: Therapeutics and Diagnostic Reasoning
15 pages (4961 words) , Download 6 , Essay
iagnostic or Clinical reasoning stands out as a sited, it's a practice-based type of reasoning which requires a background of technological and scientific research based facts concerning broad cases, compared to any particular case (Helsm & Quan, 2013, p.... Integrative medicine and systemic outcomes research.... Clinical Nursing research, 6, 349-35 ... Journal of Psychosomatic research; 47:555–67. ... Drug administration is an essential part of nursing role that is underpinned by professional and legal requirements....
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Information Sensitivity and Protection of Data (CASE) module 5
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In this case, the flow of information starts from the first professional to see the patient down to the one offering care.... The advantages of using interdisciplinary health care delivery include professional intervention by experts on specific areas of the intervention....
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Manager in Human Resources in a Healthcare Organization
3 pages (933 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
"Manager in Human Resources in a Healthcare Organization" paper argues that in healthcare institutions, the role of the HR manager can be considered the topmost one as he is the monitor and provider of the professional and spiritual expectations of the stakeholders in the organization operation....
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Cultural Aspects of End-of-Life Studies
12 pages (3798 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This cultural group can be small or large depending on the defining factor, which can be religion, race, ethnicity, age, gender, professional associations, sexual orientation, and class, generation, among others (Fitzpatrick and Wallace, 2005).... This cultural group can be small or large depending on the defining factor, which can be religion, race, ethnicity, age, gender, professional associations, sexual orientation, and class, generation, among others (Fitzpatrick and Wallace 2005)....
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Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital Payments
6 pages (1708 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In a bid to provide healthcare facilities with funding and a little bit of compensation, the United States government came up with the Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Payment programs, thus; ensuring that hospitals in both rural and general areas get funds for all.... ... ... The paper "Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital Payments" is an outstanding example of health sciences and medicine essay....
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The Digital Revolution and Implications for Journalism
8 pages (2399 words) , Download 0 , Essay
?Westminster papers in Communication and Culture, 6(2), 12-22.... he main areas noted to require more research are the credibility of sources used by the media and the fact that the usage of the internet to relay information has allowed users to be able to give feedback that can be read by others.... ooper, M, 2010, the Future of Journalism and Public Media: Toward a Comprehensive Theory of Market Failure and Public Policy Responses, Working Paper, the Donald McGannon Communication research Centre. ...
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Dress Code and Success
2 pages (585 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Dressing appropriately shows good work ethics, mainly because employees are meant to display a professional image to the clients and customers.... Many companies also have pretty impressive dress code policies, designed in a way that allows employees to have a professional image, as well as respecting the comfort and style element intact.... Dressing right adds to the fantastic work a professional does, subsequently leaving a great impression on the clients....
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A Doctorate Degree in Pharmacy
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Admission/Application Essay
In the essay 'A Doctorate Degree in Pharmacy' the author explains his selection the pharmacy as his professional career.... I A Doctorate Degree in Pharmacy As I have selected pharmacy as my professional career, I am planning further to pursue a doctorate degree in the field of pharmacy from a prestigious institute.... I believe that a doctorate degree in pharmacy will definitely help me achieve my personal and professional goals.... I also want to get an understanding of different types of drug therapies because it will definitely help me achieve success in my professional career....
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Factors Influencing the Increase in Temporary Employment
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Statement of the problem:This section of the research put the... Areas that have witnessed raid increase in temporary employment includes professional, services and technological corporations.... In recent times, the traditional model of long term permanent full-time employment in a single organization is continuously and increasingly being replaced with new forms of employment arrangements, not just of a less permanent nature, but with fewer restrictions and conditions....
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HISTORY (1861-1992)
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Du Bois used mostly his own experiences of being an African-American in an American society to develop the essays and illustrate the conditions of the souls of those African-American and outline how their living conditions felt.... The book centers and focuses on how it felt living as an African American in the American society, through a number of essays, some of which were previously published as independent works in magazines....
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Elements of Fantasy and Romanticism
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The concept of neoclassicism that led to fantasy is one which is furthered with the essays written by Tolkien that were based on the concept of enlightenment and romanticism.... Elements of Fantasy and Romanticism The concept of fantasy and romance is one which alters according to the movements, time frame and expressions used in literature....
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Race in the Media and Sociological Researches
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
With this hypothesis that media affects society by classifying race in the media, I plan to show how this idea has been supported by research through media and sociological theories.... With this hypotheses that media affects society by classifying race in the media, I plan to show how this idea has been supported by research through media and sociological theories.... ccording to previous sociological research, people have the tendency to make snap decisions based on first impressions about people....
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The Effective Communications Systems at Metamorphosis Hospital
8 pages (2321 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research has identified several key members of staff within the Rehabilitation Unit that are instrumental to providing patient care which would be affected by the proposed policy change.... This research has identified the impact of the proposed changes on the health and emotional well-being of patients who will be invited to take a more active role in their service care, thus improving the public image of the Rehabilitation Unit at Metamorphosis and satisfy stakeholder expectations. ...
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Of Personalizing Social Environments for the Purpose of Collaborating in Businesses
4 pages (1213 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Higher education: handbook of theory and research.... entre for Educational research and Development.... In addition, there are sites that are intended for professional people to promote themselves so that their achievements are readily available to other professionals....
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ADHD assessment
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Kingston, NJ: Civic research Institute.... For these reasons, NIHCE (2009) argues that effective assessment of ADHD requires a multidisciplinary and multimodal approach that involves professional from various fields, including medical, psychological, mental and sociological among others (NIHCE 2009, p24-29).... These tests are normally conducted by professional teachers and clinical psychologists in circumstances where they suspect the patient demonstrates poor learning skills, suffers from dyslexia and other challenges characterized by problems of acquiring nonverbal learning skills (NIHCE, 2009)....
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Wellness Tourism - Australia
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Further research is based on the following claim: wellness is a psychological condition, or a practicing a wellness lifestyle.... Wellness tourists' typology In accordance with research conducted by Smith (2008) there is a certain typology of wellness tourists.... In order to define a popularity of wellness tourism in Australia, it was essential to research a background on which this are is being developed.... Paper presented at the New Zealand Tourism & Hospitality research Conference....
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