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Branding proposal: photography studio - Essay Example

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These photographs actually capture and retain the magical, happiest and certain other events and thus can be used to relive in the past life. They can magically change the moods and behaviors of a person. Usually…
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Branding proposal: photography studio
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Branding Proposal: Photography Studio Photographs are now a very important part of anyone’s life. These photographs actually capture and retain the magical, happiest and certain other events and thus can be used to relive in the past life. They can magically change the moods and behaviors of a person. Usually parents capture all the special moments of their child through photographs. In this technological era everyone have its own camera and such devices to capture the photographs but still the picture quality which can be in the work of a professional cannot be taken by a layman (Entrepreneur).

These professional quality photographs help to highlight the importance of that specific moment. These photographs create a natural and realistic feeling on the individuals whenever they want to revive the moments (Portrait Photographer Marketing Plan 1). We are aimed to provide you such a professional quality work which will enhance your moments. Our photographic studio is fully equipped with the latest technologies introduced in the world of design. We are always eager to advance in the pace of technology.

The three basic values which we will focus while serving our potential customers would be creativity, innovation and the most important customer satisfaction. This vision helps our managers to act exclusively in the market. Our team of energetic and talented professional designers is always ready to serve at their best. They are always ready to learn and adopt newer skills so that they can be more efficient and effective in their job tasks. Our talented professionals are expert in different fields and can work as per the customer’s requirement.

Therefore we can say that our studio provides a diverse range of customized products. Our marketing managers follow such marketing strategies which help customers to fully understand the features and the use of products. Providing quality service to the dear customers would be the first and main objective for us. Quality service at a reasonable price would be a priority for us. Usually the customers want such a picture quality which will be appreciated and also decorate their homes just like the decoration done by furniture and other stuff.

We have always tried to give that quality to our customers. We want to satisfy them so that they may again come and want more from our professional team of experts. Mostly people ask for professional photographers for some special events like birthday parties, weddings and like others. They do not call them on routine occasions due to their high fee charges. We will provide you quality work at a reasonable price and also on time. So that the customers will feel privileged to choose us for capturing their lively moments.

The main purpose of this branding proposal is to show how we will meet the customer’s needs by utilizing our skills and working at the best. We always prefer to establish a healthy relationship with our customers and not just a transaction based communication. We wish to create a change in the regular and routine photography styles and designs. For this reason we take these special occasions of our customers as our own events. Our studio always tries to fully express the emotions and feelings of that specific moment.

ReferencesEntrepreneur. "Photography Studio Sample Business Plan | Entrepreneur Magazine."Entrepreneur Magazine: Advice on Entrepreneurship for Starting and Growing a Business. Entrepreneur Media, 24 Aug. 2009. Web. 1 Feb. 2014. .Portrait Photographer Marketing Plan. "Portrait Photographer Sample Marketing Plan - Marketing Vision - Mplans." Marketing Plans & Marketing Strategy Guides - Mplans. N.p., 1994. Web. 1 Feb. 2014.

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